• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 4,223 Views, 284 Comments

DiE: Glarin Ungard the Berserker - InsaneJustin

Dwarf in Equestria, When deep miners discover a strange portal that they assume to be dwarven made, they activate it, thinking there are riches to be had. Only thing is, it does not turn out so well for one dwarf in particular.

  • ...

A Knight Berserker? or a Berserking Knight?

Sure was nice of those princesses to let him stay at the castle for the night. He couldn’t refuse an offer from royalty. He just wished his room wasn’t on the top floor of a tall tower. Did ponies not have any underground bedrooms? Perhaps he could convince them to let him stay in the dungeons, that should be underground right?

Anyway, Glarin wasn’t comfortable in his room and had taken to wandering down the halls. Even though it was becoming dark outside the halls were plenty bright, with a little more inspection he noticed that the halls had runes all around that seemed to radiate light in areas that didn’t have wall torches.

As he walked silently along the hallway he saw one of those griffin maids dusting the top of a large picture frame.

“Oye lass! What you doing cleaning something that can’t be seen?” The griffin turned around and looked down at the dwarf, finished dusting and then flew down.

“Because the head maid, a pegasi, said so.”

“Orders from above then ehh? Mind if I ask you a question?”

"Of course not, we were all informed to help you in anyway should you ask of us.”

“Well that’s mighty convenient don’t you think?”

“Well, its common place. We are always informed when someone new is staying at the castle so that nothing comes as a surprise on our end.”

“I see, well I was wondering if you could direct me to the location of your princess of the Night, Luna I think her name was.”

“You wish to see Princess Luna?”

“Aye, Pretty sure that’s exactly what I said, but with less words.” The griffin maid nodded her head

“This way then, I will take you as it is quite a distance from here.” Glarin nodded his head and walked in line behind her, at lest he was sure it was a her. He didn’t know of any male maids.

As they walked through the mostly empty halls, Glarin was memorizing the castles interior inside and out. A dwarf that would get lost in a castle made of stone would be a laughing stock. As they traveled Glarin realized they were heading back to the throne room of the day princess. Were their throne rooms next to each other?


They shared it, they just changed the tapestries when one or the other took over. Can’t say he was impressed or surprised, after seeing how poor that 1st town was and the fact they probably spent most of their money making this one castle, they couldn’t afford a second throne room.

Why were the ponies so poor? Did they just spend without any planning involved? Or maybe it had to do with the cost of living. Even in the dwarven mines 3 tomatoes for 2 gold coins was outrageous, they were worth 36 silver each at most... But then they didn’t have silver or copper coins here... hmm.

“So Princess Luna and Celestia share the same throne room huh?”

“Yes and no, Luna is really only in here at night till morning, then Celestia takes over until nightfall.”

“Uh-huh, well thank you for bringing me here. I’ll see you around I suppose.” The griffin nodded her head as Glarin walked to the throne rooms door. He noticed the guards themselves were different as well.

They were dark blue or a light black color and had bat wings with bright yellow eyes. Except their slit eyes reminded him of some monsters he had meet in days of old. They looked at him with a bit of prejudice before nodding at him and opening the throne room door.

Just like he thought, the inside banners had been changed just like the banners outside the throne room door as well. He walked with his head down until he reached the bottom of the stairs and kneeled at the bottom of the stairs silent.

“Glarin, I am surprised to see you, I had thought you were to retire in your room for the night. Was their something you wished to speak to me about?” She spoke with the same power behind her voice as she did during dinner.

“Well your Royal Highness, I was wondering if I could perhaps get a different room? Perhaps on the ground floor?” Luna raised an eyebrow at that.

“Was the pent castle suite not to your liking? We can have it adjusted to however you want to make your stay more comfortable.”

“No no! The room itself was grand your Royal Highness, but...” Glarin took in a deep breath. “...I’m afraid of high places.”

“I thought Berserkers had no fears?”

“On the battlefield yes, but in day to day life. It’s a different story your Royal Highness.” Luna Raised an eyebrow at being called your Royal Highness, repeatedly.

“Please, just call me Luna. There is no need for the formalities Glarin. And as for your room change, You shall have it, in exchange for a question that I have been pondering for some time.”

