• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,392 Views, 473 Comments

The Twin Students of the Sun. - Whiteeyes

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's personal students, are sent to the town of Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun celebration. What could go wrong? First fic of the Sunsetverse AU.

  • ...

Let's Go Idiots!

Sunset Shimmer's life was over. Oh sure, she was still breathing, but that was just a technicality. 'You know, if everyone assumes I'm evil is there really not a reason to use dark magic now? It would certainly help me survive.' 'Except that kinda of defeats the point of having given it up all these years, and make everyone's hatred of me justified.' 'So I'm just going to lay here and wait for something to eat me? That's stupid!' 'It's called dying with dignity, and it'll probably hurt way less than an angry mob.' Sunset reasoned with herself as she lay belly up, limbs splayed out, eyes closed, waiting for the end. She figured the others would never believe her, warlocks were notorious liars and Twilight would be able to detect the taint in her system if she put any effort into it, and there was no way Shimmer was getting out of this death forest on her own. She was physically and magically exhausted to the point where she probably couldn't have made it to the local grocery store. Sunset Shimmer was going to die, either at the hooves of an angry mob or eaten by a monster. And so she found a clearing, lay down, and waited for the inevitable.

This way at least when the others rescued Celestia they would be spared the guilt of having killed her in fear. She'd probably get a nice eulogy, and dying on a quest to save the princess would probably get her a snazzy memorial and her cutie mark on the five bit coin...or at least the bit coin...maybe the jangle if she was lucky. Celestia probably liked her enough to at least do that if she died on a quest to save her. The memorial was a given at least; Celestia was a big softie like that. So Sunset stayed there waiting. And waiting. And waiting. "Boy, for a forest full of monsters you'd think one would have found me by now."

"That's what you're doing out here?! Are you insane?!"

Snapping her eyes open, Sunset looked straight into the gems of Masquerade, the pegasus hovering directly over her. "Please don't kill me." Sunset really didn't want that weighing on the actor's conscience.

Masquerade looked thoroughly confused however. "So wait, you want to get eaten by a monster, but you don't want to get killed?" Flopping down on the grass next to the confused unicorn, the twinkle eyed pony rolled her eyes. "And here I thought I was kidding about the crazy. So you have, like, a really specific death wish or something?"

"What? No! I just, it's just..." Rolling away from the pegasus Sunset sighed. "Look, you wouldn't understand."

Mask smiled. "Try me. Go on, we're the only two ponies in the entire glen. If you've got a good reason, I promise not to laugh." Her smile turned into a smirk. "You do have a good reason right? Cause it would kind of suck if you got yourself killed for a stupid reason."

Sunset sighed. "You did hear what Steven said right?"

"That nonsense about you being a warlock? Phhh, molt was just making fun of you back for that metrosexual comment." Masquerade said, motioning with her hoof as if the brush it off. "I mean, it's not like you really are one right?" The silence that resulted was quite possibly the loudest in history. "Huh, I figured if any student of Celestia was going to be secretly evil, it'd be Twilight. Star and night theme. Dark colors. Dragon familiar. The brightly colored sun one is a great twist!"

"Oh bloody Tartarus my being a warlock is not some plot twist in some stupid play!" Sunset shouted, getting up to face her tormentor with a ferocious glare. "It was the worst mistake I ever made in my life and nothing I ever do is going to make up for it."

"Ah." Mask said, nodding sagely. "So you were one in the past. Let me guess." Suddenly she stood up, making dramatic poses to go along with her epic narration. "The evil warlock, Sunset Shimmer, having had her evil army of the undead defeated, begged Celestia to spare her! Celestia, being the ever kind Alicorn, does more and takes Sunset Shimmer under her wings in order to teach her how to use her incredible powers for heroic ends!"

Sunset just raised an eyebrow. "An undead army? Really? Something like that would get noticed. And if I was that far gone, there's no way Celestia would have taken me on as an apprentice." It was a nice dramatic idea, but her life wasn't that crazy.

Masquerade was apparently undeterred however, as she instantly launched into a new intro. "Sunset Shimmer, unknowingly apprenticed to an evil unicorn warlock, learns of his plans to take over the world. Taking this information to Celestia, the forces of good were able to defeat the evil warlock! As a reward for her heroics, Sunset Shimmer became one of Celestia's prized pupils!"

