• Published 17th May 2014
  • 13,160 Views, 307 Comments

Change is Good - AdmiralTigerclaw

After the events of A Canterlot Wedding, Queen Chrysalis finds herself in an alien form, in an alien world. Stripped of her powers and at the mercy of one of the locals, she soon learns there is more to life than conquest and domination.

  • ...

What The Buzz is all about...

It is said that you should be careful what you wish for. Especially around objects of world-altering magical power. Most people might think that part a bit hokey, but you often have to remember that in a good portion of human mythology, magical objects were presented as having a bit of a mind of their own.

“Ms. Stonewall! Wait up!”

“We are already late, Crystal. Keep up of your own accord.”

It's really the same story when you boil it down. Told over and over again. Magic does what it wants to, and sometimes it can be vindictive. Other times, instructive.

Maybe it's a constant of the universe, maybe it isn't. But even across the void, passing the wall beyond time and space, bridging the realms of the mind and the soul, the lesson plays itself eternally even to creatures so familiar, yet so alien to us.

“It's not that easy ditching my parents and you know that!”

Even here, as a rust-colored pony mare no higher than the average man's stomach abruptly stopped to turn to her mustard-yellow friend, the after effects of such a lesson still echo.

“I'm well aware of how hard it is to get rid of those two when they don't want to be gotten rid-of.”

Lady Stonewall, part of the Canterlot city council, earth pony, and director of city services outside of the royal palace adjusted her spectacles with a disapproving frown etched in her features.

“I'm also aware of how quickly you can get away from them,” she admonished. “And unless you're going for a record in how SLOW you can manage it, I'd say you've been slacking as of late.”

Stonewall's friend, a panting, exhausted looking unicorn by the name of Crystal Clear, scowled in response to the city administrator even as the older mare allowed just the slightest hint of a teasing smirk to cross her features.

“It's not my fault they were extra-snobby,” she retorted with a toss of her mane to get a few dark gray locks out of her eyes. “They just HAD to make a scene...”

“Indeed,” Lady Stonewall allowed her features to dry up for a moment. Crystal Clear, in her opinion was growing up to be quite the outstanding young unicorn. Contrary to popular opinion, it turns out that growing up the daughter of two of the most self-entitled unicorns in Canterlot does not necessarily a spoiled child make. If anything, Crystal's constant exposure and subsequent disgust with her parents' behavior made her quite the generous and caring individual. The young girl had even made quite the positive impression on Fancy Pants, THE name to know short of royalty itself.

Of course, such good impressions didn't always work out as well as the administrator would like. If anything, the young girl's actions and her own pocket of 'fame' only made her parents' behavior worse. They treated her like some kind of prize show pony, heaping praise after praise on their 'little sweetie' while parading her before other members of the Canterlot Elite. Indeed, Crystal Clear had not been exaggerating when she'd mentioned the difficulty in escaping her parents. It was most unfortunate that Stonewall had to do so, but it wasn't exactly easy to present Crystal with an invitation to the grand opening of The Buzz without dragging both Jet Set and Upper Crust along for the ride.

Looking around, Lady Stonewall hid her thoughts with a mask of administrative coolness tempered from years of city service. Maybe, just maybe this trip would teach the two not to jump into other ponies' business considering the staff.

The Buzz was Equestria's newest tropical resort hotel. And it was aptly named. Only a dozen trots away, a changeling, an actual, honest to Celestia changeling, stood by idly. Its wings fanning slowly to keep it cool as it stood guard next to a rope gate. It was but one of many. The hotel was literally abuzz with them drifting back and forth like a swarm of tropical mosquitoes, thus lending credit to the name.

According to sources, the idea belonged to Fancy Pants himself, along with some kind of super smart changeling she'd yet to see. A lot had happened in a very short amount of time. Only a year and a half ago Canterlot was being ransacked by the very creatures standing around fanning themselves in the evening heat. Now, suddenly they were being declared friendly, and a huge joint project between changelings and ponies was being constructed with astounding speed.

If it hadn't come from Celestia's mouth herself, Lady Stonewall wouldn't have believed it. Yet, here she was, standing at the V.I.P. entrance of The Buzz, a tropical resort hotel the size of a small town, operated almost entirely by changelings.

The very fact sent a shiver down the administrator's spine. The Canterlot invasion was something she'd never forget. Hundreds of buzzing, hissing, rampaging changelings terrorizing citizens left, right, and center. And right in the middle of it all, she had stood with Crystal Clear, a few guards, and a Wonderbolt desperately holding up against their numbers with everything they had.

Lady Stonewall half expected the changeling at the gate to turn and hiss at her, maybe spew that sticky green goo and cement her hooves in place before trussing her up in a disgusting cocoon and hanging her upside down somewhere.

But such apprehensions were unfounded. Even as she made eye-contact, the changeling- which happened to be wearing a trimmed down one-piece suit -nodded politely to her and with a glow of green magic, unhooked the rope to let her pass.

“Good evening madam,” it spoke in a buzzing tone that made the administrator's teeth vibrate. If she hadn't had years of experience keeping her calm while under stress, Stonewall would have given quite the start. Still didn't stop the involuntary chill from shooting down her spine though.

Of course, decorum demanded a response to a polite greeting. And as much as every instinct in her body screamed for her to turn tail and gallop as far away from those razor-sharp fangs and luminescent blue eyes as possible, Lady Stonewall was better than that. She'd faced hundreds destroying her city, she could handle one in a suit being cordial.

“Good...” she began, catching only a slight pause to swallow her anxiety. “...evening. Err...”

“Sir works,” the changeling's tone seemed almost mirthful if she didn't know any better. “We've been getting that from a lot of ponies so we're used to it. If it helps. Changeling females are taller and have more pronounced muzzles.”

Lady Stonewall really did give a start at this point. The entire collective history of her conversations with changelings up to this point had consisted almost entirely of the words 'grrr' and 'hiss' followed by hind hooves being liberally applied to shape-shifting muzzle. To hear an entire coherent statement from one like this... Well, 'off-balance' was one way to put it.

“We get that look too,” it- he continued. “Never gets old. Anyway, you're expected up on the terrace. Just take the stairs on the right and follow the torches. Our queen will receive you there.”

Lady Stonewall worked her mouth for a moment, trying to find a polite response.

“Oh... Uh, thank you.” she finally responded.

“Of course,” the changeling nodded.

Turning, Lady Stonewall made her way towards the steps the changeling had indicated. Behind her, Crystal Clear made to follow, stopping for a moment to look the changeling in the suit over closely. After a moment, the younger mare tilted her head to one side.

“Have we met?” she asked in a suspicious tone.

The changeling's ears folded flat against his head, but said nothing as he threw up an impish smile. Crystal let a roguish smile of her own cross her features at the response.

“Nah,” she continued after a moment. “All the changelings I met are deaf now...”

“Miss Clear!” Stonewall's voice called.

“Coming!” Crystal returned at a volume just slightly above normal for a pony her age. The changeling flinching as if expecting to be bucked over the rail. Crystal ignored it, settling on a quick trot to catch up with the older mare.

