• Published 29th Jul 2015
  • 16,135 Views, 2,846 Comments

Her Knight in Faded Armor - Doccular42

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria. When she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. But not all is well in Equestria, and a sinister plot threatens everything that Luna holds dear...

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Motivations, Collisions, and Briefcases

“Are we really considering trusting a self-proclaimed traitor?” Blueblood slammed a hoof upon the table. Moonlight reflected off the polished wood in Celestia’s personal dining room.

“Yes, Blueblood, we are,” Apollo replied. The white stallion brushed his messy brown mane out of his eyes. “We don’t really have a choice here.” He glanced at Blueblood and then turned to look at Celestia. The princess sat serenely, and she nodded to the stallions to continue.

“Of course we have a choice!” Blueblood retorted. “There is always a choice. He is obviously lying to us.”

Apollo shook his head. “No, he isn’t. He may not be telling us everything, but what he said lines up with everything we already know. It all fits. And remember, this is the griffon who negotiated peace with the Yaks when it would have been far simpler to just assassinate their leader. Are those the actions of a warmonger?”

“But you forget, sir, that he received countless accolades for that choice. He became a hero to the military and the populace. He made a political choice, and it paid off. And, lest we forget even more of those events, we must recall that they conquered the Yaks anyways. Chaput’s actions delayed the battle for a year, but, in the end, it actually made the subjugation of Yak lands easier.” Blueblood sighed. “Don’t let him fool you, Prime Minister. He isn’t a philanthropist. He only cares about himself and his own power.”

“I do not disagree, Blue,” Apollo said. He nodded to the other stallion. “However, in this case, our goals are the same. He wants peace. We want peace. We can use his plan to our own advantage, and then we can deal with whatever trap he has prepared.”

Blueblood snorted. “Sir, I think it’s all a lie. He doesn’t want peace. I would wager that this is a ploy to confuse us until some attack force is in place. There is no reason for him to tell us his whole plan otherwise!”

“Unless he genuinely wants us as allies. That is an undeniable possibility.” The prime minister shrugged.

“Undeniable my flank. He’s manipulating us! He must be!” Blueblood insisted. He leaned forward, planting both hooves onto the table. “I’ve fought his kind before. He’s slippery, and he tries to get into our heads. If we let him, he will turn every one of our plans against us. Then he will have a perfect opportunity to enact his own ploys, and none of those are advantageous to us. If we trust him, we will fail.”

“I disagree wholeheartedly,” Apollo declared. “He’s a powermonger. He’s also far smarter than his own superiors. In the wake of one previous rebellion, is it so far fetched to believe that another may follow it? The one thing that we know for certain is that Chaput is smart. He wouldn’t say something to us as preposterous as a plan to overthrow his own government as a ruse. It’s too complicated and absurd. It would be too large of a lie.”

“And that’s what he’s counting on!” Blueblood cried. “He’s a snake! We should cut our losses and send him back to Griffonia now! Insist that the griffons send a different diplomatic party. Cite some absurd political excuse. Otherwise, Equestria may fall.”

“I think that—”

“Apollo. Blueblood,” Celestia said softly. “Enough.”

Both stallions instantly silenced themselves and turned to face the princess.

“I appreciate that you both are so loyal to Equestria. You each make very good points, but you are both looking at it from the wrong perspective.”

Apollo cocked his head to the side. “Oh? How?”

“Let us forget about the context of the issue and instead focus upon the intentions.” Celestia closed her eyes. “We have a foe. Our foe gave us information we did not previously possess and could not have obtained without his intervention. Why did he do so?”

“Well…” Blueblood began. “I suppose that depends on what the information is.”

“No,” Celestia said. “The information is not important. He could have given us truth, lies, or some combination of the two. It doesn't matter. There is only one reason that you tell your foe anything. You tell them...” Celestia’s eyes flashed. “You tell them so that they will adjust their actions accordingly. You see, Chaput has analyzed us. He let slip in our conversation that he has studied our history. It is safe to say that he knows our diplomatic doctrine. We push for peace on all of Equus, but we do not force it upon any nation. We are not the police of the world. We do not interfere outside our borders unless we are asked to assist. That is our plan during every negotiation with each nation. Chaput knows this, and he has just revealed that he does not want us to take this course of action.”

“Oh…” Apollo said. “But why? Why wouldn’t he want that? What does he want us to do instead?”

“If I understand him correctly, which I believe that I do, it does not matter what course of action we choose next.” Celestia looked upward. “He will have multiple contingencies planned. He is a chess fanatic, and a student of philosophy. Undoubtedly, he has read the work of the great Prench chess player and philosopher, Bujold. ‘The key to strategy is not to choose a path to victory, but to choose such that all paths lead to victory.’ Chaput is devious. His plans are many, and he is prepared for whatever choice we make in this matter.”

