Stupid Twilight.
Stupid ponies.
How were you supposed to tell who the oldest and wisest was without a beard? Let alone who was in charge? Did ponies have some other system in place to determine such things?
And they wouldn’t let him take the rock he had just found to tie his life line too. He spent an hour looking for that masterful rock, Twilight, and those pegasi looked at him funny when he came back with it. It wasn’t until he put it into the back of the chariot did they question why he wanted to take the rock with him. When he told them why they laughed at him. It was the perfect rock, easy to hold and smooth. Yet heavy enough to hold him down if he began to float away. Yet they laughed, and told him to leave it behind.
He didn’t want them to hit a bump in the road and cause him to fly out the back without anyone noticing though. He figured he would settle it by tying the rope to something inside the chariot instead. He grabbed the bundle of rope from the barn Daring had told him about yesterday and went over to the chariot with it.
“What’s with the rope Glarin?” asked Twilight with a puzzled smirk on her face.
“Going to tie myself in, as I see no seatbelts or harnesses of any kind. Seems rather unsafe to me.” Twilight shook her head side to side.
“I suppose so yes...” Twilight watched as Glarin began to tie himself into the chariot, first he tied it around his waist, then he looped some rope around one of the hoof rails. Then around his waist again, and around a hoof rail on the other side, then circled around a leg and back to the 1st hoof rail. He repeated the process until he was out of rope and could barely move, He finished by tying the end into a knot around the second hoof rail. “...Are you sure that’s going to be safe enough?” Twilight said in a joking manner, and without missing the beat Glarin responds.
“I could probably use a bit of extra rope, or my rock.” Twilight just shook her head and sighed. Glad he was finally in the chariot to head off to see the princesses. She had arrived in the morning and had hoped to get him there before lunch, at this rate she would be lucky to get him there before dinner.
“So, how long is this ride gonna take before we make it to the royal castle?” One of the pegasi responded as they started to strap themselves in to begin pulling him.
“About 30 minutes or so if the wind is on our side, hour and a half if were flying against it.” Glarin raised an eyebrow, wondering what wind had to do with a pony drawn chariot.
“Why would the wind be a factor?” As Glarin was asking his question they began to move.
“Because were gonna be riding the wind or go against it, if there’s no wind it takes about an hour or so. This is a flying Chariot after all.” Glarin got wide eyed as he looked behind him at the ground and saw as it started getting farther away.
“By Berronar’s braided beard! Let me offa this flying death trap!” the pegasi ignored him and kept going as Glarin began fumbling at the knot he made until he realized he was too high already, and began to retie the knot even more and grab hold of the ropes around him.
“Good news Glarin of the Ungard clan. We have the wind on our side.” Glarin stopped praying long enough to respond
“Thank the gods! But fly faster anyway!” Glarin closed his eyes and began to chant again.
Glarin chanted the entire half hour to the castle and when they landed he quickly untied and untangled himself out of the ropes and began kissing the marble ground.
“Praise Moradin and Berronar, I’m alive!” the pegasi just shook their heads as a white unicorn pony wearing a pair of glasses walked up to them.
“You’re late you know, we were expecting you to arrive 3 hours ago.”
“We apologize Ms. Canto, Glarin had a few, uh, things to attend to before he could come.” Ms. Canto sighed and waved them off.
“Its fine, but Princess Celestia is busy attending to some other duty’s at the moment...” She sighed “...dealing with those aristocrat nobles and their small complaints about trivial things.” Glarin had finished kissing the ground and came up to the white pony unicorn and bowed his head.
“Glarin of the dwarves at your service. Am I to understand you are taking me to see your mighty Princess?” Canto looked at Glarin with a raised eyebrow and over at the pegasi guards who simply shrugged.
“Uh yes, but I think she would prefer the term benevolent ruler in place of mighty though.” Glarin nodded his head in understanding.