“What would your question be Your Royal Highness Luna.” Luna sighed that he had decided to just add her name to the end of it.

“The tale you told of Dorn Firebeard and his Darksteel Maul. What is Darksteel?”

“Darksteel is an Alloy created by the Ironstar Clan. Its exact composition is a well kept secret by the Ironstars. It was created to be as hard as adamant, and it almost is.”

“So then, you do not possess the knowledge to create it then?”

“Alas I do not your Royal Highness Luna. The IronStar Clan is thought to exterminated or scattered throughout the realm after the fall of one of our great kingdom's Khazad-dûm.” Luna was getting a little frustrated by Glarin continuing to call her that. He still remained with his head bowed and looked to the floor. The fall of the dwarven kingdom was something that shocked her though.

“You lost your Kingdom? How did that happen?” Glarin Spoke the next line with obvious anger in his voice.

“Durin’s Bane. A Demon of the ancient world. It killed the king of that realm, Durin VI, and his only son Náin a year later along with thousands of dwarves. After that the once great City was lost, and the remaining dwarves scattered across the realms, but that was long before my time. We later learned that Durin’s Bane was nothing more then an oversized Balrog Warlord.”

“But you defeated a balrog in the Everfree already didn’t you? What made this one different?”

“Your Royal Highness Luna, the one I defeated was but a simple foot solder, it only stood at 8 feet. They average 14 feet in height and Durin’s Bane is around 18 feet.” Luna sighed to herself. She would of thought such information wouldn’t be shared so willingly. Perhaps it was because she was royalty that he answered her truthfully with everything she asked of him.

“Please, just Luna is fine Glarin. Why don’t you look up to me?” After a short pause Glarin spoke again.

“As a commoner of the warrior caste, it is not my place to look upon Royalty...” Glarin paused for a moment again. “... Luna.” The Princess of the night smiled, one wall has been broken down.

“Is that why you refused to make eye contact with Celestia and I at the table earlier?”

“Yes it is, Luna.”

“Glarin, look at me please.” Glarin blinked a few times realizing her voice had softened, then raised his head. Luna was looking directly at him and he at her.

“That’s better Glarin, Do not be afraid to speak to me and my sister as equals here. I will have my colt Ozzy escort you to your new room, he had wanted some time to speak to you at length about the stories you spun at dinner.”

“Your colt?”

“Yes, one of my colt’s. Though not by blood, I love him and his brothers and sisters as if they were my own, all 30 of them.”

It suddenly occurred to Glarin, that those 30 other ponies he saw at the table were also Royal’s as well. And all of them looked to Luna as a mother? How did that happen exactly? He’s never heard of Royals taking in commoners or the like before. What could of happened to make such a thing possible?

And wasn’t she supposed to be the hardcore mighty ruler of the night?

“Well of course I shall entertain him to the best of my meager ability.”

“Good, I summoned him through my magic telepathy while you were busy studying the tile upon the floor. He should be waiting outside the...” Suddenly the throne room doors opened because a unicorn flung them open as hard as possible.

“Mom, is it true Sir Glarin would speak with...” He stopped mid sentence and came to a halt when he saw Glarin in the middle of the throne room. Glarin looked a bit confused with the title of Sir.

“Sir Glarin? Princess Luna?” Glarin was looking up at Luna who simply nodded at him.

“Did we forget to mention that you were to be knighted for saving Princess Twilight and the bearer of Harmony Fluttershy?” Glarin’s brain turned off once again as he gave her a blank stare.

When were they going to tell him of this? There was no hint of him being knighted, let alone a commoner becoming a knight was unheard of without marring into a noble family 1st. That and defeating a dragon also helped you become a noble. And what did they mean save? Were they both nearby when he fought the Balrog? It wasn't like he couldn’t deny it, it would be extremely rude to deny a gift offered by royalty.

“I thank you Princess. Knighting a simple commoner like me.” Luna simply nodded at him while Ozzy moved forward with excitement clear upon his face.

“Hi Sir Glarin! Do you mind if I call you Sir Glarin? Or should I call you something else?”