Lady Stonewall regarded her with a look of impatience as she caught up but otherwise said nothing. The two worked their way up a zig-zagging shallow set of steps for a minute before Crystal spoke again.

“I think that one was in the invasion,” she commented idly.

“They were ALL in the invasion,” Stonewall replied. “They move as a group after all.”

“Yeah,” Crystal continued. “But I think that was one of the ones attacking us.”

Lady Stonewall stopped, giving Crystal a glance.

“What makes you say that?” she asked.

“He ducked when I shouted at you,” the unicorn replied. “Nopony ducks like that unless they've heard me before.”

“I suppose it's possible,” the administrator replied. “There were hundreds attacking us in Canterlot. Between your voice projection and Stormcrow's lightning bolts, we handled far more drones than most of the guard itself.”

“Warriors, not drones.”

Both mares jumped at the larger, heavily modulated tone that seemed to come from above them. There on the next flight of stairs going back the other way was another changeling. This one larger than the previous, and sporting a pair of sunglasses on its face. After a moment, the two remembered what the previous changeling had said and recognized this one was female.

“I-I beg your pardon?” Lady stonewall managed to stutter.

“Warriors,” the changeling female stated curtly. “Drones don't fight if they can help it. Not to mention they're rather scarce. You must be Lady Stonewall of Canterlot.”

The city administrator blinked in silence. The changeling above her just continued to stare for a moment before finally opening her mouth again.

“Well?” she asked. Lady Stonewall suddenly realized she was being rather rude and promptly faked a cough before speaking.

“I'm sorry,” she began after a moment. “I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. You are?”

The changeling female leaned back a bit, using a hoof to push her sunglasses away from her eyes, revealing a pair of lime green pupils instead of the crystal blue glaze that was so common.

“Really?” she asked. “I'm two sizes larger than every other changeling, know who you are, and have pheromone glands on my head that look like a crown. Did Celestia even bother to describe me?”

Lady Stonewall's face contorted in embarrassment as it suddenly clicked into place. However, before she could speak, Crystal Clear beat her to the punch.

“Wait! YOU'RE Queen Chrysalis!?” the unicorn pointed. Instantly, the changeling smirked, leaning against the rail to look down on them. After a moment, Crystal frowned.

“You look better than I imagined.”

“Crystal!” Lady Stonewall shot the unicorn a scandalous look and failed to notice the changeling queen giggling. “That's not how you speak to royalty!”

Without missing a beat, Lady Stonewall immediately spun back to face the queen smirking above them and made several stuttering attempts to apologize before that smirk fell off to a look of annoyance.

“Save it,” Chrysalis snapped after a moment before closing her eyes with a sigh. “I used to love watching ponies grovel, but these days all it does is waste my time. Pick your dignity up off the ground before you get it dirty and come on up here. And don't dawdle.”

And with that, the queen spun away from the rail and trotted off, leaving Lady Stonewall to collect her wits while Crystal looked on with a wry smirk.

“Wow,” the younger mare commented once she was certain the changeling was out of ear-shot. “She's worse than you are.”

The administrator shot Crystal a look of pure venom before snorting and moving on. A quick trot up the remaining stairs and they were on the terrace. Immediately they recognized Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur chatting amiably with Chrysalis around an open pit fire. The changeling queen looked to be levitating a pair of wine bottles in front of her, a look of confusion barely hidden behind her sunglasses.

“Try the Chardonneigh,” Fancy stated. “That one's from Vanhoover, and goes well with tomatoes.”

Chrysalis regarded Fancy Pants for a moment with an indiscernible look before glancing at one of the bottles. Discarding the other, she quickly set about levitating a corkscrew. In the mean time, Fancy Pants adjusted his monocle and turned an appraising eye to the newcomers joining him on the terrace. Immediately his face broke out in a delightful little grin.

“Ah, Miss Stonewall, Miss Clear,” he greeted the two mares walking up to him with a thick Trottingham accent. “So nice to see you again. I trust the trip out here was relaxing?”

“Fancy,” Lady Stonewall nodded with a far less rehearsed smile than she'd been using as of late. “The airship ride was lovely. As expected of somepony with your tastes. Thank you.”

“Jolly good,” Fancy nodded. “And of course, you've already met our host, the changeling queen, Chrysalis.”

Said queen glanced up from her attention to the bottle, and jumped slightly when the cork, screw and all, popped off and right past her face.

“Fore!” she called to seemingly nopony in particular. A moment later, the distant sound of breaking glass could be heard. All ponies present stared for a moment before Lady Stonewall turned back to Fancy with a slight look of chagrin.

“Yes...” Fancy matched the look through his monocle. “Not exactly beaming with charisma, I daresay. But I assure you that she more than makes up for it with purpose and dedication.”

“Not to mention she's a wonderful singer,” Fleur chimed in. “A little stubborn, but she cleans up nicely when she wants to.”

“Indeed,” Fancy agreed with his wife. Then he turned to Chrysalis as she started levitating wine glasses over.

“Your Highness,” he addressed the queen. “A few proper introductions...”

And then he nodded his head to Lady Stonewall.

“Lady Nora C. Stonewall,” he announced in full. “Chair holder on the Canterlot city council and director of the department of city services.”

“Ah, so you're the director of city services,” Chrysalis gazed over her sunglasses for a moment as the mare nodded silently. Almost immediately a glass of wine was all but shoved in her face.

“My apologies for earlier,” Chrysalis' voice resonated from beyond the offered drink. “Fancy hadn't mentioned a name with the title until now. So I thought the whole 'lady' in your name was just more pretentious buffoonery these moronic 'nobles' keep slinging about.”

The changeling queen ended the sentence with a loud snort.

“Of course, not recognizing a changeling queen doesn't help,” she muttered.

“Yes quite,” Fancy Pants' tone dismissed the topic without argument. “Anyway...”

The refined stallion turned to indicate the younger mare of the group.

“Miss Crystal Clear,” he continued. “Daughter of Mister Jet Set, and Mrs. Upper Crust-”

Chrysalis was just raising her own wine glass to her lips when Fancy spoke, and only just managed not to gag at the two names he announced. All manner of decorum was momentarily lost as she interrupted Fancy Pants with a rather vicious snarl.

“WHAT?!” she snapped. “You invited THOSE buffoons to the grand opening?! Please tell me you didn't!”


All eyes snapped to Fleur, who was scowling disappointedly at the changeling queen. Immediately, Chrysalis' face visibly flushed.

“Tact,” Fleur continued as if the word answered some unspoken statement.

The changeling queen shut her mouth with a snap, her fangs pressing into her lower lip for a moment as she seemed to mentally, if not literally, bite back a retort. After a few glances at Crystal, she spoke.

“I apologize,” she stated slowly, as if the words this time was actually painful. “I let my mouth run away with me, even for a queen.”

There was a long silence after that. Chrysalis seemed almost as if she were a pet waiting for a newspaper to strike her across the snout. Next to her, Fleur's reprimanding frown morphed into a pleased smile.

Finally, Crystal realized she was being expected to respond.

“Oh...” she turned her head away in embarrassment. “That's okay. You're right anyway.”

