• Published 7th Mar 2014
  • 11,370 Views, 473 Comments

The Twin Students of the Sun. - Whiteeyes

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's personal students, are sent to the town of Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun celebration. What could go wrong? First fic of the Sunsetverse AU.

  • ...

Most Metrosexual Obstacle in the History of Ever.

Twilight snorted. "Oh please, what could possibly go wrong now?"

"I don't know." Celestia admitted, stepping out from behind a tree in all her glory. "It could really be anything I guess."

Twilight was stunned silly, looking at the others and back to her mentor over and over, relief flooding into her being. Now that Celestia was here everything would be alright.

Sunset however seemed upset at the return of their teacher. "What the bucking Tartarus is this?"

"What is what?" asked a thoroughly confused Masquerade.

"Beats me, but hey do you girls think you could do me a favor?" the Celestia asked. Twilight smiled wide. She loved helping Celestia and would do anything she asked. "Please die." And then Twilight was on fire.


Twilight snorted. "Oh please, what could possibly go wrong now?"

"I don't know." a writhing mass of shadow chuckled,, seeping out from behind a tree on oily tendrils, glowing eyes serving as its whole face. "It could really be anything I guess."

Applejack looked around in a panic, she knew what this was. The Pony of Shadows. According to her Granny Smith, the thing was a servant of Nightmare Moon that had haunted the Everfree since its master was banished. She hoped somepony had some idea of how to deal with it. Such hopes were dashed when Sunset shouted "What the bucking Tartarus is this?"

"What is what?" asked a thoroughly confused Masquerade.

"Beats me, but hey do you girls think you could do me a favor?" the Pony of Shadows asked, tentacles lashing out and lifting Applejack of the ground, choking her slowly. "Please die."


"Please die." And with that Spitfire, leader of Dash's lifelong heroes the Wonderbolts, snapped forward with hidden wing blades and cut Rainbow's throat open. Dash collapsed, struggling to breath through her ruined throat.


"Please die." Sweetie looked down at the dagger in her heart, placed there by her true love who had just betrayed her. She wasn't sure which hurt worse as she collapsed. Still, at least the pain would be brief.


Twilight snorted. "Oh please, what could possibly go wrong now?"

Masquerade was about to respond when suddenly the others started spazzing out, looking around in confusion as Sunset shouted "What the bucking Tartarus is this?"

"What is what?" asked a thoroughly confused Masquerade, looking around in desperation to figure out what everypony else was looking at, but she saw nothing. Then all of her friends collapsed.

Sunset and Sweetie were clutching their chests, Sunset with a look of absolute terror pasted on her face while Sweetie cried her eyes out. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both seemed to be struggling to breath; AJ was pawing at her throat as if trying to escape something's grasp while RD seemed to be trying to hold a damaged throat together so that it could be used for breathing. Twilight was writhing in silent agony.

"What the buck? Girls, what's wrong?" Masquerade asks, looking them over trying to find the problem. "Seriously, I can't see anything. Hey, can you hear me? Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Sunset, anypony?" She tried shaking Sunset, but got no response. She then noticed that everypony's eyes were glowing a sickly green color. She'd read enough stories and worked with enough special effects over the years to know what that meant. "Oh buck, dark magic, oh buck, buck, buck." Masquerade paced back and forth, trying desperately to solve this problem. Her friends were trapped in some sort of illusion. While that normally wouldn't be too bad, dark magic tended to make things much more lethal when it came to illusions. "Okay think, if this where a story, how would you break the spell? Splash with cold water, there isn't any around. Um, defeat the spellcaster...that's probably Nightmare Moon and there is no way I can beat her on my own. A kiss of true love...and none of them are my type. I don't have a magical artifact, that's what we're questing for, and what are the odds of a mysterious stranger coming in and providing a solution and cryptic advice? Nopony ever goes this deep!"

"Nopony this is true. But there are others that can help you." A mysterious cloaked figure then walked into the clearing, eyes glowing yellow beneath the hood. A hoof reached into a concealed pouch, pulling out some green, sparkling powder that was quickly blown over the suffering ponies. Black lightning battled green mist for a couple of seconds, before both dissipated into nothingness.

Masquerade was grinning like mad as her friends slowly got up. They were disoriented, confused, and shaken, but they were alive. "Yes! Alicorn ex Machina for the win! Thank you for conveniently showing up at the last minute with the solution stranger!"

"A stranger I need not be. After all, you surely know of me." the mysterious figure lowered her hood, revealing what Masquerade thought was an odd looking pony, the coat and mane colored in alternating black and white stripes. In addition she had a slightly broader muzzle, and smaller eyes and ears. Also, now that she looked closer, Masquerade realized that the stranger's hooves were slightly oversized, or at least looked that way on the skinnier legs.

