• Published 22nd Jan 2015
  • 772 Views, 6 Comments

My Sister Scootaloo - Tangerine Blast

A human finds Scootaloo and takes her home.

  • ...

Chapter 1

My name’s Kate. I’m eighteen and I go to the wonderful...well I go to a collage in a pretty average size town. I live in one of those student dorm things and one day I was heading back to it after my art class. We had learned about the value of nature and life in the lesson and it had left me feeling inspired to take in my surroundings. I was just in one of those moods where you want to experience everything.

I was gazing around as I walked through the city. Feeling the asphalt under my shoes, smelling the gasoline in the air, the things you do in that part of town.

Then I heard something that sounded about the same a dying whale. That, of course, was not one of the sounds you usually heard in this part of town. I glanced sideways into the alley that the sound seemed to have come from. It was dark and wet and for a moment or two I couldn’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary. After a few seconds, however, I could hear grumbling emanating from the shadows. Hoping that I wasn’t going to get mugged, I went in.

Following the whale sounds I eventually came to a stack of boxes and a small orange pony rooting around through them.

My breath caught and I let out a gasp, “Scootaloo?”

The pony whirled around. She was exactly the same as in the show. Small buzzing wings, wispy purple hair, no cutie mark. She was taller than I expected though, her head came up to the middle of my thigh. Her bright, purple, eyes were filled with fear and worry. “How do you know my name?”

I decided that answering her was not my biggest concern. She was wet, muddy and looting in the trash for peat sake. I knelt down to her level and pulled out a saltine cracker, I always kept a pack with me, just in case, and held it out to her.

Scootaloo pulled back, her gaze going from me to the cracker, back to me. “What…what is this?”

“A cracker, you look hungry.”

She stared at me suspiciously for only a second before giving in and devouring the cracker whole.

“How did you get here?” I asked as she ate, looking her over. I was very surprised how calm I was. A cartoon horse was eating my crackers and I was having a normal conversation with it. I was very impressed with myself.

Scootaloo looked down, “I don’t know, I don’t really remember anything.”

“Well, what happened right before?”

“I don’t know!” She shouted, “I don’t remember anything except my name and age and that I’m a pony and that’s it!”

Tears started streaming down her face and I instinctively wrapped her in a hug.

“I-I’ve been here for a couple days and everyone I talk to either looks-looks at me like a freak or-or the ye-yell at me.” She buried her face in my chest. “I’m so-so scared.”

“Hey, it’s alright.” I said awkwardly as her tears seeped through my sweatshirt. “Do you want to...um...can I…” I was totally losing my cool. Here was a talking horse, hugging me, getting comforted by me. My shell of coolness was falling. “I can’t offer you much but...I have an extra bed...if you want it.”
She sniffed and looked up at me, her eyes narrow, “Why...why would you help me?”

I gave an exasperated sigh, “Selfish reasons I assure you. I don’t want to be hated for letting you starve, and if I befriend someone as cool as you everyone will envy me.”
She giggled and wiped her eyes, “Well, you’re the only one who’s been even kind of nice and you knew my name...somehow…” she frowned for a second before nodding emphatically. “I will stay with you for a little bit, just until I get my strength back.”

“Of course, you don’t have to stay any longer then you want to.” Even though it pained my inner fangirl I released our embrace and set the filly down. “Just follow me, my apartment’s only a couple blocks from here.”

She nodded and followed me into the sunshine, I could swear that she had a small smile on her face.

Now I know what you’re thinking: ‘Kate! You can’t just walk a pony down the street without concealing her! Someone will notice and call the news or the police or something equally horrible!’

Well, no. I have a theory that people are so in love with ‘the norm’ that I could walk a dragon down the street and as long as I was chill about it, people would just assume it was normal.

My theory seemed to be correct too. Sure we got a few stares and one little kid wanted to pet her but I just gave a cool smile to the stares and politely told the kid no. Everyone seemed fine by this.

