• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 731 Views, 0 Comments

Villains' Comfort - JusSonic

With Lorcan defeated and Equestria saved, the surviving villains Trixie Lulamoon and Boris find comfort within each other.

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Villains' Comfort

Villains' Comfort

Trixie was far FAR away by the time that her former allies were rounded up. The unicorn stops a bit to catch her breath. She hates to abandon her pals like that, but then again, Trixie has to look out for herself after all...and she doesn't want to go back to facing the one who abandoned her when Twilight became a student of Celestia: Celestia herself.

Trixie comment, "A realistic, telekinetically manipulated dummy, some smoke and mirrors and some appropriately applied ventriloquism. That was all it took to fake my own death."

"Trixie...is that you?" A familiar voice spoke up. Trixie then notice three familiar figures are nearby: it's Boris (conscious and recovered) and his two goons Boxco and Dum-Dum.

"Uh, what were you saying?" Dum-Dum asks Trixie puzzled.

Trixie admit, "What? Illusion is what I do best. Is it that hard to believe that I would use my talent with illusion to fake my own death? I just wish I could have shown that kind of cleverness when Lorcan recruited us in the first place. If I had seen it coming more than a few minutes before he was going to try to kill me -"

Trixie then break into tears. Boris sighs then do something shocking, much to his two goons' surprise: the Red Devil hugs the blue unicorn, taking her into his hooves.

"It's okay, it's okay, everything's going to be all right, Trixie." Boris said with a sigh. "I...I'm here now, to help..."

"I thought he wanted Twilight." Boxco said to his pal in confusion.

"Maybe the boss needed someone to fall back on." Dum-Dum remarks stupidly then glances how comfortable Boris and Trixie are getting. "Then again..."


The four fiends has found a cave to hide in for a while. At least, no one will find them here: this was once the Red Dragon's cave until Fluttershy's Stare causes him to fly off.

"Unbelievable." Boris groans in disgust. "That he would using me the whole time! No one does that to Boris."

"Apparently, someone did." Boxco remarks but yelps as Boris and Trixie glares at him. "Err, sorry."

"Clean this place up, you two!"

Boxco and Dum-Dum obey as they got to work on cleaning the cave up. Boris and Trixie sigh as they sat down together. The two villains and former Tadaka Brotherhood members look at each other. They have only each other now, besides the two idiots. Discord is lost and the members are locked up.

"So what happened?" Trixie ask Boris in concern. "I mean during your last battle with Twilight and her friends."

"Oh, nothing much...actually, I lied; A lot. I tried to force my magic onto Twilight to steal her will but Ben Mare got in the way. Then I used a potion to turn me into a Black Devil but again, I lost!" Boris exclaims in frustration. "I should've known that it wasn't worth it."

"Yeah, it never was...thanks to your warning and me using my clone, I saw that Lorcan never lost me...he never cares for me at all...the villain was using me...and wanted to kill me..."

"What did he do to you anyway? Why did you go for him in the first place...and why were you screaming during that fight with the Mane Six?"

Trixie pauses a bit then she said, "Lorcan was so...sweet..."


Trixie smiles as she looks at herself in a mirror. The unicorn is in her dressing room back in Hoofington. Soon Trixie will return to Ponyville...find Twilight Sparkle and thank the unicorn for saving her life...from both the Ursa Minor and her on darkness.

Just then a knock came at the door, making Trixie grins. Must be a stagehand or a fan of sorts; the unicorn opens the door and said, "Come in and greet the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"Still a braggart, Miss Lulamoon?" A voice spoke up. Trixie blinks a bit as she saw some sort of figure in a cloak and hood; Weird, doesn't look like a stagehand...or a fan to her.

"And...who are you? How did you know about my last name? Only a few knew that."

"Let's say that I am a true fan of yours, Miss Lulamoon. May I come in?"

"Fine, but don't stay too long. I got a show to do in a couple of minutes then I am heading to Ponyville for a special show and forgiveness." Trixie remarks as she heads to her dressing room to get ready.

The figure closes the door and locks it. He spoke up, "This won't take a while, I promise you. So, returning to Ponyville? I've heard you have a...terrifying experience there."

"Oh, you've heard? Well, nothing much. I was showing off my magic and boasting. Then two dumb ponies brought an Ursa Minor and that terrified the ponies, got my stagecoach destroyed...almost ruin everything for me."

"And yet, I've heard that a pony saved the day. Correct?"

Trixie pauses to think. How did this guy know that? The unicorn explains, "Yes, it is Twilight Sparkle, the personal student of Princess Celestia...the alicorn whom I know...personally."

