• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 1,617 Views, 18 Comments

Beneath the Blood Moon - Princess OtakuGeek

Growning up, Octavia never knew her sister and she never thought she would until the day she died. Then that day comes. Octavia dies...and is reborn as a creature of blood and night.

  • ...

Meeting New Friends and Learning New Things

Octavia woke from a dreamless sleep with a start. Blinking her eyes open, she discovered the cause of her sudden awakening was Melody shaking her.

"He's here! He's here! He's finally here!" She exclaimed.

"Mmmm. Who's here?" Octavia asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes and Melody stopped shaking her.

"The guy I wanted to introduce you to last night. Our Coven Leader and founder. He finally returned!" Melody explained.

"Hmm. Oh really?" Octavia hummed a little sleepily as she was still shaking off its affects. She was startled awake entirely when Melody shoved her off the bed.

"Yes really." She said. "Now go get ready for the night. I'll introduce you after." And with that, she left.

Pulling herself off the floor, Octavia took the time to stretch before making her way to the bathroom. After making use of the facilities, she felt that she was a little grimy and hopped into the shower. With her mane and coat thoroughly cleaned, she then turned to her teeth. This was the first time she actually got a look at her new dental design, aside from what her tongue had been telling her, so she paused to examine herself in the mirror. The first thing she noticed was her prominent fangs that stuck out even when she closed her mouth. Behind the fangs where two other sets of fangs that were of diminishing sized compared to the first set and were easily hid in her mouth when she closed it. All the other teeth were simply much pointier than before. After studying these teeth for a time, Octavia scooped up a toothbrush and some toothpaste and began scrubbing.


Octavia was halfway down the hall leading to the dining room, the smell of meat still making her cry internally, when Melody rushed up to her side. And she brought with her a unicorn stallion she hadn't met before. His coat was snow white and his hooves were a light grey. His mane was golden and his cutiemark was a compass rose. Melody slung her foreleg across Octavia's back and pulled her towards the stallion.

"Octavia, I'd like you to meet our leader and founder, Faithful Guidance." The mare introduced. The stallion gave her a polite bow.

"A pleasure to meet you." Octavia said, though slightly distractedly because that name sounded so familiar. Fortunately, Faithful didn't seem to be offended by her distracted tone. Instead, he seemed rather amused. Faithful Guidance then offered his arm.

"Would you mind too terribly if I escorted you the rest of the way?" He asked.

"No I wouldn't mind." Octavia said and she took the offered hoof. Soon they were walking hoof in hoof to the dining room. Melody however, ran ahead.

"I'm sure you've already heard this, but I'd like to formally welcome you to the New Moon Coven Safehouse." Faithful said.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Octavia thanked. "Since I arrived, I've felt very welcome amongst everyone. They're all very kind."

Faithful Guidance smiled. "I'm glad you think so. As a leader of New Moon, I always encourage spirit of care and acceptance. Of course, don't have to feel obligated to remain with the coven. When your Acclimation Period is complete, you're free to stay or leave to join another coven, go out on your own or even form your own coven if you wish."

Octavia raised a brow at the unfamiliar term. By this point, they were in the entrance to the dining room. But before the earthpony could ask what he meant, she was almost bowled over by a small, fast moving force. After regaining her balance, she looked over to see what had almost knocked her down and was caught completely off guard when she saw it was a unicorn colt, shuffling guiltily in front of her. His coat was a midnight blue and his mane was white. His right eye was the normal red of all the other vampires, but his left was silver, almost white, and pupilless. Poking out of his mouth was a set of fangs. And on his flank was a cutiemark depicting an eye with the moon as its iris.

"Um, I'm really sorry for running into you like that miss." He apologized. Octavia didn't answer. Instead, Faithful Guidance did.

"It was an accident and no one was hurt, nor was there any damage done." He told the young colt. "But I must warn you again about running in the halls Moon Eye."

"Yes sir. I promise, it won't happen again." Moon Eye promised.

"That's what you told me last time." Faithful countered with a playful, but slightly stern, tone. "And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time before that. You tell me every time there's an accident when you've been running in the halls."

"I know sir." Moon said. "And every time I do my best not to run. I really do." Faithful chuckled a little.

"I know you do." He said kindly. "But given the nature of your eye, you should probably resist a bit more. It's not safe for you to keep running into people and things because of your blindspot."