“Uhh, Glarin is fine laddy. How can I help you?” Ozzy began to lead Glarin out of the throne room as he waved to Luna.

“Well I was just wondering...” He seemed to hesitate about his next sentence “Would it be possible to teach us to become Berserkers as well? I know you said it takes at least 6 years, but my brother Kratos and I loved your stories, We always wanted to be fierce warriors who fought for Equestria!”

“You wish to become a Berserker laddy?”

“Well, not just me and Kratos, Hannibal and Lector also wanted to learn as well, but, well...” He sighed before looking back at Glarin with a fire of determination in his eyes “We just weren’t sure if you were able to teach us or not. We always loved the art of war. Some of us are into music, while others like politics, but then there’s us. We dream to be on a great battle field taking down massive opponents so we can win the battle.” Glarin closed his eyes and stroked the stubble on his chin.

“I’m pretty sure your mother would have me killed if I taught her youngins the ways of the berserker.” The pony sighed to himself as he continued to walk along the path to Glarin’s new room.

“I understand. I guess we’ll have to settle for the guards then.”

“I’m sure that would be best laddy. If you succeed at becoming guards, then maybe I can teach you a thing or two. But you aren’t dwarves so I’m not sure how well training will go through.”

As they walked through the halls Ozzy continued to converse with Glarin about his past battles and tried to pry out some information about his training process. After awhile Glarin decided to ask him a question that had been bugging him as well.

“Ozzy my boy, would you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“Uh, no go ahead.”

“Well, its something your mother said, She said you and your other siblings weren’t related by blood. Does that mean you were all adopted?” Ozzy just nodded his head and chuckled

“Yeah, we were all orphans at the wayward foal orphanage and she came to visit us with that guy Merry. I don’t really remember the orphanage very well, I can’t seem to remember anything about it really. The only thing I do remember was we were all standing around in one of the rooms, and he would place his hand on us, then after a little bit he would say Princess Luna was outside waiting for us.”

“Really? Just like that she took all of you in?”

“Yeah, She said she took a liking to all of us and decided to keep us all. But...”

“But what laddy?”

“...Just some rumors that went around for awhile. But its nothing you should be concerned about Sir Glarin, that’s all in the past now. Besides we’re at your new room as well.” Glarin looked at the door, it was just as fancy as the last rooms door, but it was on the ground floor.

He could feel it within his dwarven senses. Good solid dirt and marble was under his feet instead of a thin layer of marble followed by nothing. He opened the door and it was just as extravagant as the tower room. The colors were a bit different, but the same layout overall. These ponies must not like variation in their room designs. Damn bed was too high off the ground for his liking as well. As Glarin was settling himself inside his new room, Ozzy looked around for a bit then decided to ask Glarin one last question before he left.

“Would you like a mare escort Sir Glarin?” Glarin furrowed his brows for a moment in thought.

“Escort to where laddy? I’m already in my room.” Ozzy was a bit confused at his reaction and got a light blush on his face as he asked the next question.

“No I meant like, a Mare of the night.” Glarin looked at the boy with confusion still on his face.

“Why would you send your mother to my room lad?” Ozzy became flustered

“Ack, No I meant... Do you want a Call Mare Glarin?”

“Why would you call one over? You don’t need to call some mare over when I'm perfectly content with you here.” Ozzy thought for a minute then nodded his head in understanding with a blush on his face

“So a stallion then?” Glarin spun around from the bed that he had been fiddling with.

“Lad, I just told you, there’s no need to call for anyone. I’m fine with just you here escorting me. Your mother said you would do just fine.” Ozzy began to blush intensely

“M-m-my mom did?”

“Yeah, Now get over here and get on the bed.”

“Well I-I...” Glarin looked at Ozzy with a bit of worry.

“Lad, what’s gotten you so nervous all of a sudden?”

“It’s just, my 1st time and I didn’t...”

“What? Your 1st time doing some manual labor? Hate to break it to you laddy, but life requires you to do work. Although what I’m asking you is quite a simple task, and frankly not that big of one, I’m sure you will come across much bigger obstacles if you want to climb the ranks within the guards. You even have to do the things you don’t want to. It’s just how life works, now get over here.” Ozzy gently walked further into the room and closer to the bed, unsure of what would happen to him. He was both nervous and excited. Glarin seemed to be indifferent to the whole situation. How often has he done this?