Her examination was cut short as her friends reacted to the strangers identity, though in markedly different ways.

"A zebra?" Twilight and Sunset's jaws dropped in almost perfect sync, amazed at the sight if one of the savana dwellers so far north, especially one that wasn't a visiting diplomat or scholar. Zebras did not like the cold, and their embassy high in the mountains of Canterlot stood empty most of the time as a result. Any zebras that did visit tended to do so briefly, and came from the limited pool of those willing to travel so far and put up with so much cold. As such Sunset and Twilight were honestly amazed to meet any zebra they didn't already know.

However while the Canterlot ponies were reacting with a mixture of wonder and amazement, the other towns ponies had grouped up defensively and assumed a frightened posture. "Zecora!"

"Wait, that's Zecora?" Masquerade asked, pointing at the zebra in question. "That's supposed to be the mysterious evil enchantress? That one that...lives deep...in...the...Everfree." Taking a look around, she proceeds to facehoof. "Okay yeah, we're in the right location, but last I checked evil spellcasters don't rescue ponies in danger. There's no way this is Zecora."

"I am afraid quite mistaken you be. I am Zecora, Sage of the Everfree." Zecora proceeded to bow to the group in formal greeting. "I am surprised you didn't recognize me before; from my failed trips to find an open store. Whenever I go to town there is a most strange coincidence, for I always arrive when the town seems to be without residents."

"Oh no. Guys, tell me the small provincial town did not lock down everything the minute the foreigner walked into town." Sunset looked around, but none of the locals reactions were doing anything to dispel her concerns. "Really? That's like one of the worst small town stereotypes and you all did it to a zebra sage. I mean really?"

Twilight decided to step in before things got any more awkward. "Um, anyway, I wish to express my thanks, Zecora. I pledge myself to repay your good deeds, and may, um, may you find gentle waters in your journeys," she said bowing slightly, finally remembering how to complete the formalities for receiving a great favor in zebra culture. And if Zecora actually called on that favor, well it would be worth it in exchange for the whole saving all their lives deal.

"Your thanks I will gladly receive, for from dangers giving you reprieve. Dark magic that inflicts pain, hopefully such things shall wain. But the night is long and the forest deep. Before you continue, you ponies should sleep." Zecora held up a hoof to ward off any protest. "If you don't wish to fully rest, at least taking an hour break would be best. It would be a terrible plight, if you were to get too tired this eternal night."

"Wait a minute, how do you know the night's eternal?" Dash flew in Zecora's face, pressing her hoof to Zecora's nose while glaring at her.

"Because the sun is three hours late, and the moon as bare as a licked clean plate. It does not a genius to see, the fulfillment of the prophecy." Zecora proceeded to put her hood up and walk away into the deeper woods. "Heed my warnings and soon seek rest, or the students shall fail this vital test."

"Wait, test? Prophecy...Zecora wait!" Sunset tried to run after her, but couldn't find her in the dark of the woods. "Zecora? Zecora? Darn it!" She stomped back to the clearing, fuming. "Well that's just great. Good job Rainbow Dash, you attacked a local guide and on top of that, I think she's that prophet, Z."

Dash looked rather shocked. "What? No way! Z is totally cool and helps ponies out. Zecora is evil! They cannot be the same pony."

"And what makes Zecora so evil," Twilight asked, actually curious if there was anything to the rumors.

"Well fer one thing, she lives here." Applejack pointed out. "Fer another, she's always creeping around town, coming in once a month and sneaking around, pawing the ground something fierce like she's ready to charge. And I ain't never seen a pony that looked as weird as her."

"She's not a pony, she's a zebra!" Twilight, Sunset, and Masquerade all said at the same time. The two unicorns looked at the pegasus with mild surprise.

"What? I have read stories with them you know. So anyway, zebra, not a pony. So looks are off the table." Masquerade proceeded to pace a bit. "Okay, so she lives in the Everfree. That is weird, but that doesn't mean it's evil. And she said she comes to town so often cause she's looking to shop oh my gosh we are the ignorant towns ponies that run the gentle creature out of town because of their looks." she realized, facehoofing at the realization.

"Wait, she lives in the Everfree? It snows here doesn't it?" Twilight asked, surprised at the news that a zebra lived this far north.

"Heck yeah it does, and not on a schedule either. With the wild weather, it sometimes snows in the fall or spring in the Everfree." Rainbow Dash answered, glad for any distraction from the ingestion that somepony as awesome as her could be wrong about Zecora.

Sunset blinked in confusion. "Snow in the spring and never mind, that's not the issue. How is she okay? Zebras generally can't handle cold at all, let alone snow. How does she live out here?"