As we were walking I decided to strike up a conversation with my four legged companion. “So, exactly how old are you, Scootaloo.”

“I’m twelve.” Scootaloo puffed out her chest. “Practically an adult. What about you?”

“I’m eighteen, I’ve just started college. Do you know what that is?”

She stuck out her tongue. “Yeah, more school. Why would you ever choose more school?”

I shrugged, “Knowledge is power and all that. Besides, it’s a cheap place to live.”

I ended my last sentence by pushing open a door and walking into the apartment building. After I made sure Scootaloo got in I walked straight over to the reception desk and rung the bell. Hard.

The boy reading a magazine jumped and glared over at me. “You know a simple ‘hi’ would be fine, Kate.”

“Hi, Phil.”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, ha ha. Do you need something or do you just want to bug me?”

“I need to register my...pet.” I glanced over at Scootaloo, hoping she wouldn’t be offended by the demining term. I didn’t have to worry though, she wasn’t paying attention. She was too busy examining her new surroundings.

My apartment was really cool about keeping pets, you could practically have anything if it was small enough and you promised to clean up the mess.

Phil followed my gaze and raised his eyebrows at Scootaloo. “What is that?”

“A flying cartoon horse.” I said casually.

Phil gave me a flat look. “Oh really? How did you get it out of the cartoon?”

I smirked and leaned forward, gesturing for him to do the same. I whispered very quietly in his ear, “Magic.”

Another eye roll. “You’re impossible you know that? I registered it. You’re good to go.”

I thanked him and gestured for Scootaloo to follow me up the stairs. While they were cool on pets they weren’t cool on pets in the elevator for some reason.

“You’re all good to go. You can stay with me as long as you like.” I told Scootaloo as we climbed. I was so happy that a magic, flying pony was going to be staying with me that I almost glided up the stairs.

“Are you two dating?”

I almost tripped down the stairs.

“Wha-what? Why would you think that?”

Scootaloo shrugged nonchalant. “You were just talking really weird to him and seem really happy now.”

I shook my head rapidly. “No ew, no. He’s just a friend. There’s nothing like that going on. Anyway, I didn’t think you had been listening.”

She gave me a flat look. “What else was I supposed to do? That place was so boring. I hope the place you live is better.”

I put on a face of exaggerated fear, though some of it was real. “Would you leave if it wasn’t?”

She actually seemed worried about my fear. “Whoa, no probably not. Don’t freak out. Why do you want me to stay with you so bad?”

I lifted my chin, “I told you, purely selfish reasons. You’re really cool and if I’m friends with you others with see me as really cool.”

She gave me an ‘are you serious’ look but I could see a hint of blush in her orange fur.

“Also,” I added, “I haven’t had a roommate in forever and I get mopey without company.”

She gave me a smirk and I beamed. Now, I probably was trying way too hard to win her approval but I have valid reasons why. First off, I really did want her to like me. It was Scootaloo. I’m pretty sure my life would be complete if she liked me. Second, I’m really not that great with kids. I don’t really mind them but they seem totally repulsed by me once I start talking to them. Maybe it’s because I don’t treat them like one of us is going to die if they aren’t happy.

See? Valid reasons to turn up the hilarious Kate Charm.

We finally got my apartment and I flung open the door with a gusto. “Ta Da!” I declared, sweeping my arms towards the room. My dorm wasn’t in tip top condition but it wasn’t bad either. A few dishes lay in the sink and a few knick knacks lay on the floor. A giant T.V. sat propped against the wall and a couple of doors led to the sleeping areas.

Scootaloo’s eyes lit up once they settled on the centerpiece of the room. She instantly went into overdrive and headed straight for my couch.

That’s when my ‘not good with children’ instincts took in. “Stop! Don’t touch the couch!”

Scootaloo skidded to a halt inches away from the couch. She swiveled her head around and scrunched her nose at me. She asked the most intelligent question in this kind of situation. “Huh?”