Nora couldn't help but roll her eyes as both Fleur and Fancy chuckled lightly. Chrysalis worked her mouth a little in surprise but ultimately found no statement forthcoming and simply shut it with an audible 'click' from her teeth.

“Miss Clear is quite the charming young lady for her pedigree,” Fancy continued. “Resourceful, smart, and more than a little humble... Despite her parents' best efforts otherwise. I daresay the young mare will be going places. Why, just last month I heard she was helping her friend Lace Curtain with some renovations to-”

“Yes, yes, yes...” Chrysalis interrupted in an annoyed tone. “She's a lot better than her parents, I get it. No need to bury my muzzle in it.”

Several moments of silence followed as Nora and Crystal glanced between the changeling queen and their other hosts. Fleur simply rolled her eyes with a smile as Fancy used the interruption to steal a sip from his glass.

“As you can see,” he began again after swallowing, “Purpose. No patience for small talk, but you get used to that sort of thing. Absolutely refreshing compared to normal company.”

“So I notice,” Lady Stonewall nodded as she trotted over to take a seat. “She does seem to cut straight to the point. She's like Princess Luna in that regard.”

“Indeed,” Fancy nodded. “And speaking of cutting straight to the point, I suppose you'd like to know why I extended that invitation to the two of you.”

“I am curious,” Nora nodded.

“Well,” Fancy continued as he sat back to swirl his wine, “As you may have noticed, changelings have recently gained a much more, shall we say, favorable status in the grand scheme of things.”

Lady Stonewall glanced to the side where Chrysalis sat silently.

“Yes...” she replied at last.

“I won't bore you with the details,” Fancy waved a hoof. “But Princess Celestia was, with my assistance in the matter, able to broker a rather lucrative deal with Chrysalis here. One that benefits both Equestria, as well as the changelings themselves.”

“The development of this resort being part of it,” Nora followed in speculatively.

“Indeed,” Fancy nodded. “It turns out changeling workers are amazingly industrious, and quite willing to please if given half a chance. But I digress... During the Canterlot invasion, changeling warriors did no small amount of damage. Ghastly sight if you recall. A lot of roads or buildings had to have entire sections replaced due to the holes knocked into them.”

“I recall that,” the administrator replied. “City Services was run ragged for a month carting off all the gravel and plaster left over. Some of my employees had triple overtime and we had to make a request to the Royal Treasury for additional funding through to the end of the year.”

“Yes, very costly endeavor all around,” Fancy nodded. “Anyway... As part of the deal Chrysalis struck with Celestia, the changelings have been requested to make reparations for the destruction they caused and make up for the losses incurred.”

“How would they do that?” Crystal Clear interrupted, causing Lady Stonewall to shoot the younger unicorn a glare while Chrysalis barely feigned interest. “The city's bounced back from even the economic damages at this point.”

“She does make a point,” Nora turned back to Fancy. “Seems like putting a bandage on a healed wound.”

“Indeed it does,” Fancy agreed. “However, that has been accounted for. The general agreement is that in exchange for no further hostilities and assistance in the development of this resort, the changelings would be expected to provide Equestria with services matching or exceeding the value of the physical and economic damages they caused during the invasion.”

The refined unicorn paused for a sip of wine.

“As the sponsor for this project,” he continued. “I have been tasked under the terms of the agreement to determine the most appropriate methods by which this deal could be fulfilled. And in order to keep things fair and promote the eventual prosperity of both changeling and pony alike, I decided to fragment the debt into a few projects to improve the economic growth of Equestria.”

Lady Stonewall nodded before asking. “So what does Canterlot City Services have to do with this?”

“That all depends on you, my dear,” Fancy stated. “I know city services took one of the hardest hits during the cleanup effort. The damage was wide spread but relatively light, yet your department is where everything went in the end. If any part of Equestria is owed for Chrysalis' little stunt-”

The changeling jerked her head slightly at Fancy's small barb.

“-It's Canterlot City Services. Plus I know how thinly stretched you are already.”

Nora blinked in surprise for a moment before raising her wine glass to buy a few seconds to think. If what she just heard was correct, then-

“Wait,” she lowered her wine glass. “Are you giving me changeling workers to increase the pony-power of my department?”

Chrysalis visibly scowled.

“No,” she snapped. “HE' is not. 'I' am. And they are not there for simple pony-power.”

“Indeed,” Fancy Pants nodded to the Queen. “While that is effective, just turning changelings into a bunch of trash stallions is a waste of their natural talents. I've spoken with Chrysalis at length on this and I believe we have one better.”

Nora set her wine glass down and used a hoof to adjust her glasses.

“Go on,” she nodded.

“I was in the city for some time before I managed to infiltrate the castle,” Chrysalis began. “While I was impressed with the veritable FEAST I saw the place for at the time, I was also appalled at the disgusting inefficiency around me-”

“HEY!” Crystal Clear cut in, her volume causing the Queen to jump backwards in shock. “You take that back! Canterlot is considered the cleanest city in all of Equestria, and-”

A gentle hoof from Fleur landed on the younger unicorn's shoulder, cutting her off with a quiet shake of her head.

“Please continue dear,” she addressed the queen.

“As I was saying,” Chrysalis placed a hoof against her chest and exhaled in an attempt to relax. “I saw inefficiency while I was in Canterlot. Waste. While I learned the paths the guards would take, I watched service ponies work. As I learned the layout of the town, I discovered where the problems were. While Canterlot may be the 'cleanest' city in Equestria, it is through brute force, not design.”

“Something interesting about changelings,” Fancy chimed in. “They share an uncanny knack for working in large groups on structured tasks. And they have a sort of sixth-sense it seems for finding the most efficient ways to utilize very limited resources.”

“It's an old instinct,” Chrysalis provided. “My changelings have always been very good at making the most out of what little we've had. Those who didn't, unfortunately...”

The Queen trailed off for a moment while the implications of what she said were allowed to sink in. After she'd determined the point had been made, she motioned for Fancy to continue.

“Changelings are anything if efficient,” he stated matter-of-factly. “I've seen first-hoof the difference while watching this place get built. While they lack the knowledge for more advanced trades... When working under the direction of an industry expert, they excel at getting the job done.”

“I'm offering more than simple trash ponies, Ms. Stonewall,” Chrysalis continued. “My workers will easily identify what can be improved. And they can teach your department how to find better methods. They can, as I've been told, optimize your department.”

Her statement made, Chrysalis retreated behind her wine glass seemingly in fear of her mouth 'running away' with her again. Nora stared pensively across her own for a moment before taking after the queen's example and nursing it to buy some thinking time. It was probably the first time she noticed the seemingly ambient droning the resort had; a deep, jaw-rattling hum she could even feel in her seat. That irked the administrator, as it was the kind of thing that one didn't notice very often, but once you did, you couldn't ignore it to the point of distraction.

“Well...” she began at length, gathering the attention of the others around their little fire. “I can't say I'm not impressed by what I'm being promised. And I must admit, this is a lot to take in all at once...”

“Of course,” Fancy Pants nodded in understanding. “We don't expect you come to a decision this second, but I thought it best to get business out of the way.”

Nora nodded, thinking for a second longer, but not before the hum got to her again.

