Luna ended up taking the bottle from Glarin and teleporting it to her room for future use. After about 30 minutes Glarin had successfully braided his beard, and it no longer went to his knees. Instead, it stopped short of his waist line.
He was ushered to a large open area that was normally a park. It had been reformed into a temporary stadium using magic to replace the trees and bushes so they would have more open space for the rare event.
“So what games are we going to be doing first? The Axe throwing competition? Or maybe Rock hurling, haven’t tossed a rock in a good while.” Twilight was leading Glarin to the 1st event that they had planned for the day.
“Actually, its going to be archery. Have you used a bow before?”
“Can’t say that I have, used a crossbow once, wasn’t my style.”
“Well you will be issued a recurve bow along with many other nobles and you will compete along side them. You will each fire 3 arrows only and who ever has the closest to 3 bull’s-eye’s will win.” Glarin nodded his head.
“Sounds easy enough, I won’t win though, Never shot a bow in my life. If this was axe throwing, I might stand a chance.”
“Well just do your best Glarin, we will be watching from up there in the stands.” Twilight pointed her hoof up to what he assumed was the VIP section as only Princess Luna and Celestia were sitting inside the large booth area with 30 some other ponies. Their lack of beards confused him. He was sure they took the bottle from him.
Glarin walked himself over to the tent where he saw some other ponies getting what he assumed to be a bow. When he got to the tent he waited in line behind some of the other ponies. Turns out he was the last to get in line. The griffin behind the counter looked him up and down and rummaged through the bow’s he had until he pulled out a decent sized one.
“Here, never seen such muscles on an archer before, give that bow a few pulls and tell me how it feels.” Glarin looked the bow up and down.
“How do I use this thing? I’ve never used a bow in my entire life.” The griffin gave him an incredulous look.
“Are you serious? Pony nobles flock to archery cause its an easy ‘sport’.”
“Well, I’m not a pony and being a noble through knighthood is new to me.”
“Yeah I saw you get knighted, funny thing the princesses couldn’t decide what to title you. Anyway, let me show you how to use a bow at least. We don’t have any gloves for hands like yours, but maybe the ones we use for griffin claws might work.” The griffin grabbed one of the griffin claw gloves and tossed it in his direction. Glarin tried to put it on, but it was far too small.
“Bah, gloves are for weaklings that are scared of getting rough hands from honest work anyway.” The griffin laughed at Glarin’s comment.
“True that, but for griffins its so our claws don’t cut the strings when we draw it back. Now watch me, I’m going to dry pull it so you can see how its done at least.” The Griffins stood on his back legs and faced away from Glarin so he got a side view. He grabbed the string and pulled it back while pushing the bow out from his chest, He did so until his arms were fully extended. He repeated the drawing of the bow a few times then stopped.
“Just do that for me and tell me how it feels. If its too hard or too easy, let me know.” Glarin nodded his head and gripped the bow the way the griffin did and pulled on the string as far back as it would go. He then heard a crack and then brought the string back to its original spot.
“Is it supposed to crack?” Glarin looked at the bow and the top limb had a large visible crack going through it.
“By Celestia, You overdrew an 80lb recurve bow and cracked its limb. You're gonna need something bigger and stronger then.” The Griffin moved to the back of his tent and opened a large chest. He pulled out a slightly larger recurve bow that looked to be made of metal instead of wood.
“Here, this is the latest in bow tech. Its classified as a War Bow and its made from...” Glarin interrupted him with his eyes going wide.
“Spring Steel, correct?”
“How did you know?”
“I can tell by how it glimmers in the light and the way its tinted. We use spring steel for our Ballista’s instead of flimsy wood.” Glarin picked up the bow and pulled the string back. This bow was a good 2 inches longer then that wooden one. And it offered more resistance then the wooden one did, but nothing he couldn’t handle.
“Yes, this one feels much better than that wooden toy you handed me before.” The Griffin laughed.
“You know, you're probably the only one to draw that type of bow who isn’t a unicorn. It has a draw weight of 190lbs. Even the unicorns that are trained to use it take years before they can draw it as easily as you just did. Let me get you the arrows you need.” The griffin went back to the chest and pulled out what looked like steel arrows.