The couch was the only completely clean thing in my dorm. There was no clothes on it, no random spills that most people have, it was untouched as much as a couch could be. “Please don’t put your dirty hooves on my couch.” I begged my guest. “It’s my favorite couch and it’s really hard to clean.” Her face morphed into even more confusion. “I promise you can sit on it just...can you take a bath first?”

Her mouth fell open. “You want me to take a bath? But baths are so…” Her eyes went to the ceiling, searching for the right word. “Lame.”

I suppressed a groan. Of course she wouldn’t like baths. Of course she wanted to smell like cigarette stumps for the rest of her life. This was going to take cunny, coy, and genius. “Please?” I begged, making my eyes wide and cupping my hands together.

But she retaliated harshly, pouting out her lip and making her eyes teary. “But I don’t want to.”

“Just a quick one? I’ll even make dinner while you’re in there.”

The whale sounds made their presence known again and Scootaloo blushed. “Fine, but just this once. Where’s your bathroom?”

I pointed. “Second door.”

She scurried to the bathroom and I grinned as I turned towards the kitchen. I had a pony living with me that was worth having to cook once in a while.

Crap crap crap crap crap. I panicked to myself as I opened the window and brushed smoke away from the fire detectors. I was only making grilled cheese!

Nothing was on fire, thankfully, but the smoke was relentless and I really didn’t want the fire department to come again.

I jumped as a high pitched voice suddenly screamed at me. “What happened? What’s wrong? Why is there smoke everywhere?”

With all the cooking commotion I had almost forgotten about Scootaloo. I turned around to see a sopping wet filly looking at me with terror in her eyes. Before I could open my mouth however she jumped to conclusions.

“Is something on fire? Do you need water? I’ll go get water!” Then she sprinted back into the bathroom.

I blinked, trying to process the rapid fire words. Before I was even understanding Scootaloo galloped back into the kitchen with a bucket of bath water in her mouth. She skidded to a halt inches from me and the water went flying. It drenched me and the smoke and left us both sputtering.

“Did I get it?” Scootaloo asked, panic still present in her eyes.

I moved my soaking hair out of my eyes. My gaze drifting to my soaking wet kitchen and down to the soaking wet pony. “Yep, you got it.” Then I busted up laughing. I grinned at Scootaloo and said through my giggles. “Do you want wet charcoal to eat? Cause I made wet charcoal.”

Scootaloo gave her own nervous laugh. “Oh wow, I thought…I thought something was on fire.”

My giggles started dying down. “You know what? I’m just going to order pizza. You get dried off. Don’t worry about the kitchen, I’ll clean it up.”

She gave me a concerned look but left without saying anything.

It took me a few minutes to clean up and order but I was in a weirdly good mood so I didn’t mind.

“Hey,” Scootaloo said from behind me. “What’s this?”

I turned around to see her holding a string that had a key dangling from the end. “Oh, that’s yours.” I told her and she looked at me in confusion. “It’s the house key. I don’t want you to feel trapped so if you wear that you can come and go whenever you want.”

She examined it for a moment longer before slipping the string over her neck. “Thanks. When’s dinner?”

“Pizza man should be arriving any minute.” I said, glancing at the clock. “Maybe we could play a game or something before he comes.”

“Alright, but it has to be cool.” Scootaloo agree.

I went over and plunked down on the couch, grabbing the remote and going to my Xbox. Scootaloo stood off to the side, sending me a suspicious glare.


“Am I allowed to get on the couch now?” She asked.

I raised an eyebrow, “Are you clean?”

“I just took a bath!”

I nodded, “Then yes, you can get on the couch.”

She clambered up and pointed to my controller. “What’s that?”

“It’s a controller. It controls the games.” I clicked on the T.V. and popped up Mario. “Here, use the arrows to move the cart and press this button when you hit a floating box.” I instructed, handing her the controller.

Five minutes later and she was beating me.