“Ah, good to know, I would hate to make a bad impression upon royalty. Anything else I should know? Besides the normal formalities and such, like bowing and only speaking when spoken to. I’ve meet with royalty a few times before in my younger days.” Canto put on her thinking face for a moment before shaking her head.
“Well not really, I think that covers it quite nicely actually.” Glarin sighed
“Good good, lets hope I don’t earn my self a death penalty by mistake. Hahaha!” Ms. Canto looked over at him horrified.
“I don’t think there’s anything you could do that would warrant her wanting you... dead.”
“I suppose so.” Glarin looked around a bit confused.
“You know, I’ve been wondering what those things with beaks are for awhile now. I saw them in that other town before those flying lasses came to get me. They remind me of overgrown tunnel chickens.” Glarin pointed over to a griffin walking down the street.
“Those are Griffins, after the Griffin nation collapsed due to a disease known as Slimy Doom. Princess Celestia took all the griffin refugees into Equestria. Also, I think she and Luna also own the Griffin nations due to a certain treaty between her and the last Griffin King. Details on the whole event were sketchy and shortly after they inherited the kingdom, a deadly disease begins to run rampant with some monster roaming around? Sounds fishy to me, but its not my place to question what royalty do.”
“Aye Lass it isn’t our place to question those higher than us. Just live as they tell you, it’s always for the best. They always place the kingdom as a whole ahead of everything else. Ruling is a hard thing to do if no one listens to you...” Glarin looked around for a moment then sighed. “... look at me, talking bout polo-tics N’ stuff. You’d think I was one of them wise dwarves with a huge beard.” Ms Canto just sighed as Glarin chuckled to himself.
“Well, lets just head to the Castle, hopefully she can see you sometime soon. Last I saw, the line for entrance was rather short. I suppose there isn’t a lot of nobility today requesting help.” Glarin nodded his head as they continued their walk through the city.
Like usual, Glarin had failed to notice the looks the ponies and griffins were giving him. He had left one of his axe’s at the Apple’s house because, why would he need both weapons to visit royal’s? Besides bringing both of his weapons to see them would be extremely rude and symbolize he didn’t trust them. By only bringing one it would show he was a warrior and ready to fight if need be. He left the other one on his bed, the bed that was on the dreaded second floor of that home.
The guards gave them entry into the castle and Glarin looked around at all of its whiteness.
“Is this entire city and castle carved entirely of White Marble lass?”
“Yes, this mountain is actually made almost entirely of white marble stone. So this capitol city known as Canterlot was crafted right out of the side of it.
“That explains why I feel so at home here.” Glarin sighed a warm sigh with a huge grin on his face. “This city is a dwarven dream. A mountain made of marble and the capitol city carved within it. Your Princesses sure know how to build a Capitol.” Ms. Canto just nodded her head with enthusiasm.
“Well yes, they have been alive for over a millennium, I would think they have the best decisions.”
“A Millennium you say? Hmm, they must both be extremely powerful and wise ruler’s indeed, I would love to see them.” The rest of the walk was rather silent, besides the occasional hello or nod to a servant pony cleaning up the castle by dusting and what not. There was even a servant griffin, looked kinda funny wearing the maid outfit, but then so did the ponies.
The fact ponies even wore clothes here baffled Glarin and figured it had something to do with status or something. After all he never saw any of the ponies or griffins wear clothes in that other ponytown... It suddenly occurred to Glarin he never got the name of the town that Twilight, Fluttershy and Daring lived in. He figured he should find out once he got back. Ms. Canto stopped behind a line of ponies wearing fancy looking outfits.
“This is the line to enter the royal chamber to meet with Princess Celestia. I’ll go ahead and inform her of your arrival, perhaps she will move you ahead of the line as you were supposed to be awhile ago anyway.” Glarin nodded his head and crossed his arms as he stood behind one of the noble ponies in front of him.
The pony in front of him just kept looking forward with her snout up in the air. After a few minutes the doors to the royal chamber opened and out walked Ms. Canto with some other noble. She looked at Glarin and nodded her head.
