• Published 28th Feb 2014
  • 667 Views, 7 Comments

Pinkie Pie has a bad day. - FaelaArts

Pinkie Pie has a bad day.

  • ...

A day in which everything goes wrong.

“~This is a happy day, in my dear Ponyville,” she sung, her hooves automatically tapping the beat to the song.

“Despite it being winter which does give me a chill.” Ponies saw her pass, and smiled as she waved to greet them. They knew the punishment for not appeasing the pink earth pony.

“But if I keep on walking it just might give me a thrill!” Pinkie Pie paused, raising a hoof to motion to the sky as she stood up for the high note.

“For Twilight will warm me up with friendship to my fill.~” Suddenly Pinkie Pie felt her balance suddenly flip, and fell onto her back, hitting her head on a rock.

“That has never happened before,” she said rubbing the sore spot on her head. As she bounced back up, her bounce went too high and she hit her head on a bees nest attached to the library tree.

With a yelp she ran around the tree as the small insects gave chase. Tripping on on a tree root, she fell flat on her face, tasting dirt in her mouth. Standing up, she prepared to run away as the bees gave chase, however they seemed to have gotten tired of her, and returned to their beehive.

Heaving a sigh of relief, she turned to head into Twilight’s house, approaching the door from the side. As she took a step to approach it, it swung open, knocking her once more into the bee nest. As Spike dashed away, Pinkie Pie spent the next five minutes being chased by bees before they finally gave up. Pinkie Pie limped up to the door before Twilight's house before giggling.

“Well, it looks like today won’t be the bestest day ever.” she smiled before shaking her head.

“Could this day get any worse?”

Her hooves slapped over her mouth as her eyes went wide. suddenly a thunder flooded overhead as a downpour began.


And then Twilight opened the door and proceeded to make out with Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie pie was a pony that loved surprises. In fact her psychologist suggested that it was some manifestation of a deep rooted childhood psychosis centered on boredom. This however was not the type of surprise that she enjoyed.

“Oh Spike,” whispered Twilight, “I’ve always wanted your body” Her hoof went up to Pinkie Pie’s hair, and once touching it, she paused and opened her eyes.

“Pinkie!” Twilight leapt back, her purple body turning the same color as Pinkie Pie. Turning, she pulled out the parcel Pinkie Pie had come to collect, pushed it into the mare’s hooves. However Spike slowly walked out behind her. His claws covering his grinning mouth before he fist pumped the air.

“I want to see some tongue action ladies!” Spike shouted, before diving back into Pinkie Pie’s tail, vanishing from sight. Twilight turned a slightly redder shade of pink, and called up her magic, levitating Pinkie Pie into the air.

“ItwasnicetoseeyousorrybutIhaveplanshaveaniceday.” Twilight then blasted Pinkie Pie high into the sky, where she arced over some buildings, and flew through the roof of Rarity’s Boutique, leaving a large hole in the roof. Fortunately, Pinkie Pie landed in a nice soft pile of clothes.

“My ensemble!” Rarity’s frantic cry caused Pinkie Pie to leap out of the clothes, standing upright and to attention as Rarity dropped everything to raise her hooves to her head in dismay.

“It took me forever to get the blood stains out of the last garments that I made!” Rarity fell onto her couch, and began to sob openly. Pinkie Pie quickly trotted over to comfort her friend.

“There there Rarity, I’m sure you can make another set. I’ll even help you!” Pinkie Pie was relieved when Rarity got off her couch, and looked at Pinkie Pie with a please smile.

“That is so nice of you Pinkie Pie, I’m afraid I’m going to have to talk you up on that offer.” Rarity opened a drawer and pulled out a large butcher knife, and turned toward Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie glanced to the clothes she had just landed on, and her smile weakened as she realised one of them has a similar color pattern to one of the friendly ponies Pinkie knew from down the street.