“These are the only arrows I have that are long enough to go with that bow draw size. Although they are made from a light steel alloy, they are still a bit on the heavy side, but with that bow they shouldn’t be a problem.” Glarin nodded his head at the Griffin.
“Thanks for the help. Lets see if I can at least hit the target.” The Griffin laughed again and waved him off.
“Good luck Sir Glarin!” Glarin made his way to the Archery tournament with the rest of the pony nobles and stood in the back as he watched some of the other ponies shoot the bow off.
It was funny to watch the different ponies shoot the bow. Normal ponies seemed to have the hardest time. They had special things on one of their hooves to hold the arrow and pull the string back while another special contraption held the actual bow to their hoof. Pegasi used a combination of the earth pony style or their wings to hold and draw the bow. Unicorns had by far the easiest way. They used their magic to hold and draw the bow.
The unicorn before Glarin had gotten 3 bullseye’s. The competition was practically over already and the last competitors needed to at least tie with her to start the tie breaking competition. Glarin was still going to give it his best. Twilight had told him to do so after all. Glarin stood behind the line like all the ponies had done before him. When he brought the recurve bow up and began to draw it, one of the nobles shouted out from the sidelines.
“Hey! Why is he using a different bow!? That isn’t fair!” Glarin ceased drawing his bow and was about to answer him when Celestia spoke up over the crowd.
“Yes Glarin, why do you get to use a war bow made from spring steel when everypony else used the wooden ones?” the crowed began to murmur among themselves
“The Griffin handing the bows out gave it to me after I cracked that wooden toy.” The unicorn noble that had just scored 3 bullseye’s scoffed.
“As if, he must of just been trying to give you the upper hand. Use my bow instead.” The unicorn levitated the bow in front of Glarin along with some arrows and Glarin just shrugged and grabbed them.
He got back into position and began to draw the bow as he had done before. As he pulled it back the same cracking sound he had heard before was evident, and when he released the arrow, the snap back caused the upper and lower limb to snap off completely and send the arrow straight into the ground. The string lashed it self across the arm Glarin was holding the bow with and drew blood. Glarin looked over to the Unicorn and shrugged.
“Sorry, I broke your toy bow.” The entire crowd was in shock along with the unicorn pony.
“That bow had an 80lb draw. And you snapped it into 3 pieces after overdrawing it with a single arrow.”
“Is that what I did? If it wasn’t made to go back that far, then why does it?” Glarin picked up the metal recurve bow he had gotten from the griffin and notched one of the metal arrows in it and drew it back. Celestia smirked as she watched Glarin draw the bow.
“He’s overdrawing that war bow as well. If it wasn’t made of spring steel it would of snapped just like the wooden ones. It’s a good thing a building is behind the archery targets. The arrows will just bounce...” Celestia watched as Glarin loosed the arrow. It completely missed the target by a good 10 feet and imbedded itself into the marble of the building she thought would deflect the arrows that missed. The crowd was wide eyed and silent for a moment before bursting into wild cheers.
Through the cheers one pony shouted “My house!”
“Why are they cheering? I completely missed.” Glarin notched the second arrow and spent a little more time aiming then he did before and loosed the arrow. It grazed the target this time and embedded itself into the marble wall just like the last arrow.
“By Clanggedin’s hairy arse! I didn’t get a single blasted arrow in the target.” The crowd cheered again.
“You still have one more shot Glarin.” Glarin furrowed his brow at the noble who said that.
“No, the arrow I fired from the bow that broke also counts. I was told we can only fire 3 arrows. Even though the bow failed and the arrow hit the ground. It still counts as it gained some distance. Rules are like laws and must be followed. No exceptions.” Glarin took his bow and walked over next to the other ponies that had already finished shooting.
Glarin sat down in the grass with the bow next to him. The crowd stopped cheering and went silent again as the next noble got up and began to take aim. Some of the nobles came up to him and just looked at him.
“That bow has to be enchanted, let me see it.” Glarin simply handed the bow over, and the other nobles began to inspect it.
“Must be here somewhere... there’s no way it could have that much power.” The noble began to become frustrated at his inability to find the enchantment runes.
