• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 1,826 Views, 25 Comments

The Next Best Thing - wingbeats

Rainbow Dash and Applejack can't seem to confess their feelings for each other. So, what happens when they attempt to get the next best thing?

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Chapter 7

Author's Note:

The song lyrics presented in his piece is based on "Earth Angel", by the Penguins, with a small alteration. No copyright infringement intended.

There was a big turn out at Ponyville's Annual Hearts and Hooves Day Hoedown, as one would expect. Ponies were dressed more formally than Applejack had expected, but she didn't mind. The couples all started dancing to Fiddlestick's piece, while the single ponies in the crowd started mingling. Fiddlesticks and DJ Pon-3 combined their efforts, as they created a country music dubstep remix together. This gained a hearty cheer from the audience as the dancing became more wild, but nothing that couldn't be contained.

When the music started to die down, Applejack got a clearer picture of where all her friends were. Rarity and Spike were at the photo booth, set up at the corner of the barn. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich were stuffing themselves to their hearts content at the dessert table. Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy were slow-dancing alongside Flash Sentry and Twilight. But she couldn't find Rainbow Dash and Apple Cobbler anywhere.

"You're a great dancer, Applejack" said Prism Glider, as he twirled her around.

Applejack almost forgot she was dancing with him. "Ya ain't too bad yerself, Sugarcube. Ah'm plum tuckered out though. Would y'all like ta join me for some cider?"

Prism Glider didn't need to be asked twice. "Well, what are we waiting for?" He grabbed Applejack's hoof and guided her towards the table containing cider. However, he accidentally bumped into another mare with the same coloured coat as him.

"Hey! Watch it!" Rainbow Dash said, before turning around. "Oh hey Prism Glider....."

Applejack was thrilled to see her best friend. Though her counterpart was not thrilled to see her date.

"Prism Glider?" Apple Cobbler said, stunned.

"Apple Cobbler?" Prism Glider said, doing a double-take with his cider. "What are YOU doing here?"

"What am AH doin' here? What 'bout you?!" Apple Cobbler countered.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanged confused looks, then glanced back at their dates. Then it clicked. They were exes.

"I'm here with Applejack!" huffed Prism.

"Well Ah'm here with Rainbow Dash!" Apple Cobbler huffed back.

"Oh and I wonder why that is?"

"Ah don't follow?" said Apple Cobbler angrily.

"I guess you're still hung up on me so you found some pony that looks exactly like me!"

"Ah could say the same thing 'bout you! Cousin Applejack looks exactly like me. She's practically ma twin." Apple cobbler stated.

"Nuh-uh. You're just jealous" Prism finally said.

"Me? You're the one whose jealous because ma date is a better you than you!" Apple Cobbler opposed.

"You know it! Up top!" Rainbow Dash offered a hoof up to her date, only to have an apple thrown at her head. "Ow!"

"Ya ain't helpin' Dash!" Applejack said firmly, with another apple in her hoof. "Now both of ya, listen here."

Prism Glider and Apple Cobbler turned to listen to the hostess of the event.

"Y'all have been bickerin' fer the past few minutes n' ah'm tired of it. Don't ya see what ya both are doin'?". Applejack asked.

Both the cyan stallion and her cousin shook their heads. Even Rainbow Dash gave Applejack the "what the hay" look. Applejack sighed briefly.

"Now y'all know why ya asked us to be yer dates."

"Uhh I never asked. You did." Prism glider pointed out. Apple Cobbler nodded in agreement.

"But ya didn't say no, didya?" Applejack clarified. The two ponies looked at each other sheepishly.

"That's ma point. Ya didn't say no. Now ah reckon it's not 'cause ya fell in love with me and Rainbow at first sight, but it's 'cause we reminded you of each other. Let's face it. We all look alike. And ya thought maybe if ya got the next best thing, it wouldn't be half bad. Am ah right?" Applejack explained.

Again, the two ponies nodded, knowing Applejack was right, but Applejack continued.

"But it is. Ah reckon y'all still have feelins for each other. It's like....yer lying to yourselves if y'all don't think so. Like ah said, why else would ya say yes? Now ah don't know what made ya break up in the first place n' it ain't any of ma business. All Ah know is that ya two still like each other n' maybe y'all should give it another chance." Applejack concluded, hoping the two ponies would take her advice.

There was a long silence between the small group of ponies that were involved. Applejack hoped it wasn't a lost cause.

Prism Glider looked at Apple Cobbler with now hopeful eyes. "I'm sorry Apple Cobbler. I guess I didn't realize I still wanted you and so I started seeing Applejack. Well, not seeing but you know what I mean. I hope you forgive me and if it's alright, I hope you give me another chance."