“Er-hehe, actually I kinda have to go and...Deliver a package! I promise I’ll help out some other time!” Pinkie Pie began to back towards the door, a fake smile plastered onto her face.

“What’s the matter, why not stay? We’re about to cut the cake” Rarity approached Pinkie, who felt her foot touch the door. Opening it, she dived outside.

“Thanks for the offer but I’ve really gotta go! C ya later Rarity!” Pinkie slammed the door, and quickly bounced away as quick as possible. Inside, Rarity puzzled over her friends behavior, but stalked it up to Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie as she walked into the kitchen to cut the cake she had ordered from Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie, who was now calmly walking down the street, suddenly heard sobbing, and turned the corner to see Rainbow Dash crying in the middle of the street. Her tears fell down, and as she sobbed the clouds above began to let out a steady downpour of rain. Chest heaving, her sobs racked her entire body, her wings limp, one in a simple cast.

“Dashie, what’s wrong!” Pinkie Pie came forward, ready to comfort her friend. A deep wrenching in her gut told her that this was serious. Rainbow dash was strong, and would only cry when in a desperately hopeless situation. Pinkie’s hair deflated slightly as she thought of all the horrible things that might have cause Rainbow Dash to become this way.

“I-I broke my wing an-and I-” Rainbow dash broke down sobbing, falling into Pinkie Pie’s arms as she forced her head to look directly into Pinkie Pie’s worried and concerned eyes.

“You’ll never fly again?!” Pinkie Pie felt her heart wrench in two, and her hair deflated further as she realised one of her best friends would never be able to enjoy her favorite-

“N-No it’s only for a day.” Rainbow Dash broke down into a sobbing fit once more as Pinkie Pie sat there in mute shock.

“A day,” she said in disbelief. Rainbow Dash nodded, sniffling her sobs. Standing up, she wiped her eyes and put on a brave face, eyes red from crying.

“T-Thanks Pinkie. I-I think I’ll be okay now. I just gotta be strong. I am Rainbow Dash after all.” Rainbow Dash turned, walking away as she talked herself up. Pinkie Pie watched her go, before turning-

And being bowled over by Fluttershy in a helmet with two horns sticking out of it that was two sizes too big for her head.

“Oh dear-I’m sorry Pinkie Pie. I’m about to go into the Everfree and I am in a rush because dear angel bunny has-”

“Say no more Fluttershy, I will be more than happy to help.” Pinkie Pie stood up, helping Fluttershy to her feet, who glanced to the ground and stuttered an answer.

“I-I-I don’t thi-” Once more, Fluttershy was cut off by Pinkie Pie.

“Nonsense, let’s go and save your rabbit.” Pinkie Pie began to gently push Fluttershy toward the Everfree, and after some time they eventually arrived. Stepping inside, Pinkie Pie bounced beside Fluttershy as she called out for Angel bunny.

“Angel~ Angel where are you~ Ah! Angel!” Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie turned a corner to see a small white bunny being stalked by a large pack of Timberwolves. However, before Pinkie Pie could make a move, her mouth opened in mute shock as Fluttershy brought out a large axe, and dived at the Timberwolves, slicing one’s head off and instantly killing it. Turning around, she flung the axe at the second one, and turned toward the third as the second one turned to splinters. Opening her mouth, she shouted.

FUS RO yay~” As the final sound exited her mouth, the wolf was flung into the sky, disappearing in a flash of starlight, despite it being midday. Pinkie Pie followed Fluttershy back to Ponyville, unable to say a word.

“Uhm, goo-goodbye Pinkie Pie” Fluttershy spoke, turning toward her house. Pinkie Pie blinked out of her stupor, and waved cheerfully as she left.

“See ya Flutterborn-er-shy!” Pinkie Pie turned, and she began to make her way back to town.

And found Applejack with a group of ponies facing a large, rumbling hole. Pinkie Pie leapt over to her friend, as she stepped toward a podium.

