• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 493 Views, 3 Comments

Aftermath - FaelaArts

Gilda reflects on her life.

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Chapter 1

Gilda soared through the sky, and sighed, narrowing her eyes as she watched her homeland slowly crawl into view. The sun behind her, it would be sunset by the time she landed. Closing her eyes as a gust of wind blew her higher into the air, Gilda folded her wings, and angled herself downward.

If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new cool friends, someplace else.’ Gilda opened her eyes, flaring her wings and pulling up, corkscrewing into the air once more. Settling into a glide, her down turned beak clenched down hard. Gilda flapped, sending her flying forward at top speed.

“Yeah, new friends,” she muttered, slowing back down to a glide once more. As the mountains got closer, more and more buildings came into view. The top of the buildings looked like a nest, however most Gryphons lived inside their nests. Gilda was not one of them. Behind her, the sun set just as she curled around the mountain, coming down to land on one of the nests.

Smaller than any of the others, and very poorly made, Gilda’s nest would not win any awards. In fact, it didn’t even have an inside to speak of, forcing Gilda to live only on the necessities due to the lack of security. Walking in a circle a few times, Gilda clawed the ground, and laid down, closing her eyes as she tried to put all thoughts of her friend out of the mind.

“Sssh, she’ll hear you.” Gilda heard the sound of hushed voices, trying to stifle their laughter. Raising her head, she flared her wings as a rotten fish was thrown at her. Gryphons live along the coast of a land to the east of Equestria. The rotten fish flopped, coming to a stop on Gilda’s beak as she looked to the three Gryphons.

“Look at that, Gilda can afford clothes! Maybe she’s not a loser after all.” This gryphon was almost pitch black, piercing red eyes glaring down at Gilda as a gray beak smirked, jerring down. Leaning on him was a female Gryphon, slim and slender, much smaller than Gilda, and covered in a spotted snow pelt.

“Yeah! After all something that rotten goes well with your feathers. Look at them, you obviously don’t pay as much attention to your looks as we do.” The final Gryphon was gray in color, and yet shimmering silver in the light. At night she looked mysterious, at day glorious. Gilda knew all three by name, and out of all of them, the silver one called Gnalia was the most prideful of the bunch.

“Very funny guys,” replied Gilda, tossing the rotten fish to the seagulls. The male Gryphon, called Tront, snorted, and glanced to the others. The snowy Gryphon pulled out a bucket, and tossed the rest of the rotten fish onto Gilda’s nest. Gilda looked at the opal white eyes of Ulysses, blind from birth, and sighed as she began to talk.

“Have some more, we know someone who sucks at life like you deserves some sort of present after your trip to see the namby pamby ponies. After all, we can’t let you feel like we’d forget to give them gifts should your bring a friend around.” Ulysses raised her head to the sky, and laughed. Tront and Ulysses were both children of the ruler of the Gryphons, and so were gifted with everything they desired.

Sadly, that included being able to boss around lower Gryphons. And as such, Gilda couldn’t touch a hair on their heads.

“Heh, ehe…” Gilda decided not to say anything, scratching the back of her head as she forced herself to smile. The three shared a glance, and turned.

“Let’s go, we can’t be seen hanging around with the trash can too long.” Gnalia led the way, appointed to guard the two. They had been classmates once upon a time, but while Gilda had barely scraped by combat class, Gnalia hadn’t even broken a sweat, even against the teacher. Gilda stood up, slowly tossing the rotten fish toward the ocean. Sitting down, she closed her eyes and clenched her fists.

Come on Gilda, just two more years of this trash and you can finish your service to the crown. And then, finally, you can be free.’ Gilda opened her eyes and looked toward the night sky. Wincing, she looked away as she realised the stars were making a very familiar shape. Growling, she closed her eyes and stomped back into her nest, preparing to sleep.

Don’t think about her. Don’t think about them. Don’t think about how you were forced to go to a pony school because you angered the King. Think about how in two years you will be able to leave this rathole, and fly off to the unknown. That’s it, focus on that.’ Gilda rolled onto her back, and opened her eyes, mouth downturned as she sighed.

