• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 456 Views, 3 Comments

An Alternian Guide to Making or Breaking Equestria - Yoru no Seishin

Annoyed alien adjusting and assimilating amongst arduous equine acquaintances and annoying altered anatomy.

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After Fluttershy had led me to my crash site (not one of my best landings 4/10) and I did some math to figure the general landing of my kids, I tried to restart the conversation. After some general coaxing, I managed to get Fluttershy to tell me where I am. We’re apparently near a small town called Ponyville (had to resist the urge to chuckle) and the forest we’re currently trekking through is referred to as the Everfree, which sounds pretty awesome. When I asked her for the name of the country, I genuinely expected her to pose some questions, but was surprised when she continued like I was some tourist. The country is Equestria and is primarily populated by 3 types of pony: earth (pure terrestrial variant), pegasus (the aviating equivalent), and...unicorns…

1’m 2orry, could you repeat that?"

"they use magic."

At this point I couldn’t suppress my laughter as I went wild.

Once aga1n my apolog1e2, but that’2 the funn1e2t th1ng 1’ve heard all n1ght."

"i wasn’t joking."

Wow 1 really hate to be the buzz k1ll, but mag1c 12 fake. Mo2t feat2 of 2uppo2ed ‘mag1c’ are e1ther 2ubtle tr1ckery or feat2 of 2c1ence they can’t expla1n."

"weren’t you using magic back at the cottage with your glasses and the teacup?"

Hardly, that wa2 f1r2t-rate p21on1c potent1al."


1’m p2ych1c."

i wonder if he can read minds?

To an2wer your question, 1 can read m1nd2."


Normal thought 12n’t that much d1fferent than talk1ng, only w1thout u21ng your lung2 and mouth. Ju2t empha21ze your thought2 as ‘private’, then 1t’ll requ1re more effort to read them, l1ke when you have a secret and your fr1end2 have to try harder to get you to tell."


Your next que2t1on 12 1f 1 can 2ee the future, to wh1ch the an2wer 12 no. 1 al2o d1dn’t l1e and 2ee 1nto the future to get that 1nfo, nor d1d 1 read your thought2. Ju2t good at gue221ing, 2o am 1 correct?"

She nods with a slightly amazed look.

Ye2, ten po1nts!"


2orry, 1t2 an old hab1t. You 2a1d the2e ‘cutie mark2’ have mean1ng2. 1 gue22 m1ne 12 my love of game2: tr1v1a, 2k1ll, chance, etc. 1 feel 2at12f1ed even 1f 1 don’t actually ga1n anyth1ng."

"you gained me as a friend."

Never have I been so thankful for the darkness hiding my blush. Speaking of such, it seems to be getting close to morning.

what do you mean you dont know who i am?

Oh, there’2 another per2on/pony in the fore2t, and they’re a fa2t talker."

sorry miiss, we aren’t exactly locals, and we’re currently waiitiing two be rescued"

thats what im here to do"

I quickly pulled Fluttershy into a nearby bush and asked her to be quiet while I monitored the conversation happening outside the bush. Currently conversing is a blue pegasus who either had her mane styled by a clown or was involved in a very boring tie-dye accident (cause there is no way that rainbow mane is natural), and a filly and colt sitting on a rather banged-up couch (wow that thing is durable). They’re a set of twins with white coats and blonde manes: the colt’s mane being messily spiked and the filly’s mane being a flowing, shoulder length bob.

They’re 2o adorable!

"are they your kids?"

Oh yeah, tho2e two are m1ne."

strange mare currently harassiing us whiile we’re lost and separated from our guardiian: totally has stranger danger wriitten all over iit."

can you 2 knock it off with the talking in unison thing?

why, does iit bother you"


then all the more reason two do it"

At this point the rainbow mare looks like she’s about to lose it. Well, time to bail the two of them out of this mess.

Alr1ght you two have had your fun."

but senseii, she just about two break"

As I step out of the bush, the rainbow pony glances at me and jumps back a bit. Expected.

who and what are you?

Ah ye2 1ntroduct1on2, cap1tal 1dea Ms. Mare of Many Color2. My name 12 Ace W1ld and 1’m just a pony look1ng for my lo2t ch1ldren, whom you’ve been keep1ng company."

i dont really see the family resemblance"

They’re adopted."

yeah excuse my skepticism for not trusting a strange pony who was just hiding in a bush"

"um i can vouch for him."

After which, Fluttershy also emerges from the aforementioned bush.


"hi, rainbow dash."

Oh god, she has rainbow in her name. Must curb the desire to laugh.

so fluttershy where did you meet this weird pony?

"i found him in the everfree, face-down in a ditch."

and you believe theyre these kids parent?

Fluttershy then directs Rainbow’s attention towards the couch with the 3 of us in mid-hug.

ok ace what kind of freaky unicorn magic did you use on fluttershy and these kids?