"You knew the princess?" The figure asks in interest. Trixie looks in a mirror then sighs in sadness and regret.

"She and I have...a good history...a good one...no, I rather not talked about it."

"Twilight Sparkle has outdone you, made a fool out of you. You want to be a some pony again but is struggling barely. You should do that and I can give that to you."

"What, as in some sort of society of members of sorts?" Trixie ask the figure curiously who nods a bit. The unicorn shakes her head, "Sorry, but no. I admit, I thought of getting payback at first...but I realize that doing so would make me a monster...a villain...no, I wanted to return to Ponyville, thank Twilight for saving my life and apologize for my boasting and how it causes the Ursa Minor incident."

"So you want to thank a pony who exposed you as a fraud?" The figure asks blankly.

"Not on purpose, Twilight wasn't doing it on purpose, she was doing it to save Ponyville from the Ursa Minor! And once come back, I would..."

Suddenly Trixie yelps as some magic grabbed her, slamming the pony to the wall. The figure came over, smirking as his victim struggles helplessly.

"I didn't come here for a sad story...I came here to recruit you." The figure said to Trixie, holding a claw that is sparking. "And...I have ways of getting what I want."

"What are you going to do?" Trixie ask in fear and worry.

"Oh, the best I can."

The figure then cast a spell around the room. He doesn't want anyone to hear Trixie's screams as he begins to torture her...


"Trixie?" The figure spoke to Trixie who spoke up, getting a bit freaky and upset.

"Yes, what is it?" Trixie ask the figure, trembling but for a good reason: insanity and hatred appears to have taken her over.

"About my offer...it stands. I can make you a some pony again...but only if you joined my group that will do so."

Trixie pauses to think, then looks outraged...but for a different reason. She remembers how Twilight has saved Ponyville from the Ursa Minor...and exposed her to be a fraud and ruining her reputation as a show pony. How dare she...

"I want my reputation back...Twilight will pay." Trixie said darkly. The figure smiles behind his cloak secretly. His hours of torturing the mare have paid off. Now she has gone insane that Trixie would believe and do anything he wants her to do.

"Good...Welcome to the Brotherhood of Tadaka, my dear." Lorcan said with a smile.

End Flashback

Trixie trembles in fear, remembering what happens during her hours with Lorcan. She mumbles, "During the time I started in that group, I got to know Lorcan and...I fell for him. But now...I remember what he did to me to get me in in the first place. He tortured me, I never wanted to join...but Lorcan tortured me! The memories; make them stop!"

Trixie cries a bit as Boris hugs her. The Red Devil is furious. Lorcan has tortures this mare into joining his group when she refused. That is a low that even Boris wouldn't do...at first anyway but still.

"I'm...sorry." Boris spoke to Trixie with a sigh.

Trixie stops crying, looking confused as she ask, "For what?"

"That he did that to you. I mean, I am upset and outraged. No one should be forced into joining...yes, that's shocking coming from me, but its shows how much that even a villain like me can care."

Boris and Trixie stops hugging as they look down. It's true, the villain has felt something for the show mare...something that he usually saves for Twilight, but now...

"So, why in the hay would you go for Twilight anyway?" Trixie ask Boris, getting his attention. "The pony is obviously an egghead and she obviously wanted that Ben Mare, Celestia's adopted one."

"Because to me, she's the most beautiful pony in Canterlot...who deserves to be with someone like me." Boris remarks with a scoff. "After I deserved the best...and I didn't want Ben Mare to take that away from me. Filthy Earth filth; I should've killed him instead of playing that prank on him that day but I didn't want any problems."

"By the way, Boris."


"How did you react when Lorcan told you about Ben Mare's cutie mark and his mother?" Trixie ask Boris curiously. It's true, Lorcan did indeed tell him that about Ben Mare's cutie mark and how Celestia, the princess, is the Earth pony's adopted mother.

"Well..." Boris begins to hesitate as he goes into that tale.


"He's what?" Boris ask Lorcan ask, wondering if the Red Devil has heard right. The two are in a private conversion in the dragon's quarter where Lorcan told him a shocking discovery.

"He has the Triforce Element of course." Lorcan said with a chuckle. "Imagine, an Earth pony like that, having the power to fly without wings...and the power to use magic without a horn. Fascinating."

"No it's not! That would give me another reason to be outraged. Ben is nothing more than a filthy Earth filthy who shouldn't use magic or fly! That power of his belongs to those who deserved it more...like me!"