"I know sir." Moon Eye said with a light touch to his face below his silver eye. "I'll try a little harder next time. Promise."

"Alright son. I believe you. Now go eat your breakfast." He encouraged him with a light nudge.

"Yes sir!" Moon Eye exclaimed then ran off to eat. With the little scamp gone, Faithful turned to Octavia. The mare however, hadn't been paying attention to the exchange. She'd remained rooted in place, her gaze panning over the dining room. Now that her mind wasn't focused on the food and her heart wasn't as heavy with worry as it had been, she could see the children amongst the adults. Some were gathered with friends or older ponies like parents and siblings. There were colts that were fooling around with their food or teasing the fillies and there were fillies who were getting back at some of the boys or just eating. There were even mares who were feeding little foals with bottles.

"I...uh...hunh?!" Octavia spluttered. "Are even children bitten?" Faithful Guidance grinned and laughed a little.

"Ah ha ha, no no. That would go against our Coven's principles." He answered.

"Then....where....?" Was all Octavia got out. Faithful kindly guided the shell shocked mare to a seat before taking his at the head of the table.

"They were born vampires." He said calmly.

"Born?" She was coming out of her initial shock but her head was now flooded with questions. "Don't vampires multiple by biting ponies?"

"A common belief." Faithful said evenly as he served her. "We can turn ponies, but it is not the way we reproduce. Vampires can have children together like any other species. Just ask Chocolate Mint and Strawberry Bonbon. Mint is Strawberry's older brother. I believe that myth started because we are A. known for our ability to turn ponies with a bite and B. child vampires aren't seen very often. And in a world where we are feared and hated to the point where ponies try to kill us, do you believe that any parent would want to send their child out into that world?"

Octavia looked around at the fillies and colts as she considered the question. "If I was a parent, I don't believe I would do that to my child. At least not until they were safe or prepared."

"Exactly." Faithful said as he set the plate in front of her. "That's another one of the purposes of a safehouse. To provide a safe environment for parents to raise and teach their children. When they're old enough, then they leave to go out on their own, join a different Coven, form their own coven or even stay with this Coven."

As she ate her food, her mind mulled on what she'd been told. It barely even registered that she was eating meat. As she thought it over, she remembered the question that she'd wanted to ask, but hadn't got the chance.

"Wait, earlier you said something about an Acclimation Period earlier. What does that mean?" She asked. Faithful took a moment to swallow his food and dab his mouth with his napkin before answering.

"Ah yes, the Acclimation Period." Faithful Guidance said. "I knew that you would ask. In basic, the Acclimation Period is a period of time where Newborns, and I mean ponies who've received The Bite like yourself, remain hidden from Day Kind society. That's another purpose for safehouses like this. This is because when a pony receives The Bite, they basically die amongst the Day Kind. And if a pony that's meant to be dead is seen walking around, ponies get suspicious and suspicions lead to discovery and very bad things amongst us."

Octavia thought back to yesterday and what she'd learned about Red Script and his lover. She also felt like she'd need some time to adjust to all this anyways.

"I understand." She finally said in a quiet tone.

Faithful smiled kindly. "Newborns like you usually use this period to adjust to their new lives and learn how to control their abilities. I've got some free time today, so I can help get you started on mastering your psychic abilities."

"Thank you sir." Octavia said gratefully and Faithful Guidance chuckled gently.

"Please, no need for formalities." He said. "Here in New Moon, we are like one, big family. You can call me Faithful."

At that moment, it clicked and Octavia remembered why this stallion's name was familiar. "Wait a second, when you say your name is Faithful Guidance, you can't mean THE Faithful Guidance?" Octavia asked with growing shock. "As in the son of Princess Platinum herself and founder of the Royal Gaurd?"

The stallion laughed again. A good natured and lightly amused laugh. "I suppose I couldn't keep my identity secret for long, now could I?"

Octavia's mental processes threatened to short out at this information. Faithful Guidance had been known as the very first Royal Guard since he'd been the one to found the Royal Guard. His strategies had been something of legend and his combat skills, unparalleled. They'd said he'd disappeared on a top secret, high risk mission and was presumed dead. And now here she was, sitting down beside a legend eating breakfast. It was a little too much for her to stand and her mind simply gave out.


