• Member Since 12th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 29th, 2019


Greetings and welcome to my humble page. Here I post random stories whenever the mood strikes.

Comments ( 18 )

I need to see more before I can add it to favorites, but still it's a nice story so far.

Sorry, I had to do this for obvious reasons:

6134923 Dead Frontier and a little bit of Runescape and Dead Space, I'm sure later on you'll figure it out and some Disturbed content

Disturbed is back and I've never been happier


I'm thinking of a Disturbed song too, off the same album. Little ditty called "Just Stop."

You're attempting a crossover with SEVERAL series that really don't mesh well together. I've seen good things come of crosses with one work at a time that has contrasting tones and themes to MLP, but throwing Dead Frontier, Dead Space, Runescape, and goddamned Disturbed in a blender alongside ponies is a recipe for disaster. Dial it way the hell back and set the bar lower to something more manageable.

Also, how the hell do you make a fanfic for the works of a band beyond adapting a concept album (an idea I've been toying with myself) or just using it as a thematic/tonal basis? Disturbed doesn't have a NARRATIVE to any of their albums to date, even if individual songs and/or music videos tell a loose story. Shit, you're naming this one after a Genesis cover.

6136554 Thing is, my OC looks like The Guy from Disturbed and that's about it. Later on I'm planning to add different things to match the situation and such. If you don't like it that's fine, thank you for the feedback. If you want to just give it a chance. I honestly don't know what the whole tag thing is, I just put it there because I will add certain things together. If that's not what Crossover means then please tell me. Again, I'm new to this whole site and have no idea how things are done here.

6136915 That IS what "Crossover" is for, but really, you're biting off more than you can chew with this story. I don't think The Guy fits the setting NEARLY well enough to justify having a lookalike in Equestria, and the numerous 'verses you want to incorporate elements of, according to a previous comment, make me question just how important the MLP universe is to the story.

6137086 well if it's not your shot of vodka, I apologize. But I shall heed your advice. To some extent. And it's not THEE Guy. Just a character who has a similar appearance. Why? Because badassery that's why.

6137352 The fic needs a better, stronger foundation before "because badass" can be given as justification.

6137452 you are right. But in all the character is in no way related to The Guy. But I may use some phrases from a song or two. Or more. I am pretty sure that the story has a pretty stable foundation. Thank you for feedback. (I'm not telling you to shut up or anything, seriously thank you)

Like the interaction between Decanus and Novus. Hope to see more of this story.

6165924 And you shall! Sometime in the future.

6165924 and those just in case you didn't know those aren't their names, just ranks. Thumbs up and pat on head if you did.

dose the main cariter look like the person in the pic on the cover

Gary Stu huh? Have this dislike.

6447950 *takes and places beside other dislikes behind a glass display* "Your contribution is appreciated."

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