• Published 30th Nov 2013
  • 1,460 Views, 16 Comments

Twilight Tries to Read - Time Pony Victorious

Twilight received the latest book of the Daring Do book series: Daring Do and the Treacherous Titan and tries to read it in peace. But interruption after interruption deters her, will she ever get a chance to finish reading?

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Silence in Canterlot Library

Princess Celestia exhaled through the nose, trying her best to both stay awake and resist the urge to yawn or sigh. The prattling of Gold Rush, a self-imposed unicorn elite, went on like incessant white noise to the princess. He was beginning to get on her nerves, and trust me it is very difficult to do that.

While Celestia’s patience is near infinite, there are a few things that are capable of whittling down that proverbial wall. The endless, persistent insignificant complaints from the so-called unicorn elite is one of them. As Princess, it is Celestia’s duty to listen to the formal complaints of her ponies, that much was certain, it is one of the hazards of adopting a socially liberal, classless based society, Celestia observed.

Mind you, it isn’t as if Princess Celestia hated listening to the surprisingly well-thought out and concise complaints of the townsponies. One of the many similarities Princess Celestia shares with the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie, is an overabundance of joy that comes with helping other ponies and making them smile (an observer would note that their mutual appreciation for baked goods is another similarity, Celestia would disagree).

She loved being able to help, it is one of the perks of being a princess, honestly. But when the complaints morph from lack of water to the fact that little fillies and colts are playing much too close to somepony’s considerable estate and the desire to bulldoze said fillies and colts’ homes it wears on Celestia.

Princess Celestia suppressed another sigh as she thought about those depressing ramifications. This instant-gratification driven society has been one of the banes planted firmly on Celestia’s flank. It’s the honest troubles of a wealthy kingdom with poor wealth distribution. Sure, poverty is a thing nearly unheard of in Equestria, and everything is relatively balanced, but the unicorn elites insist upon setting their own hierarchy which ruins the entire premise.

The end result becomes where social status stands above goodness and kindess, where gossip runs rampant and sets out to destroy reputations and lives. Such a thing is always inevitable when ponies of differing mindsets gather together, Princess Celestia could easily do away with the whole system and instill her own dictatorial rule.

The good Princess tapped her chin slightly, thinking about such an idea for a moment… before deciding against it. It would end up like last time, a kingdom in flames, pony revolt and a dragon threatening doomsday.

So what then? Smile through it, pretend such complaints don’t bother her? Well, she’s certainly doing a good enough job at the moment. Gold Rush gesturing passionately, no doubt going on about how those neighborhood fillies and colts are ruining what Canterlot stood for.

It’s one of the irritating modicum that Princess Celestia must deal with, protozoa clawing at her hooves when there are larger, pressing matters to attend to. Her mind, for example, is at the pinnacle of development. Infinitely expanded inwardly with every single asset focused on their respective tasks so there are no empty spots or useless parts.

In the back of her mind, Princess Celestia knew the exact number of inhabitants in Canterlot up till five minutes ago, she knew a great number of foreign languages, several theories on quantum mechanics and the approximate size of the TARDIS’s interior.

Was it, therefore, a waste of time to fill her head with useless trivia and facts? That was a conundrum that she had to deal with constantly, but she always managed to convince herself that in the long-run it was always, irrevocable worth it.

With a sudden burst of magic, the grand doors of the throne room were thrown open. Calmly, Princess Celestia looked to see who it was while Gold Rush stared completely outraged at the interruption. Twilight Sparkle strode into the throne room with defined purpose, there was fire in her eyes and determination in her step.

Princess Celestia couldn’t help but smile at her student’s behavior and appearance. Unlike the other mares and fillies in Canterlot that care deeply over their physical proportions, unfortunately set upon by Princess Celestia inadvertently, Twilight Sparkle could barely care how she looked.

Her mane was a perfect mess, her eyes bloodshot, and her coat unkempt, yet to Princess Celestia she looked absolutely beautiful. It was always unfortunate how many mares measured themselves to Princesses Celestia and Luna, as if they were the standard for “perfection” (whatever that meant). You’d often find them starving themselves in order to gain the slim figure Celestia was rather famous for. Ironically enough, they would often avoid mimicking the Princess’s, er, healthy flank, in favor of a thinner, firmer one.