“What’s going on?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Applejack turned, “Diamond Dog attack.” Tossing Pinkie Pie a helmet, she stepped up to the podium as her friend put it on. Opening her mouth, she began her speech.

“We are ponies! Be it Earth, Unicorn, or Pegasus! A threat has come to our dear town once more! And we must drive these vermin out, or die trying!” The crowd cheered as Applejack fist pumped the air, her voice rising over the crowd.

“They can try to take our land! BUT THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR SPIRIT!” A resounding cheer erupted, and behind Applejack the hole exploded as a small group of diamond dogs faced the group of ponies.

Seeing a fiercely armed group of ponies that was twice the size of their group, the Diamond Dogs knew they stood no chance. They looked to their leader, who pointed forward, before diving into the hole and sealing it behind him, leaving his army to die.

Applejack smiled.

And the ponies then proceeded to beat the Diamond Dogs red black and blue, before letting them flee into the Everfree. It had been a truly victorious battle, one that would be remembered for the ages.

“But enough of that, it’s time for Pinkie Pie’s PARTY!” As if by magic, Pinkie Pie suddenly realised she was back at Sugarcube Corner with a bunch of expectant ponies waiting for her to open. She quickly dashed inside, slamming the door, and looked to the Cake family as they stared.

“Operation EMERGENCY party GO!” Pinkie Pie’s code instantly registered, and the Cakes dashed into the kitchen, preparing the treats for the party that was to follow. As Pinkie Pie raced around the room, she decorated every surface as rapidly as possible. As she stepped off the ladder, a banana peel appeared under her foot and she slipped, causing the ladder to land on top of her.

“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha” Went the laughing track, catching Pinkie Pie’s attention as she pulled off the ladder. Growling, she took a step, and proceeded to knock herself in the face with the handle of a garden rake.

“Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha” The laughing track spoke once more, getting Pinkie Pie even more angry. Walking toward the table where the emergency cake had been carefully laid, she began to trip and-


Eh, what?

“I have had it up to here with you BUSTER BROWN!”

She couldn’t be seriously talking to-

“You better believe it, I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”

Oh no, I was warned about certain characters with the ability to pass through the 4th wall.

“That’s the least of your problems, I can break it too!”

No! Don’t do that! You don’t want our worlds mixing!

“And why shouldn’t I? You’ve given me one of the worst days of my life and for what?”

Uh...Story for story’s sake?

“Exactly! No reason except because YOU wanted to. Ever thought about asking me first huh?”

Well of course not you’re-

“It’s starting to craaaack~”

No! Stop! Okay I’ll stop!

“Don’t make me come back up here.”

I won’t! Just don’t break it anymore, please.

“Pinkie Promise.”

You can’t seriously believe that-

“Pinkie. Promise. Now.”

*Sigh* Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye.

*shudders* Too corny…

“Now fix the mess you have left.”


Pinkie Pie tripped, but missed the table and landed safely on some cushions.

The party went off without a hitch, and her friends entered and explained their peculiar behavior had been caused by…


Discord apologised for his bad joke, and proceeded to make it up by making Pinkie Pie an Alicorn. Spike came out and apologised as well, and Pinkie Pie gave him the parcel she had gotten from Twilight, which was his birthday present. He opened it, and enjoyed the comic books inside.

She then lived happily ever after.

The end.



Comments ( 7 )


:trixieshiftright: Was there ever any doubt?

Not bad, but the part with Twilight was sudden and kind of threw off this story's narrative .


:pinkiecrazy: Sorry about that. A bit too late to fix it now though. I might add a sentence or two to smother the blow a bit.

Edit: Nope. Doing so would kinda wreck it's intended purpose.

Lovely story here good fellow! Why, I feel like talking british wat! Cherio, good stuff! Made me laugh and smile. Jus' like a Pinkie story should do. Although... I was hoping for something a little more serious, funny, but little more serious. Heh heh. :twilightsmile:

Huh, a serious funny story...
:applejackunsure: That's definitely a challenge.

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