• Published 19th Jan 2014
  • 777 Views, 4 Comments

Rainbow Dash Has Writer's Block - Mod On Death

Rainbow Dash is trying to write a fic she's had in mind, but it just won't fit together. Hopefully some meandering around will help her out.

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Rainbow Dash Has Writer's Block

As soon as Merry Gold had heard the truth about her brother, she stormed out and ran to the courthouse at once. She knew that she'd need to confront the prosecutor and make things right. She'd need to tell him that- The story stopped right there as Rainbow Dash thought this through. She was so sure about how her story would end, but had no real idea of how she was going to get there with the way she'd written it.

"Maybe I should undo that middle chapter where the DA finds the journal containing the secret. However, if I take that out, then there won't be any real motivation for the character. Also, I know that I'm supposed to make these courtroom sequences as realistic as possible, but that's just hard." She slumped her head at her keyboard, trying desperately to figure out how she was going to do this. Not only was she now stuck, but she was tired. She'd made time specifically to complete the story by tomorrow, but knew that if she didn't do work tonight that there was no way she'd actually finish it. She sighed at her situation, just as an idea came to her.

"I think I should take a short break. After all, I'll just burn out otherwise. Maybe look at a couple of videos I've been meaning to watch." Rainbow Dash minimized her story, one that she hadn't even come up with a name for yet, and decided to check for videos online. "I really think that I should catch up on my favorite 'Let's Play' guys." She typed in the title "Angry Matt and Patriot Pat Play" and checked their new videos.

"They don't have anything new up. Wonder if I should check on some of their older stuff." She looked through old videos and found that there was an entire series of videos dedicated to an entire play-through of this cinematic looking game. "This looks pretty good." She spent the next thirty minutes watching the video, laughing at how ridiculous the game was as well as the reactions of the two playing. "Oh wow. That was great. I have to check out the next one." This went on for three more episodes before Rainbow Dash noticed that she was getting hungry.

"Thinking of a sandwich." She went into her kitchen and rummaged around, trying to decide whether or not that was what she really wanted. "I think I'd like it, but I don't know. I mean, I can't think of anything else to eat. Guess I'll just do that." She prepared her lunch with a side of chips and went back to watch more of the videos. After two more, she decided to clean up the place, thinking that she'd been putting it off for a while.

"Honestly, if I can't at least write something, I should use this time to clean." She went around her house, cleaning up the place. She dashed around, taking out old sections of cloud and replacing them with new, fluffy clouds. Her furniture she cleaned with some chemical sprays and dried off with a paper towel. Next, she decided that she should organize her furniture and belonging as well, seeing as things were just being left around. "This is just embarrassing," she said as she found trash laying around her place. This went on for an hour before she saw what she thought was a spotless house.

"There. Glad I got this done. At least I won't have to worry about that." She looked at the nick-knacks that she'd found just lying around and decided to put them where she put anything else that was lying around; her closet. When she opened it, she found that her closet wasn't doing that great either.

"Wow. I never noticed how unorganized this all is," she said while staring at the pile. "Guess I should finally get that done as well." Organizing the pile, she found things she was certain she'd lost; an old trophy for spelling, a yo-yo she accused a classmate of stealing (and then got in a fight over), a box of napkins (?), and, most surprisingly, a hat box.

"What's this?" she asked, opening the box. She saw that she had apparently bought a sunhat at some point in time and never used it. "Since when did I get this? Hay, when did I ever think I'd use it?" She tried on the hat and found that it was too big for her anyway, creating new questions as a result. "Now that I think of it, I don't think this was even supposed to be for me." She looked at the box again and found that their was a tag on the lid.

"To: Cheery Chives," she read. "Huh. I think I remember her. She used to work at one of the restaurants around here. I haven't seen her in a while. I'll check the phone book and see if I can find where she is." She went over to where she held her books and picked out the phone book before realizing that if she'd moved out of town that it'd be useless. Knowing that she still wanted to give her the hat, she typed in the pony's name and found the new place she was working at.

"So she found work in Baltimare then. I'll send the hat to that address with a note explaining the situation. Be awkward to just fly over there and drop it off." She found some packing tape and sealed up the box after she wrote a letter explaining the situation. Putting the address on the box, she placed the appropriate postage on it and put it in a place where she'd remember to take it to the post office tomorrow. It was already too late and they'd closed.

"Now that that's taken care of, I think I'll have a snack." Rainbow Dash got out an apple and decided to eat it while watching several more of the videos. She noticed that the apple was not enough and noticed that she'd spent several hours doing all the cleaning and packaging, not noticing that it was dinner time.

"Okay. Guess I'll check the fridge." She had a more difficult time deciding what to eat now that she'd already eaten a sandwich. She never wanted to eat the same thing twice in one day; it just seemed weird to her. Instead, she found some cold spaghetti and warmed it up, hoping that it wasn't old. She went back to her computer with dinner in hoof and continued watching. As she finished up her meal, a sudden realization had come to Rainbow Dash.

"There is no way I'm going to be able to continue writing tonight," she said, knowing full well that she still had no idea how to progress the story. Not only that, but anytime she thought she had something it always resulted in her just staring at her screen, nothing being typed. While at first she was disheartened by this sudden understanding of herself, she quickly found it relaxing as well.

"I guess if I know I can't write anymore, I at least won't waste my time trying." With that in mind, she went back and finished up the rest of the videos on the play-through, laughing as the way to the end of the ridiculous last moments of the game. What had started out as a murder-mystery had somehow involved ancient prophecies and mid-air kung-fu.

"Can't believe that a game like that exists. Worse that tons of ponies praised that game's story." With bleary eyes, Rainbow Dash turned off her computer and went to bed, hoping that she wouldn't get inspiration in the middle of her rest. She was too tired to write.

Author's Note:

I wrote this because I had writer's block. We all know the feeling.

Comments ( 4 )

Thanks. Funny thing about this story is that I wrote it because I was trying to write one of my other stories, but found myself just not able to.

Realistic but still a good read. :twilightsmile:

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