"Oh I wish it was something that good. My whole thing is stupid." Really, something that heroic would have been something for Sunset to have been proud of.

"Sunset Shimmer, very hungry one day, accidentally uses dark magic to make an evil sandwich, which she then ate." Seeing the unicorns incredulous stare at that one, she just shrugged. "Well it was the best stupid idea I could come up with. Plus, I'm hungry, so food is kinda what's on my mind."

Sunset couldn't help it. Letting out a few chuckles at first, before breaking out into laughter, and then finally laughing out of control while rolling around on her back. Finally after a few seconds she calmed down. "That...that...that's just I don't even...oh I feel a lot better now."

"I try." Mask said as she sat back down. "Now, do you feel like talking about it?"

Sunset, sighing, rolled back up to sit next to her companion. "I don't know, you'd probably think it's stupid. And it's a bit of a long story."

"Hey, I love stories. I'm an actor." Mask said. "Plus, you seem like a very smart pony to me. I highly doubt you're dumb, so I doubt I'd find what you did stupid." Seeing Sunset hesitating still, she nudged the unicorn. "Aww come on, we've got all night. No, seriously, we have ALL night. I'd like to get back to the quest to fix that sometime soon."

"Alright fine." Sunset sighed, wondering where exactly to begin. "So, how much do you know about me?"

"Your name is Sunset Shimmer. You curse a lot, your mane is red and yellow, you have the same colors for your sun cutie mark, you curse a lot, you are one of Celestia's students, you curse a lot, and you didn't sell your soul for a sandwich. I think that last bit is the most important."

Chuckling a bit at the attempt at levity, she began again. "Alright, so I might as well start from the beginning, or at least as much as I know. I was left in a basket on the front porch of an orphanage in Canterlot. And no, there was no note, locket, mysterious birthmark, or odd object with me." she added in an annoyed undertone, attempting to cut off any comparisons the actor might make between her life's story and any cliche ones that might cross her mind. Masquerade however had a very serious look on her face and just motioned for her to continue. "Right. Well, despite some of the horror stories you might hear, the orphanage wasn't bad. The staff was overworked and understaffed, but with Celestia in charge of the system it was definitely well funded. Food, doctor's visits, toys on Hearths Warming. The only things really missing were birthdays, cause that was too much work for only one foal, and of course parents. See, here is the thing they don't tell people. There are a couple golden ages where you're most likely to get adopted. Newborn, because you're just adorable and everypony loves babies. And ages four to six because you're old enough to understand rules, are basically pre-trained, and are still cute while skipping over the wailing baby and fussy toddler stages. As you get older, your chances drop. Once you hit your teens, you're practically guaranteed to be a lifer. Staying in the system until you're an adult and they have to kick you out."

"From the sound of how this is going, I'm guessing you were a lifer." Masquerade noted. Unlike most, she didn't sound sorry to hear it, or condescending, or cruel. She was just stating a fact.

"Sort of. Okay here's the thing, older orphans tend to be bitter. The ones that used to have parents they knew are extra nasty. The ones that lose their parents in their teens are the worst. The next part of my story starts when I got transferred to a shelter for the older kids. Fewer staff, more problem kids, not a nice picture. Nopony wants to be surrounded by dozens of moody teens. So naturally they can't do anything to curb the bullying when, say, a thirteen year old blank flank is transferred in."

"You were a blank flank at thirteen?" Masquerade couldn't help but blurt out in shock. And why not? The average pony got it around ages eight to ten, with some late bloomers not getting it till they were twelve or so.

"And at fourteen. And fifteen. Yeah, nopony there had ever heard of somepony going that long before either. They actually called in a doctor to make sure I didn't have some weird illness or disorder or something." Sunset snorted, looking grimly amused. "You know, at the time I actually kind of hoped I was sick, so I'd have an excuse and then all the other kids would feel bad for laughing at me. But the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with me, except that the needle in his mana gauge must have been broken, because it was detecting no changes in my mana levels even after he had me cast a battery of simple spells." She smirked. "Remember that, it'll be important later."

