• Member Since 27th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen March 4th

Crimson Ink

Comments ( 5 )

Why did you spoiler alert the description?:ajbemused:

3860756 :rainbowderp: that's a good point... hmmm it's a sequel but two years sense the last story and the description doesn't ruin anything big about the last two stories... I guess I did it because of it being a part of a trilogy, thanks for pointing that out to me.

:ajsleepy: hmmm so 3 likes to 11 dislikes... anyone care to say why they didn't (or did) like it?

Well another chapter is up and I'm not sure how it's going to be received but this is my favorite before it hits the 10th chapter and it is by far the one I like the re-write for the most so hoping for the best.

And it has begun (well re-began, if that's even a word) the re-write is going to begin. What this means is that chapters should be showing up regularly now (at least as much as the computer will allow) and I feel that it's going to turn out a lot better than the version I'm re-writing from (which isn't saying the original text is bad or confusing) and so ya hope you enjoy what comes from it.

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