“I have to ask,” she continued, her expression turning into an annoyed scowl. “This offer doesn't come with that annoying sound, does it? I can't imagine the number of complaints I'd have to field if Canterlot started to vibrate like-”

Nora stopped when she noticed Chrysalis sit up rigid, ears twisting this way and that as if trying to locate the sound. The rest of the group quickly joined the queen in this action before she all but tossed her wine glass aside while leaping up and rushing to the balcony.

“What in-” Lady stonewall began in surprise.

“He's CARRYING!” Chrysalis snapped in what the Administrator couldn't decide was shock or anger. The moment the queen said that, Fancy joined her at the rail.

“The blazes?!” he exclaimed. “Is that-”

“I told them NOT to let him carry!” Chrysalis interrupted the stallion. “He's going to hurt himself!”

Nora blinked, glancing at Crystal, who only shrugged in response to the sudden excitement of the two. At the same time, the hum she'd been hearing had grown in volume and was continuing to become more and more defined as something that wasn't a background noise.

“How big a load do you think that is if we can hear it?” Fancy asked, removing his monocle as he scanned the skies over the water.

“If he's torquing his wings like that...” Chrysalis began before pausing. “I never- Big. VERY BIG.”

The queen was very close to hyperventilating for some reason as she lowered herself from the rail.

“Is he TRYING to hurt himself?” she asked.

“Now, we both know he's being trying to find his limits ever since you taught him to fly,” Fancy chided. “I just hope he didn't over estimate...”

“Uh, HELLO?” Crystal Clear suddenly interjected into the group, her own patience depleted. “Mind telling the rest of us what's going on? And what's that sound?”

“I have a better idea,” Fancy turned and motioned Crystal and Nora forward. “Take a look over there...”

The two complied, joining the older stallion and the queen of the changelings at the rail. Following his nod as he replaced his monocle, they stared out at the ocean at what appeared to be a cloud of specks in the distance. In the middle of it, a single red flashing light could be seen.

“If you were having doubts about how well changelings worked,” Fancy Pants began. “I have the feeling you're about to be enlightened.”

Both mares squinted, casting their eyes on the cloud as it resolved into about twenty or thirty individuals surrounding what appeared to be two larger objects approaching the resort. The evening sunlight glinted off the lower of which, while the one above it seemed to shift, a faint orange tint visible.

“I think that thing's a wind turbine,” Crystal Clear motioned to the lower of the two large objects. “But what- I don't know what's carrying it, but that's not a pegasus.”

“That-” Chrysalis stepped between the two mares, her voice having shifted from one of annoyance to something akin to pride, “-is a drone.”

Lady Stonewall tore her muzzle away from the oncoming cloud to gape at the queen in shock. Chrysalis, who'd masked her own features in decorum by this point simply ignored the administrator as she turned to trot towards the pathway leading down to the beach. As she did so, the thrumming that had been growing steadily at this point had become loud enough to attract the attention of a few other changeling workers that had been milling about on the edges of the area. They'd all stopped what they were doing to look, each and every one of them staring as one at the ocean. As if on cue, they all started buzzing their wings not a few seconds before a green light lanced into the sky.

Nora jumped, her eyes tracing the source of the flash to Chrysalis, who was now rapidly trotting out into the open space below them. A similar flash lit up the flying group approaching them, prompting a sudden, if delayed response from Crystal Clear.

“THAT... is a CHANGELING?!” she exclaimed.

Nora's eyes focused on the thing in the center of the group and almost felt her jaw fall off now that she could resolve it. The first thing she'd noticed was the color. Mostly orange with white stripes as if subtlety was but a suggestion. But that wasn't important so much as it was what appeared to be the fact that it was equine in shape, like a changeling, but slightly larger. Ropes were hanging down from it, tracing to what now was clearly a wind turbine dragging along under it.

“Indeed,” Fancy's voice sounded somewhere on the edge of Nora's mind. “And he's quite the chap if I do say so myself. Just watch.”

Lady Stonewall forced herself to examine the group in more detail. The changeling was definitely carrying the weight of the turbine, while around it a mixed group of other changelings and pegasi flew in formation, each holding a rope that stretched to the immense load. The thrumming was starting to approach a roar now as they closed in on the beach. The flashing red light she'd noticed earlier turned out to be a series of pulses emanating from the drone's horn. It blinked several times, and the pegasi that were at the front of the group pealed away and began tugging their ropes backwards as the load passed them.

As one, the mass began to slow as it drew even with the beach, ropes pulling taught as the formation of fliers brought the huge load to a gentle stop. Nora couldn't help but notice the spray of water below them as it rolled away from the larger changeling in billowing clouds.

“What-” she managed to find her voice amidst the roar of what could only be assumed to be changeling wings. “What's his wing power?”

“We don't know,” Fancy conveyed back to her. “The Wonderbolts' training anemometer takes measurements of pegasi doing passes. And you can't measure changeling wingpower like that. Trouble is, nopony has yet to make an accurate way to measure wing torque directly that doesn't involve stressing them to the breaking point. Needless to say that option is off the table. When I asked an associate of mine for ideas, the best she could come up with was to, and I quote 'measure the pressure gradients on each downward flap and cross reference them with known pegasus wing flaps.' Only problem is, changeling wings move so quickly we haven't been able to build a device that can discern between one flap and the next. And for some reason, he can't flap them just once at full power. I daresay the queen said it was just the way changelings are built, but it's a bit of a bugger of a problem... Pun not intended of course.”

More flashes of light, this time green bursts from Chrysalis herself as the cluster of assorted creatures hovered their way over the beach. Sand blasted away from the drone in circular waves as they crossed the water line. It would have been a touch unpleasant, had several worker changelings that had gone unnoticed not pooled their magic to create a screen.

As the group continued to watch, Chrysalis and a pair of workers buzzed their way over to a roped off area, an additional set of green flash signals coming from the queen that garnered immediate red flashes from the hovering drone. As one, the entire flight turned with the changeling to follow her as they brought the wind turbine gently through the air.

The workers flanking the queen began signalling with several different colored flashes as group centered over them, backing up to stay in sight of the drone. Pulses of red, yellow, and green flashed around the group in an unspoken language that somehow seemed to clearly indicate what needed to be done.

Along the ground, a dozen more changeling workers quickly collected below the turbine, trotting and running about below it without seeming to even attempt flight in the downwash. Ropes lashed out, securing the base and pulling the whole thing vertical as the flying group adjusted to the shift in forces.

A flurry of flashes signaled as the 'ground crew' cleared out, allowing the load to slowly begin descending towards its resting place. Ropes on the ground stayed tight as more changelings quickly joined their brethren. It was only then that Nora realized they were lining the whole thing up with a base structure directly below it.

It descended deceptively gently as one remaining worker stayed near the base, small hoof gestures being relayed to the queen, who was now standing on her hind legs making far more exaggerated motions signaling all present.

“If only the princess were here to watch this,” Fancy Pants' voice came over the roar of the drone's downwash. Nora barely heard it, mesmerized by the ballet happening in front of her. There was an inaudible thump as the mare felt the structure make contact and betray its weight. Almost immediately, the worker at the base made a slashing motion at his throat and Chrysalis responded by slowly crossing her front legs over her head.