Masquerade nodded. "Right, Checkbox's Sword." Seeing Sunset's confused look, she explained. "When you're telling a story, you don't include the unimportant details. If there is a sword on the mantle in act one, somepony better be stabbed in act three. Basically, if it's not important to the story, you don't bring it up. Like you didn't mention the doctor's name, but you mentioned the mana gauge, because one was important to the story and the other wasn't. So, why wasn't the needle moving?"

"Right well, that leads into my cutie mark, and my becoming Celestia's first student in over a century." Sunset smirked a little as Masquerade leaned in closer to listen more intently. "I didn't think the needle was broken, because I wasn't feeling tired at all. So I started practicing magic more and more on my own, and found that I was good at it. Like, really good. And I wasn't getting all that tired, I had a huge mana reserve. So I started showing off to the other kids, and they liked it. Not enough to be my friend, but enough to stop picking on the "bank flank supreme". Then I decided after a couple days of showing off to hit the local parks, pass the hat and earn a few bits of my own. Kids loved what I could do, and my reserves meant I could put on shows for a long time before I got too tired, so I was actually making a decent chunk of change. First thing I bought was some more basic spell books. I still didn't know what my talent was, so I wanted to see what spells I could and couldn't do. Over the next couple of weeks I found that I could learn any spell just as well as the others. I was old enough to realize that this meant I was a magic talent. I'm not sure if you know how big a deal that is."

"It means you're a unicorn that's good at casting spells." Mask said, clearly not getting what Sunset was hinting at.

"That's...mostly right. It's a lot more impressive than that. It's...it's like if a pegasus had a special talent for weather...just weather. Every single type of weather comes easy to them and they are a master of it. Storms, clouds, winds, lightning, snow, sunny days, fog, you name it they can do it masterfully at the level of the more specialized pegasi in the Weather Patrol." Seeing Masquerade's jaw drop, Sunset nodded and continued "Most unicorns don't just know only a few spells, that's sometimes all they can learn. The less related to your special talent a spell is, the more difficult it is to learn, until you hit the point where it is impossible. It's why, despite the stereotype, most unicorns know actually jack all about magic because, since they can't really use the stuff that doesn't come naturally to them, they never bother learning how it actually bloody works. Magic talents like me and Twilight, we can learn any spell if we study long enough. Magic talents are rare, I think we're the only two in all of Canterlot. It's a big deal. So yeah, I figured that out as a kid and was ecstatic, but I didn't have my Cutie Mark yet. So I realized that there was more to my talent than that, some extra facet I hadn't figured out yet. I looked up some previous magic talents in history, just to see what their little quirks were. "Magic used to help others", "Magic to find glory", "Magic for the love of magic itself", "Magical power to rule", all sorts of stuff. None of them really fit me though. Then one day while I was resting after a big, extra elaborate performance, I realized something. I was recharging my mana while awake...which is something that shouldn't happen. A little bit of experimenting later, and I figured it out." Assuming a standing position, she showed off her mark, a two toned sun. "I regain my magical energy while under the sun. "Magic fueled by the sun." So I got my mark. Less than a week later a disguised Celestia saw my act, recognized what I was, and made me her student. Just in time for my sixteenth birthday when I became an adult. The palace has the best birthday cake ever."

Masquerade actually stamped her front hooves a bit in applause. "That was incredible! Best cutie mark story ever! But you skipped the part where you did...dark...oh my Celestia. As her student!?"

Sitting back down, Sunset heaved a sigh. "Yeah. You have to understand, it wasn't right away or anything. The first couple of years were good. Then...I started to get impatient. I wanted more power right then and there, and I felt Celestia was holding me back. See, when I got found by Celestia it was because I was special at magic. It was also why the kids in the orphanage stopped ganging up on me. I had tied up a lot of my self image in my magical prowess. And once I could actually see how far down the mountain I was, I desperately wanted to get to the top to be worth something." Seeing the actor giving her a probing look, Sunset blushed. "I...might have had a couple sessions with a therapist about it a few years ago. Anyway, so yeah, I was obsessed with power and felt that Celestia was holding me back. So I started cracking open forbidden tomes and experimenting with dark magic. The rush of power was, well, I can't even describe it. Even after all these years I still miss the rush on occasion. Anyway a few month later one of the guards catches me and brings me before Celestia. I was expecting her to yell at me, lecture me, tell me I was no longer her student, or even banish me from Equestria. Instead, she did something far far worse. She broke down crying and apologized."