"How are you still alive?!" Was the first question to come out of Octavia's mouth when her mind rebooted.

"Back in my day, after the banishment of Luna, there were many duties that Celestia had to shoulder." He started his tale. "Amongst these duties was the care of the Night Kind. This would've been, by no means, an easy task. So I volunteered to become her advisor and liaison between her and the Night Kind. And what better way to advise on the Night Kind than to become one myself. The only ones to know about this were Celestia herself and my closest Captains, advisors and Lieutenants who all swore that they'd take this to their graves." For a moment, a sad look crossed his face. "And true to their word, they did."

Octavia blinked at his mournful tone. "I'm sorry for your loss." She apologized. Faithful smiled kindly and apologetically to her.

"It was years ago, so don't worry too much about it." He said. "I'm sorry for making you worry about me."

"Um...okay." Octavia honestly had no idea how to respond to that and she once again thought about how drastically her life had changed in such a short time.


After breakfast, Faithful and Octavia went to a secluded part of the garden to start practicing. Surrounded by nightmist flowers, the two settled to begin.

"Now, first we're going to meditate." Faithful said. "Get yourself into a comfortable position and breath deeply through your nose."

Octavia did as she was told. Faithful nodded approval.

"Good. Now we're going to relax and clear our minds by focusing on our breathing." Faithful continued. "This'll help you access your psychic abilities and by extension, control them."

Octavia quickly lost track track of time as she focused of her breaths and the calming scent of the nightmist. Gradually, she became faintly aware of other minds. She could feel them and here their thoughts, but they were muffled so she couldn't hear what they were saying. She was only aware that they did have have thoughts. By contrast, she could feel her thoughts blaring out loudly. Without thinking, Octavia started focusing on blocking her thoughts as well. Slowly but surely, she felt her thoughts begin to shield themselves.

"Very good." Faithful Guidance said and Octavia opened her eyes. "Now at first it can be a bit of a strain, but if you practice daily, then very soon it won't be."

Octavia blinked as Faithful Guidance stood up and started to leave. "Wait, that's it?" She asked in confusion.

"Yes. There really isn't much to our psychic abilities." Faithful said. "I could teach you how to send certain thoughts only to specific vampires who are within your range, but that's a lesson for a later time. After you've mastered controlling your thoughts. We aren't a very psychic species. Perhaps you could spend your time to meet some new people and making friends?"

On that note, Faithful Guidance left Octavia sitting amongst sweet smelling Nightmist.


For a minute, Octavia stayed in the garden before going inside. At current, she was just sort of wandering around the halls with no idea of what to do. Her cello had been brought and was currently in her room, but at this moment she didn't feel like playing. She was still very confused about a lot of things. Suddenly something dropped in front of her with a thump, making her rear back and stumble to the ground in surprise. When the dust that had been kicked up on impact settled, Octavia saw a familiar midnight blue colt with a white mane and pupiless silver eye in her direction.

"Nuts!" The colt, Moon Eye if she recalled correctly, 'cursed'. "Almost there. One more try!"

Before she could say anything, Moon Eye swiveled around and at that moment, took notice of her. His eyes widened. "Oh my gosh!" He exclaimed then held his hoof out to her. "I am so sorry for that!"

Octavia took the offered hoof and was shocked to find herself, a full grown mare, being pulled to her hooves by a child. But with how things had been going for her lately, she didn't dwell on it for too long.

"Ah, its okay." She answered the colt. "I'm unharmed so there's no reason for me to be angry."

"Still, I'm sorry I didn't see you." Moon Eye said then he paused to take a good look at her. "Hey, didn't I bump into you earlier? When you were with Faithful?"

Octavia nodded. "Yes, I recall you as well." She answered. "It was quite the shock for me to see children vampires." The colt's eyes brightened in understanding.

"So then you must be a Newborn." He said then reached his hoof out again but this time in greeting. "Well, we've never been formally introduced. My name's Moon Eye, but everyone else just calls me Moon."

"My name's Octavia Philharmonic. It's a pleasure to meet you." Octavia said as she tapped her hoof with Moon's in greeting. Moon Eye's expression then became thoughtful.

"Octavia...Philharmonic..." He muttered then trailed off. "You wouldn't happen to be the Octavia that Melody Note Philharmonic always talks about, would you?"