She didn’t try to leave. Sure a couple of times Scootaloo just waltzed out the door and I didn’t know what she was doing, but she always came back. She seemed to like it here, she had already claimed my guest room as her own and was starting to decorate it with things she found in my house. After about a week I decided she wasn’t going to leave anytime soon and I had to be completely honest with her.

“Scoots.” I told her, we were sitting on the floor of my living room eating chips (no food on the couch) “I think I should show you how I knew your name.”

She looked at me, confused, for a moment, chips stuffed in her mouth. Then her eyes widened with understanding and she nodded, “Gea ah amos’ fogo bou’ da.” I gave her an amused look until she swallowed and repeated herself. “Great! I almost forgot about that.”

I smiled slightly and flipped on the T.V. going to netflix and pulling up the show ‘My Little Pony.’ The show had stopped after about seven seasons very abruptly. There was no big ending just no more new episodes. I started playing the first episode the filly by my side starred in: ‘Call of the Cutie.’

Scootaloo was sucked in. She constantly looked down at herself then back at the screen, her face mixed with confusion and wonder. Eventually and orange filly appeared on the screen and she gasped. “What is this? Why am I on T.V.?” Her purple eyes turned to me. “Am I a movie star?”

I stifled a laugh and shook my head. “No, not exactly. This,” I gestured to the show, “is a cartoon. It’s pictures, not real people. That’s why it’s so strange you’re here. You’re not really supposed to be real.”

She sat in silence for a minute while I held my breath. I was afraid I had offended her or something worse. Eventually, though, she simply shook her head and smiled at me. “Well, then it doesn’t matter. All I have to worry about is being swarmed by fans. Can I keep watching though? This is really good.”

I sighed with relief and nodded, “We just have to go to bed at a reasonable time.”

I blinked groggily. Unsure on why I was even awake. It was late: midnightish. I had been awoken by something. I simply couldn’t remember now. I rested my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes. It was probably noth-


My eyes snapped open and I lept out of bed. Practically tripping the whole way, I rushed to Scootaloo’s room wear the scream evidently came from.

I burst open the door, armed with a flashlight I had grabbed and ready to confront any intruder. What I saw, though, was nothing. There was no robber in the room. No assassins attacking. All there was was Scootaloo hovering in the air.

At first I thought she was flying, her wings were buzzing and she was flaring her legs in every direction. But then I realized that her tail was taunt and that I couldn’t see half of it.

Acting out of pure instinct I slammed my whole body weight into whatever was attacking the filly. Only to fall right through. There was nothing solid holding Scootaloo up but there was defiantly something there. Flying through it sent a weird chill coursing through my body and I knew that whatever was there was real. I just couldn’t touch it.

“KATE! HELP ME!” Scootaloo screamed again, her hooves kicking backward, trying to make contact with the nothingness.

Trying a different tactic I grabbed Scootaloo’s front legs and pulled as hard as I could against the thing holding her.

“AHHHH!” Scootaloo screamed, right in my ear. I glanced behind her and saw that the darkness that had had a hold of her tail was now trying to crawl its way up her leg. I did the first thing I could think of and grabbed my flashlight.

I pointed it directly behind Scootaloo and turned it on. There was definitely something there. My light beam did not illuminate the back hall but instead stopped and outlined a black...thing. Really, it just looked like a cloud of darkness.

The darkness didn’t seem to like the light, however, and released Scootaloo. Sending us both to the floor with a crash. The darkness withered for a few seconds before shooting out the window.

I groaned and gently poked Scootaloo. “Hey, you OK?”

I let out another groan as the filly lept off my chest and back onto the bed. “Where did it go? I could have handled it. It was begging for mercy.” She glanced over to me sheepishly. “I certainly wasn’t scared.”

I rolled my eyes and frowned deeply. “Do you have any idea what that thing was?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “No, it felt super weird when it grabbed me though.” She too frowned thoughtfully but eventually just shook her head again. “Why are we worried? You scared it off. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

I looked at her for a few seconds before nodding. “You’re right. I doubt I could file a report anyway. ‘Excuse me officer, I cloud of darkness almost kidnapped my pony. What should I do?”