"Wait what!?" a voice cried out fom the brush.

Sunset turned, startled. "Rainbow Dash? How long have you been listening?"

"Rainbow Dash, who's Rainbow Dash? I am a magical talking bush. Because magic. Beep beep." The silence that greeted that spoke volumes. "...since the beginning. Mask figured you'd be more comfortable talking one on one, so she told us to stay hidden."

"Us? How many of you are there?"

"Um, all'a us." Applejack admitted as the group walked out from behind the rather large bush and into the clearing. Applejack had the decency to look ashamed at spying, while Sweetie and Rainbow looked more concerned about Sunset. Twilight was impossible to read, she looked lost in thought.

Shooting a glare at Masquerade, Sunset wished for just a moment that she was still evil so she could actually do something. "Only two ponies here huh?"

"No, I said it was only us two in the clearing. The other's were behind a bush, I just didn't mention that part." Masquerade said, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "Anyway, you might as well finish your story."

Sighing in defeat, Sunset sat down. "Might as well. Yeah, Celestia broke down into tears and apologized that she failed me so much that I turned to dark magic instead of her. She wanted to know what she had done that was so wrong that she hurt me that much. She, she was apologizing for hurting me. I was the one who betrayed her, and here she was saying it was all her fault because she didn't listen to me. I was expecting her to be self righteous but that, I was so unprepared for it that I broke instantly. I realized just how horrible what I was doing truly was, and to a pony that loved me so much she apologized when I betrayed her. I broke down crying and, well, we talked about a lot of things. So I wound up on probation for a bit, saw a therapist specializing in dark magic cases for a while, and well things went mostly back to normal. And that brings us up to now basically."

The group was silent, until finally Twilight spoke up. "When was this, and who knew?"

Sunset blinked. Out of all of them, she expected Celestia's ever faithful student to hate her. "Um, it actually happened a few months before you were brought in...not as my replacement if that's what you're thinking! Celestia made that very clear to me before she finalized things if that's what you're worried about. Um, not that many ponies know actually, Celestia said I had a right to privacy. Um, my therapist knew obviously, so did the guard, Tin Shield, that found me. Um, the royal physician Dr. Caduceus so he could check on me for any side effects, monitor my taint levels, and other such stuff. Oh and...Shining Armor for security reasons. Yeah, that's kind of the reason your brother never liked me."

"That's, I, how, gah!" Twilight shouted, stomping around the clearing. A unicorn stomping was always funny looking by other tribes standards. Their small, light hoves hardly disturbed any dirt as their long legs gracefully moved them around like they were dancing in small leaps, their tails sticking straight up in the air.

To another unicorn however, it was an impressive and slightly scary display of anger. "I'm sorry I betrayed Cel-Princess Celestia! Please don't hurt me." Sunset asked, dropping to her belly and covering her eyes with her tail tuft, a sign of total surrender for any unicorn.

"What no I-I'm not mad at you Sunset. Really, I promise." Twilight said, her voice calm and reassuring. Seeing her fellow "student of the sun" move her tail and glance at her, she cracked out her best smile. "You have nothing to worry about. My brother on the other hoof..."

"He was sworn to secrecy, he couldn't tell you. Don't get mad at him because of me, family shouldn't fight!"

"No, that's not why I'm mad." Twilight said, shaking her head. "I'm mad because he sort of broke his word." Seeing everypony's confused looks, she elaborated. "He was always telling me to stay away from you because you were a bad influence, a bad role model, dangerous to be around. I...misinterpreted a lot of what he meant, but he was crossing the line. Princess Celestia swore him to secrecy so that nopony would judge you for your past actions. He told me things to try and get me to dislike you because of what you did without breaking he word of his agreement. But in doing so, he trampled over the spirit of the order. That you get a second chance." Reaching out her own hoof, she offered Sunset a hoof up.

Taking it, Sunset stood unsteadily. "So...so none of you hate me for what I did?"

To her surprise, everypony else chimed in with a chorus of "No!" "Nuh uh!" "Course not sugarcube!" "Not at all!" "We cool!" and other assurances.