The ropes went slack and the workers that had moved back rushed forward to practically crawl all over the base of the tower. Nora couldn't tell what they were doing, but they appeared to be placing objects around it. In the mean time, the roar of the drone's wings died back as it descended to slacken its own ropes before a few of the pegasi and changelings in the flight group helped to assist with removing them.

As soon as it was free, the drone quickly descended towards Chrysalis. The roar of its wings died the instant it touched down, causing both Nora and Crystal to nearly jump at the relative silence.

“Hahah!” Fancy Pants' cheered from next to them, startling the two a second time in so many seconds. “Brilliant! You got it in one!”

“Told ya' we could do it!” a surprisingly country sounding voice echoed back from the drone. Almost immediately, a sharp sound from the queen that was just a bit too far away to understand caused the bright orange changeling to flinch. Even at a distance, Nora could read the body language of a foal being scolded. A second later, a loud 'Oh come on Chrissy!' snapped up to them, causing the queen in turn to flinch before bringing a hoof to her head and shaking it.

“Like a house on fire, those two,” Fancy commented with a pleasant smirk as Nora continued to watch what appeared to be a mild argument taking place.

The stallion turned and quickly trotted the path down to greet him, his voice carrying easily over the relative quiet that was now only being broken by the sound of the surf. As he approached them at a mild canter, there was a burst of green fire and suddenly the formerly orange and white drone was exactly that. It took a second for the city administrator to recognize what had happened, but once her brain caught up, it was obvious the bright color scheme had been a product of changeling transformation magic. The new set of dark greens and black he sported were much more in line with her experiences of the species to this point.

Pulled out of her reverie by by a tap and a nod from Crystal, and not one to be left behind, she quickly made to follow Fancy Pants.

“I say!” the stallion exclaimed as she caught up. “Exquisite show you put on there! I daresay I thought you would need at least a couple of tries before you got it right. I've been told air lifting can be quite demanding work.”

Argument cut short, the drone turned his head towards Fancy Pants, letting out huge fanged grin. He was about mid way between the size of the average pony and Chrysalis herself now that Lady Stonewall got a good look at him. And interestingly enough, unlike every other changeling they'd seen up to this point, he was practically immaculate... For a horrifying insect-pony hybrid. There was not a hole to be seen, and the, whatever it was that they had for skin instead of fur was glossy and mostly blemish free... If she let her eyes lose focus just slightly, it could pass for armor and she'd mistake him for a large night guard.

“You know me!” the changeling stated. “I had five people tell me it was impossible to move a wind turbine whole. What's the first thing you think I'm going to do?”

“Something stupid...” Chrysalis muttered but was mostly ignored.

“I daresay you immediately go and prove us wrong,” Fancy laughed. “That's a Taurus Eight-Fifty if I'm not mistaken. From the ledger I recall... Shipped in to Horseshoe Bay from Minos?”

“The same,” the drone cast a gaze up at the tower he'd just helped erect. “I was hoping I could get my han- er... Hooves on a One-kay, but then I'd be worried about pegasus foals playing around the turbine blades. The last thing I want to write is a letter to Princess Celestia explaining why one of her subjects returned from vacation as two subjects.”

“Indeed,” Fancy Pants winced. “We're building a vacation resort, not an obstacle course for daredevils. Not to say that the Wonderbolts wouldn't enjoy the prospect...”

“Yeah,” the drone chuckled. “Vacation for an adrenaline junkie... Hmm...”

“No.” Chrysalis spoke up suddenly and quite staunchly. “Electricity, fine. It saves on our magic stockpile. Air conditioning, sure. Not that we need it-”

“You know you love AC,” the drone commented with an eye roll. “And I know you can't wait to recharge your laptop. You were glued to that thing right up to the moment the battery died... Which reminds me. Fancy, we need lead-acid batteries.”

“We're NOT turning The Buzz into a sporting arena,” the queen continued as if she hadn't heard a thing he said. “If I let you keep tacking stuff onto this, we'll have more bells and whistles than that ancient unicorn wizard... What was his name? Star-spin?”

“Swirl,” Fancy Pants interjected. “Starswirl.”

“Yes, that one,” the queen observed. “Starswirl.”

“I never said I was going to actually do it Chrissy,” the drone protested.

“You were thinking about it,” Chrysalis narrowed her eyes and advanced slightly. “Don't forget you give off a very distinct pheromone blend when you get an idea in your head. As queen, I can read your mood signature like an open book.”

“Okay!” the drone backpedaled slightly, splaying his wings. Nora had to double take now that she was close enough to see them. “Sheesh... I can't even have my thoughts to myself anymore between you and princess Luna. It's like having Deanna Troi and Mrs. Freddy Kruger stalking me.”

“I'm sorry,” Fancy Pants interjected once more by stepping in. “But I'm sure this is an argument for another time... Now, what was that about acid?”

The drone huffed and tucked his wings- all four of them -back down and turned towards the stallion.

“Power storage,” he stated. “We need to get some lead acid batteries. Probably a bank of them.”

“I'm afraid I don't follow,” Fancy frowned. “I'm not a technical fellow like yourself.”

The drone pursed his lips, not seeming to notice as he absentmindedly played his tongue back and forth across his fangs before speaking.

“I'll make a technical write up for you,” he decided. “Short version is that the wind turbine is good for most day and night hours, but we're going to need electrical power storage for the lulls. Dawn and dusk mainly. Lead acid cells will probably be the easiest your industry can come up with.”

“I see,” Fancy nodded. “Nimbus Industrial?”

“Yeah,” the drone agreed as if they were having a second conversation between the lines, then frowned and shook his head. “Actually no. We'll need to talk to a chemical manufacturer...”

“Minos again,” Fancy Pants nodded. “If you can have that technical write up to me by Monday I can get it off to my associate and have an answer by next Friday.”

The drone sighed, letting his head droop slightly.

“Yeah,” he finally stated, his voice deflated. “I can do that. Not like I wanted to use twenty hours of my weekend for anything else...”

All this of course, was completely over Lady Stonewall's head. Well, not what sounded like procurement. She was intimately familiar with the hassle of providing for her workers. What with each of them wanting something different, the need to justify it in her budget, and of course, the nobility who thought that somehow money made them smarter than her subordinates who had cutie marks in the appropriate skills. However, the rest of it?

“You don't have to work that hard,” Chrysalis cut into Nora's thoughts, apparently speaking to the drone. “You should relax and just explain it to me and I'll take care of it. You just flew in from Horseshoe, with a load I TOLD you not to carry, and you should be resting.”

There was an awkward silence as the drone fixed Chrysalis with an openly unamused look.

“No offense Chrissy...” he stated. “But I'm FINE, and this is a bit math intensive.”

“I have an abacus,” Chrysalis objected.

“You don't even know the formulas,” he retorted.

“I can LEARN them!” she glared.

“Like you learned long division?” he asked. The queen immediately flinched as if struck. “We both know how that one ended. Sparkle STILL won't return my letters after that stunt. You've got no patience Chrissy. And you know as well as I do if I stick you in front of the formulas for creating a lead acid battery cell, it'll end in chemical burns, explosions, and fire. And what did I say about it ending in fire?”