“The Princess would like to see you Glarin, you can skip ahead of the line.” the other nobles were upset at that.
“We’ve been here at least 20 minutes.”
“I say, and I am next in line, why does this... rough looking character get to go before I do?” Glarin just gave a hard look to the pony who was next in line.
“Well I don’t mind if he comes with me, I mean, he did wait here all day and I only just arrived.” Ms. Canto looked to the door guards, and they shrugged causing Ms. Canto to shrug as well.
“Alright then, both of you go in. Just don’t cause any trouble.” Glarin Saluted Ms. Canto by placing his fist on his chest over his heart and bowed his head.
“Of course Ms. Canto.” Glarin walked up next to the noble pony who was giving him an incredulous look, ending it with sticking his nose into the air and walking ahead of Glarin. Glarin simply shrugged and walked in behind him.
He walked into a large open room with white pillars and golden banners on the walls with windows as tall as the wall itself. Such a magnificent throne room. If a dwarven king lived here he would be proud of the magnificence and beauty it displayed here. He walked up to the bottom of the long set of stairs with the pony next to him, and they both stopped near the bottom in front of the guards.
He looked at the pony sitting on the throne, and it suddenly occurred to him. Ponies don’t use beards to decide who was on top, it was their height! This white pony princess must of been at least 6 feet tall, not including the added height of her horn. She was a good 2 feet over every other pony he had seen. It all made perfect sense to him now. Ponies didn’t go by beard length, they went by height. It made perfect sense, Big Mac was the man of the household as he was the tallest as well, He probably just let his sister Applejack take charge so he could laze about until something big happened.
Glarin was standing in front of the tallest pony in Equestia now, so now was the time to bow, he did so without a fuss. He got on one knee and bowed his head down, closing his eyes.
“You may rise, Glarin the Berserker of the Ungard Clan, and so may you my little pony. But may I ask, why did you both come to me at once?” Glarin heard her soft motherly voice and felt at ease, no wonder she liked being called the benevolent ruler. Glarin was about to answer when the pony next to him spoke first.
“I was next in line your highness before this ruffian came along. And I must say it was rather rude of you to have him skip everyone else in line.” Glarin looked wide eyed at the pony. How could he speak to her in such a way? Calling the Ruler of his country rude? Glarin looked over at the princess expecting her to become mad. But she didn’t, she chuckled instead.
“I apologize, but I had been waiting for Glarin to arrive since this morning. It seems he came a little late though.” Glarin was awestruck.
She apologized, royalty apologized to a common noble? She is far too kind, unless she’s planning some dark dastardly deed and was just keeping an airs about her. The pony spoke again
“Yes well, I was hoping you could take a look at these investment options I have here. If I could get your approval and some funds I think Canterlot would be for the better.” Celestia raised an eyebrow. Glarin glanced over at the pony next to him, was he blackmailing her with something?
“Let me see what you have and I will look it over then. Glarin, I’m sorry, but it will be just a moment more before I can speak to you.” Now she apologized to him!? By Moradin’s Beard what is going on here?! Was she mad at him as well? What did he do to incur her silent wrath?!
“I believe it would be in your best interest, Princess, to accept my offer.” Now this Pony was making threats at her! She must be mad at him because he hasn’t done anything to put this insolent noble in his place! If that’s all it takes, then so be it. He didn’t want to be beheaded on his 1st visit with the Ruler’s of Equestria without saying anything. Glarin turned to face the pony next to him and placed a finger to his snout.
“Was that a threat?!” Celestia glanced up from the paper she was reading
“I say, it is most certainly not a threat you little ruffian.” Celestia raised an eyebrow at the commotion that was occurring in her throne room at the moment.
“And what’s with your tone as well?! How DARE you speak to Royalty with such a tone! You insolent whelp!” the noble was clearly upset at being called an insolent whelp. The guards nervously shuffled as they stared at the two arguing.