“So, what do we do? We lose either way, if what you said is true.” Apollo shook his head.

“No, we do not lose. We wait. Chaput is spinning a web. Inevitably, he will either ensnare himself or spin his way into a corner. Either way, he will reveal himself soon enough.” Celestia rose to her hooves. “Until then, our plan remains unchanged. We operate as though he had never told us anything. Thus, that aspect of his plan is negated. Nothing is different for us. We do what is best for Equestria, and we wait for his lies to become too big.”

“I don’t like it…” Blueblood muttered. “He told you that he needed our help, and then he told us that to do so, we merely need to play along with him. Negotiate peace and allow him to follow his plan. But that is what we intended to do all along! We aren’t doing anything differently, so that means that we are listening to him!”

“Actually, it does not.” Celestia shook her head and smiled kindly at the stallion. “The difference lies in our motivation. If we were to do as he asked, we would try for peace now and then do as he requested later. Instead, we are acting for the good of Equestria. For now, we are doing as he wants, but our goals shall soon diverge. Then, we shall continue to do as we wish, allowing him to have no control over our actions. This is the only course of action that is sure to benefit us, because we are helping ourselves.”

Apollo nodded slowly. “I see. Very well, Princess. I will try to not allow this incident to affect my judgement during tomorrow’s negotiations.”

“Mmmph.” Blueblood stood and grunted, his face a mask of disapproval. “I may not like it, but I cede to your judgement, Princess. However, I am going to increase our patrols in and around the palace. I’ll run more background checks on everypony in the capital if I have to.” He grinned aggressively. “Whatever spy placed that bug in here will not go undetected.”

“Excellent.” Celestia said. “Now, my little ponies, I believe that it is time for us to go to bed. It is almost midnight, and we have a very busy day ahead of us.”

“Indeed,” Apollo agreed. “I will be up early in the morning to review the seating arrangements once more. Chaput’s retinue is smaller than he had originally said that it would be, so there are a few modifications to make.”

“Good, good.” Celestia yawned and raised a wing to cover her mouth. “Excuse me. I think that these late nights are getting to me.” She grinned lopsidedly. “Any objections to me raising the sun, say, a few hours late in the morning?”

Blueblood snorted and Apollo chuckled. “Ah, Princess,” Apollo replied. “While I might not take issue with that, the farmers around the world might.”

“Ah, of course.” Celestia stomped a hoof on the floor in mock indignation. “What is the point of having the power to control part of the universe without being able to use it for your own selfish desires every once in awhile?”

Blueblood laughed genuinely. “I don’t know, Princess. I do not know.”

“Well, goodnight, Your Highness.” Apollo bowed. “I am off to bed.”

“As am I,” Blueblood added. “Sleep well, Princess.”

“The same to you,” Celestia replied. “Both of you. Thank you. I appreciate all that you do for our country.”

“It is our honor, Highness.” Apollo bowed again. “Thank you, and goodnight.”

Celestia smiled as the stallions left the room. She then trotted over to the window to gaze out into the night sky. There, off in the distance, she could see the illuminated outline of the griffon’s airship as it sat upon its landing pad. She grimaced as she imagined how many cannons that the ship carried. “A hundred? Two hundred?” she asked herself idly. “How many lives could they take in a matter of moments…”

The princess shook her head. “I will not allow it.” She glared at the ship.

“You will not win, Chaput. The violent never have, and they never will. You think yourself unique… but you are not. You are just another foe. One of many, a face in the crowd.” She walked back over to her seat and focused her magic. A file flashed into being in front of her, and Celestia opened it. She removed a photograph and placed it upon the table. The princess smirked.


The photographed face of Chaput’s spy inside the castle stared back at her and did not answer.


Luna hummed to herself as she trotted down the hallway of the castle. A grin covered her face, and she could hardly keep from breaking into an excited run.

She wound through the twisting corridors, smiling to every guard and servant she met along the way. Her hoofsteps echoed off the beautiful walls, and her merry tune gave melody to the rhythmic clap of her hooves on the wood.

She turned the last corridor and finally reached her objective. The doors to her sister’s room were right before her, and she hopped over to them and knocked twice. The guards smiled to her and did not object as the Princess of the Night cracked the door open and poked her head inside.

“Tia? Are you here, Tia?” Luna called, trying to make out the form of her sister in the dark room.

A sleepy voice called out to her. “Luna? Is that you?”

Luna skipped her way into the room. “Tia! I—” She stopped abruptly as she saw Celestia sitting up in her bed, her mane askew and eyes blurry. “Oh, did I wake you? I’m sorry! I… I’ll come back later! Yeah!”