"Melody talks about me?" Octavia asked in reply and Moon grinned.

"All the time." Moon said. "Because she was in the middle of her own Acclimation Period she had to come back to the Safehouse periodically and every time she was here, she'd go on and on about you."

"Really?" Octavia asked in surprise. Moon Eye nodded.

"Uh huh. It's a pleasure to meet you at last." He said.

"A pleasure to meet you too." The earthpony replied.

"So what are you doing around here?" Moon asked.

"At the moment, nothing." Octavia said. "Faithful taught me a bit on how to control my psychic abilities, but there wasn't much to learn so I've just been wandering around trying to find something to do."

"What about playing music?" Moon suggested. "Melody says that you're an accomplished musician." Octavia didn't answer. Instead she looked away which was enough for the colt to figure it out. "Oh, sorry. Well if you've got nothing to do, we could hang out and I could show you a few things about being a vampire."

Octavia nodded slightly quickly. "Sure, why not." She answered and the colt started leading her away. As she followed the young colt, a thought occurred to her.

"By the way, how is it that you dropped from the ceiling?" She asked. "What were you doing up there?"

"I was practicing my ceiling walking." Moon answered. "See, vampires can walk on walls. Even the colts and fillies. But the adults can actually walk on the ceiling. I was practicing and I had a pretty good grasp on the ceiling that time when I lost my grip and fell. And because you were in my blindspot, I didn't see you and I could've crashed into you. Again, sorry."

"Oh its nothing to worry about." Octavia quickly said. "I wasn't paying attention. If I had, I would've seen you."

"Mom says I have to be careful since I can't always see out this eye and I haven't mastered it yet so the fault is more mine than yours." Moon said and Octavia looked confusedly at him.

"Wait, what did you mean when you said you can't always see out that eye?" She asked. 'I thought you were blind in that eye.' She added to herself, completely forgetting to shield her thoughts from him in her shock. Fortunately he didn't look offended.

"To an extent, yes I am blind in this eye." He explained and Octavia flushed in embarrassment when she realized he'd head her thought. The colt pressed on in his explanation. "But that's not what this eye's supposed to see. You see my eye here has the gift of prophecy."

"Truely?" Octavia asked as she looked at the silver white iris.

"Yep. That's what my cutiemark means. My gift to see into the future." He said proudly. "However I haven't perfected it yet. I rarely get visions and whenever I do, they come and go like that. The rest of the time I can't see out this eye. But mom says that eventually I'll master it. All it takes is hard work, patience and training."

'Sounds like when I was training to play my cello.' Octavia thought sadly and Moon Eye looked at her with an unreadable expression which then brightened.

"Hey, I have an idea what we can do together." He said, drawing Octavia's attention from her thoughts. "I can teach you how to walk on the walls. C'mon, its so cool and fun too."

Octavia relented and let herself be lead by the colt.


Octavia had to admit that the young colt was right. The mare's inner filly was squealing as she found herself walking on the wall as though it were flat ground. She even tried for the ceiling once she got wall walking down. She lasted longer than the young colt, but she still fell to the ground like he did. Octavia figured that if she was a pony, so many impacts from such heights would leave her sore all over to the point where she'd have a hard time moving. But as it was, all she had was a lightly sore rump and back. But before such thoughts could poison her mood, she shoved them away.

"You know you're getting good at this." Moon Eye said as they hung onto the ceiling once more. The colt's grip was slipping, but Octavia's held on.

"Thanks. I'm no stranger to hard work and practice when it comes to mastering something." Octavia said just as Moon lost his grip and tumbled down with a thud. Octavia quickly loosened her grip and dropped down beside him to help him up. "And I think it helps that I trained my hooves to pluck the strings of my instrument."

Moon Eye smiled. "Melody says that you're the best cellist she'd ever heard." He said. "Think I could hear you play?"

Octavia frowned and looked forward. "I'm not sure if I can play again." She said. "I'm still not sure how I feel about Melody. I was just a filly when she died and playing the cello was my way of connecting with her. But now that I'm with her, I'm just not sure how to feel about her or even my cello."

The two sat in silence for a time before Moon broke the quiet. "You know, soon I'm going to be a big brother." He said. "I don't know if it'll be a brother or a sister, but mom says that I should make sure to look after them. I'm a little nervous but I'm also excited to have a sibling to look after and teach."