Celestia never intended to become the proverbial measuring stick, but like with everything else, it simply happened! Celestia more than often enjoyed ponies who were comfortable and happy with the way they appeared. Ponies in all shapes, sizes, colors were beautiful to Princess Celestia.

Speaking of beautiful, Twilight finally made her way to the throne, ignoring Gold Rush, with a book levitated beside her. For a moment, panic set in the Princess’s mind, perhaps Twilight was in some form of danger?

However, once Celestia noticed the title of the book, Daring Do & The Treacherous Titan, the panic disappeared.

“Hello, Princess Celestia,” Twilight greeted with a smile and a punctuated bow.

“Princess Celestia, who is this mare with the nerve to—“

Princess Celestia lifted a hoof, interrupting Gold Rush’s inevitable rant about how unicorns like Twilight were ruining his values. “Surely you recognize Twilight Sparkle, the keeper of the Element of Magic, and my most precious student, Gold Rush?”

Gold Rush had the good decency to blanch at the honorifics Celestia had overtly added on, to Twilight’s humble blush and small smile. “Y-yes, of course. How could I forget! But Princess, our discussion—“

“Is over,” she finished gently. “I have more apparent and pressing issues with my student that simply cannot wait.”

For a moment, it looked as though he was going to voice his complaints but instead nodded stiffly and stomped out of the room.

Twilight frowned, sheepishly poking the floor. “Sorry, for interrupting your meeting, Princess Celestia.”

Princess Celestia shook her head, smiling warmly. “You interrupted nothing, Twilight. I am always happy to accommodate you, this is, after all, your home just as much as it is mine.”

Twilight nodded, beaming happily. She approached the throne and quickly hugged Celestia, a hug which was gratefully returned. “Now, what is it that you need?”

Breaking the hug, Twilight levitated the book in front of Princess Celestia. “I just got a new book, Princess and I can’t get any peace and quiet to read it! I tried to read it in Ponyville, but there was always something that got in the way.”

Celestia nodded, understanding the unicorn’s eccentricity, she was like this even as a filly. Whenever she got something new to read, Twilight demanded that the entire castle not bother her for anything so she could read it in perfect isolation.

“I was wondering if I could use Canterlot’s library, it’s always quiet there! Would you mind?”

“Of course not,” Celestia answered. “Feel free to use it. Enjoy your book, Twilight Sparkle, I hope you are able to find peace here.”

Twilight left after a hurricane of hugs and “Thank you”s and practically skipped right out. Hopping in perfect beat that would even impress Pinkie, Twilight quickly made her way down to the library. Finally, she would be able to finish the damned book!

She spared a glance to the left, through the many glass-stained windows that filled the corridors and stared at awe at the majesty of the night sky. Billions of stars burned overhead, twinkling in the seemingly near distance under the multicolored hued of the canvas that was the sky. Twilight smiled knowingly, recalling the fact that she recently had the privilege to visit some of those stars.

Twilight was so distracted by the beauty of the stars that she failed to notice Princess Luna ahead and crashed right into her. The little unicorn fell promptly on her flank and Princess Luna remained stoic and unmoved, as if bothered by a gnat. Even worse, Twilight’s revered book was thrown out of her magical grip but was thankfully ensnared by Luna’s.

After shaking the stars out of her eyes, Twilight gasped, realizing who she hit. “Oh, I’m so so sorry, I didn’t see you there, Princess Luna.”

Princess Luna was, however, more concerned with the book, carefully studying the title before turning to Twilight and shaking her head gently. “Do not despair, Twilight Sparkle. Part of the blame falls on me, I was not watching where I was going.”

Helping Twilight up, the unicorn giggled lightly at Luna’s modernized speech, apparently her book on contemporary linguistics paid off! “I was just distracted by the stars, they’re amazing tonight.”

Luna looked to the window, admiring her work. “Yes, they are. Most ponies fail to appreciate the difficulty in my task and the beauty of the outcome.”

“Most ponies are asleep at this time,” Twilight gently corrected. “But we appreciate it all the same, Luna. More times than not, the girls and I camp out and go star-gazing, we love it.”

Princess Luna smiled gratefully and appreciatively, as if oblivious to such appreciation but she accepted it all the same. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. Pray, what are you doing at the castle at this hour to begin with?”