Masquerade walked over and draped a wing over Sunset's side. "Though I have to say, you were right, it was kind of a dumb reason." Seeing a few glares directed her way, she cracked a smile. "Ahh don't get too mad, that's just your crowning moment of stupidity, everypony has one."

"My what?" Sunset asked, baffled beyond all reason.

"Crowning moment of stupidity, that one thing you did that totally proves that, underneath everything, you're an idiot. Everypony has one because deep deep down I truly, honestly believe that everypony is an idiot. Take me for example!" Masquerade said as she flew up a bit, pointing at her gems. "When I got these I flipped out so much at everything once I woke up after surgery that I made a total idiot out of myself. I kept asking what everything was, and the nurses kept saying what the object was. I couldn't seem to annunciate that I wanted to know visual qualities. Like color, shininess, dark and light. The nurses thought I flipped my lid at first before my doctor finally came in and told them they were being idiots, I was born blind so I didn't know what things were visually. He then got me to sit down and go over some flash cards to get me up to speed on colors, light and dark, bright and dull, that sort of deal. I was so excited that it wasn't till later that I realized how badly I handled everything. Hence, I'm an idiot. If you need example B, I willingly walked into the Everfree at night." Seeing several of the others laugh at her antics, she smiled. "Okay, sharing time! Everypony's crowning moment of stupidity! Me and Sunset shared, it's only fair. We could all use a good laugh after all the drama."

The other ponies looked uncertain for a moment, before Sweetie Drops stepped forward. "Well one time I got my special somepony, a unicorn, a hoof file." Sunset and Twilight winced. They could see where this was going. "So yeah, didn't know your tribe doesn't file their hooves but their horn. And hoof files are a lot rougher than horn files so...yeah she had to wear an ice pack for a few days. It was the worst birthday present ever."

"Wait, a few days? How did she hurt her horn that badly?" Sunset asked. She was actually more surprised at the intertribal relationship than the same gender one. After all, the second was a lot more common, and had a lot less unspoken social pressures.

"Well see, the thing is...she was also an idiot. She didn't want to admit I got her a bad present, so she kept using it to file her whole horn. We both had a good laugh at how dumb it was afterward." Sweetie explained, chuckling as the other girls joined in.

"Last year's apple buckin' season." AJ supplied, making the locals have a huge laughing fit. Looking at the two unicorns from Canterlot, Applejack blushed deeply and said "It'd take a while to tell it all, but trust me, I was the biggest darn fool in all of Equestria fer a week."

"Nah, biggest idiot in Equestria has got to be me." Dash exclaimed. "And before you make the joke Mask, haha I am so competitive I have to win a stupidity contest. Now it uh, it involves my cutie mark. I was kind of a jerk getting it. I mean I was still awesome, but I kind of also messed up at the same time, so whenever I look at it I'm reminded of how cool and awesome I am, but it's also kind of a slice of humble pie you know?" Seeing the others look down a little, Rainbow put on a goofy face. "MMMM, pie." That got a few laughs. "Yo, egghead junior, you're up!"

"Um, what? Oh uh..." Twilight rambled, having apparently been lost in thought. "Probably the Book Fort Penington incident."

"Book fort?" Rainbow asked, clearly confused about the idea.

"Yes, it's like a block or pillow fort but made out of books. And before you ask I did name all of them. Anyway I had just finished Penington when I realized that one of the books was one I had never read before, so I decided to take it out and read it. From the bottom of a corner. While I was inside the book fort. You can guess what happened." Seeing everone's smiles, she grinned herself as she continued "So yeah it fell on me, I was fine but you should have heard me shout! "Augh! Knowledge, why have you betrayed me?"" Chuckling alongside her audiance, Twilight delivered the finishing blow. "The best part, the best part was...the book was on architecture."

Everypony wound up laughing for a good while after that. Sunset found herself flopped on her back, gasping for breath. "That, that...hoo. Thanks guys, I really needed that."

"Yes, that was a great idea you had Masquerade. How did you know?" Sweetie asked.