Scootaloo laughed. It was a nice sound.

*A year Later*

“Scootaloo!” I called out as I walked through the door, dragging a large package behind me. “Come here, I got you something!”

The clip clop of hooves answered me as Scootaloo walked out of the bedroom. “What is it? I was in the middle of a good episode.”

I grinned and moved away from the box behind me so she could see it in all its glory.

Her mouth dropped, “Is that…?”

“Yep!” I proclaimed proudly, “It’s the new mega deluxe super ultra scooter 2000!”

The pony squealed and ran over, tearing open the box. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! It’s blue! And in my size! Thank you thank you thank you!” She then tackled me in a surprise hug that sent me sprawling on the floor.

“Thank you!” She cried again, nuzzling me. “Can we go try it now? Please?”

I couldn’t talk as the eighty pound horse on my chest was cutting off my air supply but I did manage a nod. Scootaloo squealed again and began pulling her new scooter out of the box.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” I asked again, holding Scootaloo under her wings as she balanced on her scooter.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, “Yes mom I think I know the basics of scooter riding. Can you let go already?”

“Try flapping your wings first.” I suggested, still keeping a firm hold on her side. We were at a small skate park a short walk away from my dorm. It was usually empty so I didn’t really worry about someone discovering us.

Scootaloo gave an exasperated sigh but complied, buzzing her wings against my hands. I sighed in relief as I felt her move forward, only hindered by my grasp.

“Alright I’m going to let go now.”

“Finally.” She muttered under her breath.

It was my turn to roll my eyes. I removed my hands from her side and she instantly jerked forward. For the first few seconds she wobbled and looked like she was going to tip over but she soon recovered her balance.

Her gleeful laughter echoed across the skate park and I stood there, smiling to myself.

“Hey Kate!” Scootaloo cried, circling around towards the tube part of the park. “Watch this!” She then launched herself off the side of the sidewalk and into the tube. I started running even before I heard the crash.

“Scootaloo!” I called, “Scootaloo are you alri-AHH!” In my haste I had forgotten about the ledge and went spiraling over it.

“Kate!” Scootaloo called, hovering over me. “Are you alright? Speak to me!” then she slapped me with her hoof. Hard.

“Ow! Scootaloo!” I groaned and sat up. “If someone has head trauma the thing not to do is slap them.”

“How was I supposed to know that?” Scootaloo demanded. “I was just trying to wake you up.”

“Yeah, well, no slapping anymore. I should probably go get you a helmet.”

“You mean you a helmet. You’re the one that actually got hurt.”

I crossed my arm. “Only because I was worried about you.”

“You wouldn’t be worried if you knew how easy it was.” Suddenly, her eyes brightened. “Hey! That’s a great idea! You should get yourself a scooter too!”

I bite my lip. “I don’t really know how to ride a scooter.”

“I’ll teach you.” Scootaloo promised. “Please? It will be so much fun.”

I sighed, “Fine. But, I have a few conditions. One: We both get helmets.” I reached down to pick up her scooter and hoisted it on my shoulder. “Two: We teach each other because you aren’t a pro yet.”

“Deal!” Scootaloo cried before she raced off. “Come on! We have to get home so you can order yours!”

I groaned and trudged after her.

*A year later*

“Are you sure you’re ready?” I asked again.

Scootaloo shot me a dirty look. “If you ask one more time I’m going to slap you.”

I grinned sheepishly, “Sorry.”

She rolled her eyes and stretched out her wings. Today was the day. The day she would fly.

We picked a really big cliff.

“But what if…” I tried.

She glared and raised her hoof threateningly. I let my sentence die.

Scootaloo took a deep breath and started flapping her wings. We had been practicing for a while and had finally picked a day when she would actually do it.

Once she had gained enough momentum she jumped off the cliff. She sunk down a few feet before lifting upwards. The process was slow and obviously taxing from the way she was panting but she was doing it. She was flying.