And 2he had to open her mouth. 2he even u2ed two of my tr1gger word2. Now 1'm peeved.

Wh1le 1 can under2tand the m121nterpretat1on of th1nk1ng 1’m a un1corn becau2e of my horn2, 1 am 1n2ulted that you would accu2e me of u2ing 2uch non2en2e a2 mag1c. For th12 tran2gre221ion, 1 challenge you to a 2tr1fe."

a what?

A f1ght."


We relocate to a nearby clearing and establish our rules for the strife: flight is allowed, telekinesis is allowed (though i’m not allowed to grab her with it), and the loser is the first to give-up or the first to be unable to fight. Nearby Fluttershy, Tenma, and Tenshi are sitting on the couch (also relocated) serving as our audience, all of them with worried expressions.

Don’t worry. 1’ll go ea2y on her."

We take our positions on each side of the clearing as Rainbow immediately takes flight.

im surprised you didnt put up an argument when i insisted on being able to fly seeing how it gives me an advantage"

The advantage won’t matter 1f th12 work2."

if what works?

==> Activate God Tier

In a flash of light (that was totally unnecessary, but I chose to do it anyways) I was adorned in my Mage robes and it’s various shades of purple. Looking back I was surprised to see ‘pegasus’ wings. Not what I was expecting, fundamentally should be the same.

Needless to say the two pegasi were quite flabbergasted.

hold up this totally breaks the rules"

Now what rule doe2 th12 v1olate? 1 have u2ed no offen21ve power2 on you."

Kicking off the ground, I bring myself into a hover.

1 also bel1eve you were the one to 2ugge2t the term2 for fl1ght."

At this point, red seems to her predominant color.

Checking my hud, I see Rainbow has below average Brainitude, an average sized Health Vial, and an above average Health Gel Viscosity and Mangrit score. The most ridiculous reading is this Scamperway score. I didn’t think it was possible to get that high before God Tier. Her ability oriented bar is labeled [Momentum] and is currently empty.

La2t chance to back out."

no way"

The fight began and we jettisoned our way into the upper troposphere (we apparently shared the thought of a fight amongst the clouds being awesome). Rainbow managed to get off the first blow with a right hook to my cheek.

Her punch d1dn’t hurt a2 much a2 1 thought 1t would. 1 calculated her accelerat1on correctly. 2o her ma22 12 off. 2he mu2t have hollow bone2 to make fly1ng ea21er.

I used her momentum to twist myself and deliver my own hook to the side of her barrel. Her gritted teeth indicating my hit had the desired effect of beating her without going too far and breaking anything.

From the ground perspective, we were two dots zipping and colliding in the sky. The powerful and consecutively faster impacts giving the impression of thunder, which starkly contrasted the partly cloudy sky.

At this point, Rainbow seemed to be tiring herself out.

D1d 2he burn through her energy too fa2t? Wa1t! 12 2he 2tand1ng on a cloud? Th12 place ha2 we1rd phy2ic2. 1’m 2o gonna try 1t.

I find myself a nice large cloud, prep for landing,...

And promptly fall through it.

Fortunately, I managed catch myself in a hover about halfway through the cloud.

Unfortunately, Rainbow decided to investigate my blunder, landing on the cloud, and reached in with a hoof in what I assumed was a gesture of good sportsmanship.

And reached between my horns.


Ok, I’m going to take a moment to attempt to explain this. While my psionic abilities have been featured albeit minorly, I’ve given no indication of this current ability. During a past “accident”, I acquired the ability to store and expel electric currents. Now while we haven’t been in a thunderstorm, there is an ambient charge throughout the atmosphere due to ionization from cosmic rays and natural radioactivity. Now imagine me as a battery with my horns serving interchangeably as the anode (-) and cathode (+). Between them insert one hoof, slightly damp from cloud moisture to complete the circuit.



The result being one order of fried pegasus, the sound of which might be a tempting meal, but the smell of burnt hair and feathers being a turnoff.

I peek my head out of the cloud to the sight of an unconscious Rainbow. Feeling like it would be a bad idea to leave her up here, I began the slow descent of carrying her down as my flight was a bit unstable due to a feeling of lightheadedness from the sudden discharge.

Back on terra firma and after disengaging my god tier, I toss Rainbow on the couch, which the audience has kindly vacated, and levitate it over my head.

2aw the town from up there, 1nclud1ng a ho2p1tal. Th12 way!"

My children immediately followed, while Fluttershy paused to contemplate the bizarre circumstance she’d gotten herself into in such a short time, before heading likewise in the direction of Ponyville.

Achievement Badge Unlocked: Color Shock
Win a fight against Rainbow Dash

Author's Note:

tclpebqccbqilrugpcheojanbrl. lvlgbqbrjotclnlhqjgeyqjfupcbgrlnyjupbgcbgoel.

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