Sweetie looked quite upset at this. "Oh my. If she can't handle the cold well, what if she got really sick and came to town for help? Oh I'm so ashamed to have been one of the ponies to close up my shop whenever she came to town, and all because of a silly rumor. She saved our lives and here I am having treated her like some sort of monster, just because of the way she looks."

"Yeah well, she's still plenty freaky. Like what's up with all that rhyming?" AJ retaliated, a bit too stubborn to admit fault.

"I think she's a shaman, so it's probably a geas." Twilight proceeded to clear her throat. "A geas in shamanism is-" however her speech was cut off as Sunset stuck her hoof in Twilight's mouth.

"No time for a lecture. I know Zecora said we should rest, but I think we're taking too long as it is." She then proceeded down the trail in the direction Applejack had pointed out earlier towards the abandoned castle, the others following quickly behind. "Nothing's going to stop us now!"


"You guys just have to keep jinxing us don't you."

"Yes Mask, apparently I do." Sunset replied, staring at the torrential raging river before them. "Okay, this doesn't look normal, so I assume something is making the water go crazy. Hey, any chance you pegasi can just fly us across?"

"No can do," Rainbow explained "if our grip slips for even a second you guys are going to get washed away. And that's not even counting being hit by the waves, the trees are too thick and low for us to do any high flying. This river is a serious no fly zone. We'll need to find another way across."

"Wait a minute girls. Do you hear...crying?" Sweetie asked, struggling to listen over the crashing waves. "I think somepony is in trouble!" She ran off after the faint sound.

"Wait! There really shouldn't be anypony this deep!" Twilight called, but the cream colored mare had already run off. "Augh! Come on girls maybe if we're lucky there will be a bridge that way at least."

Following Sweetie Drops, and now hearing the crying themselves, they eventually came to a bend in the river revealing a giant purple river serpent, moaning and wailing and thrashing about. Clearly, he was the source of the turbulent river.

"Hey! Could you calm down for just a minute? We need to cross the river!" Sunset shouted, trying for the quick solution.

"Guests?" the serpent asked in a surprisingly cultured tone, and looking closer his mane was quite styled, but his claws were covering his face. "No! I can't be seen right now! I'm hideous, go away!" With that he turned away sharply, causing a massive wave to wash over the ponies.

Rainbow Dash fluttered her wings a little. Luckily the feather coatings of pegasi prevented them from getting wet, a natural advantage for a cloud dwelling species. She also knew that earth ponies were hardy enough that a little cold water wouldn't bother them. The real problem was the unicorns. With the longest hair, thinnest bodies, and weakest constitutions among the tribes being shocked with freezing cold water with nowhere nearby to dry off was a serious health risk. "Hey watch it pall! You could really hurt somepony with that! How about I teach you a lesson on messing with ponies?" She would have flow into his face then, hit it a few times, if somepony hadn't pinned her tail to the ground. Turning around, her protest died unsaid as she noticed it wasn't AJ keeping her pinned this time. It was Sweetie.

"Now, Dash, honey, be nice. He's clearly rather upset, and yelling isn't going to make anything better." Walking over to the serpent, she called up to him "Hello! Yes, my name is Sweetie Drops! Are you alright? You sound like you've been hurt. Do you need any help?"

"No, no I'm not hurt. Thank you for asking." the serpent responded. "I'm sorry if I worried you like that, it's just that I'm having the worst night ever. I was getting ready for a date, when all of a sudden this dark cloud of energy flies by and...and...and..." at this point the creature removes its claws, revealing its face "and it cut off half of my glorious mustache!" The creatures wailing intensified.

"Oh my bloody bucking Tartarus burning in the sun, that's what you are crying about?! Facial hair?!" Sunset exploded, before sneezing.

"Now Sunset, yelling isn't going to help anything." Sweetie pointed out. Turning to the serpent, she she smiled. "Now then, while I'm sure it is a great mustache, I'm afraid I really don't get what the problem is. Could you maybe tell me about it Mr. River Serpent?"

"Well, alright. First of all, my name is Steven Magnet. And the problem is, my glorious hair is ruined, and I have a date coming up today! She's always loved my mustache, and now half of it is gone! I don't want to keep just half of it, that would look rediculous, but I can't just shave off the other half either! It's my best feature, and without it I don't look at all as fabulous!"

"Well, that's a little silly." Sweetie noted. Seeing Steven's glare, she elaborated. "What I mean is, I'm sure you look fine without a mustache. And you have a lot of great qualities about you. Why, just talking to you, I can tell you're gentle, regal, and a very sensitive man. And if you want my opinion, any woman shallow enough that the look of your mustache determines whether or not you date her is too shallow for you. Real relationships are built on deeper bonds than that. So here's what I suggest you do. Shave off that other half, go on your date, and tell her what happened. If she doesn't care, you've got a wonderful thing going on and you don't have to worry. If she does care, then she's shallow and nowhere near good enough for you. A gentleman like yourself can do o much better. What do you say?"