The pegasus smiled. "I'm an actor. I know how to keep my audience happy, and that the best way to balance out drama is with a few laughs. But you all do know what this means right?" Seeing everyone's confused looks, she cracked a grin. "It means Nightmare Moon is going to get her flank kicked by a bunch of idiots! Who's with me!?" Everypony got pumped up at that, shouting confirmations and joy.

Sunset felt better than she had in a long, long time. "Buck yeah she will! We've got a world to save! Let's go idiots!"


They had tried to soldier on, really, but it had been a very long and exhausting night, both physically and emotionally. On top of that, none of them had slept yesterday in traditional anticipation of the dawn ( or due to downstairs party in the unicorns' case). As such not half an hour later they had all flopped down, asleep in a cuddle pile, instinctively huddling close together for warmth and safety.

As such none of them noticed the dark blue mist that slowly filled the forest trail where they slept...

Author's Note:

The reason Sunset's inner voices were darker than usual was because, well, her thoughts were very dark at the time.

The rest of the girls are much younger than Sunset, as they are teenagers. Twilight is sixteen and the oldest, while Rainbow Dash at thirteen is youngest. Masquerade and Sweetie Drops are both fifteen, and Applejack is fourteen. At twenty three, Sunset is clearly the oldest. Everypony but Twilight and Sunset are technically minors, but that doesn't matter as much when it comes to pony culture as it would in our world. Rainbow for example has demonstrated great ability and self reliance, and as such it is not unusual that she holds a job and lives on her own. In fact as weather manager she has a very well paying job. This is just an accepted part of Equestrian culture when it comes to cutie marks enabling ponies to start working at a younger age. Child labor laws prevent the hiring of children before age ten however, even if hey do have a cutie mark. Parents are still responsible for their children until they turn sixteen and are expected to make routine checkups on their children, though this can be as rare as "once a year" if the parents are so inclined. More (over)protective parents have been known to check on a weekly basis.

There are sixteen jangles to the bit. A bit is enough to buy you a pound of what we'd call "penny candies".

Moving on to a fuller explanation of how Sunset's special talent and taint affect her mana capacity:

Sunset's special talent of pulling energy from the sun is literal. The more direct sunlight she has, the faster she recharges. Clouds, being indoors, or sitting in shade reduce her recharging abilities, sometimes dramatically. Being indoors and away from windows, night time, and being underground turn it off completely. Her recharge is not 'unlimited casting'...sort of. She can run out of energy, especially for larger spells in her current condition. But given enough sunlight she can recover and cast again, though this can take a couple of minutes. Recharging takes time. During they day and outside in direct sunlight however, Sunset could probably fire off minor spells for hours on end and not feel any strain. She could also teleport more than twice without getting exhausted, provided she waited about three minutes after each teleport to recover the energy expended. In short, it does not give her extra mana capacity, but instead let's her recover mana expended at a much higher rate.

Her ability to rapidly recover mana has helped to quite effectively hide her tainted condition. Taint is a byproduct of the use of dark magic. It is essentially a metaphysical infection of sorts. The more taint a practitioner has, the more energy efficient dark magic is for them. However, the parts of their magical reserves that have been tainted can be used for nothing but dark magic. As more taint is acquired, dark magic becomes more efficient while simultaneously making it the only option available for larger portions of the users mana reserves. Both factors strongly encourage the use of more dark magic, which in turn creates more taint, which in turn give stronger incentives for more dark magic use. As such taint tends to have an accelerated growth curve. However like any infection, taint can be cured and is fought by the host's body. Not using dark magic at all for extended periods of time results in a steady decline in taint. Sadly unlike when the physical body fight off a disease, which is on an accelerated curve, the removal of taint is at a completely neutral rate. Not using dark magic for a period of ten years is enough to clean out the systems of most unicorns. There is no known method of cleaning out taint beyond waiting.

When Sunset stopped using dark magic, she had accumulated about 90% taint. In the five years since she has stopped, she has dropped to roughly 80% taint. Sunset Shimmer has, roughly, access to as much clean mana as the average unicorn. Her ability to rapidly regain this mana helps hide her condition as, to an outside observer, she seems to have naturally large and untainted mana reserves. This is also why it took Celestia so long to notice that her student had been practicing the dark arts, as nothing seemed to be wrong with her mana reserves.

For those interested Twilight has twice as large a mana reserve as Sunset, and none of it is tainted.