Chrysalis sighed in defeat.

“It's never a good thing if it ends in fire,” she recited. “Fine... But you WILL teach me.”

“Maybe later,” the drone compromised after a moment. “Under adult supervision or something. “

Chrysalis scowled at the jab and struck him on the shoulder with a hoof, then scowled deeper and struck him harder.

“Ow...” he mocked in a monotone. “The pain. The pain.”

“This worked a lot better when you were a soft fleshy ape-thing,” she growled.

“Yeah,” he grinned at her. “But now I'm an armor-plated polymorphic Insectoid-Equine Hybrid Alien Killing Machine... Thing.”

“You're a lot of... things,” she smirked back. “But a grub makes a better killing machine than you.”

If anything could work to diffuse Nora's apprehensions about changelings, it was probably this display. The bickering duo had fallen silent after Chrysalis' last comment and just sat there staring. What the administrator thought odd though, was how Chrysalis was staring at drone with an almost vapid look on her face. In contrast, he was returning the stare with the most curious expression he'd shown earlier, absentmindedly touching his tongue (forked) to his fangs as if checking if they were still there.

Fancy Pants coughed. Causing all present to jump.

“Well,” he continued after a moment. “If you two are quite finished-” he turned to Nora, removing his monocle to wipe it on his coat, a nervous habit Lady Stonewall had learned to recognize in the stallion. “-I should probably remind that we have some esteemed guests this evening.”

“Oh yeah!” the drone seemed to come out of his own little world like a spell lamp had come on over his head. “Guests for opening weekend... Wait- It's opening weekend already?”

“Quite,” Fancy nodded. “And as such I'd like to present to you the director of Canterlot City Services department, Lady Stonewall, and her younger friend, Ms. Crystal Clear.”

“Gazer,” the drone practically thrust his hoof forward, which Lady Stonewall tentatively met with her own. “At least, that's what I go by now. A pleasure.”

“Nora,” the city administrator responded. “Likewise, I'm sure.”

“Just call me Crystal,” the younger mare responded as Gazer turned to repeat the process with her. “Formalities kind of annoy me thanks to my parents.”

“I feel ya',” the drone smirked. “I can't go a week without Princess Luna popping into my dreams to drill me in traditional etiquette.”

“If you'd just embrace your role like a proper drone,” Chrysalis interjected. “You wouldn't have to worry about it.”

Gazer glanced at the queen for a second before leaning in closer to Crystal in an almost conspiratorial manner.

“They're all out to corrupt me,” he commented in a loud stage-whisper. “But I'm on to them.”

Crystal Clear had to raise a hoof to suppress a giggle at that. Nora too couldn't help but find it amusing, though she only allowed her own smirk to grow by the smallest fraction in comparison.

“SO!” the drone stood up straight again, turning to Fancy Pants. “Did you already give them the grand tour? I hear the pool's coming along nicely, but I've been so busy trying to draw schematics with a marshmallow for a grasping appendage- Still can't figure out how 'Tavia plays the cello with those nubs- that I haven't been out of my office much short of today's pickup.”

“I figured we'd leave the tour for tomorrow,” Fancy answered the drone with a shake of his head. “They actually only just arrived minutes ahead of you. I figured a tour would be a bit too taxing after all the travel.”

“Sounds reasonable,” Gazer nodded. “In the mean time, I'm thirsty-” he snapped his head around. “-Thing One! Thing Two! Front and center.”

To Nora's refreshed unease, a pair of changelings suddenly detached themselves from the local scenery and presented themselves before the drone.

“Knowing Fancy it's nothing but alcohol on the terrace,” he spoke to the first one, eliciting a quiet chuckle from the afore mentioned stallion at the same time. “Go check cool storage for some mango juice containers and some fresh water. It should be on the left near the fruit crates-” then turned his head to the second. “- I need you to run up to my office and retrieve box number seven. It's about hoof-sized and sitting behind the lamp. If Brutalisk asks, I'm on the terrace.”

Both changelings nodded and took off in separate directions at high speed, causing the drone to scowl as he raised himself up.

“WALK!” he shouted, managing to catch their attention before they were out of sight. They slowed, but only just. Falling back to all-fours, he shook his head, glancing at Chrysalis with a pleading look.

“My guards were taught to make haste in every task to please their queen,” she dismissed. After a few more seconds of the pleading look, she sighed and lowered her head. “I'll make it known to slow down if it's not urgent.”

Gazer smiled, returning his glance to Fancy Pants before he spoke.

“Fleur's up on the terrace still?” he asked.

“Of course,” Fancy nodded. “We have quite a lovely fire going for this evening.”

“Anyone else here?” the drone asked. “I had a question for 'Tavia about that DJ friend of hers.”

“I'm afraid not,” Fancy shook his head. “There was a major recital this afternoon so she won't be arriving until later tonight.”

“Bummer,” the drone sighed. “I've been trying to get a hold of her for a month. It's worse than phone tag. Which reminds me... Once I convince Luna to pitch machines into orbit for me, I'm reinventing satellite communications.”

Chrysalis scoffed.

“You said that was still thirty years away if we rushed it,” she rolled her eyes. “Just use fire-mail. It'll get there.”

“That's too slow,” the drone all but whined. “I did a check with Luna and even an old cell-network would be better. It's not like I'm asking for four-G wireless data.”

Nora frowned. Communications faster than fire mail? Fire mail was probably one of the fastest messaging magics in existence. What-?

Perhaps the look on her face had caught some attention, but Fancy Pants interrupted before the amount of confusing words coming out of the changeling's mouth could continue to climb.

“I think we should put aside talk of future work for now,” the stallion suggested. “Judging by our guests' faces, you've already drowned them in enough vocabulary to make them study like Twilight Sparkle for years... Heavens only knows the amount of studying I've had to do from the technical write-ups you send me. This weekend is supposed to be the grand opening after all. And even if the electrical work isn't all finished, the rest of the resort is pretty much complete. It would be a real shame to explain to all the royal guests tomorrow that one of their hosts couldn't meet them because he's tied himself up somewhere inside the some three-hundred some-odd miles of conduits that run through the place... Amusing as that sounds.”

“That, and if you make me look silly in front of Princess Cadance-” Chrysalis muttered something less than flattering about the princess of love to herself, “-I'll tie you to one of those fins on your new tower and leave you to spin for a day. I'm not going to lose face to her. The fact that I have to rely on magic imported from her fancy glass empire to feed the hive already makes it bad enough.”

“I thought you two were over the whole kidnapping and impersonation thing,” Gazer frowned. “You said sorry for being short sighted and stupid, she forgave you, and Luna kept Twilight from playing tennis with your skull for messing with her family.”

“Doesn't make it any less irritating when she gives me that knowing smirk,” Chrysalis fumed. “I had her. I had them all. Everything was perfect.”

“And you dropped yer' guard a little too early and got blasted right into my life,” Gazer rolled his eyes. “I remember that part, I was there. We've had this discussion before Chrissy. I put you in an environmental science class back in my world to try and hammer it home. Changelings cannot live like locusts.”