“Good, now get on the bed...” Ozzy climbed up into the bed and laid down closing his eyes. “... Ok now pull out the blankets on the side over there near the wall.” Ozzy peaked his eyes open and pulled the sheets until they were no longer tucked in.

“Thanks lad, you can get off now.” Ozzy opened his eyes again and got off the bed. He watched as Glarin yanked the bed sheets off cleanly. He then wrapped himself up in a blanket and rolled under the bed with them around his body.

“The sheets were tucked in so tightly I thought it might have been held together with nails.”

“Um... Glarin?” Ozzy peaked under the bed and looked at Glarin, he looked like a mini burrito.

“What is it lad? I’m finally comfortable.”

“I...” Ozzy sighed “... Nevermind, goodnight Sir Glarin.”

“Night Lad.” Ozzy sighed to himself in relief as he left the room.


Glarin had a decent sleep this time around, no night terrors of any kind. Although he did have a dream about talking with the Princess of the Night while they looked at something she called the moon and stars. What was that about? He couldn’t quite remember it exactly, He kept having the reoccurring thought that she was waiting for him to slip up while they spoke at length about just life in general.

He woke up to the sounds of what sounded like a few ponies running around his room. Judging by the low amount of light in the room, it was probably early morning, otherwise they had brought a small light source with them.

“Where did he go? We’ll be in so much trouble if we don’t find and take care of him soon!” Assassin’s? Well that’s to be expected, this was a royal castle after all.

“He couldn’t have left the room, no one said anything about him leaving! He’s gotta be hiding in here someplace.” So they had him tagged this whole time huh?

Glarin felt it was a good thing he liked sleeping on a hard surface over the soft fluffy mattresses. He never did trust human inventions over dwarven ones. He would of surely been killed in his sleep otherwise. He peaked out from under the bed to get a better look at his assassin’s. They were both wearing maid outfits.

The perfect cover. They could easily walk out and away from the scene as if nothing happened.

“Ohh, Princess Celestia and Luna will be so cross with us if we lost him.” So the Princesses did want him dead. Them being nice was all a clever ruse to get him to lower his guard. As he inspected the maid assassins he couldn’t see any form of a weapon upon them. Was the blade hidden inside their feather dusters? Or perhaps the feather duster would shoot out some kind of poison?

Assassins were always tricky, Dwarven ones even more so. With all of their gadgets and deadly tricks. Perhaps pony assassins would be easy to deal with?

“Did you check under the bed?”

“No I haven’t...” it was now or never, as the assassin closed in on his location, he got the blanket ready to throw and blind her. Right when she lowered her head a blanket hit her in the face blinding her.

“Gahh!” She quickly stepped back, but the blanket continued to cover her head. Glarin quickly crawled out from under the bed and went to the dresser to grab his axe, but it was missing. Of course it would be missing.

“You may have taken my axe, but I won’t go down without a fight you maid assassins!” The maid with the blanket over her head quickly got it off to look at the other maid, they simply giggled at each other.

“Glarin you silly Dwarf. Princess Luna and Celestia sent us to help you get cleaned up before your knighting ceremony. Your axe has been sent to the castle smithy to be polished.” Glarin kept his fists up in a fighting stance as he looked between the two of them.

“Truely? The talk of ‘Taking care of me’ wasn’t about killing me then?”

“Of course not Glarin. Now if you would come with us to the royal spa, we can get you cleaned and suited up. Your axe should be done when we’re done polishing you up as well.” Glarin gave them both a hard glare, but they didn’t falter their gazes at him. He lowered his guard and stood up straight.

“Lead the way then, but I’m watching you.” The Ponies just shook their heads and giggled.

“You can watch all you want Sir, but no touching.” Glarin raised an eyebrow at their odd choice of words. He shrugged it off and followed behind them. Perhaps the Princesses were really benevolent as everyone kept telling him.