“How dare you! Accuseing me of threatening the princess and calling me an insolent whelp! If anything you’re the insolent whelp!” Glarin looked up at the pony princess who sat still on her throne with an unamused look on her face. She would clearly have them both killed at this rate. Glarin had to act fast.
“By Moradin’s Beard! I will handle you myself then!” Glarin roared and grabbed the pony, picking him up and holding him up over his head. The guards and Celestia just gasped.
“Oh Celestia! What are you gonna do to me!?” The noble just had a scared look on his face as he was held up into the air.
“I’m gonna throw you out the window and into the street where disrespectful trash belongs!” Glarin got near the window and chucked him as hard as he could. Before the pony could hit the glass he stopped in mid-air with a golden glow around him.
“That is quite enough Glarin.” Celestia set the frantic pony down on to the ground where he promptly wet himself where he stood.
“Now he’s gone and pissed in your magnificent throne room! Such disrespect! I say we behead him. That should learn him his lesson, yup. A beheading sounds good.” Celestia sighed as she signaled a guard.
“Could you escort him...” she pointed over to the pony who had just wet himself “... outside to the bathroom where he may clean himself up. And send in a maid to clean up his little accident as well.” the guard nodded his head and left the room escorting the pony out.
Glarin was about to wet himself as well. The Princess herself had come off her throne, used her fancy magic and was now walking directly toward him with a look on her face that was none to friendly.
“What made you think throwing him out the window was a good idea Mr. Glarin?” Glarin got down and one knee again and bowed his head before he spoke. He continued to look at the ground as he spoke, not wanting to look her in the eyes.
“He was clearly trying to Blackmail you princess, then he went as far as threatening you and the kingdom! His tone was none to friendly as well. I figured it would be in your best interest to have him thrown out. I apologize.” Glarin couldn’t see her face, but her tone sounded displeased.
“Twilight told me all about you Glarin, how you seemed to of had a violent attitude with no regard for your own safety. And I must say, I am rather upset about it.” Glarin was sweating buckets now, did she not like warriors?
“But I...”
“And how you slaughtered creatures in the forest with out a single care in the world. Simply because they were threatening you and my little ponies.” Glarin hung his head even lower, he remembered how Twilight had told him that killing was a taboo here. But he couldn’t remember killing anything besides that Balrog and a few insects, were those bugs not to be killed as well?
“Princess if I may ask of you one thing?”
“Hmm, I suppose, what is it you ask of me?”
“After you have me killed, could you perhaps bury me with both of my axes and the 10 bits I have to my name?” Celestia looked at him with a bit of shock.
“Why would I ever have you killed? You saved Princess Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy from a group of Timber wolves even though you yourself were on the verge of death. And I have seen Balrogs before, but I thought I had them all banished to Tartarus or their own plane of existence. You have my Thanks Glarin.” Glarin looked up to see Celestia bow her head slightly at him. He stood up wide eyed and pissed his pants from pure shock. Celestia opened her eyes and giggled a bit.
“You should have told me you needed to use the bathroom Glarin. I don’t know much about dwarves, but from what Twilight told me, you resemble humans a lot, but are much stronger and resistant to magic.” Glarin was abut to shit his pants when he realized what he had just done in front of Royalty. He stood their silent unable to speak as his brain had shut down.
“Come with me, I’ll take you to my private bathroom and we can get you cleaned up. My sister Luna will be waking up soon to have her breakfast. You are welcome to join us as I am certain she would love to meet with you as well.” Glarin did the only thing he could possibly do in the current situation. He followed like a brainless sheep to the slaughter.
“Aye.” Is all he said and followed her to the bathroom with his shoes squishing and leaving a wet trail as he walked.
Glarin sat at the royal long table wearing a towel while barefoot. He stared at his plate still in a state of shock. This table was full of ponies, not just the Princess, but 30 some other ponies of all various colors. They all looked to be around the same age. This other Princess, Luna, has yet to show up.