“I KNOW!” the queen exploded in a huff, but deflated just as fast as she nearly broke out in tears. “I know... But that doesn't make it any less painful. I won. I beat Celestia, Canterlot was falling... Right or wrong, I had the most glorious victory in over a thousand years of the world's history snatched right out from under me because I took my eyes off the biggest threat in the room for ten measly seconds. It's like having the last slice of pizza snatched out of your grasp as you go to take a bite, and then watching someone else eat it. I don't care if I was wrong, I'll never forget that loss. Losing to those ponies like that... I'll never live it down. And Cadance will NEVER let me forget it so long as we both live...”

Chrysalis sniffed for a moment, then turned a bloodshot glance on Nora.

“No offense,” she sniffed.

Lady Stonewall couldn't find any suitable way to reply herself, and simply fell back on nodding in acknowledgment as the drone turned and hooked a forelimb around the queen's barrel and pulled her into a hug.

“It's okay,” he stated. “Just remember what I told you. If you'd won right there, you'd have lost more than just your pride in the end. Remember that Environmental Science class. Learn from it, and remind yourself what you saw.”

Chrysalis sighed, hanging her head and leaning into the drone a little.

“I know...” she almost whispered. “Parasites and Symbiotes...”

For a moment it was quiet, then suddenly the drone frowned, his eyes tracking up to the taller changeling. “Have you gained weight?”

All present winced even before the queen broke contact and struck the drone upside the head so hard he pancaked into the ground.

“Not for a lack of trying considering your squeamishness despite perfect biological compatibility!” Chrysalis spat. “And to say that about me in front of our guests! I can't believe you!”

And she turned with a huff, trotting up the stairs back up to the terrace. Gazer groaned for a moment before chuckling quietly to himself.

“Are- Are you okay?” Crystal Clear broke the stunned silence, stepping forward just a little.

“Fine,” the drone huffed as he pulled his legs in. “Fine. Drone armor's something like a quarter inch of some kind of rubberized chitin compound. It's like wearing a second skin made entirely out of rubbery bouncy balls. Chrissy would have to hit me with a sledgehammer to actually hurt me.”

With help from the younger mare, Gazer was pulled back to a standing position where he immediately proceeded to twist his neck, eliciting a loud pop. Crystal winced in sympathy though it wasn't needed.

“And I said that on purpose,” he continued. “She sulks... BAD. Pissing her off pulls her out of that funk faster than anything else I've tried.”

“Isn't that painful?” Nora asked. Gazer glanced at her before suppressing a snort of laughter and tapping his head with a hoof.

“Like I said-” tap tap tap “-Armor. I didn't even feel that. It just knocked the air out of my lungs.”

“Yes,” Fancy Pants chimed in. “As it would turn out, changeling drones are pretty much nature's perfect choice for dealing with changeling queens. As Lord Gazer's previous example can testify, their entire body is practically custom built to handle both a queen's temper, and... other things best not discussed in polite company. Especially considering his continuing outlook towards such things. Though I have to agree with the queen, he does take the squeamishness a bit far, all things considered.”

“Har har, Fancy,” Gazer scowled. “Why don't you try it some time? Spontaneously change species- or rather, entire biological families -and then try and get over twenty million years of psychological hard wiring and thirty years of societal programming. Let's see how squeamish YOU are.”

The drone then closed his eyes and shuddered, his wings unfolding for a moment and gently buzzing out of sync.

“My brain still short circuits whenever I think about it,” he continued. “Biology screams yes... Psychology hollers 'OH GOD NO!' in Luna's Royal Canterlot dialect, and I'm left to take the blame for for some super powered magical artifact trying to cram it all together while hoping it works without testing. If those Elements of Harmoniousness or whatever they're called are truly self-aware, they're the worst metaphysical engineers in the history of the universe. And I hope they can hear me when I say that.”

“I... Apologize,” Fancy sighed, resting a hoof on Gazer's shoulder. “I keep forgetting the whole concept is as alien for you as the knowledge you bring of your old home is to me. Don't let the ramblings of an old fool ruin your day.”

“Don't worry about it, Fancy,” the drone commented. “It's not the first time my mind's seized up on it, it won't be the last. The important thing is we get along well enough. I try to just stuff the whole concept in a lock box somewhere and write it off as exotic culture. Maybe one day, the primate part of my brain will finally believe it. Until then, I'm going to do my best to pretend this world really is the sugar-coated candy-land Celestia and Luna make it appear as on the surface... At least until I can build a railgun. I can't wait to see the look on ol' Celly's face when I break one of her windows from seven-hundred miles away.”

Fancy frowned...

“I thought you DIDN'T want her angry,” he asked. Gazer just grinned, a huge toothy one like the others.

“It's a RAILGUN, Fancy,” he laughed. “Totally worth any exiles, dungeons, or dungeons in exile, however that saying goes for ponies. Trust me, there are some things in life you just HAVE to do once, or you'd never live with yourself.”

“Um... Excuse me,” Nora finally worked up the courage to speak up. She then turned her head slightly to the side as she leveled a puzzled look at the drone. “But some of the things you've been saying...”

Lady Nora Stonewall, Administrator for the Canterlot Department of City Services, bit her lip trying to find the right way to phrase the question.

“I've been meaning to ask for a while now,” she continued. “You... You're not actually a changeling, are you?”

Both Gazer and Fancy Pants shared a look for a moment.

“It's all yours Toby,” the unicorn stallion stepped back.

“Toby?” Crystal Clear piped up.

“You always pick the smart ones,” the drone shook his head. “Never change.”

Gazer turned his head, looking up at the terrace before motioning for them to follow.

“Physically,” he continued after a few moments of silence climbing the stairs. “I'm just as much a changeling as Chrissy here is. I'm a short, sapient, armored, polymorphic insect-pony hybrid that partially feeds on magic to survive.”

“I thought Changelings ate love?” Crystal Clear chimed in as she joined the group on the terrace. By the fire, Chrysalis was sitting next to Fleur, seeming to relaxed from frothing rage to little more than a pouty face. However, her interest in the conversation starting up caused her to drop the look in exchange for curiosity.

“Yes and no,” Gazer stated unhelpfully. “The details are technical, but trust me, it's the magic. The average changeling needs sixteen hundred thaums a day to stay healthy. But technically...”

The changeling drone sat down in a chair and motioned for the others to do so as well.

“Technically, I'm not, or rather was not, anything even remotely equine in nature.”

“Oh?” Nora asked, her curiosity now piqued. “So what were you before? Your kind must be quite friendly if this is how you at least behave.”

“I'm not from your world at all,” Gazer shrugged. “So really, you wouldn't have heard of my kind anyway. Blame your Elements for this whole thing. But technically, I was something called a Human, or Homo Sapiens, Sapiens, to use the scientific name.”

“You're right,” the city administrator nodded as Fancy Pants took his own spot near his wife. “I've never heard of such a creature. What does one look like, if you don't mind my asking?”

“Well?” Gazer tapped a hoof on his chin, his tongue once more tapping at his fangs. “Imagine... Say. Okay, closest thing in stature is a minotaur. Imagine that, but no fur, slightly longer legs and shorter arms, less beefy muscles for most of us too. No tail, long feet, and a flat face. The average human stands between five and six feet tall, which would be either about the height of Princess Celestia at the tip of her horn, or the more average pony standing as tall as she can on her hind legs.”

