• Member Since 29th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


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A simple moment that could change everything as Celestia plans to take over the planet earth and do as she desire with bringing Humanity down to their knees, though a strange encounter desires to talk and leads her to him. Though would she want to hear what he has to say. Supernatural Crossover

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 1 )

>> Sparrow9612 maybe you may never know, and there might be a chance in the future they'll be a reading of this fic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGVxxiLN59IpWs_v-9z8FOQ

#14 · 1w, 4d ago · · · the one and only chapter · Wolf newman
I thought of Discord when reading Death's lines. Who knows how ancient Discord actually is? Its possible he's been around from day one.
Wolf newman

#13 · 1w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter ·
>> Samudramon Shogun Mode that would be hillarious
Samudramon Shogun Mode

#12 · 1w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter · Wolf newman
>> Wolf newman I wish to see him return. I can see something like this.
Dean: I killed you!
Death: ........................
Wolf newman

#11 · 1w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter · Samudramon Shogun Mode
>> Samudramon Shogun Mode sort of like with god where he sort of turned off his own weakness and being able to find him just to get away i figured death would be like, you know what i need a vacation, lets dean stab him and just goes off getting some tacos and lets billy have hisfun
Wolf newman

#10 · 1w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter ·
>> Samudramon Shogun Mode this sort of in between I had it where death could be somewhat sealed away to regenerate but not fully die, sort of like putting him into a nap
Samudramon Shogun Mode

#9 · 1w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter · Wolf newman Wolf newman
>> Wolf newman Also would this be aftre Death well dies
Wolf newman

#8 · 2w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter · Samudramon Shogun Mode
>> Samudramon Shogun Mode well she is talking to Death the being who claimed he would reap god in more ways then not, while she's merely a princess with a superiority complex
Samudramon Shogun Mode

#7 · 2w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter · Wolf newman
>> Wolf newman Indeed. Still i felt it missed more dialogue making Celestia feel so insignificant
Wolf newman

#6 · 2w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter · Samudramon Shogun Mode
>> Samudramon Shogun Mode i might go over it and may add the potion thing but i wanted to give him the feel of his character in supernatural, where he'd be abit dry sometimes sarcatistic but dry for the most part
Samudramon Shogun Mode

#5 · 2w, 6d ago · · · the one and only chapter · Wolf newman
>> Wolf newman Death should have been a little more sarcastic. Celestia should have used to potion on him only for it not to work
Wolf newman

#4 · 3w, 17m ago · · · the one and only chapter · Samudramon Shogun Mode
>> Samudramon Shogun Mode glad you enjoyed it, for the most part
Samudramon Shogun Mode

#3 · 3w, 11h ago · · · the one and only chapter · Wolf newman
I was hopping to have see something like this. Which it was longer and that their talk was also longer.
Wolf newman

#2 · 13w, 1d ago · · · the one and only chapter ·
>> rolemaster IM glad you found it interesting, and I'll look over it when I have some time, and i'll fix them

#1 · 13w, 1d ago · 1 · · the one and only chapter · Wolf newman
Interesting one shot. There are quite a few grammar and capitalization errors that need to be corrected.

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