"Or the Brotherhood of Tadaka, let's not forget that."

"Someone should kill that pony...get that power from him." Boris said in jealously and fury. "That power will be of use to us."

"Won't be easy; His mother Celestia wouldn't allow it." Lorcan said, much to Boris's shock and disbelief.

"Princess Celestia? The princess; She is Ben Mare's mother?!"

"Adopted mother, actually; I am surprised as you are. That alicorn who kept the secret for years...and no one else besides a trusted few found out for years."

Boris frowns in disbelief. That makes him even more jealous and annoyed. Ben Mare, his rival for Twilight's heart, is the son of Princess Celestia. If he has revealed that during his school years...

"Well, I blamed Celestia now...thanks to her, he has come into my life and took Twilight from me." Boris remarks in disgust and annoyance. "When we have won everything, I will watch her beg for mercy before she died."

"Good to hear that." Lorcan said with a hidden smile. Unknown to Boris, he will never get that chance...if ever.

End Flashback

"Never got my chance to be honest." Boris remarks with a scoff. "Thanks to her putting Ben Mare...that's when my life ended."

"Oh you poor dear," Trixie said with a sigh as she hugs Boris. "You deserved better."

Boris hesitates then hugs Trixie, both of him are in a comfortable hug, one that never to be broken. It's like these two...are becoming more than just allies...for a while.

"So..." Boris said as the two let go, "Still planning on apologizing to Twilight and thanking her."

"At first, but I haven't forgotten the recent events. No worries, I'm planning on humiliating Twilight now...then apologize. I no longer desired her dead." Trixie admits to Boris. "Those desires belong to Lorcan anyway."

"So I see. Which brings me to a different subject: where are the other members of our group? Are they still alive or are they dead?"

"You mean Gilda, the Flim-Flam brothers and those Diamond Dogs? They are arrested, I have escaped. Didn't want to abandon them but didn't have a choice."

"So what are you going to do?" Boris asks Trixie with an arch of the eyebrow. "I mean with the others?"

"I already have a plan to spring the others, but I figure I'll have an easier time getting the materials needed if I'm still on the outside, plus I might also be able to get some help too in order to improve my odds of success even more." Trixie explains to Boris clearly. If the mare wants to free her allies, then she would need some materials and outside help to do so.

"But what's in it for me, Boxco and Dum-Dum?" Boris asks Trixie curiously. If he and his goons help the unicorn out with her plan, what do they get in return?

"The others can distract most of Twilight's friends and minimize unwanted interference when you take your revenge on Twilight's colt friend."

"Well, you have a point there. I have admits to that. Still, before you mentioned getting help to spring the others, you mentioned required materials?"

"Yes." Trixie said, pausing to think then continuing, "The Flim-Flams are quite gifted with machines, so I figure if we can discreetly sneak in materials they can use to build escape devices -"

Boris continues on, "Our teammates could do the rest. But how do you plan to sneak the materials in?"

"I have a series of clever disguises plus stuff needed to start a good piping system at my hideout."

Boris chuckles then remarks, "Not bad; I have to admit, when you're not nursing an obsessive crush on Lorcan, you're actually quite intelligent; certainly more so than my two usual associates. And you're also not half-bad-looking."

"Thanks." Trixie said with a blush on her face. Perhaps the unicorn has been barking up the wrong tree. Perhaps she deserves someone better...who is in front of her right now, perhaps.

"I could definitely see us being great business partners."

"Business; Oh, right; Your OWN obsessive crush on Twilight; Still, it IS a start."

Trixie has calmed down, being comforted by Boris of all ponies. She decided that it's best to be with him and his goons for a while since it's likely that the Royal Guards and the authorities will be looking for them.

"Well, at least Lorcan can't get us here." Boxco said as he and his group hangs out together in a cave, thinking they are safe.

"That dragon can't, but we can..." A voice spoke up, making the four yelps in alarm. They look up and saw two cloaked figures standing, staring at them.

"Who are you two?" Boris demands to the newcomers. The mystery of these two is about to be revealed.

The other figure spoke up, "Oh, we came here as we heard of four lucky members who we can recruit to our cause."

"Huh?" The two stupid goons ask in confusion.

"Wait, you want us to be a member of your club?" Trixie ask the figures with a scoff. "Forget it, we already learnt our lesson with Lorcan and we aren't joining another society."

"You don't understand." The first figure who spoke said sternly. "You are good candidates. We've heard of your moments with the Brotherhood of Tadaka; Our Superior expresses his apologizes for what happened before and during."

