• Member Since 8th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen May 15th, 2013



After Discord's defeat, Ponyville was once again a happy place for its residents, except one, lifeless, heartbroken rock. Tom still remains in front of Rarity's boutique where he was dumped, destined to watch the love of his life. Only a miracle would bring her back. And a wish.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )
#1 · Oct 23rd, 2011 · · ·

HAHA, Lolwuterry

A certain picture I saw on EqD is preventing me from reading this.....

I might be back....

I personally think this story is amazing.

I am now intrigued.

It's nice to see a non-pony non-human OC. So Rarity, what do you think of your new love-interest? :raritycry:

#6 · Oct 24th, 2011 · · ·

I rofled.

#7 · Oct 24th, 2011 · · ·

this kicks ass

Wow, you guys like it. This makes me glad.

The story has been rejected twice from ED because it needed some polishing. They have pretty high standards. Do you want me to write more or should I tend to this chapter and submit it? :twilightsmile:

17594 I for one would love you to keep going with the story, sadly I am still new to the brony community so the amount of prestige you gain from being accepted from EqD is unknown to me. Either way, great work!

It usually means you get more readers. :raritywink:

I need more. MORE.:pinkiecrazy::heart:

I am not going to lie, at first I was think how dumb of an Idea this was, but now that I have read this I am mad there is no more to read. this is shockingly fantastic!! PLease I would love to read more, a lot more!


At first, like the person before me said, I was thinking that this idea would be very awkward, weird, and somewhat foolish. However, after I gave it a chance and read through it, I was highly impressed. You use perfect details, I couldn't find any mistakes, and it was actually a very good opening to (I hope) several more chapters. That happening to Tom is hilariously cute and adorable, and I would really love to see more, should you continue this. Very nice job for doing something completely different; I think you succeeded thus far! :raritystarry:

The new chapter is in progress. Long chapter is long. On a side note, each new chapter will take place in a new MLP episode.
For example, the prologue took place after episode 2 of season 2. Chapter 3 will take place in episode 3. Chapter 4 in ep 4. And so on. All of this will be done without disturbing the general plot of each episode, just adding a little 'extra' with Tom in it. After season 2 is over, I'll make a grand finale to this series. You'll see.

Glad you liked it,

Edit: Actually, chapter 1 will take place shortly after episode 2, not chapter 3. Then chapter 2 will take place in episode 3. Chapter 3 in episode 4, and so on.
Sorry about that. :twilightsheepish:

Please update. :fluttercry:

How's progress coming, loopuleasa?

I am going to say this now. MOAR! Best Rock + Becoming A Golem = win.
That is all.

I know this isn't over, I am just as bad on updating. Hehe.

And so, I wait.

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