Twilight gestured to the book Luna held. “I came here to read. I haven’t been able to get a moment to myself in Ponyville and hoped I would get it here.”

Luna opened the book and began to skim the contents. “Daring Do, hm? Fiction?”

“Mhm,” Twilight nodded. “Well, there are fan speculations that A.K. Yearling bases her work on reality, but I don’t buy it.”

A hard line set on Luna’s mouth, like she wanted to say something but decided against it, handing the book back to Twilight. “Unfortunately, I am out of touch with contemporary literature, thanks to my lengthy… absence. The last piece of literature I partook is now considered archaic.”

“Well, if you want, you could always drop by my library and I can recommend something for you. We’ve got a large array of books, not as impressive as Canterlot’s but it has more diversity,” Twilight explained. “We’ve got adventure, science-fiction, mystery, romance, and so on.”


“Yeah, but most of it is just sappy filly books about batponies and lycans, not my sort of thing, really.”

Princess Luna looked conflicted and Twilight bit her tongue. She cursed her harsh and dismissive words, what if Princess Luna was into something like that, after all?

“But there’s some good stuff!”

“Oh, pray tell.”

“Um, I read a book called Snow Ponies and Love Bunnies, a while back. It’s a cute romance book about this weather pegasus who falls in love with an earth pony veterinarian. I think you would like it.”

Luna tapped her chin a few times. She grinned, giving Twilight a half-hug. “It sounds delightful! I will indeed take some time out later to procure the novel!”

Twilight smiled awkwardly, grateful that Luna finally left and a bit guilty over that feeling. She adored talking to Princess Luna, mind you, but she just really wanted to read her book now.

Finally, she entered Canterlot library. It was as amazing as she remembered and, even better, empty! Twilight squealed with delight, apologizing to the Head Librarian for the noise before making her way to a desk. Spreading the book open, Twilight gleefully dove right back into the story.

Daring Do ducked in the chaotic bazaar. She dove right into a sea of pones, pushing and shoving through the chaos and wading awkwardly. She stuck out like a sour hoof, even in this place. Her mane was a complete mess, her favorite vest torn in places that left little to the imagination, and her wings were perfectly ruffled. She looked like she just climbed out of Tartarus.

Thinking quickly, Daring pushed her way through into the middle of the crowd and pulled off some mare’s scarf and draping it on herself. Walking over to a fabrics shop, Daring yanked a blanket off and wrapped herself around it. Flipping off her hat and smashing the top slightly, Daring tucked that away in her vest and just as quickly replaced it with a fez. In only a few seconds, Daring had perfectly disguised herself without getting spotted once.

Just then did her pursuers burst into the bazaar, looking around in confusion and futility for Daring. They barked orders at each other but the noise was drowned out by the discordant haggling from the vendors and customers. They wouldn’t be able to find her in a million years.

Grinning, Daring pulled out the revered idol those ponies sought. The Titan’s Bane—

“Oh, Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight looked up from her book to notice Princess Luna happily bounding her way to her.

Princess Luna levitated a book and Twilight instantly recognized the cover and cursed herself for not realizing that she would try to find the book here instead of Ponyville.

“Oh.. hey, Princess Luna,” Twilight tried for a smile but it came out a grimace, thankfully, Luna didn’t notice.

“I found the book and already started,” Luna explained giddily. “I am already 40 pages in, this is quite a fascinating piece of literature, Twilight Sparkle. I am, unfortunately, very inexperienced with love so this is a new experience for me.”

“Ah, well—“

“If I recall, the last romantic experience I had a few hundred years ago with a lovely mare named Lily Palm—“

“Princess Luna!” Twilight interrupted, holding the alicorn’s mouth shut with a fierce blush on her face. Ignoring the Head Librarian’s shushing, Twilight lowered her voice substantially. “Perhaps we could just read in silence?”

Luna nodded with a smile. “Of course, silence in the library, very appropriate.”

The two sat together and opened their respective books, Twilight couldn’t help but notice Luna’s particularly juvenile grin and giddy attitude. It was nice to see Luna like this, but Twilight needs some quiet, just a little bit!

Twilight opened the book…

The Titan’s Bane looked as intimidating as always. Daring knew the dangers of ancient statues, she had to face a snake god once before that nearly destroyed the world; good times. The Titan’s Bane looked like a chimera, it was a mismatched assembly of weird creatures put together.