“Might be easier to just show them,” Chrysalis shook her head and stood up. “Changeling, remember?”

“Take all the fun out of it,” Gazer huffed. “I was going to see if Luna could dream walk and pluck the images out of their heads later.”

“She'd probably complain about the nightmares you give them,” the queen snarked. “Now observe...”

Before Gazer could make a retort, Chrysalis burst into flames, only to be replaced by what he would say was a fairly accurate copy of his original form... There were a few oos and ahs as the queen, currently masquerading as a 'king' in all his glory, turned and proceeded to 'strut her stuff' around the terrace.

“Note one of the most important features,” a perfect, buzz-free copy of Gazer's voice began. “Is the perfect balance this body has while fully upright. Humans are built quite well for their stature and posture. Despite the lack of a tail, they can maintain a standing position indefinitely until they pass out from lack of sleep, hunger, or injury. They're adaptable too, having conquered almost every climate of their world without the ability to control the weather like a pegasus.”

There was an impressed whistle from Crystal Clear at that point. However, Nora quickly spoke up.

“They look a little... How can I put this delicately.... Flimsy? For their size?”

“Yes,” Chrysalis' voice popped out of the copy. “Surprisingly not the most robust body I've ever duplicated. However, having been in one for the better part of six months straight, they do have some surprising features.”

With a flash, Chrysalis form changed shape. The new body seemed to fit her voice more as she continued to speak.

“Not very fast, but nimble...” She continued. “Almost unbelievably so. I've watched exhibitions of their sports stars where they could go running at top speed and suddenly stop and change directions like a fly. And they can climb, very well... At least, with practice. Think of a human as you see me now, like a tall, fast ape without a tail.”

Another burst of fire and Chrysalis was back to her normal self.

“They're lightweight apex predators,” she continued, trotting back to her seat. “And lazy... So very lazy.”

“Says the six month couch-potato champion of my living room,” Gazer snarked. Chrysalis went beet red despite her natural dark tone.

“I-I don't have any idea what you're talking about,” she sputtered.

“You do realize one of the reasons I hope I never have to go back is the totals you ran up on my credit cards, right?” the drone asked.

“What's a credit card?” Crystal asked. Gazer suddenly looked like he'd been gut-checked through a weak point in his armor.

“Imagine having a small flashcard you carry around with you instead of bits,” he said at length. “And when you go to make a purchase, you give that to the seller. Magically, instantly, far away, a bank or other money lender instantly gives you that amount on loan, no-questions-asked, knowing it was you who made the purchase.”

Nora flinched visibly. Somewhere, her budget just screamed in horror before being devoured by Nightmare Moon.

“Yep...” Gazer nodded. “It goes without saying that you should not attempt to live like a queen while living on the money of loan sharks.”

“Indeed,” Fancy Pants spoke up. “I've seen many a poor sod who've entrapped themselves in a cycle of loans and payments. The results have never been the prettiest. This 'credit card' Lord Gazer speaks of simply makes the whole mess that much more efficient. Especially if you have little self-control to begin with.”

Chrysalis shot the old stallion a death glare, which he simply ignored in favor of more questions being fielded by Crystal Clear.

“So,” the younger mare began. “If you're some kind of alien super-predator-” a brief look at Gazer as if to examine him for a moment. “-how did you end up in Equestria? And as a changeling?”

“Yes,” Nora spoke up. “That really is the question of the hour. How DID you end up here?”

Gazer inhaled long and deep before letting it out slowly, an 'oh boy' almost hanging inaudibly in the air. He cast a glance a Chrysalis for a moment, who in turn shrugged back at him. Both cast a glance at Fancy Pants, another shrug his only response.

“What?” Crystal asked. “Was that a bad question?”

“No,” the drone continued. “Just... A very, very long story.”

Suddenly, Gazer smirked, inhaling deeply...

“Before time began,” his voice resonated with a deep timbre that made Nora's fur stand on end. “There was... The Cube.”

“WHAT THE HAY!” Crystal fell out of her chair as Chrysalis' wings started to buzz frantically. Fancy Pants openly laughed, quickly joined by Gazer in his regular voice.

“Oh!” the drone chirped. “The looks on your faces. HAH! I never get enough of that.”

“What did you DO?” Nora gasped in shock. “I FELT that!”

“The Peter Cullen voice,” Gazer gave them another toothy grin. “I've been working on it ever since I learned changelings could change their voice at will. And Chrissy loves it...”

Gazer took a glance at the queen, who was casting him a glazed over expression with a most concerning smirk. She was also slowly leaning forward in her chair at him. The drone gulped once and quickly turned his attention to the rather silent Fleur.

“Maybe that was a bad idea,” he stated quickly. “Uh... Help?”

“Hmm?” the model glanced at the drone for a second, following his own nod to Chrysalis. “OH! Right... I'll take care of this.”

She quickly rose from her seat, gently taking the changeling queen and pulling her up and away.

“Come dear,” she began in a soft tone. “Let's grab some snacks. How about we get somepony to make a pizza?”

Chrysalis seemed to snap out of it, casting a glance at the one gently pulling her up.

“Oh! That sounds good,” she grinned in a poor excuse for stately manner. “Artichoke mushroom... With extra cheese and anchovies-”

“Eugh...” Gazer shuddered as the two left the fire. “It was a mistake ever introducing her to pizza.”

“Why?” Crystal asked. “Pizza's good.”

“You've never seen her choice of toppings,” Fancy Pants chuckled. “I say, a most GHASTLY affair, to say the least. If she offers you any, politely turn her down if you value keeping the contents of your stomachs on the inside. Take some of Lord Gazer's instead. His selection is much more reasonable. Garlic and herbs if I recall, yes?”

“Yeah...” Gazer nodded. “Used to be pepperoni, but the pepperoni in this world begs for mercy. That doesn't really sit well with my stomach, or my conscience.”

“I guess this means another question,” Crystal sighed. “But what-”

“You don't want to know.” Fancy Pants stated sternly. “Really, you don't. I do know, and I'm telling you, you don't.”

Nora blinked in shock at the statement that had just come from the older stallion. Never before had she seen him so firm in a statement. Crystal seemed to notice too, having shut her mouth with a click of her teeth.

“Right,” Fancy stated as he wiped his monocle off once more. “Unpleasantness aside, I think you had a story to tell, am I right?”

“Right!” Gazer nodded quickly. “Right...”

Staring into the fire, he steepled his hooves in front of his face. For a few seconds, he was quiet.

“Where to begin...”

Author's Note:

A... Longer, introduction chapter than I intended, but I like how it turned out.

If you want my imagined idea of how the audio would work for the fly-in scene:
Click here... (Assuming mediafire doesn't freak out about it.)

Incidentally, please don't comment-bomb the youtube links. They're there for visualization and immersion purposes. If links to some of my own stuff in my other fics are any indication, that can turn into a wall of pony. Not everyone likes a wall of pony. Please respect those people. Keep the comments here.