“Give me that!” A unicorn snatched the bow from the pegasi’s hooves and looked it over as well. After a bit of frustrated searching Glarin cleared his throat.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have to go return the bow to the griffin who lent it to me.” Glarin held out his hand and the unicorn was dumbfounded that he could find no enchantments of anykind. As he began to walk away a pony with a red cross on her flank ran up to Glarin with a med kit.
“Hang on sir Glarin, I was finally able to find the med kit, let me patch up your arm first.”
“My arm?” Glarin looked at his arm and finally noticed it was bleeding. “Oh you mean this scratch? Its fine lass, no need to fret over it.” The pony rolled her eyes
“No need to act macho, just let me disinfect it and wrap it.” Glarin sighed.
“Fine.” He held out his arm and let her bandage it up.
Glarin had returned the bow and the griffin had a good laugh about what happened. By order of Celestia, Twilight herself came down to inform Glarin about the next game that was to take place.
“What in the underdark is a joust?”
“Well after you suit up, you are given a lance with a shield, or no shield, it just depends on how you want to go at it, most ponies have a shield though. Anyway, you then charge at each other as fast as possible and aim to knock each other down with the lance, of course if you have a shield it can be used to deflect the lance and help you stay standing. If you both fall then a 1 on 1 combat will begin and the 1st one to land a successful hit with the provided weapon will win.” Glarin was in thought for a moment then asked an important question.
“By successful hit, does that mean drawing blood or...?”
“No!” Twilight thought for a minute and realized he could probably cleave through armor with any weapon they gave him “We will decide what a successful hit is, but any attack that lands will count. As long as it wasn’t parried with the other weapon or blocked with the shield, if the shield is still intact.”
“In that case, you should just give me a stick or a small pole or something. I wouldn’t want to kill anyone.” Twilight figured as much.
“I’ll check and see what I can do.” Glarin and Twilight went over to the outfitter and he looked Glarin over.
“I don’t have any plate mail that would fit you, however I can give you a shield and lance, The ones for griffins should work. You will also be issued a sword or an axe, blunted of course, to reduce the risk of injury if a 1 on 1 is required.” Glarin just nodded his head while Twilight just thought for a moment.
“You wouldn’t happen to just have a short iron or steel pole laying around, would you?” The jousting outfitter just looked at her funny and went to the back and began to rummage through some stuff in the back. He later came out with a short steel pole.
“Will this do princess?” Twilight looked it over and nodded her head.
“Yes this should do just fine...” She levitated it over to Glarin who took it from the air and put it into his empty axe sheath, it bounced around but seemed to work just fine for temporary purposes.
“Just hand me a lance lad, I wont need a shield, never liked them anyway.”
“Are you sure? I don’t’ think that flimsy looking chain shirt will...” The pony stopped talking when he felt a cold chill run down his spine with Glarin giving him a look that could kill.
“Did you just say my clans, my Father’s metal work. Was. FLIMSY?!” Glarin took a step toward the pony while he stepped back and Twilight herself stepped back, never seeing Glarin this angry before. Besides maybe that time in the Everfree forest with those timber wolves.
“D-di-did I say f-f-flimsy? I m-m-ment to say fabulously great!” Glarin gave out a low growl as he stood up straight again.
“That’s what I thought you said.” Glarin grabbed the lance off the counter and stomped over to the waiting area.
“What was that about princess?” Twilight just looked over to Glarin and sighed.
“Probably because that chain shirt is the only thing he has left from his family...” The pony lowered his head.
“I didn’t...”
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t know. So don’t worry about it too much.” Twilight went out to go see Glarin before it was his turn to go up.
“Glarin are you alright?”
“Hmm? Yeah I’m fine, just worried a bit though.”
“Worried about what? Losing?” Glarin chuckled
“Losing is the least of my worries Lass, I’m just afraid of getting knocked up into the sky and disappearing before one of you can save me.” Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Are you still worried about that?”
“Of course I am! Isn’t there some magic spell you can cast to keep me grounded?” Twilight furrowed her brow in thought
“Grounded? Yeah I think I can do that. Show me your flank, I’ll give you a ‘special’ enchantment.”
“My what now?”
“Your flank, rear, posterior.”
“Oh, you mean my arse. Ok.” Glarin dropped his pants and turned around so Twilight had a clear view of his arse, it was quite hairy. She concentrated her magic and a red symbol began to glow on his left arse cheek.