He then turned to look up at Octavia. "And I'm sure that Melody felt the same way when you were little. I can tell when she tells us about you. She always sounds so happy about your accomplishments but also sad. I didn't understand why until mom was expecting. What if I wasn't there for my brother or sister for the happy times and sad times? I'd be sad too if that happened to me. But now you can see each other again and get to connect with each other like you couldn't do before."

Octavia sat there and let those word sink in. When they registered completely, she stood up. "Excuse me, I've got somewhere to be." She said then rushed off, leaving Moon Eye with a grin spreading across his face.


Melody looked up in surprise when her sister entered the common room with her cello case slung over shoulder. As the earthpony mare opened the case and started checking to make sure it was in tune, Melody approached her to asked a question.

"Tavi, what are you doing?" She asked. Octavia pulled out her bow and pulled the cello into position then smiled at Melody.

"I'm playing a duet with my sister." She replied then began playing. Melody was silent for a few minutes before she grinned. With a flash of her horn, she summoned her own cello and began playing her own cello.

At first it took some time for the two melodies to sync up, but when they did the resulting harmony was gorgeous and it brought smiles to all the assembled vampires and those that were gathering when they heard the sound. Among them were Faithful Guidance and Moon Eye. Right at the moment when the twining melodies reached their peak, something clicked into place for Octavia and she felt like everything was going to be okay and that she could take on anything that the world could throw at her.


Saddlebright was by no means a huge or famous town. It was located not far from the borders of Equestria but not so close that it could be considered a border town. Despite being near a large thick forest that was often rumored to be haunted, Saddlebright was a very peaceful, lovely town. Just perfect for the black and white stallion who was trying to forget the past.

Author's Note:

I have done it! I have finally finished this chapter! Now the story can really kick in! I hope you all had a happy holiday this year and since News Years is coming up, Happy New Years! Hopefully I got this chapter right and if you didn't like it, I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter.

Comments ( 15 )

The story just keeps getting better and better. :yay:

6776589 And it's going to get better now that I've gotten past this chapter. I've got some awesome world building planned for this verse.

6776632 Awesome! :rainbowkiss:
Can't wait to read it. :twilightsmile:

At author's behest I am spewing my vitriol and unloading all of my hatred on this fic.
I shall strive to be helpful and not-too-mean though.

Out of ten fics I've reviewed, seven had grammatic errors. This one is not in the lucky minority.
There are hyphen mistakes "a two tone blue mane", tense mistakes "Laying on a bed", inconsistent capitalization "My Dad'll mourn like all dads do,", article mistakes with "the" and "a" ("It's a truth") and etc. And that's just the first chapter
It's not as bad as some things I've sampled but does require some editorial love and care.

Overall it's ... kinda OK I guess. It's not very distinctive and at times awkward, but I can see an earnest attempt at some evocative imagery there.

One of the things that seems to be a constant eyesore, making the fic way less smooth and readable is the constant unnecessary words littering it.

The stallion stood there and waited for her coughs to subside, though the look of pained sadness increased in his eyes.

The mare said in a hoarse voice

She clenched the blankets and tears began to form, but she refused to let them spill.

Octavia had to stifle a giggle.

That sort of sentence, while is used in the right time, could greatly benefit worm a rewrite that would remove the service words.
Things like "having" "though", "began" etc clutter the sentences, making them more awkward than emotional. I would advise to prune them carefully to streamline the thing.
An egregious example would be:

Where he'd bitten her was a pair of puncture marks to match his fangs, but those were swiftly vanishing as if they'd never been there

. The whole first part of the sentence is unnecessary, because it is rather obvious that the bitemarks would appear where she was bitten, and the text would work that much better if you just removed it.
The master knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away (c).

Word repetition happens. E.g. in Prologue Part Two, "amongst" is used twice in as many sentences.
Repeating verbatim that a mother had weak constitution is probably not great style either.
Likewise, you overuse some idioms. E.g. "her brain short-circuited" at least three times in a fic. Try to get more variety in comparisons

As for me, it wasn't easy growing up an earthpony in a family of unicorns. There were things that my dad could do that I couldn't, but luckily there were other earthponies in Trottingham who could help me with that. The real challenge was playing an instrument. Specifically, the cello, one of the instruments that was considered a unicorn instrument. I had to work harder than most musicians would to master the cello. Most musicians would ask me why I picked such a hard instrument and I would always tell them because of my sister. My sister died when I was just six, so what little I know of her are vague snatches of memory and what my dad told me while I was growing up.