"What do I say?" Steven roared, raising a razor sharp claw high, before swinging it down. The other half of his mustache fell to the ground. "I say Steven Magnet is done feeling sorry for himself! Thank you dear Sweetie, that was just the pep talk I needed. Oh dear, I got you and your friends wet when I was all in a tizzy earlier didn't I?" taking a deep breath, Steven proceeded to blow on the assembled ponies, drying them out almost instantly, though the unicorns long hair frizzed immensely,resulting them looking like puffballs, but a couple of shakes and one TK on their parts fixed that problem quickly. "Oh I am so sorry for causing you do much trouble earlier, that was rather juvinial of me wasn't it? You said earlier you wanted to cross the river, right?"

Having said that, he proceeded to extend his serpentine form above the water, making a bridge for the ponies to cross. Once on the other side, Applejack turned to Sweetie. "Well Miss Drops, ah have ta say you sure did know how ta handle things back there. Ah honestly was expecting we'd have ta do it Dash's way."

Sweetie just smiled. "Well, after the whole thing with Zecora, I got to thinking. It's wrong to judge someone as bad just because they're not a pony. Everyone deserves fair treatment. With enough kindness, patience, and understanding, you can overcome almost any obstacle."

"Yeah." Sunset muttered, too low for any of the ponies to hear her. "Like the most metrosexual obstacle in the history of ever."

"I heard that!" Steven retorted, causing Sunset to look up in flushed shame. "I think you could learn a thing or two from your friend warlock."

Silence hit like a brick wall, as every pony stood still like they had been turned to stone. After a few seconds, Twilight turned to regard the serpent. "I'm sorry, what was that you said?"

"I was just telling your warlock friend to try and be nicer." Steven explained. "...you did know she's a warlock right? You guys can sense dark magic right?"

"That, that's rediculous! I've know Sunset for years! There's no way she's a warlock! Right Sunset?" turning around, Twilight realized that the pony in question was gone, fled while the others were frozen in confusion and shock. "Sunset?"

Nopony said anything. There was nothing to say.

Author's Note:

Important AU Redesign Blog Post!

To answer everyone's burning questions based on what this chapter raised, I'll answer them in the order of sheer important magnitude.

1) Masquerade's "type" is male. Yeah, she's heterosexual, the kiss comment was a bit of a tension cutting joke for her. This should answer the most basic shipping question, "does she swing that way?", because as we all know shipping is the one true goal of the fandom.

2) Alicorn ex Machina is their version of Deus ex Machina, due to a lack of Deus to ex Machina.

3) Masquerade is able to predict things to a certain degree via sheer genera savvy from being an actor and avid story reader. She does not have precognition.

4) Pomegranates are delicious. This has nothing to do with the story, I just wanted to share that.

5) Yes, repeat obsticals will not necessarily be solved the same way as in the origional.

6) Nightmare Moon does not like pomegranates. Clearly, this is because she is evil.

7) A shaman is a type of spellcaster in Equestria. It is a title to a style/type of magical practitioner. Like a mage is a skilled caster of unicorn magic (so not all unicorns are mages), and a warlock is a practitioner of dark magic, a shaman is a practitioner of spirit magic. Spirit magic is magical powers anybody can use, but come with a price. A shaman gets their powers by meeting with and bargaining with various spirits. Spirits grant power in the forms of knowledge, spells, gifts, or other abilities. In return the shaman provides services, offerings, favors, and occasionally geas. A geas is a special rule that a shaman agrees to abide by in exchange for something they consider worthwhile. A geas is not magically binding and a shaman can break it, but it comes with a cost. It's usually minor, such as losing their powers for a while, though less friendly spirits have been known to make the penalty more severe, such as breaking a limb each time the geas they set is broken. "Broken promise, broken bone." Spirits become more powerful while shamans retain a geas with them. The more geas they have, the more powerful a spirit is. As such geas remain a valuable bargaining tool for shamans, but one they aren't quick to use except for the most impressive of gifts. For example, Zecora is currently under one geas: in exchange for always speaking in rhyme she has masterful knowledge of alchemy, potion making, and herbology. If she breaks this geas by not speaking in rhyme she loses access to the knowledge until twenty four hours after she starts speaking exclusively in rhyme again. As she gains mastery of three subjects that each require a lifetime of study, she considers it a fair trade to talk in rhyme all the time.

8) Murphy doesn't like pomegranates.

9) A sage is a title denoting a master scholar or one with great knowledge and wisdom. With her geas given knowledge she easily qualifies.

10) Yes, the heroes are being followed.