It took weeks for Rainbow Dash to finagle a date with Big Macintosh. But there's something that she couldn't shake when he was around. Why does he always act so distant? As she'll come to find out, he may have a good reason.
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Enjoying this to the max!
Wow, so the male is the futa! Do you have any idea how rare that is? Like... I don't think I've ever read a story about it!
Eagerly awaiting their first... encounter...
I actually dont mind the cliffhanger. Although honestly I kinda think the better cliffhanger would have been just her dashing off (lol, I just realized the pun there) with Mac yelling after her. I just feel like there would be a bit more to dash thinking about what she just saw than what was written.
I'm not saying the ending detracted at all from the story, just stating an opinion is all. I do look forward to the next chapter!
I almost missed this story when scrolling through the popular stories box, but scrolled back when I realized there was a coverart of Mac and Dash. Had to check it out after seeing it. Now I am quite securely, and certifiably hooked.
Also, quite agreed.
I know, right? The first time the odd smell was mentioned, all I thought was "No way. But. . . That means. . . No. Way. Yes!"
Mac is the futa? I'm okay with that
You're getting a thumbs up just for using the word 'finagle' in the short description.
But no futa for me, ty.
Ah, I'm not a fan of the futa stuff. Just thought I shall bring that forward. Sorry.
... Nice.
I mean, it was in the main description, so I definitely mentioned it ahead of time. Sorry to see you people go, though.
I'm glad you took to that change. I've never seen it before and I figured that I may as well be original. Besides, it kinda works with Mac's character.
You're probably right, and I would go back and change it if I hadn't already published that sucker. The reason it ended when it did was to make the cliffhanger seem a little better, especially if I was going to be dropping off the radar for a few days.
4165221 lol I was never here. I was about to give it a read until I read that in the description.
Nicely done all around!
I'm really happy to see the "Incomplete" still there, though, as I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take this.
Well....that was friggin surprising!
The only issue I'm seeing is that both sets of genitalia aren't functional in hermaphrodites. The closest to an exception I could find was a zebra that had one testicle on one side and one ovary on the other. It was male on one side of its body and female on the other.
Generally what happens is doctors see it at the delivery, identify which of the sex organs isn't hooked up, and remove it.
Is there going to be an explanation why Mac has both, scientifically or magically, in the story? Just curious about the how.
Dash only saw both externally. The idea that Mac is fully functional in both respects is ridiculous, and I know that. I know my basic biology, and such a thing will be reflected. I know this is for a guys contest and therefore stretches reality by nature, but I'll keep it as realistic as I can. That was what I was trying to do with this story in every way I could.
Now I need to watch that movie again...
Thanks for answering, I was just curious about how it worked within the story is all. Big Mac going through estrus would mean his female bits are working and an erection means his male are as well. It's just something that doesn't normally happen so I really am just sitting here wondering how it'll be explained.
No worries.
4170872 I just happen to have it on DVD.
Well, this is getting some good reviews! I will wait until is finish it so I can get an allnighter!
(maybe before if I can't resist temptation!
Futamac...the next step in pony evolution.
Well, as long as there's no gay shit happening, I can deal with this story. Hope it pans out without me bailing out.
Time will tell.
*Tilts head* I am enjoying this...
damn good writing
........................ Uh, um uh I uh..............I don't knkw what to say exactly
After reading that three times (admittedly whilst tired as shit) I still haven't a clue what the hell happened.
So this just got punted down the 'fics I want to read' bench a bit...
I'll keep it around in case I decide to give it another go, but I'm not a fan of dude futa. It's well written and all, but that does not keep my vessel afloat, if you understand what I am saying.
Wait. Is Macintosh a cuntboy? Or is a fully male-hermaphrodite?