“Oye lass, is it supposed to burn like that?” A moment later she stopped and a black mark was left. It consisted of a circle with 4 lines inside of it. The biggest line in the middle with a small one pointing up from the center of it.
“There, that should keep you grounded, so now you no longer have to worry about floating up into the sky Glarin.” Glarin looked at the bald spot on his arse and examined the mark.
“Well I’ll be a goblins uncle. Look’s like a proper rune to me.” Glarin pulled his pants back up and gave Twilight a hug.
“Thanks Lass, I have nothing to fear from heights now.” Little did Glarin know, she simply burned that mark into his flank using a bit of heat magic. She felt kinda bad about tricking him like that after the hug. But she shrugged it off and thought it was for the better in the long run.
Glarin was watching the other ponies go at it. As far as he could tell, they didn’t have a tournament system in place, everyone was just jousting for the fun of it. He assumed this game was simply to please the crowd, rather then to prove their martial powers. And the fact the lances had a big soft cloth ball at the end of them enforced the idea this was all for entertainment purposes.
The match before Glarin’s ended with a rather tame 1v1 as both nobles were afraid to hit each other after they viciously knocked each other down with the lance. Glarin chuckled to himself as he watched them fight.
“Such childish fighting.” Glarin watched them with a bored look on his face until the pegasi finally landed a ‘successful’ blow and was declared the winner.
The announcer called forth the next two contestants. One being Glarin and some other pony that went by the name of Fancy Pants. Glarin thought it was funny, he didn’t even have fancy pants, or pants at all for that matter.
The pony stood at the opposite end with his lance and shield set-up along with the platemail. Same as every other pony that had shown up that day. Glarin walked to his side with only his lance over his shoulder.
The competitions announcer commented on Glarin going with only a lance, saying they didn’t have armor for him and that he refused the shield as it wasn’t his style. The crowd burst into some cheers again.
“The crowd seems to love Sir Glarin sister.”
“Indeed they do Lulu, He surprised everyone with his bowmanship, even if his aim was a bit off.”
“A bit off? He missed it by a mile Aunt Celly. The only cool thing is that the arrows got stuck in the marble wall. I’ve never seen that before.”
“Yes, I admit he surprised me with that little stunt as well. I had no idea we made our war bows that powerful.”
“Oh its starting!” everyone hushed as the Unicorn sent off the bang to signel them to start.
They both charged at each other at full force, Glarin was obviously slower then Fancy Pants, but he was keeping a good pace nonetheless. When they came within distance of each other, Fancy pants’ lance was the first to connect. It hit Glarin squarely on the chest, making the wooden lance shatter into a million pieces. Only thing is, Glarin didn’t fall over nor was he pushed back. He continued to barrel forward as he thrust his wooden lance directly into fancy pant’s shield.
The shield itself held, but as the wooden lance broke on Fancy’s shield, his hooves were no longer on the ground as he was sent hurdling backwards. He landed a good 6 feet from where he was standing. The crowd cheered again as Glarin just watched the pony Fancy Pants get up. Fancy removed his helmet and walked over to Glarin.
“Good show my good man.” Fancy held out a hoof for Glarin to shake.
“Dwarf.” said Glarin as he took the ponies hoof.
"I’m sorry what?”
“I’m a dwarf, not a man. You weren’t so bad either Lad. Nice mustache by the way.”
“Well thank you. Your beard is quite magnificent if I do say so. I had been planning on growing one myself for some time, but the mare back home said it tickle’s her too much...” Fancy Pants sighed “... so I had it removed. However upon seeing yours I think bringing it back would be required.” Glarin gave out a hearty laugh
“Indeed, A beard is the best, no matter what the mare’s may think.” Glarin walked back with Fancy Pants to the waiting area. It was nice to see a pony with some facial hair. He was 100% sure this pony was a male.
Glarin and Fancy Pants hit it off quite well. Fancy wasn’t nearly as snooty as every other noble he had come into contact with. In fact, he was downright tolerable to be around. Fancy Pant’s was the 1st noble to welcome him into the ranks of nobility.
“So Sir Glarin, where were you going to set up your place of residence? Canterlot I assume? Or did you have something else in mind?”
“Well, I was actually going to head back to the smaller town I was at before this whole ordeal happened.”
"Smaller town? What was its name?”