Celestia yawned and wiped her eyes. “No, no. It’s fine. I’m up already.” The elder sister pulled her covers away and slowly got out of bed, stretching her wings before speaking. “So, how did your dinner go?”

“It was amazing!” Luna gushed. “We laughed, and talked, and shared stories, and took a walk, and all kinds of stuff! It was exactly what you said it should be.” She grinned. “You were right, Tia. This helped a lot.”

“Good! Gooo…” Celestia’s words were interrupted by a yawn. “...oood. I’m very happy for you. Did you make more plans with him?”

“Oh, yes! We’re meeting up at Waffle Hut tomorrow morning for breakfast!” Luna continued to smile.

“Well, I’m very glad that you are excited.” Celestia glanced at the clock on her wall. “Luna, do you realize how late it is?”

“Uh, no…” Luna turned to see the clock as well. Her smile vanished. “Oh.”

“It’s two o’clock.” Celestia sighed. “Do you think that we could perhaps continue this discussion at a later time? Like, say, tomorrow evening?”

“Uh, of course! I’m so sorry, Tia.” Luna blushed. “I guess I sort of lost track of time…”

“I understand,” Celestia replied warmly. “You were excited.” Celestia’s smile turned into a frown as she continued. “However, I am slightly concerned that you stayed out so late.”

“I, uh, I actually only stayed with Button until eleven,” Luna said. “Then, I was too excited, so I went for a flight… and then I snuck back into the castle… then I may have danced around in my room for a bit…” She stifled a giggle. “Okay, yeah. We should talk later.”

“Thank you,” Celestia said sleepily.

Luna turned to walk out the door, but her sister’s voice interrupted her.


She turned back to face Celestia. “Yes?”

“I’m very proud of you. You are doing great.” Celestia beamed at her. “I love you. You know that, right?”

“Of course!” Luna exclaimed. “I love you too.”

“Okay. Goodnight, Sister.” With that, Celestia laid her head back down upon her pillow and was snoring within a few seconds.

Luna couldn’t stop herself from giggling this time. “Oh, if the reporters could see us now…”

She walked out of Celestia’s room and trotted down the hall toward her own chamber. She resumed her humming. Her smile returned, and she allowed herself a small giggle as she rounded a corner and—

“Woah!” Luna sprawled onto the ground as she collided with a green mare wearing a servant’s dress.

“Princess Luna! Are you okay?” The voice of Gem Petal reached Luna’s ears.

The princess shook herself off and rose to her hooves. “I’m fine, Miss Petal. I wasn’t watching where I was going. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s not your fault!” The maid smiled. “I ran into you, and you’re the one who fell down!” The earth pony’s uniform was rumpled, and her mane was uncharacteristically askew.

“It’s fine, Petal.” Luna smiled. “Let’s just agree that we’ll both need to watch where we’re going better.

“Oh, okay, Princess!” Gem curtsied.

Luna raised an eyebrow as a thought crossed her mind. “What are you doing out so late, Miss Petal?”

The maid blushed furiously. “I was… I was finishing the last of… I… uh….”

Luna narrowed her gaze. “I get the feeling that you’re hiding something, Petal.”

“I… uh…” Gem hung her head in shame. “Oh, Princess. I can’t lie to you. I’m going back to my quarters because I’ve just spent some… time…. with one of my friends.” Her blush returned. “I know that interpalace romances are discouraged, but it’s just…”

Luna blinked, and then her face softened. “Gem, I understand.” The princess grinned conspiratorially. “Who’s the lucky stallion?”

Gem’s blush deepened. “He’s, ah, one of Princess Celestia’s guards.” She smiled unsurely. “I really like him, and he likes me, so…”

Luna’s smile broadened. “Well, I’m very happy for you! I hope it all goes well. But…” Luna’s grin faded. “Gem, do you realize how this looks? You’re wandering the corridors late at night… There are griffons here at the palace… you should probably find a different location for your trysts, at least until the political situation calms down. Do you understand?”

Gem nodded furiously. “Oh, I do! I’m so sorry, Princess!” She looked down at her hooves. “Am… am I in trouble?”

“No, of course not!” Luna said. “But you do need to be more careful.”

Gem raised her gaze and beamed at the princess. “I will! Thank you, Your Highness!”

“It is nothing,” Luna replied cheerfully. “Now, get on off to sleep. I suspect that you have an early day tomorrow, yes?”

“I do,” the servant agreed. “Thank you again, Princess!” She curtsied quickly and then scampered away down the hall.

Luna shook her head and chuckled. “Ah, Petal, Petal, Petal… whatever shall we do with you?”

