• Published 3rd Apr 2015
  • 326 Views, 7 Comments

Shining, shimmering, darkness - DarkFang116

Millions of years ago there was a war, a magic war. It was between the Alicorns and a race called the Draconiquui. In the end a unicorn ended all alicorn and Draconiquui life, except a selected few. For his punishment he was sealed away in a vase.

  • ...

Prologue: No More ...

Author's Note:

"When anarchy awakens, darkness shall rise,
When anarchy falls, everything dies,
There will be no hope, nothing will survive.
All is lost ..."

"What news do you have of him?"

In an old grey-brick castle room there is seated 11 ponies with wings and horns, all different color and sizes along with different pictures on their heine quarters near a huge round table. these were the alicorns. The tallest and most serious had gotten up in anticipation to know. A blue mare alicorn with a red mane along with a yellow streak rose to answer.

"He has left Equestria, but we do know his intentions. He still has the weapon and he will use it to destroy Draconiquui AND Alicorns alike."

All the Alicorns rose from their seats in disgusted awe.

"If we don't do something soon our ENTIRE existence will be no more. Tallest, what should we do? Shall we hunt this monster down?"

As all the other Alicorns were talking, the Tallest, as he is known, had been walking around in a circle, thinking. The Alicorns had continued to talk until they had finally come to a decision. An orange colored stallion with no mane rose up to speak.

"I think it is in the best interest to end him before he ends us. And I would like to Personally go and see to it the job is done. What say you Tallest? Are you gonna go stop him or are you just gonna pace yourself a moat while that MANIAC is loose?"

The Tallest had finally stopped pacing, his eyes frowned. He looked at the Orange stallion with discontent. Then ...

... He chuckled.

"Same ol' Portokali, always going in head first," he chuckled, "do you know what he would do to you? Well do you?"

Portokali opened his mouth to reply, but he said no words as he thought What WOULD he do to me?. The Tallest continued.

"Do you ALL know what he would do to you?"

By that question alone, the room was silent. No alicorn could speak, no alicorn could move, no alicorn could breathe a word. The Tallest smirked.

"Now you all see why I never go and declare war like the old times? It's because I don't know what the outcome might be, but I do know the possibilities and the chance of winning with no knowledge of my enemy is very slim, more like a death wish. But we DO know this enemy and we know that he has the weapon, a weapon to do what might I ask?"

Every pony in the room answered, "To destroy anything it is asked to destroy!" The stallion was pleased.

"Very good. Now what will happen if we go head first?"

This time only one had answered. It was the smallest and youngest of them all, with a body color all white and a mane like the sunrise. Her cutie mark was a blazing sun.

"Then instead of reasoning with that slithering snake we would be begging for him to kill us. I do believe you have a very huge point sir."

"Very good, Celestia. My, aren't you just a filly?"

"I am only a 117 sir, I'm not THAT young."

The stallion wore a huge smile and laughed loudly, "Oh a 117, she's only 117 and she knows that your plan is outrageously terrible."

Just when any other alicorn could talk, a Pegasus soldier wearing golden armor bursted through the big, wooden doors. "Your highnesses, the Draconequui are coming!!! This must be their biggest army yet, looks like almost all of them came!!!"

The Alicorns had acted fast, almost all had flew out of the room with lightning speed to the armory and had their best armor and had taken swords, spears, and axes. There lied only three Alicorns in the conference room: Celestia, the Tallest, and a scrawny brown alicorn with no cutie mark.

"What are you gonna do my Tallest?" Asked Celestia.

The Tallest walked calmly towards a horn, acting as an alarm to call all Alicorns to battle. He blew once. He blew twice. He blew a third time and by then all Alicorns near and far had heard the signal.

"Um sire, I think I know where he is." Informed the brown, scrawny teen stallion. The Tallest turned to him.

"You do? Why didn't you inform us at the meeting?" The Tallest asked as he quickly galloped to the stallion.

"I didn't want any alicorn to confront him. Sir might I suggest sending me there?"