Really I was more jealous than worried. She was flying and all I could do was sit back and watch.

Still, I felt happy. Happy for her. She got to live her dream. She achieved something she’d wanted for years.

I was proud of her.


Ok, now I was worried. I rushed to the crash site and fell to my knees besides Scootaloo. The filly was giggling like an idiot.

“Scoots?” I asked, totally not panicked, “Are you alright?”

She turned her rolling eyes towards me and beamed. “Of course I’m alright. I just got my cutie mark, sister!”

*Year later*

I quietly opened the door to the apartment, letting the familiarity whip away my melencoly. A familiar voice greeted me. “Hey Kate, did you go on your date?”

I gave a sad smile to Scootaloo, she had grown over the years. No she was almost up to my shoulder. “No, he said he didn’t like me like that.”

Her expectant smile dropped into a sympathetic one. “Aw, I’m sorry. I know how much you like him.”

I shrugged, “I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.” I plopped down on the couch, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be bothering you with this.”

Scoots sat down next to me and lightly punched me in the shoulder. “Hey, don’t talk like that. If it’s bugging you then it’s automatically bothering me.”

I grinned and wrapped her in a hug, much to her displeasure. “I don’t need any guy when I have the best roommate in the world.”

She struggled from my grasp, “Yeah yeah I love you too.”

“You’re more than my friend, you know that right?” I asked, not releasing her. “You’re more like my family.”

Before she could answer a blinding flash of light filled the room and spoke suddenly started pouring from nowhere.

I released Scootaloo and we backed up quickly, ready to bolt at the first sign of trouble. The darkness from years ago had never popped up again but that didn’t mean I should let my guard down. This, however, was light, not darkness like I was expecting, and in a couple seconds we heard something that sounded like coughing.

“Why can’t yer spells be cleaner?” A voice rang out of the smoke that was starting to billow around.

“I told you, dimensional travel is very difficult! Some side effects are inevitable.” Another voice answered.

I looked at Scootaloo, she looked at me. Those voices, they sounded chillingly familiar.

“It doesn’t really matter, Apple Bloom, as long as we got there.”

Suspicions confirmed. The smoke cleared to reveal three ponies standing in my living room. One was a purple alicorn who looked tired and kind of old but who glowed with power so bright it almost blinded me again. The other two were Scoot’s age. A white unicorn with curly hair and a yellow earth pony with a red bow resting on her head.

“No way.” Scootaloo breathed, her eyes wide.

Three pairs of eyes turned towards us. Twilight grinned as soon as she saw me. “Hay, we made it to the right universe!”

Sweetie and Apple Bloom were more concerned about my roommate. “SCOOTALOO!” They cried rushing over to her. Scoots, for her part, backed away from the excited mares.

“Scootaloo,” Sweetie repeated, “You’re here. You’re OK!”

“Ya got yer cutie mark!” Apple Bloom cut in, pointing to the pegasus’s flank.

Scootaloo ignored the two to give me a baffled look. “What is going on?”

“We come to rescue you!” Sweetie said happily.

“Sorry we took so long.” Apple Bloom added, she turned to glare at Twilight. “Somepony couldn’t get the spell right. Fer years.”

Twilight huffed and looked away. “We had other things to worry about. We had to apprehend the thing brought her here so it couldn’t do it to anyone else. Besides, inter-dimensional travel is extremely difficult. You’re lucky I managed it at all.”

Scootaloo started shaking her head. “No. This can’t be happening. You can’t be real you just can’t.”

Everyone present looked confused by this, even me. “Scootaloo.” Sweetie said quietly. “What do you mean we can’t be real?”

“You’re a T.V. show!” Scootaloo practically shouted. “You’re just characters in a show! You aren’t real!”

“Scootaloo,” I said gently, putting my hand on her head. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had backed away at her outburst. “You’re real. Why would you think they aren’t?”

Scootaloo shook her head, there were tears in her eyes. “I...I don’t know. I thought...I thought maybe someone made me or something. I didn’t think...I didn’t want…”

Tears streamed down her face freely now and I instinctively wrapped her in a hug.

