• Member Since 13th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2017


A man who doesn't write half of his stories half as often as he should like, and writes less than half of them half as well as they deserve.


A somewhat meta short in which the author attempts to ease himself back into writing fiction while the starring character does the same.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

Somewhere out there, there probably is a pony named Writer's Block. She has the worst special talent.

Thank you kindly.

Heh, maybe it's not quite what it sounds like, and her talent has something to do with finding/grinding up inkstones? One of my story ideas actually has to do with ponies that have misleading names and cutie marks.

I know that feeling. The craftiest self-insert I've read. I hope you really talked to a pet too just so I know I'm not the only crazy person that does that.

This carving has an interestingly-styled mane; it is more a mohawk than anything else. This leads one to wonder whether it is a pony at all, and not a zebra, whose culture might more readily adopt such an appearance.

actually, I always assumed it was a pegasus, since they've been depicted as being very roman in their designs, and the helmet crests are still prominent in the guard.

Oh no, I talk to my cat all the time, you're definitely not alone :pinkiehappy:

I can only wonder if I will ever actually write a story of my own if I keep reading stories about other peoples bouts with writer's block... (Even though this is only the second story I've come across on the topic so far.)

Wow. Nearly three years after this was made i find this story, and com none other than Majin Syeekoh himself! He made a blog post about it, hence why I'm here! Though you probably have, and still are, keep up the good work!!

This is the part where I give you vague and nigh-worthlessly impersonal advice about getting past writer's block.

Just get a seed of an idea, open up a document, stop thinking, and type, then after you can't anymore, go back, clean it up, and try to make it into something unique. If that's not your style, then do the opposite: Before putting fingers to keys, think up ideas until your brain is in pieces, and once you have one, think about it until your brain-pieces are in piece-pieces. Fall in love with that idea and all the directions you could take it, and then start typing, letting it all firm up.

If you've brought writer's block up elsewhere, I'm sure you've heard every perspective on how to get past it, so the above two methods are probably just two more drops in the janitor's bucket of mop water, so this is the part where you probably file them away as future options for if you ever work up the will. But therein lies the problem: working up the will to even try pretty much any method to get past writer's block is already the whole of the battle. The real advice is that you get past it when you get past it, so just be open to those rare moments when you think you might actually be feeling that thing you vaguely recall as being called "motivation". It all sort of snowballs from there.

To close out this block of thing you didn't ask to hear, let me say thank you for taking the time to give something of mine a read.

I'm actually a little shocked, out of any of my fics, Syeekoh decided to put this one in the spotlight—it's easily my least favorite of what I've published here. I'd definitely recommend you try one of my more recent things. Thanks for the attention, all the same.

I believe that vague advice is sometimes far more worthwhile than any overly-specific advice could be, mainly because it's more malleable to interpretation.

I haven't really brought up the topic, I just happened to stumble across another story regarding it a while ago. :twilightsheepish:

As far as working up the will to do so, I'm going to try and hold myself to a resolution of writing and publishing a story here sometime within the year...

I may not have asked to hear that, but it is information that I truly do appreciate all the same. Thank you. :twilightsmile: Oh, and I'll also be sure to check out some of your other works.

2453600 It's a recognized and accepted part of both writing and programming. In Programming, it's called Rubber Ducking

5507679 I'm familiar with the concept, and heartily approve its use :twilightsmile:

Majin Syeekoh

5506600 I'm actually a fan of the second method myself—some of my shortest stories have had days of planning put into them lining everything up just right.

As for why I chose this story, well, there are two reasons:

1. It's your shortest story.

2. I have a soft spot for metafiction.

The fact that this story is so well-constructed and is still your least favorite speaks volumes of the standards you set for yourself.

Very nice. It's not often I see such a well worded short on this site.

Thanks for that, and for the watch/favorites.

Heh. I'm well aware, and I find it increasingly hilarious.

It's So Meta Even This Acronym!

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