The Tallest looked the stallion over. "why should I send you and not any other pony? Why do you want to go?"

The stallion, all hunched up, finally stood straight. "Because sir, I want to prove and earn my rank and place in the meetings. Besides, he trusts me, we are, or were, best friends."

"Are you sure?" Asked Celestia. The stallion was silent for a moment, but then answered. "Yes!"


In the sands of the changeling badlands walked a stallion, a unicorn sorcerer. He was light blueish- grey and had a very white and very long beard. He wore a hat and cape with the stars and constellations as its design, along with some bells on the hat. He was nearing an old abandoned log cabin, carrying a box, a box with an ancient symbol. When he had reached his destination he opened the door and entered, placing the box on the floor. The old unicorn started to tear up at the thought of what he wanted to do, at what he was going to do, at the thought of what he must do.

"I am sorry my friends, I am sorry. But I am left with no other choice." Said the unicorn. As he sat next to the box, a war was going on, a magic war. After realizing what would happen if he wouldn't use the box, he pressed the top and it retracted, a button rose up from inside. The unicorn started raising his hoof.

"Alicorns of Equestria. Draconiquui of Saddle Arabia. I serve notice on you all. For too long I have stained my hooves, no more. Today you leave me no choice, today this war will end. No more, no more."

Outside a couple miles away was the scrawny alicorn, rushing towards the cabin to stop the unicorn ...

... But he was too late.






Celestia had woken up, terrified of her dream, only it wasn't just a dream, but a scarred past. She looked up at the night sky in despair for her species, also saddened that she had to imprison her best friend. She toke a deep breathe.

"Why my old friend, why did you betray us oh so many years ago?"

In the distance, far off in the mountains, showed a shadowy figure, trying its best to break a vase hidden in the mountains. Frustrated it roared into the night skys for it could not even touch the vase. The vase was protected by magic so as the prisoner inside would never be released and see the light of day.

Comments ( 7 )

This has some great potential, but your downfall is the fact that you never explain anything. Who are these Alicorns? Who is this foe, why are the Draconequii not dead? It's also worth noting that your descriptions set the story up to be a cliché mess.

I'm going to ask a question, is English your first language because you're making a lot of errors both in spelling and grammar. There's random capitalizations, strange ways of describing things, odd names and really a lack of any kind of background information.

There's a council meeting of Alicorns where each time one is introduced we're told the color of their coat, mane and cutie mark. My question to this is why? When you meet somebody for the first time do you immediately comment on their attire unless there's something specific or odd about it? If not then why do this here? It's a failing of a lot of MLP fanfics that there's the need to describe the color and mane of each OC. You'd be better off choosing a different way of doing this provided it's an integral part of the story. Unless we need to know this information, then there's no point in just making it a throwaway line.

Then there's a call to war and fade to black.

Yeah, not much here to go on and really not that interesting a start. If you want to grab a reader's attention you need to give them something more to hold onto.

I like how you started it. All the alicorns talking about some big threat the the dranconaqui attack and then that bit with Starswirl! I hope there's more to come!:pinkiehappy:

Hmm I see well the reason that this isn't fully explained is because I was going to note the full reason as to who they are and as to why the draconiquui aren't dead. Also I couldn't think of a better description ... I thank u for telling me this. I'll get into these faults


I see. Well the capitalization is either them yelling or if it's Alicorn then it just auto-corrects to capital. As to the colors yes there is a significance here as we will be seeing them later, but in a different form. As to background this was to be explained later in the story as well as y this is happening. This is like jumping into it for a quick scene as it is a major event that, spoilers, nopony knows about. Also I just got back into writing after a huge writers block so it'll be sloppy. I thank you for telling me this and I'll get to fixing as much as I can, but I mighf have to leave the prologue as it is for now until later when I master the art of writing.


Also this is the 1st chapter, give it time.


Why thank u, I can't believe u got that that was star swirl. I feel happy to know that you like it and it makes me want to do better.

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