"Ah'm mighty sorry too, Prism. Ah reckon Ah didn't realize it either until cousin Applejack explained it all. Ah want this ta work out too n' ah forgive ya. Will y'all forgive me too?" Apple Cobbler admitted.

Prism nuzzled Apple Cobbler's cheek, as a signal that all was forgiven. Then, he remembered the mare standing before them. "Wait? What about you Applejack? You don't have a date now."

"It's ok" said Applejack. "Ah figure ah've been harbourin' the same feelins as y'all have been fer a certain rainbow pegasus."

"I couldn't have said it better myself Applejack." Princess Cadence stepped forward, with Shining Armour at her side. Every pony surrounding them at the time, instantly bowed before the princess, including Applejack. "You certainly have love all figured out Applejack. Your reasoning skills are very impressive." complimented Princess Cadence.

"Aww Shucks princess. It wasn't that impressi-"

"Twilie!" Shining Armour shouted, as he saw his younger sister. "B.B.B.F.F!" Twilight called out. They hugged as soon as they were in close proximity to each other. "At ease soldier!" Shining Armour said as he eyed Flash Sentry, who stood up straight and poised at the command.

However, Applejack noticed that Rainbow had disappeared. She scanned the room, trying to see where Rainbow had gone to, but had no luck. "Um Princess Cadence. Did y'all see where Rainbow went?" Applejack asked with a longing in her eyes.

Just before Princess Cadence could answer, the lights went dark in the barn with only a few candles flickering.

What in tarnation? As the hostess, Applejack panicked and tried to find a light source.

Suddenly, a bright, blinding spotlight shone on the stage and standing there was, the one and only, Rainbow Dash.

What in Sam Hill is she doin'? Applejack thought.

"Uh hey every pony. What's happening?" Rainbow Dash spout out nervously.

The room was dead silent, so much so, that the crickets were heard from outside. Rainbow Dash was never the shy type though.

"Now, I know what you're all thinking. What is the amazing and awesome Rainbow Dash, doing up here on stage?"

No doubt many ponies rolled their eyes at Rainbow Dash. "Well, as it might come as a shocker to every pony, I think there's another more awesome pony here in the crowd tonight. Now, I'm usually NOT one for being all mushy. Frankly, I don't care much for all that lovey-dovey, cutesy wootsie stuff. No offense Princess Cadence."

"None taken!" Princess Cadence replied, playing along. This brought a laugh to all muzzles as Rainbow continued.

"Buuuut I do care about this pony...a lot." This brought the sound of "awww's" from the audience. "Hey stop it you guys!" Rainbow Dash said, with a small hint of a blush on her face. This brought forth another laugh from the audience.

"So, umm this song is dedicated to her and all the other ponies out there. Especially if you're an earth pony." All the earth ponies in the room cheered.

Rainbow Dash was going to do what no other pony had done before. She was going to sing a song meant for Earth ponies. This action itself could have been seen as denial of her pegasi upbringing, but she didn't care.

She couldn't deny that she had fallen in love with her best friend, the Element of Honesty herself.

Fiddlesticks started out with the intro, while DJ Pon-3 added the beat for control. Then, the cyan pegasus sang into the microphone.

"Earth pony. Earth pony! Will you be mine? My darling dear, Love you all the time. Ohh-waooh I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you."

If there was one moment where Applejack truly fell in love with Rainbow Dash, this was it. Her heart truly belonged to the singing pegasus.

"Earth pony! Earth pony! The one I adore. Love you forever. Forevermore. Oh-waohh I'm just a fool. A fool in love with you."

"Yay Rainbow Dash! Wohooo!" Derpy said, as she fell to the ground.

Every pony cheered and stomped their hooves for the singing pegasus. Every mare's heart probably melted at the heartfelt lyrics of the song. Applejack swear she had seen Rarity wipe away a tear. Roses were thrown her way as Rainbow kept singing.

"Oh..I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you.."

As the song ended, every pony praised Rainbow Dash for her talent. No one knew she could sing so well. But she had, for one pony. Rainbow flew off stage and landed near in front of the mare of her dreams. She eyed Applejack's face and she knew she had stolen her heart.

The light in the room seemed to dim down even more as DJ Pon-3 made an announcement. "Alright all you love birds out there! I'm gonna tune things down a bit. If you wanna slow dance with some pony, come on down to the dancefloor and show me what ya got!"

The music started to play as all the couples positioned themselves. Flash Sentry and Twilight, Princess Cadence and Shining Armour, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps, Rarity and Spike, Big Mac and Cheerilee, Apple Cobbler and Prism Glider, Lyra and Bon Bon were amongst the few couples in the crowd.

"Soo...." Rainbow Dash said, rubbing her hoof on the back of her head, disheveling her mane.

"Soo..." Applejack repeated almost as awkwardly as Rainbow did.

