• Member Since 21st Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 5th, 2015


Hi, I'm KeiSetsureki and I'm just getting back into the swing of things. If you want to see any more of me, check my deviantart profile: http://keisetsureki.deviantart.com/


Mako Marine has spent a lot of time with herself and her two animal friends. But then she meets some others, and it changes her life quicker then she ever expected.

This is a collaboration between me KeiSetsureki and Shine. I really hope you enjoy what we have to offer.

Yours Sincerily,
KeiSetsureki and Shine

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

This looks very interesting. I can see the potential this story has.

Thanks, I hope I can keep it up to your expectation x

Interesting, awaiting more.:pinkiehappy:

Our story is on the popular list!!!:pinkiehappy:

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