This whole paragraph, and in fact the whole surrounding part is very choppy, in my personal opinion you'd be better off uniting some of the sentences to make the flow better.

"Right...again, I'm sorry for dredging up bad memories." Bar Line apologized again.

I've already filed a complaint with the Department of Redundancy Department, they will be coming for you shortly.
Using "again" twice and saying that a character apologized when he already apologized in direct speech is a sin in my books.

Tonight she felt that the moon was especially beautiful today.

This time the gaze felt hostile and hateful and Octavia cast her gaze about the area to see if she could spot somepony

Dialogue at the end of Prologue P2 is... well to be honest it's pretty bad. Tavi is suddenly attacked, she has been stabbed, she is literally at the death's door, but the dialogue is at exactly same pace and style as her talking to a cute stallion after perfomance.
That does not convey the situation well at all.

I would strongly advise to use styles to separate out the Chapter/Part titles.

Triple exclamation points are OK in chats and forums, but not in writing. Use them very, very sparingly, at the end of the long rant, or better yet, don't use them at all. It looks amateurish.

Starting with chapter three there are some lapses in denotation of direct speech. Start it with a new line when appropriate.

Just straight off the bat - I do believe it's Octavia Philharmonica, at least according to Wiki.

The second prologue was very confusing. It started with already-vamped Octavia, who says that she has to talk about her sister Melody, but instead we get Octavia-centric flashback, so it's kinda weird.

A nitpick:

"There's no air down here for me to breathe." Octavia pointed out.

She'd still have air. It may not have oxigen, but unless the coffin is filled with earth, she'd still have air there.

Another silly note:
This all kinda reminds me of Twilight. Not the creepy-obsessive love part, thank G-d, but the vampire superspeed, the happy-go-lucky vampire, the family of vampires... nothing criminal here, just probably overdose of sporkings on my part. But then maybe you'd want to do some callbacks to classical monstrous vampires just in case.

Overall, this is a nice read, I can honestlly say that reading it was no chore.
My big note for this fic would be that it has a very, very slow pacing. Hardly anything happens, and as a matter of fact there is neither conflict nor active exploration for the most part of the fic. It's 90% vampire exposition, mostly, with an exception of Proligue. You might want to actually start working towards some more structured and intense plot, otherwise what you have is nice, but won't hold anyone's attention.
Maybe even cut down on the things you've written already. and try to re-distribute exposition later on. Otherwise people less patient and goal-oriented than me might abandon the ship before it fully sets sail, so to speak.

Please Continue working on this is the best one yet for me even better then My Roommate is a vampire. So if you can please continue the story so that I can read an amazing vampire story cause there aren't that many good ones and this has the potential to be great.

7673724 Thank you. I kinda built a whole verse for this story and I certainly hope I'll be able to introduce it to all of you.

7760252 It was what I could come up with since I'm pretty darn sure that vinyl didn't exist back then.

Love this fic! Very unique too. I hope to see more.


Vinyl records were made around 1948. The Industrial Revolution began around 1760. MLP: FiM is, from what I could piece together, is somewhere around 1883 to 1950. The story is currently set 500 years before that, making it around 1483 to 1550.

Simple answer, yes, vinyl records weren't made yet then.

P.S. - Narrowing it down further, MLP: FiM should be set around 1948 to 1950, with a few exceptions like turntables which were made in the 1980's.

I was wondering if this story could get a new chapter soon? Also, why is it on hiatus?
This story is so good, I would love to read more of it.

I'm glad you feel that way. I do have a rough plotline for this story but ended up getting a little stuck.

What has you stuck?

I'm introducing a new place and things just sort ground to a halt.

When I saw the hiatus tag, I almost killed the nearest person in the most brutal way possible. Which is you. By the way I'm just joking here, please don't take this seriously. Just GIVE ME AN UPDATE FOR FAUST'S SAKE

Sorry, things have gotten busy and I've had my focus elsewhere. Also I've been questioning the quality of this fiction.

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