He wondered what she would look like, from what he understood she took over the night duty. And if Celestia was a white and benevolent white princess, then perhaps this Luna princess would be the dark and fearful ruler that kept everyone in check.
It made sense, how could you rule a country with kindness alone? How would you handle the threats if you were too kind to kill them? Surely that rude stallion had it coming to him from this night princess. He just hoped he wasn’t on the list as well. There was no honor or glory in a death brought on because you upset royalty.
Glarin looked side to side at all of the ponies who were sitting at the table. Were they family of the princesses? Their colors were nothing alike, from black to white and pink to purple. They were also a mix of horned, pegasi, and normal ponies. Was the wing horn combo some rare occurrence? The green normal pony next to him was staring at him intently. Glarin nodded his head at the lass and grunted.
“So Aunt Celey tells me your not a human, but a dwarf. What is a dwarf?” The rest of the nearby ponies who heard him ask the question ceased talking and looked to hear the response as well.
“A Dwarf is a proud devout race that never breaks a promise, no matter the cost. We are strong as dragons and twice as fearsome. We can mold metals and stones with our bare hands, and if given enough time, we can create works of art that are both beautiful and functional. And that’s just our women.” Glarin finished his sentence with a smile on his face and a heavy chuckle. Celestia smiled at him and spoke up next from across the table.
“And what of friendships Glarin?”
“It takes a long time for a dwarf to pass out such deep emotions. But when we do, the emotion lasts a lifetime.”
“Mhmm, and what of Twilight and her friends?”
“The only ones who I consider my friends are Fluttershy, Twilight, and Daring. They saved my life, so I am not only honor bound to them, but I am in a debt that I could never repay. As such, they are a part of my clan now.” a brown pegasi pony from across the table asked the next question.
“How many are in your clan Mr. Glarin?”
“Four, including myself.”
“Only four?”
“Aye, I was never married as I’m infertile, and my parents died about 30 years ago. My other brother’s and sisters died in a glorious battle to save our King 67 years ago during the great Orc invasion and goblin migration.”
“So then, you mean...”
“Aye, its 4 including Fluttershy, Twilight, Daring and myself.” Glarin remained stone faced though the conversation, voice never faltering without a single trace of emotion to be felt. He spoke as if he was stating facts of life in place of telling every pony that his entire family was dead.
At everyone's silence the doors opened and in walked Princess Luna. Glarin turned around to look and fell out of his chair at her sight. He quickly placed himself into a bow. She was a dark blue color with teal eyes that radiated a tremendous power. While Celestia had obviously hid her strength, this princess Luna clearly had no such qualms about showing off her terrible might.
“Stand Tall Sir Glarin, You need not bow before us.” Glarin widened his eyes in shock. This dark and foreboding Princess has just giving him one of the most admirable and respectable compliments to a dwarf. Not only did she not want him to bow, but to also stand tall while among them. Surely she was waiting for him to slip up.
“As you wish Princess.”
“Might I ask why you have a towel around your waist?”
“My uh, pants got dirty. The nice ponies in black frilly dresses offered to clean them for me.” Luna nodded her head, taking his answer for what it was worth.
“Come sit, and let us eat, I wish to know everything about you and dwarves.” Glarin happily got up and went back into his chair and began to grab various things on the table. He hasn’t had to eat a single rock today or yesterday. It felt strange not having any crunching, crackling and crumbling of some limestone or basalt with a meal.
Glarin had absolutely zero table manners. He spoke with his mouth half full, laughed with his mouth full, sputtering food everywhere. While he was drinking some grapefruit juice, he spit it out over the table in front of him with a disgusted look on his face. None of which seemed to offend Celestia or Luna, they simply chose to ignore his horrible table manners or just accept it.
Even though his table manners were probably the worst throughout Equestria. The tales he spun of dwarves kept everyone entertained to a level that everyone would giggle or gasp at what he chose to tell them about when answering a question.