"And he wants us to join to make up for it?" Boris asks, arching an eyebrow at this. Boxco and Dum-Dum looks a bit nervous at these two figures.

"Ha, he's smart, very smart!" The other figure remarked with a scoff, "Perfect candidates, he and his filly-friend."

"Hey! Trixie isn't my filly-friend. I've already got an eye on Twilight Sparkle!"

Boris doesn't know it but Trixie was looking down at this announcement. The first figure spoke up, "Well, our society is dedicated on helping one another...no bad stabbing unless it's for failures and betrayals. Our Superior originally wanted Trixie...but perhaps you three additions can help out."

"Superior," Trixie ask, blinking her eyes a bit. "Why does your Superior want with me?"

"He has...a special connection to you."

"What connection?"

The first figure goes over to Trixie and speaks into her ear, explaining the reason. The mare's eyes widen in shock then she backs away in horror upon hearing the explanation. Boris and his goons notice a look of fear on her face.

"Trixie," Boxco ask Trixie puzzled.

"Hey, what gives? You look like you've seen a ghost." Dum-Dum said to Trixie in concern.

"No, no, please! Not him! Anyone but him," Trixie exclaims, trembling in fear. "Kill me, torture me but not too much to the point of insanity...BUT DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK TO HIM!!!"

"Is it Lorcan?" Boris asks with a frown of anger and annoyance. "Because it is..."

"No, it isn't Lorcan...but someone worst than him. He's the reason that I was an orphan in the first place. Please, please! I can't go back to him...my own..."

"Look, the Superior wants you back, regretting what he did." The second figure said to Trixie who shows a skeptic look. She doubts that this figure regrets what he did to her. "Yeah, I was skeptic too but he felt like you are too important now after hearing of your performance."

"You wanted to break your allies out of prison? We will help in making that happen." The first figure said to Trixie's group. "But only if you come wih us."

Trixie gulps in fear, then Boris put a comforting hoof on her shoulder saying, "We should join...perhaps this will work to our advantage. No worries, I will keep you safe from...whoever this Superior is."

Trixie felt relaxed and comfortable. Maybe Boris could help out in keeping her safe from...from him.

"Thank you, all right, lead the way." Trixie said to the figures as the two goons watch on. "But first, I must know who we're working with. Like you two."

"Well, if you must know. The second figure said, removing the hood to reveal that it is a female pony, a dark red Earth one with a bright red mane, orange eyes and pointed devil-like ears"My name is Warring Malice." She put a hoof to her forehead while remarking, "Got it memorized?"

"Sounds like an overrated quote of a video game." Dum-Dum comments as Boxco laugh in agreement.

"Right, and how about you," Boris ask the first figure who was silent. "Who are you?"

The first figure then removes her own hood...Trixie, Boris, Boxco and Dum-Dum gasps in shock and disbelief. The unicorn exclaims, "No! It can't be...how could you be a member of this society?!"

All that will be said of this figure is that she is a female unicorn...with a familiar mane...and turquoise eyes like a former queen of Equestria...

The End?

Cast list
Kathleen Bar: Trixie Lulamoon
Crispin Freeman: Boris
James Arnold Taylor: Boxco
Richard Steven Horvitz: Dum-Dum
Mark Hamill: Lorcan
Monica Rial: Warring Malice
Tara Strong: First Figure (remains a mystery for now)

Author's Note:

Well, nice story and we get a peek of a bit of Trixie's past as well as why she truly joins the group. Who is this new mysterious group and the unicorn that Trixie and her friends recognize? Could it be a certain pony we know of?

Well, not really and it isn't Nightmare Moon even though she shares the same turquoise eyes...but the origin of her will be revealed another time. And who is the Superior that Trixie fears who has a connection to her?

That's for another time. Time for the next MLP: FIM fic...

"Big Brother Responsibility: (Takes place during Lorcan's Wrath) After the finale battle at the ruins of the ancient castle of Lorcan and the "death" of someone every dear to them in the hospital, the Mane Six return home. But Applejack and Apple Bloom are still scarred by what the Flim Flam Brothers did to them and Twilight grieves over the death of her little brother Spike. Can Big Macintosh and Shining Armor comfort them?
Note: takes place just after Spike's death and before the funeral"

That's it for now. Until next time, read, review and suggest!

This fic has references to 'Lorcan's Wrath', 'The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds' and 'Past Sins' (towards the end).

Warring Malice uses of 'Got it memorized' as well as the comment after that involves the Kingdom Hearts series.

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