“But where will I go?”

“Gilda, wake up.” Opening her eyes, Gilda was greeted with a scruffy owl-eyed Gryphon by the name of Cross. Cross stepped back as Gilda stood up, and held out a rolled up parchment. Gilda took it and opened it, not giving Cross a second glance as he flew off. The day had already started hours ago.

“Gilda, your next assignment is ready. I will not tolerate disobedience. Get here yesterday or I will clip your wing and toss you in the ocean. Jeez, smell the love from our leader.” Gilda tossed the scroll up, and swallowed it with a single gulp. Flaring her wings, she jumped into the air, and flew toward the highest nest, and also the largest.

Landing, Gilda bowed low to the guards as she passed, entering the King’s nest quickly, and approaching the throne. Cold, calculating eyes met hers for a moment, before Gilda bowed low, sending her eyes into the ground. The King was the darkest Gryphon born to the land in history, and he painted himself in red to help his feathers stand out as he flared his wings before those who entered.

“Gilda, daughter of Forzan. You who was foolish enough to challenge the royal family not once, but twice are two years away from earning your freedom. Know this; if you try to flee again, even for as short a leave as this, I will send the Golden Claws after you. The head of which, you know as the guardian of my children.” The King paused, golden eyes watching Gilda with malice. Gilda said nothing, bowing slightly lower.

“However, an issue has arisen between the Equestrians and my kingdom, for which your connections will prove most useful. As such, I am willing to knock off the remaining two years, if you so happen to complete the task.” The King folded his wings as he leaned forward, bringing his claws together. Gilda glanced upward, before returning her eyes to the ground.

“These Equestrians have this item called the Elements of Harmony, and it is going to become a threat to us eventually. You would not have heard this as of yet, due to your return journey taking the long route, but they have already defeated many foes. One of these, being Discord.” The King leaned back, and let his claws rest on the arm-rests.

“Eliminate this item. You may rise, and speak.” The King waited as Gilda rose, and slowly raised her eyes to meet his. Gilda bowed once, and spoke slowly.

“What resources am I being given to tackle this endeavor?” Gilda remembered Rainbow Dash mentioning something about this item. Gilda silently cursed the fact she hadn’t been paying attention due to a certain pink menace when Rainbow Dash had been talking about it. The King motioned toward Cross, who came forward, holding a notebook in one claw. Beside him stood Gnalia, sneering down at Gilda.

“Scribe Cross will accompany you, and fill you in on all information as you fly. I will also be sending Knight Gnalia to ensure you do not...deviate. I expect you have no objections to this arrangement?” The King raised an arm, as if asking if Gilda did. Gilda bowed once more. No, you did not object to the King, no matter the fact it would mean going back to Equestria.

“Very good. Scribe Cross has an introduction letter to go to the royal Monarch, a Princess Celestia. Rumors say she now has her sister working alongside her, but that changes nothing of our goal. If that is all, please go and prepare for the trip to Equestria. And do not take the long route there this time.” The King flared his wings, and Gilda bowed once more, turning to leave. Behind her, Cross and Gnalia did the same.

’Canterlot. If I do this right I won’t have to even see her. That’s good. It would complicate my mission, my chance to finally be free.’ Gilda smiled despite the circumstances. The mistakes of her past would finally be remedied, despite the chilly company. All it required was the destruction of some silly trinkets.

All in all, an easy mission.

Comments ( 3 )

The idea behind this story is pretty good, but everything happens a little too fast for my tastes. In just 1,543 words, Gilda flies home, gets bullied by her fellow griffins, and is given a mission by the king. In this time, you also establish that pretty much everyone hates her. That's pretty fast. It's not good to drag things on, but it's also not good to do things too quickly. The events and characters don't feel as natural as they should be. Flesh things out. This story has potential, I know it does.

Ah. Nice way to flesh out where Gilda lives, and the type of society in which she lives. Now she has a bit of a Babs Seed-vibe going on, having clearly come from a hard life.

I can't wait to see where this goes!

Cool, i would enjoy reading more.

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