She turned her gaze to the other side of the hallway and something odd caught her eye. She walked a bit closer. There, at the end of the corridor, was Celestia’s private dining hall. The door was cracked open.

“Hmm…” Luna muttered. “Odd.” She trotted over and pulled the door shut. She squinted at the frame and scratched her head.

“Very odd…”


Button smiled as he opened his refrigerator. His mind was still racing as he replayed the evening’s events in his head. He’d been unable to sleep for hours, so he’d spent his time trying and failing to concentrate long enough to fill out a few of his job applications. “She’s freaking perfect,” he muttered to himself.

The refrigerator contained most of the items that Button considered absolutely essential for life. A few pieces of fruit filled one drawer, but the majority of space was taken up by precooked chimichangas, leftovers from the Saddle Arabian food that he’d had for lunch, a few gallons of milk, and…

“Wait… where’s my soda?”

Button glanced around the fridge and sighed. His cans of soda were nowhere to be seen, even after he checked for a third time. “Now, where did I…” Button looked up and saw the pack of cans sitting on the counter. “Oh.”

Button sighed and grabbed one of the cans, opening it quickly and taking a sip. His face contorted into a grimace as the warm liquid ran down his throat. “Eww, gross.”

He trotted over to a cupboard and grabbed himself a slender glass. He muttered under his breath as he walked over to the refrigerator to—

“What? No built in ice machine? I thought this was state of the art!” He hung his head and moaned. “It’s like the Dark Ages all over again…”

Once more, Button sighed. He reached onto the counter and grabbed a large bowl. After balancing it on his back, he trotted out of his room and down the hallway. He squinted his eyes as he scanned the walls for an ice machine.

“Aha!” He exclaimed. “There it is!” He walked forward, but his smile faded as he read the words on the piece of paper covering the front of the machine.

Out of order

“Gaaaaaah…” Button slowly turned around. “I guess I’ll try another floor down.”

He walked to the elevator and pressed the down button. After waiting a few moments, the lift arrived, and he stepped inside. He reached down and picked out a random button, only to pause and slap a hoof to his face. “Ah, why did I do that? I should have just gone one down…” He sighed. “I’m too tired for this. Also, I need to stop talking to myself…”

After a moment, the lift’s door opened. Button shrugged and trotted out into the new hallway. He turned right and walked down the corridor. Eventually, he rounded a corner and came to a familiar looking machine tucked away in a nook in the wall. “Here we go,” he said quietly.

Button was just about to turn the machine on and fill his bucket, but he stopped as a hushed whisper reached his ears.

“Were you followed?”

“Of course not!” an indignant mutter answered the first voice. “You need to be quiet! You act as if this is your first mission…”

His curiosity piqued, Button peered down the hallway. He listened for a moment, then slowly trotted toward the source of the noise.

“Do you have what I need? We need to finish quickly so you can get back to my post. We don’t want the manager to notice that somepony was gone.”

Button spotted a cracked door and cautiously approached it. He mentally chastised himself for being nosy as he peered around the doorframe to see inside the room, but his curiosity won out.

Inside, two ponies stood next to each other. One was a brown stallion who wore the suit and tie of a businesspony. A briefcase laid on the table beside him. The other was one of the hotel workers. He wore a red outfit and shifted uncomfortably from hoof to hoof.

“Perfect,” the hotel worker replied. He reached over and grabbed the case. After opening it, he glanced inside. “Everything is in order. Switch.”

The two ponies stripped off their clothes and handed them to each other. The business pony closed his eyes, and green colored fire enveloped his body for a moment. A second later, two identical stallions stood side by side. The other pony then did the same, transforming into the shape of the brown businesspony. The two redressed themselves, and the businesspony who had been the worker grabbed his briefcase. “Excellent,” he said.

Button gasped. Hoofsteps approached the door, and he swiftly cantered back to the ice machine. He pushed his back up against the wall of the alcove and panted, desperately trying to muffle the sound with a hoof. A moment later, he heard two sets of hoofsteps depart down the other side of the corridor. Button breathed a sigh of relief and glanced down the hallway just in time to see the two ‘ponies’ exit to the lobby.

Button turned his eyes back to the ice machine. His mind reeled.

“What the hell are changelings doing here?”

Author's Note:

This chapter brought to you by I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues by Sir Elton John!

Also! I plan on writing tomorrow's chapter of the fic... LIVE! I will be posting the link to my Gdoc so that anyone who wants to can come watch me struggle to pump out a few hoarse werds! Come see me spell things terrriblee, get yelled at by my prereaders/editors, and make random comments in the chatroom that I'll set up! Woo! Expect a few blog posts about this tomorrow! The link will most likely be published at 9pm EST, and I will start writing around 10pm EST. This is gonna be fun!



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