What was it called again? A—

“Ooh, Ice Drop, don’t say something that impertinent!” Luna squealed, breaking Twilight’s thought process.

With a growl, Twilight refocused on the book.

A draconequus, a mythological, ancient creature of—

“How naughty, Miss Cream!”

A mythological, ancient creature of destruction. Thought to symbolize the vices of mortals—

“No! Don’t let her go!”

Thought to symbolize the vices of mortals, they—

“Aww, they kissed!”


“If Cream truly loves Ice Drop, why does she attack his flank while they kiss?”

“I HAVE TO GO!” Twilight cried, standing up in anger and storming out the library. The Head Librarian shushed her on the way out, but Twilight angrily replied, “SHUSH YOURSELF!”

Luna tilted her head at her friend’s sudden outburst. “Perhaps the book was too intense?”

Twilight stomped her way down the corridors, positively fuming from the constant interruptions, wondering if the universe is conspiring against her? Why her?!

She made her way to an empty foyer completely out of the way. With an exasperated sigh, Twilight made herself comfortable in one of the corners and sat with her book.

A draconequus, a mythological, ancient creature of destruction. Thought to symbolize the vices of mortals, they were like gods, with almighty power and control. Daring shivered at the sight of it, the thing eerily looked like a draconequus she knew, Discord.

But Discord was uglier in real life, and not as slim.

“Oh? Coming from you, dear, I’ll consider that a compliment.” Came a lilting, cheerful voice that filled Daring Do with dread.
She looked over at the source of the voice and there he was, standing beside a little shop. Discord stood there, leaning against it with his legs.. arms, whatever, crossed and a wicked smile on his face.

He looked exactly as Felicity described. Felicity (Mare Do Well) met Discord at the Sea of Chaos trying to stop a crazed god. She nearly died during the encounter, she had to jump into the sea, nearly getting torn apart by the primordial ooze that Discord claimed created the universe.

Daring couldn’t help but stiffen.

“What’s wrong? No witty taunt, Daring?”


“Oh? There was somepony here?” Twilight slowly placed her book down to look at the intruder. Blueblood, the prince, stood there as arrogant as he sounded. “It seems even I can’t find a place for solitude in this place without running into lower-class ponies… However, you seem to be an exception, no doubt you are speechless over how fabulous I am. Don’t worry, I have this effect on the mares—“

Twilight grumbled angrily as she walked away from the now smoking foyer. Blueblood stood in the middle of it, completely covered in black soot, his mane and tail burned off, his ego forever bruised.

The doors of the throne room opened up and Twilight stomped through, to Celestia’s surprise. “Ah, Twilight, have you finished—“

“No!” she cried. “I haven’t had any chance to read, even here! Please, Princess, can I stay here and read with you?”

Princess Celestia recoiled slightly, a bit surprised but happy at the request. “Of course, Twilight. Come here.” Celestia got off her seat and sat comfortably before Twilight, opening up a wing to drape her with. “Read it aloud for me, you always had excellent story-telling skills.”

Twilight squealed happily, jumping into Celestia’s warmth and snuggling close to the princess. Opening her book, Twilight cleared her throat dramatically and began on page one.

Spike, the dragon, happily walked through the corridors of Canterlot castle with a pep in his step and his belly stuffed with treats. Still, no matter how stuffed he is, he carried a comically tall stack of cupcakes and treats alike.

“Man, do those Canterlot bakers know how to bake!” he said, chewing another emerald cupcake. “I should be getting home though… I guess I’ll have to ask Celestia for a chariot. Eh, she won’t mind.”

Spike walked toward the throne room, unaware of what fury awaited him.

Comments ( 3 )

Okay, so what you're doing here is making a sequel to an unfinished story.... HOW DO YOU DO THAT? :derpyderp1:

Shoot, I keep trying to find this other story where Twilight's trying to read this new book, but her friends keep interrupting her, only it turns out the reason they keep stopping by is that Fluttershy has been caught by some giant spiders in the Everfree and needs rescue.
Does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

Spike walked toward the throne room, unaware of what fury awaited him

"Fury" is not the word I would use in this situation, given Twilight's day to this point.... Spike, RIP ....

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