“Why…” Apple Bloom spoke up, “Why would you think that? Don’t ya remember us?”

Scootaloo didn’t answer, her head was buried in my chest. I didn’t know if she even heard. I answered Apple Bloom’s question instead. “I found Scootaloo six years ago and she had basically no memories. In this world Equestria,”I nodded my head to the ponies. “and all of you, are on a T.V. show. We know of you, but…” I glanced down at Scootaloo again. She had stopped crying but she wouldn’t remove her face from my chest. “We don’t know you.”

“I don’t want to go.” Scootaloo moaned. “I don’t want to go to a life that I’ve never known.”

“Oh,” Twilight said breezily, “We’ll just have to restore your memories than.”

Scootaloo’s head snapped up. “You can do that?”

Twilight smirked and ruffled her wings. “Alicorn.”

Scootaloo looked at the tree ponies, then at me, then back. “Can you do that before I decide?” She asked.

“What’s there to decide?” Apple Bloom snorted. “Don’t ya want ta go home?”

Scootaloo stared at her. “I don’t know what home is. The only thing I know about Equestria is what Twilight’s been through.” She waved a hoof at the alicorn. “She was the main character. The only thing I know about me is that I hang out with you two.” She glanced down. “And I only know that it happened. Not the feelings behind it.”

Twilight stepped forward. “I think that’s a wise decision, Scootaloo. It’s always good to have all the facts.” She lowered her horn to Scootaloo’s head. “May I?”

Scootaloo nodded and closed her eyes. Twilight’s horn glowed with power for a few minutes before light burst from it and into Scootaloo’s head. She was still for a few moments then slowly opened her eyes.

I had been holding my breath through this entire experience, fearing the worse. I feared that when Scootaloo opened her eyes she would be different. That she wouldn’t remember me, or wouldn’t care about me, or be happier without me.

But when her eyes opened she didn’t look different. She looked like the same Scootaloo I had always known. The same one I had grown to love.

Her eyes settled on Sweetie and Apple Bloom and her smile grew to one of remembrance. “Guys!” She looped them in a hug and started laughing. “Did anyone count how many times we almost killed ourselves?”

The two other fillies hugged her back. “Nah,” Apple Bloom said, “I just know it felt like it when we lost ya.”

Scootaloo pulled back, sorrow filled her eyes. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to do that to you guys. And well,” She licked her lips. “I hope you’ll forgive me if I do it again.”

The two looked at her, baffled. “What do you mean?” Sweetie asked, “Aren’t you coming home?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “I don’t really have a home there. My folks were jerks. I bet they didn’t even care that I went missing. Right, Twilight?”

Twilight coughed and smiled sheepishly, “Well, no. It didn’t take them very long to figure you weren’t coming home and move on with their lives.”

“See? You guys were the best thing about my life but…” She glanced down. “I haven’t seen you in six years. I don’t know if I’d be able to jump back in like nothing happened. Besides,” She glanced over to me and smiled. “I have a family now more than ever.”

I felt like I had been thrown into a cheesy romance novel. Tears were starting to leak into my eyes from all the love I was feeling.

Apple Bloom patted Scootaloo’s back, “I understand, if that’s how ya feel no one can keep ya from yer family.”

“But don’t think this is over yet.” Sweetie warned. “We still have a lot to catch up on.”

Comments ( 6 )

Better than MLD, but it ends without any real resolution.

Not bad. Needs more chapters tho.

Author Interviewer

The show had stopped after about seven seasons very abruptly. There was no big ending just no more new episodes.

Now this is wish fulfillment I can get behind.

So was this a late entry or something? :O Because I reviewed all the Most Dangerous Game stories once upon a time, and this was not among them!

Perhaps the Fates were trying to spare you from having to read one of my worst works

Author Interviewer

At least I know you can do better! :)

And ain't that just the goal of writing right there?

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