"Oh ponyfeathers! Do you wanna dance AJ?" Rainbow finally blurted out.

"Ah sure do Sugarcube."

With that said, Rainbow swooped Applejack into her arms as Applejack held onto her date tightly, letting her front forehooves wrap around Rainbow's neck. She let Rainbow lead her into the dance, as they simply stepped forward and backwards.

"Y'all are a great dancer. And ya sing. Ah never knew pegasi were such great singers. Yer jes full of surprises aren't ya Sugarcube?" Applejack smirked at Rainbow.

"Well Duh! Gotta keep things interesting!" Rainbow said, as if it were the most obvious thing. "You probably have to fight them off me now."

Applejack chuckled.

"Well ah have ta admit Rainbow....Ah'm glad now that yer ma date."

"Y-you are? But what about..."

"Now Ah haveta admit...Ah did get a bit jealous that y'all were spending so much time with Apple Cobbler."

"Really? Well I-I thought you were trying to replace me with Prism Glider." Rainbow let out.

Rainbow then felt Applejack's hoof caress her face gently. Applejack then nuzzled her cheek and whispered in her ear,

"No one could ever replace you Rainbow".

Rainbow's face was burning with a crimson colour, as she tried avoiding eye contact with Applejack. Applejack just laughed at the rosy-cheeked pegasus before her.

"That look suits ya, Sugarcube" Applejack joked.

"Sh-Shut up!" Rainbow tried shaking her head to get the redness to ebb away. It didn't help.

It's time to kiss her. Rainbow's devilish conscience said.

No! You have to tell her your feelings first. Rainbow's angelic side told her.


"Yes Rainbow?"

Angelic side wins.

"Applejack, I really like-"

Her words were disrupted by Applejack's warm lips against hers.

This feels so...so right. So good. Rainbow pressed her lips more passionately onto Applejack's, as if she were trying to both preserve and prolong this single moment in time.

When Applejack finally broke the kiss, she finished Dash's revelation. "Ah like you too Rainbow Dash. More than a friend."

Rainbow Dash smiled. "Applejack, will you be my special somepony?"

"Ah thought ya would never ask, Sugarcube."

Rainbow Dash hugged her new marefriend, never wanting to let go. Awesome.

The Apple Family was right. It was a night no pony would ever forget.

"Ha! Looks like me and Fluttershy won the bet" Spike cheered, as he nodded towards Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "Now time to pay up Rar-" Spike's eyes widened. Rarity smooched the baby dragon for ten long seconds, before wiping her lips. "That good enough for you Spikey Wikey?"

Rarity didn't need to hear an answer to know that it was.

Spike didn't answer. He was on cloud nine.

Comments ( 11 )

Spike on Cloud Nine

Thank you for all the faves. I know I haven't gotten back to all of you but I really do appreciate it. I had originally wrote it just for myself and was contemplating whether to put it up but I'm glad some of you enjoyed it. Also, sorry if the pacing is a bit quick and grammar isn't the best.

"That's ma point. Ya didn't say no. Now ah reckon it's not 'cause ya fell in love with me and Rainbow at first sight, but it's 'cause we reminded you of each other. Let's face it. We all look alike. And ya thought maybe if ya got the next best thing, it wouldn't be half bad. Am ah right?" Applejack explained"... Does all this (and the whole conversation) counts as AJ confession?:rainbowhuh:

If not, in what moment AJ spill the beans??? :applejackunsure: I'm kind of lost here.:trixieshiftright: Great story by the way!:twilightblush:

By confession, I meant which one said "I like you" to the other first. Coupled with the fact that Applejack had said "I've been harbouring feelings for a certain rainbow Pegasus" was my hint that Applejack was going to confess first. Although Rainbow Dash was about to confess, Applejack cut her off, thus revealing her feelings first. Sorry if that was a bit unclear.

5307389 Thanks a lot!
That makes sense!

Haha, such a cute little story. 'Buck' them 9 haters, this was good, the pacing and grammar wasn't too bad either nice job!


A really interesting idea, gotta give you that. Quite a few typos and other mistakes here and there, though. I actually never pictured Rainbow, of all ponies, as a good songstress. Her cracking voice just seems to be way to... unstable to sing in a controlled, serious way.
It was rather obvious where this whole thing would went - nothing wrong about that, mind you, I just wished there would've been more exposition, more closure for their dates and their reconciliation.

An entertaining, nice little piece of fluff.

Thank you.

5956040 Thanks for the critique. And yea, being my first story and looking back to it now, I felt like it was really predictable. I'm not sure I improved or not but I sure hope I did. And like I said, my thanks should go to you for taking the time to read and helping me to improve.

I don't usually read AppleDash though I support the group. But this, absolutely amazing!

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