“I never actually got it. I was only there for a day before I came here. Didn’t catch the name of it. Princess Twilight lives at a library there though.”
“Ahh you must mean Ponyville. You’re going to live there are you?”
“Yeah that’s the place. Gonna get myself a nice little home with an extravagant basement that I will expand over the years.”
“You know as a knight of Equestria, you are allowed to own a large plot of land and hire soldiers to defend it. You may even knight others that prove themselves to be worthy. Why, I’m positive you could make a veritable fortress if you wanted to.” Glarin went into thought for a moment.
“A dwarf fortress...” He shook his head.
“No, I don’t have that kind of money, a small home with a large basement is enough for me.”
“If you say so Glarin, but I’m sure the Princesses would be more than happy to help you get set up if you so desired it though.”
“Bah, I’ve bothered them enough as is. But these games are so boring. Isn’t there anything with actual combat?”
“You wish for actual duels Sir Glarin?”
“You bet your mustache I do. When I heard these were games where we display our martial powers, I thought it would be some big battle royale. Not what we’ve been doing.” Fancy Pants smiled.
“Well perhaps you will enjoy the next game then, it’s a series of 1 on 1 duels. I won’t be participating however, I’m not much of a fighter myself. Most of the younger nobles and bodyguards will be participating.”
“Yes, some nobles don’t actually participate themselves, but instead send their bodyguards. I never understood why that was allowed though.” Glarin laughed.
“Finally! Some real action!”
Boring! All of the fights! The ponies couldn’t put up a single sliver of resistance, the only one that was a bit of a challenge was the griffin bodyguard. But even then Glarin had one hand tied behind his back to try and make things more interesting. Glarin called out in anger in the middle of the field unsatisfied with what was offered to him.
“Has no one the beard to give me a real challenge?!” Suddenly Glarin had a bright idea. He could fight Twilights Wyrmling slave. He looked up to Twilight who was sitting in the VIP section with the other princesses.
“Twilight! Can I fight your pet Wymling?” Twilight flew down with a look of shock on her face while the rest of the crowd was silent. They had never seen anyone fight so many battles in a row and still demand more. The fact he disarmed one of the ponies by grabbing the sword’s blade with his teeth was both horrifying and exhilarating. He was even fighting barehanded and denting their armor with his punches.
“You want to fight my little Spike? Why?!”
“Hes a dragon! A Purple one at that. He should be able to give me a real challenge, even with him as young as he is.”
“But, he’s never fought before! I don’t think he would even want to...”
“Go talk to him! Tell him I want to have a duel with him! I’ll go easy on him, so don’t worry about it lass.” Twilight sighed after thinking for a bit.
“Well, he did always want to be a knight, this might be an eye opener for him.”
“That’s my clansman!” Glarin gave her a friendly slap on her flank. “I’ll wait right here!” Twilight blushed before teleporting away to where she left Spike.
“Spike!” Spike came out from the bathroom at the Library.
“Is the knighting ceremony over already Twilight? I just finished cleaning up as well.”
“Well, were at the 1 on 1 duels portion, and Sir Glarin wants to fight you.”
“F-f-fight me?” Twilight nodded her head.
“Yes fight, he said he would go easy on you, but no pony was able to give him a challenge, even a griffin.”
“H-he beat a griffin?”
“Yeah, with one hand tied behind his back actually.”
“Oh Celestia, I don’t wanna fight him.”
“But haven’t you always wanted to be a knight? This is your chance to learn what being a knight is like!” Spike thought for a moment, and envisioned himself wearing plate mail with a sword and shield protecting his lady of choice. He suddenly got a gleam in his eye.
“I’ll do it!” Twilight smiled and teleported them both back to the center of the field for the fight to take place. Spike looked around him at the crowd that suddenly began cheering when they appeared.
“You came!” Glarin had his arms thrown up in joy at the sight of the purple wyrmling. Twilight nodded her head and flew back up to the VIP section.
“Yeah well I figured if I want to be a knight, I should at least try to fight a knight once. See what its like.” Glarin looked at Spike with a glint in his eye.
“Lad, You wish to be a dragon knight?” Spike thought for a moment.
“Yeah I guess I do.” Glarin grinned at him.
