It took weeks for Rainbow Dash to finagle a date with Big Macintosh. But there's something that she couldn't shake when he was around. Why does he always act so distant? As she'll come to find out, he may have a good reason.
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I'm more just eager to know what Mac's big secret is. But aside from that, you've nailed the characters pretty well, and your dialogue is very smooth and natural. Keep up this level, and clop or not, I'll be a loyal follower.
This is an excellent beginning, you have me hooked.
Thunderlane, you fool! If you tell her our secrets, she'll be unstoppable!
OMG the feels already. I read the first tow winds of change and the first chapter and a half of the third. I'm already hooked on loose ends BTW. Also, the clop in Winds of Change is actually really good *blushes* been RPing a lot resently. Anyway, I'm already hooked on this one. Keep up the incredible work, I'm loving the fanfictions you make.