• Member Since 4th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Yes this is the same Shadow Storm as on Youtube so check out my channel I hope not to disappoint and im a Milwaukee Wisconsin brony


Thundersword is the son of two very important ponies in the Crystal Empire but when he meets a mare whom he discovers he has feelings for, he begins to wonder what she will think of him if she knows whom he's related too? This story is a collaboration with https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Stellar+Blaze

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 6 )

I found several spelling and grammatical errors in the story. Sorry about this, but I hope it might help.

It was a beautiful sunny day in the Crystal Empire, all was bright and we see two ponies in the dinning room one was a unicorn stallion and a pink alicorn.

I think the sentence should probably look like this, "It was a beautiful sunny day in the Crystal Empire, and all was bright. We see two ponies in the dining room. One was a white unicorn stallion, and the other a pink alicorn."

The stallion had a sheild and star for a cutie mark the pink alicorn had what seemed to be a heart made of crystal.

The stallion had a shield with a star for a cutie mark, and the alicorn had what seemed to be a heart of crystal as hers.

There names were Shinning Armour and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or Princess Cadence, they were having a nice breakfast and conversation about their son ThunderSword and his first Crystal Fair festival.

Their names were Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, also known as Princess Cadence. They were having a nice breakfast and conversation about their son, Thunder Sword, and his first Crystal Fair.

There are also a lot more minor mistakes other than these. I can help fix these mistakes if you would like.

6737001 yeah you can proof read the chapters and i can fixthem

6813173 Sure. May I have a link so I can help edit?

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