“Tell me lad, do you know how to use your magical breath yet?” Spike looked at him confused for a bit.
“You mean like this?” Spike inhaled a deep breath and released it into the air. A green mist enveloped his body and magical green platemail appeared on Spike’s body with a sword and shield in his claws. Glarin Burst into roaring laughter as the crowd gasped.
“Yes! Just like that! I’m gonna need both hands for this!” Glarin sized up Spike for a bit before asking another question.
“You wouldn’t happen to know how to transform your breath into arrows would you?” Spike looked at Glarin for a moment before turning away to face a blank wall. He inhaled, then released a barrage of green arrows, they all pierced the marble wall and stuck into it before dissipating. Glarin burst into a roar of a laugh again at the sight.
A lone pony shouted over Glarins laughter. "Not again!"
“I never even thought about doing that. I wonder what else I could do.” All the ponies that were watching just watched in absolute shock, They had no idea Twilights dragon assistant was so... Scary.
“Twilight, How long has Spike been able to do things like that?” Asked Luna.
“I-I-I didn’t even know he could do stuff like that!” Celestia smirked.
“Spike is certainly growing up, You think he can make Glarin fight seriously?”
“Glarin sure thinks so... I hope they don’t hurt each other.” Glarin pulled out the steel pole he got from the jousting competition beforehand, and held it in his left hand “Oh, no...”
“Come at me Dragon! Do your worst!” Spike looked at the sword in his hand and at the shield. He brought the shield up in a defensive position with the sword out to the side behind him a bit, just like he had always envisioned in his day time fantasies.
Spike ran at Glarin only to have his sword swing parried with the sword flying out of his hand. Glarin followed with a swift punch to the gut that pushed him back. His green armor deflected the damage, but he still felt the jarring impact.
“Stop trying to fight like a man! Fight me like a dragon knight!” Spike looked at Glarin with a bit of confusion.
“Well how does a dragon knight fight? And my name is Spike.”
“With the biggest weapon he can use and his breath! Hold back nothing Dragon! I want a challenge! If you manage to seriously injure me, I’ll stop calling you Dragon.” Spike thought for a moment and released his shield. It dissipated along with the sword that had flown out of his hand. He exhaled a giant 2 handed blade. It wasn’t anything like a normal two handed sword, it had a rough jagged looking edge.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about! Defend yourself!” Glarin rushed and jumped at Spike bringing the steel pole down at Spike's head. Spike ducked out of the way and tumbled to the left. He was unaccustomed to fighting with a large 2 handed blade, but his magical blade really had no weight. So he was easily able to make a swipe at Glarin as he got up from his tumble. Glarin was barely able to get the steel pole up between him and the magical green blade.
Something unexpected happened. Glarin had thought he would land safely after blocking the giant green blade. He was a little shocked to be sent flying away a few feet. After he skidded across the ground a bit he rolled back up onto his feet.
Celestia, Luna, and Twilight were all watching in absolute shock, They had no idea Spike was this strong. After all, they still considered him to be a baby dragon. Even though he stood as tall as every other pony now.
“Twilight, when did Spike learn to use his breath like that?”
“It was something Spike and Merry figured out about 13 years ago. We don’t know much about dragon’s, but apparently he was a dragon expert. He said something about Spike being one of the deep dwelling Dragon’s. A Purple dragon with an energy based breath that with enough practice can turn it into anything...” Glarin continued his attack as he rushed at Spike. Spike raised the blade up and tried to bring it down on Glarin’s head. Glarin put both hands on the steel pole and blocked it. They were stuck struggling for a moment before Glarin spoke.
“What’s the matter dragon? Afraid to use your breath?”
“I don’t want to hurt you...”
“Ha! You couldn’t hurt me if you tried!” Glarin flexed his muscles a bit more and let go of the pole with his right hand as he moved over to the left, allowing the blade to slide down the length of the pole into the ground. Glarin brought his right fist up and connected it into Spike’s face knocking him to his back.
“But Glarin seems to be even stronger. And he hasn’t even raged yet.” Luna was watching intently with the rest of them.
“It would seem that way, but I think Spike is still holding back, he hasn’t used his breath to attack yet. And during that exchange just now, it looked like Glarin was the only one struggling.”
