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Forming a Band

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoy this story and all. But the song I'm using for Nocturnal's group is just for cover and all. And the song's not from me, but from the respectful band I liked.


Also if you want, I would liked if anyone of you guys could think of music tracklist, a concert name, and of course whoever bands you want me to put in with Nocturnal's band.

As Luna and Nocturnal Raiser thought of forming a band, Nocturnal meets up with recruiting band members; Vinyl Scratch, Cloudchaser and Flitter, and Octavia Melody. They had a meeting at Nocturnal's favorite restaurant, talking about forming a Metalcore band, and asks them if they want to join.

Cloudchaser then stated, "I listen to dubstep, rock music, and came across with Heavy Metal, which me and my sister, Flitters, got into it. So yeah, we'd like to be apart of your band." Flitter nods her head as an 'yes.'

Vinyl then smiles, " Heck! I do Dubstep as a DJ. As I and Neon; the other DJ and friend of mine, went to a store, we came across a Metalcore band called Asking Alexandria. And Dude, it's like my jam I'm talking about, I definitely got into that stuff with Neon! So you know what, since Princess Luna and you are forming a Metalcore band, I'm in!"

Octavia then smiled a bit but then stated, "I heard about that music, and I must say; with all do respect, when I first heard that music, it scares me. And in same time, I'd enjoyed it, because of the lyrics talk about personal issues, love, and other sort of themes."

Then she asked, "About, so called 'Metalcore,' does it have its own subgenres?"

Luna then stated, "It can be mixed in with elements of Symphonic Metal, Industrial Metal, Alternative Metal, and various other metal genres. Like the other Metalcore genre can be called 'Melodic Metalcore', which can be described with Symphonic Metalcore, Industrial Metalcore, and/or Progressive Metalcore."

Octavia then smiles, "I liked it! It's very interesting to make up with those genres with a musical tastes."

"Indeed." Luna mutters, nodding her head.

Octavia then stated, "Well, if you are doing any of these genres in a Metalcore band, I'm definitely in!"

Nocturnal then acknowledges, "Well, that's settles it, we got our members in the band. Now we need to make the line-up for our band."

"That's right!" Princess Luna said, as they made their order for lunch, and heads back to Nocturnal Raiser's house and to get started with their band.


As they left after eating lunch, Nocturnal and the mares walks down into the basement, and saw Nocturnal had collected three bass guitars, three electric guitars, two rhythm guitars, a master sized keyboards, and two different types of drumsets.

The group were amazed and cooed, "Woow!"

"That's so cool, Nocturnal!" Cloudchaser states, as Nocturnal nods, "Thank you. I've been at those concerts at Earth and collected those, from the band members that used to have them, and I became lucky that they ended up nicely let me keep them!"

The mares looks at him and asks, "Really?" As Nocturnal nods his head 'yes', Vinyl smiles, "You must've been very lucky to have those instruments! That made me a bit jealous."

Nocturnal laughes and then stated, "Okay! Anyways, we must make a line up for the band members." Nocturnal got started and looks at Vinyl and said, "Vinyl! You'll be our keyboardist and programmer!"

"Aww yeah!" Vinyl nods with her pumping her hoove in the air. And Nocturnal states to her, "Because, Vinyl. I know you're an awesome DJ. So I choose that you're a perfect fit for doing Programming and Keyboards! Can you handle it?"

"Buck yeah, Raiser! You can count on me!" She stated for approval.

And Nocturnal turns to Octavia and then states, "Miss Octavia! You'll be the Bassist, and for a little part, be our backing clean and melodic vocalist."

Octavia then smiles, "That'll work!"

Nocturnal turn to Flitter and Cloudchaser and then said, "Flitter, you'll be our drummer! While your sister's our rythem guitarist!"

The sisters looks and happily high hooves each other, saying, "Oh yeah!" Cloudchaser stated to Flitter, "You're going to make yourself a great drummer, sis!"

"Oh, thank you, Clouds! You're going to make a awesome an rythem guitarist in the band!" Flitter responded, as Cloudchaser smiles for her compliment.

Nocturnal then turns to Luna and said, "And for you, Princess. You're going to be a lead guitarist and clean vocalist of the band!" Luna nods, "Sounds good enough."

Nocturnal then said to her, "Cause your voice I heard before, like Octavia, you two mares are better off at doing melodies and clean vocals, if you like."

Luna then states with Octavia in approval, "Fine by us! We'll accept that." Nocturnal smiles, feeling that they're better off on doing clean and melodic vocalists more than other types of death growls or screaming vocals.

Nocturnal then finishes, "And as for me, I'll be the unclean and growling vocalists!"

So then, they got the line up finished, and that leads up to a near completion of the band. Which the only thing's missing, is a band name, which they're trying to come up with a good or great name of their band.

"So, what should we name our band?" Flitter asks Nocturnal, as he thinks hard and deep. He then said, "I'll think about it later. First, let's see how good we can sound, by playing some songs we can cover!"

Luna then nods, "Let's cover one of your songs from your iPod, Nocturnal!" Nocturnal then nods as he looks through his iTouch, "Good idea, Princess! Let me find a good one!"

Nocturnal then looks through his playlist of songs, and found a band on his artist list called Caliban, and select the song 'We Are The Many.' Nocturnal then turns to Luna and nods with this song. And Luna nods in approval.

"Alright, girls!" Princess Luna stated, preparing to play along with the song. "Let's rock n' roll!"

And they began to play with Nocturnal's song from his iPod

As they finished, they were covered in sweat, and breath heavily. Nocturnal turns back to his band members, as they got a smile onto their faces.

"That...Was...BRUTAL!!!" Cloudchaser stated, with an enjoyment. Nocturnal smiles to her and said, "You played awesome rhythm guitar, Clouds! And yes indeed Brutal!"

Nocturnal then turns to his whole group and stated, "We played a hay of a jam! You guys played outstandingly very well!"

"You were awesome too, Nocturnal!" Flitters stated, "I or neither of us never know you can growl or scream like that!"

Nocturnal then nods, "It's a long story."

Nocturnal then nods with a question, "What should be our band name?"

"Like what should be represented in what why?" Octavia asks Nocturnal, with a thought of the band should have a meaning.

Nocturnal then stated, "The band that could help everypony from their problems and have to deal with negativity."

Everypony thinks hard and tries to come up with a great band name. They think and think, until Flitter then stated, "What about Helping Hooves?"
Nocturnal then nods, "Nice. But not good enough of the band name. Needs to be awesome and a great band name."

As they think harder, the Night Princess then stated, "What about 'Conditional Logic'?"

Nocturnal then looks at her, thinking that's the good name for the band. He then announced, "Well, that's settles it, we got ourselves a band name: Conditional Logic!"

Everypony smiles and looks at eachother, nodding their heads.

"Sounds good to me!" Cloudchaser stated. And Vinyl nods with a smile, "Surely is a awesome name for the band!"

"Splendid name indeed!" Octavia acknowledged.

As they finished made complements for the band name, they then nods with questions, which Flitter asks, "Now what're we going to do next?"

Nocturnal acknowledged, "Well, we got to be known from everypony, and we got to make a concert for us and any other bands that should play together."

"Yeah!" Everypony shouts out, as they got fired up for concerts they'll play with other bands and make their debut as an new type of metal band that would be a first Equestrian Metalcore band.

Luna then asks, "But you think we should record an album first as well after we're known?"

Nocturnal nods his head in approval, thinking of making an album that would blow everypony away. He also knew that it was a beginning of Conditional Logic.

Comments ( 3 )

That was awesome!

i got a bend to add to the tracklist avenged sevenfold

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