• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 511 Views, 2 Comments

Carpopetri - TimeRarity64

Through the eyes of a king who did it for the one he loved, Sombra's final sane moments is given too late and so his reasons for his doings dies with him.

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In The Blink of An Eye; None Saw It Coming

Report# 34

So it slowly begins to grow…the darkness that resides in me I once thought I fought away. The symptoms are making their way up faster than I had calculated and the chains I wear are becoming quite sturdy and rusty. It will be a while before they break and He comes out. Rose…I know you hate it when I am like this, most time talking to myself than to you, and most of the time keeping my head in the clouds and not down towards you. But in time, you will do just fine without me. Perhaps you can free too from your chains.

Right now I can just picture you finding a better stallion than me, starting up a family, and for the next hundreds or thousands of years, your grandchildren will become quite famous. Anypony after all from the crystal kingdom are automatically royal in other kingdoms, so it would not surprise me less if that happened…when it happens. I may not be here much longer as I’ve anticipated, but at least I can leave behind something of value to you, right? To tell you that you made me the happiest stallion any could ever ask for. You were there for me…and…so I want to be there for you before everything I worked for ends.

The symptoms to this problem never had I imagined would grow stronger than it had originally formed. With the chains, everything is held back, and the possible way to find a cure to this ailment would benefit everypony greatly. I just need time…and patience. I know it is hard and already twenty ponies lost themselves to the symptom. The Carpopetri has become viciously deadly now, to the point making sure this kingdom is not bordered with other nations, along with keeping foreigners out, we cannot allow other ponies to be infected like us.

I will find a cure. For you…


Rose…the symptoms have advanced again and this time five test subjects had to be put down. That damn general, he is lucky I need him to keep the guards together, or we will lose this kingdom in seconds by this disease. I needed them alive, they were possibly our hope for a cure, but just because one lost his mind, that general ordered they all be killed. What in the name of Geb is wrong with him? Does he not listen to a single word I say and uses my safety as an excuse? I needed them alive…

I was so close, Rose…so close. I felt it.

Report#38-45 (Damaged beyond repair)


I did not know…I swear I did not…but the symptom has become so strong that even my own chains could not sustain its strength. The general…he was already long gone and I had no choice but to kill him. He couldn’t be saved, Rose…not even his loyal guards. I not only took the life of a great soldier, but also my friend. He was my best assistant, we stuck together till the end. Even upon the day, my mother was gone, we did our best. We did whatever we could to survive…and so…he was gone.

Rose…I’m trapped here…the stairs won’t end…and the mirror is simply just reminding me of what could have been and should not be…I’m afraid…the symptom…the disease…what will become of me…what will become of you?

I must not stop now…I have so much work to do. I have to find a cure…no matter what. Rose…I love you.

Report#47-50 (Damaged beyond repair)

How long has it been? Hmm, since my work has been progressing slowly but smoothly, I have picked up some subjects that I managed to keep hold. None are strong enough against my magic, gladly, but most of all I am able to experiment further and take even more samples of their blood. Blood and Dark magic work together quite nicely, as long as you don’t use it too much that may cloud your mind. I remember…there was stallion when I was very, very young that told me something…something about ponies that it all involved their mind and perception with reality.

This disease would most likely be nothing but our perception in reality…right? What if we were believed to think this was some disease and somewhere in our minds triggered a system of violent behavior where ponies would think they are not themselves and must hurt others in belief in that is what the disease would do to you. Perhaps I am on to something, Rose…something beyond my reach, but possibly enough to figure out a cure faster than I can imagine.


Nothing was enough for him. He kept eating and eating, devouring meal upon meal. It was unhealthy of him to do so, yes, but the strangest thing about it was…he did not care what was on the plate, he just ate it. So I…forgive me…I fed him flesh from a killed polar bear, and he ate it. He saw the meat and still ate it. He seemed glutinous in my eyes, but then came an idea…



But nonetheless interesting to see. I fed him pony flesh and he still ate it, fully aware of what he was eating. Has this disease robbed the nature of morality and common sense, to a ravenous grotesque animal? He was no cannibal, Rose, no…he was as if some kind of animal that only hunt or devour whatever prey he could find out of starvation. It was…beautiful.

Report# 52

I paid closer attention to the others and how they acted towards each other closely…and was given results most satisfying. They were cooperative, following my movements and paying close attention to my every move as I roamed around the magical bubble that sealed them off from being free. Strange…how come they were so calm around each other, but when they see ponies not like them, they become violent. Has this disease proven something else…is this really a disease…?

Or perhaps…a curse?

Report#53-67 (Damaged beyond repair)

Report#68 (Damaged)

It’s so…beautiful…Rose………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..so…………………………………………………………………….fantastic……………………………………………………….I……………………………………………am feeling myself…….slip……awa----


I understand now…it made a whole lot of sense…this was no disease…Rose…this was no curse…this was an infection. A virus…they did it to us…those visitors…the white and blue one…they did this to us. Now they want to end us…but Rose…I cannot allow it.

I feel it…I feel it Rose…the cure…I feel so close to it.

Now they want to take it away, me away, and you…but I cannot allow it.

I cannot allow the cure to be gone…


My chains are off…I have become one with them…the Infected. Now…I am free…I am free and able to do one thing…obtain the Heart of this Kingdom and become one with it. Rose…it is the only way…I can protect you…it is the only way I can save you…

Report# 71

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Rose…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I love you.

End of Reports

Celestia and Luna remained quiet in their throne room, looking at one another calmly before levitating the multiple scrolls they have obtained from the Crystal Kingdom in the air.

“Sister…should we really keep this a secret…it was our fault after all?” Luna asked, looking at her with a worried expression as the painful depth of guilt shadowed over her. But her sister shown little of it, almost as if this was simply nothing to her.

“If we wish to hold our positions here, we must. But most of all…it was an experiment. It was either us or they, we had no choice but to ensure the Spell-Virus took over the Crystal Kingdom, that way, Sombra would make a cure and we will obtain it.” Celestia stated as guard approached with a torch lighted in hoof.

“But was it right…was this truly something we were justified with?” Luna asked.

“No…but as he would choose his lover over his kingdom, I choose you over his.” She stated and with a single movement, the guard set the scrolls on fire, destroying the evidence of their devious ploy behind the Crystal Kingdom’s dark secret. “The ponies that remain in Crystal Kingdom are all cured thanks to him after all…but their memories in what happened will remain in the way we shaped them to be…for the greater good.”

“For the…greater…” Luna cast a gloomy look at the fire that was still incinerating the scrolls, eating away at their very existence. “Good.”


Comments ( 2 )

Your choice of words and grammar... :pinkiesick:

5117049 My intentions were to ensure that not even Sombra was intelligent enough fo figure out the problem. The point of this was experimental really. Truly to figure what could be rewritten and what could of happen and be done. Sadly, no pony here thought of commenting really to give their own personal perspective which was part of the plan. But I am not discouraged nonetheless. Consider this an freestyle essay.

Be the student and I as your teacher will want you to correct this and tell me as much as you can about the story. Likes and dislikes mean little at the moment but understanding how things could be written and rewritten is.

Though I do admit I should at least alert readers this, but what would you call an experiment if others you're experimenting on to share how great literature can be and how helpful can be in applying their own knowledge and grammatical correcting methods to know this. A Hawthorn Effect! :raritywink:

I only wish that readers understand I was only seeking people to correct the grammar, or correct theirs, in order to establish a level of cooperation and kindness, where people would take what they have learn and apply it to their own work. We have editors and need editors right? :heart: Let's be editors and help out this particular project.

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