“Well I think its because Spikes breath is also an extremely powerful acid as well. He can alter it so it isn’t, but he doesn’t want to risk killing him.”
“I thought dragons only breathed Fire?!” exclaimed Luna.
“So did I, but apparently they can breath anything from fire to a mist that makes you insane...” Celestia and Luna looked down as the two of them continued to clash with each other.
“We really need to open a treaty with the dragon nations and learn more about them...” Luna nodded her head at Celestia as they continued to watch the fight. They would stop it if things became dangerous, but this so far was the most exciting fight they had witnessed since, forever.
Every other noble that fought Glarin quickly gave up after the 1st punch. The griffin gave up once his plate armor was dented by Glarin’s fist. This fight is already lasting longer then all the other fights combined.
“Dragon, I know you’re better then this! Stop holding back!”
“I just don’t want to hurt you!”
“Hurt me?! What are you, a giant sissy crybaby dragon?! FIGHT ME SERIOUSLY YOU OVERGROWN BABY LIZARD!” For some reason, being called a big crybaby made him mad. So mad that he inhaled, and when Glarin called him an overgrown baby lizard. He released a barrage of green arrows directly at Glarin.
The attack came so quickly and covered such a large area, dodging would be impossible at that distance. Glarin just put his arms up to keep the arrows from hitting his face. The crowd gasped in horror as Glarin stood there covered in the green arrows. The only area without any arrows was his chest, being protected by his chain shirt. He looked like a giant pin cushion everywhere else however. Before the arrows dissipated into nothing, Glarin brought his arms down to reveal a smirk he had on his face.
“Atta boy! Now its my turn to get serious!” Glarin pulled his axe out of the sheathe and tossed it away. “Don’t wanna kill you now do I?” Glarin gritted his teeth and he inhaled and exhaled a few breathes. After a bit he released a roar that caught the crowd by surprise. Everyone felt a chill down their spine.
Rage activated.
“Celestia, we might want to stop the fight before anything really bad happens...” Twilight was just watching with Celestia, Luna and every other pony who just couldn’t believe what they were seeing.
Glarin broke into a full sprint as he charged at Spike. Spike swung his 2 handed blade out of panic more than anything else. Glarin jumped over Spikes sloppy swing and clasped both his hands together and then brought them down on top of Spikes head. Spike’s tail flew upward and smacked Glarin in the face, and they both fell to the ground. Glarin was the 1st to get up, and he grabbed Spike by his tail and began to swing him around in the air until he let him go. Spike was sent sailing through the air and skidded across the ground. His green armor and blade dissipated into the air.
Something was beginning to bubble inside of Spike, he was mad. He stood up and released a huge torrent of green flame into the air as he himself roared. Glarin roared back as they both broke into a sprint. They met in the middle and clashed with each other hand to claw. And they were both struggling to push the other back. After a bit Glarin reared his head back and pushed both of their arms open as he head butted Spike in the face and brought a leg up to kick him away. Spike inhaled and was about to release when a bright flash appeared between them.
Celestia had snapped out of her stupor and teleported down to the field between them both, and for the 1st time in over several hundred years, she used the royal Canterlot voice.
“ENOUGH!” Glarin and Spike just kept their low stances and after a bit of labored breathing calmed down. “Sir Glarin you are to see a nurse to tend to all of your arrow wounds and any others immediately. As for you Spike...” Celestia walked up to Spike “...I am disappointed in you Spike. I never expected such violent actions from you. You could have killed Sir Glarin!”
“OYE!” Glarin ignored the nurse that had come up to tend to his wounds. Despite Glarin looking like a horrible bloodied mess, he sure didn’t act like it. “How is he a disappointment? As far as I’m concerned, he’s Spike the Dragon Knight now. He was the only one that put up a REAL fight. Every other ‘noble’ I fought probably couldn’t fight their way out of a cloth sack!”
Celestia looked down at Glarin with a distinct lack of amusement on her face. “Um, Princess...” said Glarin as he was suddenly intimidated by Celestia. He got down on one knee as Luna and Twilight also flew down to the middle of the field.
“Sir Glarin, are you stating that Spikes actions of violence toward you should go unpunished?”
“If you remember princesses, I told him to do so. I was caught up in the moment and kept pushing him until he fought me seriously.” Twilight was next to speak up after Luna
“You could have been killed you know! And Spike, what were you thinking!” Spike was just fiddleing with his tail as he looked to the ground.