“Do you mind if I ask a question on a more personal level Princesses?” Glarin had been feeling like these princesses were perhaps as good as the other's kept telling him. That its highly unlikely he would be killed, and their laugher brought on by his dry humor and rough jokes made him think they weren’t so bad.
“Yes Glarin, go ahead and ask your question, you have shared quite a bit with us already, it would only be fair.” Glarin took a deep breath and exhaled.
“From what I’ve been seeing, Ponies don’t have beards like us dwarves do. So you obviously don’t use them as way’s to tell who’s superior, but I did notice one thing.”
“Oh? And what would that be?’
“Your height, Both of you Princesses are much taller then everyone else. So things are decided by height then right? Because if so, that's Dwarfist.” Celestia and Luna just looked at him with the other 30 ponies just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Things are not decided by height Glarin. Celestia and I just happen to be taller than everypony else, that is all.”
“If you say so Princess Luna.”
“Before I retire for the night Glarin, I have one last question for you.”
“And what would that be Princess Celestia?”
“What exactly is a Berserker? You told many tales of them and what they have done throughout dwarf history. But it never truly explained what they are, you are one yourself yes? And the blood rage you spoke of, why is it feared when I thought rage was your source of strength?” Glarin took a deep breath as he sat back in his chair.
“A berserker is a warrior that has trained for a minimum of 6 years. You train the body until it is harder than steel and under the harshest of conditions. Training the body until a broken bone feels like a light pin prick. Rage and Fury are our sources of strength. We are taught how to control our rage and fury, making it an asset instead of a liability. Turning it into a weapon of temporary invincibility. A berserker can invoke memories or thoughts within him or her from any time period and use it at any point in time. The more memories that cause that particular berserker to become angry, the stronger rage we can evoke.”
“You speak of rage and fury as if they were two separate things, are they not the same?”
“To the untrained they probably are. Rage is brought on by anger or extreme displeasure. The average rage will increase a berserkers natural strength by 4. Fury on the other hand, increases a berserkers strength by 6 on average. It’s a dangerous power to use, as fighting to long while in a fury will cause a berserker to lose the use of his body. The body can’t handle that kind of power for long. Fury is commonly brought on by the black feeling of revenge. Its commonly called the Black Rage.” Glarin began to nibble on some bread until he realized it was soft like the bread in that pony town and bit a huge hunk out, continuing to speak.
“The Blood rage is most commonly done by new berserkers who get flung into a fierce battle as their first. The Blood rage is when a rage consumes the berserker, he begins to delight in the feeling of his axe or warhammer hitting flesh, the sounds, the color. It’s easy to see when one falls into the blood rage, his or her angry scowl is replaced with a grin of delight. Fighting enemies and allies alike once it sets in. Once the battle stops it takes a few hours of no combat before it dissipates, and they return to normal. Unless they wander into a lived in area and are eventually cut down by the shield dwarves.”
“That is, truly terrifying... would you ever?” Glarin scoffed in a hasty response.
“Of course not, I’ve been a Berserker for well over 200 years now. It would take a feat of unimaginable stupidity for me to fall into such a beginner mistake. The Black rage though, that’s a Different story.” Glarin looked into his bowl of soup with a distant gaze before slurping it down. One of the ponies from down across the table spoke up as he finished the bowl of soup.
“If the rage and fury are different, can they be used at the same time?”
“Ho-ho-ho, You wish you hear the legend of Barroth Lord of the Flame and how he was brought down by Dorn Firebeard?”
“Another legendary tale Glarin?”
“Aye Princess, would you care to hear this one as well?” Princess Celesta looked up in thought.
“I suppose one more before bed wouldn’t hurt.” Glarin gained a huge grin on his face
“Alright, listen well, It all started when we broke into a cave looking for treasure.”
“Does every dwarf story start like that?”
“His Scales are too thick! Our weapons keep cracking on them!”
“Flee little dwarves, you shall not have my treasure, and I shall take your lives for disturbing my slumber.” The huge red Dragon released another cone of flames that filled the entire cave, dwarves began fleeing from the flames or hiding behind their tower shields.
“I’ll take care of those dragon scales with my trusty Darksteel Maul. You make sure to kill him after I’m done.” Dorn the Younger walked to the front of the line with his massive darksteel maul slung over his shoulder.
“Dorn, What are you doing?!”
“My job.” The red Dragon watched with a bit of amusement on its face as it saw the single dwarf walk up in front of him. Nothing but a 2 handed mace over his shoulder.
“And what you doing here little man?” Dorn opened his eyes and looked up to the red dragon directly in the eyes.
“Not only do you kill my fellow dwarves, but you call me a Little Man?!” The dragon laughed at Dorns anger.
“Ha-ha, yes Little Man.”
Dorn Gritted his teeth and roared, then swung his Maul into the ground directly in front of him. A tremor was felt by everyone within the cave.
Rage activated... Fury engaged
The red dragon suddenly felt an aura it didn’t like coming from the dwarf. It would be best to kill him quick. With a quick inhale and exhale a stream of concentrated flames enveloped Dorn.
“Foolish dwarf, what did he hope to...” From the flames jumped Dorn the younger, his cloths and beard were bright with the flames. He ran with a lighting speed at the red dragon and hit him on the exposed underside with his mighty Darksteel Maul. The hit itself was so powerful the air around his maul could be heard moving out of the way. The mighty red dragon bellowed out in pain for the 1st time during that fight.
The scale the hammer hit shattered and fell to the floor in pieces, but Dorn wasn’t done with that. With an unnatural speed he pulled the hammer back and hit the red dragon in another spot breaking another scale, and another, and another. Dorn kept machine gunning the dragon’s belly with hammer blow after hammer blow, breaking scales as the flames that covered his body began to die.
When the flames had died, So did Dorn the Younger. In the end the dragon was slain thanks to the scales that Dorn had broken. A statue was made in his honor, and he was re titled Dorn Firebeard.
“What a sad story, Dorn Firebeard died fighting the dragon?”
“Aye he did, but he died a good death, he opened the path for his fellow dwarves and clansmen to slay the dragon. Not only that, but the mountain of treasure we acquired because of it was a tremendous boon for us.”
“But he died, he didn’t get anything.”
“On the contrary, just because he died doesn’t mean he got nothing, His share of the loot was given to his family and clansmen. He earned it, and since the dead can’t use money, it was given to his family.” Celestia and Luna sighed. Dwarf culture was vastly different from their own, but they had been through a lot recently, so they were both battle hardened you could say.
“Well Glarin, that was an, interesting story again, but I must be off to bed now.”
“Princess, you mind if I ask 1 more quick question?” Celestia sighed with a light smile on her face.
“Yes of course.”
“Is there really no king or queen?”
OH you
For Khaz Modan! For Karaz-a-Karak! For Erebor!!
For our Dwarven Beards!
3541894 Dwarves of fiction rise up and slay the trolls of the astral web! Purge their vile presence from this plane!
that was a compliment BTW
3568155 The comedy comes from when I write after a few good drinks.
I always edit in the morning and make sense what I tried to do.
Brilliant as always! Glarins reactions are perfect (and hilarious) and i'm glad to see you showing Luna the way you are (she's my favorite).
Comedy was spot on and the tale of Dorn left me gobsmacked at first and sad for him afterwards (in other words it was an amazing bit of mini story). Can't wait to see the next part. And while Glarin may have lost his Clan he will always be a part of the greatest of all Clans, Durin's Folk (in other words a son of Durin the first Dwarf).
3568662 It's a good thing Durin's bane doesn't exist within Equestria... Or does it? Na, But Dwarfbane probably does
3576276 oh, foreshadowing are we?
3578061 perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not.
I am loving this story.
HAHA! Classic Glarin!