“Don’t be angry at him Lass, I remember telling you before that duels are often fought to the death within our dwarven community. I hold no ill will toward Spike trying to kill me. It’s what I wanted after all. There’s no way you can fight seriously unless your life is on the line, that’s how I see it anyway.” Celestia thought for a moment then looked over to Spike who had his tail in his claws. He was obviously worried about what would happen to him.
“Sir Glarin, Am I to understand that you see Spike worthy of becoming a knight?” Glarin looked up to Celestia and nodded his head.
“Very much so Your Royal Highness.” Celestia looked over to Twilight who had wide eyes, then back to Spike who was still fiddling with his tail.
“Sister are you going to do what I think you're going to do?” Celestia was silent as she turned around to completely face Spike.
“Spike, It has come to my attention that your ability to fight is noteworthy, and with Sir Glarin’s nomination. You are to be henceforth known as Sir Spike, The Purple Dragon Knight. You are going to be directly under Sir Glarins orders unless orders from higher up are issued. You will also report to Sir Glarin for knight combat training.” Celestia turned around to look back at Glarin.
“I hardly think putting him on me is a good idea Your Royal highness.” Celestia just smiled at Glarin with a chuckle.
“Just remember you brought this on yourself. But I think we should end the games for today and let you heal up. You look like a mess Sir Glarin.”
“These little pinpricks are hardly wounds! Can me and Sir Spike just continue our duel?”
“No, now get cleaned up. We will be having a banquet later tonight for our two newest Knights of Equestria.” Celestia and Luna both flew away to announce the end of the games. Twilight just looked between a stunned Spike and Glarin.
“I- I don’t know what to say Spike. But it looks like you and Glarin are going to be hanging out a lot more now. What with knight combat training and all.”
“I don’t want to train him! I wanna go dig for gems and gold!” at the thought of gems Spike spoke up.
“Well actually, I know of a place we can get gems. I go there all the time with Rarity when she needs more for her work.” Glarin shoved the nurse who was trying to bandage up his wounds aside and rushed over to Spikes side. The nurse became frustrated and began to stomp her way over to Glarin.
“You mean it lad? A place we can go and gather all the gems we can carry?” Glarin was yanked back by the collar from the nurse. He was slammed down into the ground on his back. She stuck her face directly into his.
“You are going to hold still and let me bandage you up, or I’m going to break both of your legs so you can’t escape while I do my job!” Glarin swallowed hard, the look in her eyes meant she was dead serious.
“Yes ma’am.”Glarin sat obediently while the nurse did her job. It would seem fierceness ran though females of all races and species.
There's just something off about a fierce Dwarf berserker having a "cutie mark"
3600313 Lol, its a Brand. I just called it that as a joke.
Excellent chapter.
Aye, that it does.
absolutely magnificent as always, i love the way you expanded Spikes character and Glarin's "cutie mark" was a nice little joke, also liked the dwarf fortress reference and the way you portray Fancy Pants (it's pretty much the same way i always though of him). and i can't wait to see where you are going with the line "Luna teleported the bottle to her room for future use". anyway you sir have as always, well and truly, earned your beard. now to get back to... MY HOUSE!
3646798 aye indeed, But a good dwarven ale has been known to be so high in alcohol content it can be used as an emergency explosive in times of extreme desperation
. A Mature Dwarven Stout is rumored to be 210 proof. How they distill it to such levels is beyond anyone's knowledge besides the Dwarven master brewers. 
3647428 Gutbuster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4944175 Oh dear Lord, this story would be so different if Glarin was a gutbuster. (For those who don't know gutbuster dwarves, they are from the D&D universe, they're covered in heavy spiked armor and every edge is razor sharp. Primary way of fighting is to latch onto an enemy and shake violently.)
5129865 ........I don't play D&D, but now I want to just to team up with someone who is strong enough to pick my gutbuster dwarf up and either roll him like a bowling ball, or toss me like a baseball at our enemies...
Bhahaahhahah... aahh... priceless.
Ah ha ha, that grounding mark. I love it Twilight. He asked to be grounded, so grounding is what he got, lol.
So who the hell is this Merry person? Is it something from another story?