He did remember Twilight telling him nothing really ever happened in Equestria that could surmount to a terrible tragedy. No wars within the last thousand years, and it was all thanks to their current Princesses. Did they already wipe out every other nation that would pose a threat? And that griffin nation collapsing after they took control... they must have been some kind of master schemers. Causing entire nations to crumble without ever declaring war.

A freighting prospect indeed.

“Here we are, the castle’s Spa.” Glarin looked at the door and saw a strange writing above the door. He assumed it said Spa, but not in any language he’s ever seen. But then, he's only ever seen Dwarven and its several other dialects. He never understood why dwarves from different regions all wrote slightly different and pronounced some words differently.

“What exactly is a Spa?”

“It is a place of relaxation that will allow you to beautify yourself. However, we have attendants inside that will cater to you.”

“You mean like a public bath house?” Glarin looked at himself and lifted an arm to smell himself. “Ye gods that’s ripe. I suppose a bath will do me good.” The maids nodded their heads and pushed the doors open to let Glarin walk inside.

“We will be waiting out here for you.” Glarin nodded his head at them and wandered inside.


Glarin came out after an hour, two shades lighter and with his skin all shined up and oiled. He walked out of the Spa with a glint in his eye and looked over at the two maids. He had banished the thoughts of them being assassins mid way though that herbal bath and the back massage. Even with the hooves, they did a damn fine job. Heck they even gave him breakfast as he bathed.

“I am a Handsome Dwarf. Even without a full beard.” Glarin smiled at them and kept the glint in his eye. The maids nodded their heads with a smile on their faces and presented Glarin his axe. It was almost as shiny as he was.

“There’s my precious, I’m gonna have to shine up your brother back at home now aren’t I?” The maids raised an eyebrow at his comment and shrugged it off.

“Come with us Glarin, the Princesses will want to meet with you now.”

“Aye Aye.” Glarin slung his axe over his shoulder and put his free hand into his pants at the waist line, fingers deep with his thumb hanging outside. He began to strut down the halls, with a smug grin on his face.

He was sexy, and he knew it.

They had been walking to the outside courtyard and little did Glarin know that they had been waiting for him to arrive. The maids quickly ushered him outside behind the three Princesses. Luna looked behind her and smiled at Glarin, who simply bowed his head when she looked at him. When Twilight looked behind her at Glarin he gave her a shy smile. He had no idea she was a Princess as well, he had acted with no such manners around her back in that town.

When Celestia had finished her little speech she looked behind her and directly at Glarin with a smile.

“Rise Glarin, come closer so we may begin with the knighting ceremony.”

“Your royal Highness, I, I don’t know what to do or say for the ceremony.” Celestia smiled at him and chuckled

“Just repeat after me then or answer yes to our questions. You will be fine.” Glarin nodded his head and got down into a kneeling position. Celestia, Luna, and Twilight each summoned a magical sword that floated above their heads. Celestia’s glowed a radiant gold, while Luna’s was a deep blue color with what looked like stars within its pattern. Twilight’s was a purple hue with pink streaks running through it. Celestia spoke first

“Glarin of the Ungard Clan, Do you promise to always defend a Lady, be charitable and defend the poor and helpless?” Glarin wasn’t sure about the Charitable part, he hoped it didn’t involve giving away his hard earned wealth.

“Aye Princess.” Luna spoke next.

“To always be brave and never avoid dangerous paths out of fear?” That’s easy, he’s been doing that his whole life.

“Aye Princess.” Twilight was next to speak.

“And do you promise to always tell of your escapades while only speaking the truth?” That ones easy too. Well telling to truth to every stranger might be hard.

“Aye Princess.” The three Princesses nodded at each other and brought down their 3 swords of light over his shoulders and began to announce his knighthood simultaneously.

“We hear by dub thee Sir Glarin of the Ungard Clan to be known as the...” The three of them had different titles in mind however.

“...Knight Berserker.” Said Celestia

“...Berserking Knight.” Said Luna.

“...Knigh-serker.” Said Twilight.

All the Princesses scrunched their face in thought for a moment before looking at each other.

“I thought we all came to an agreement this morning on what his title would be.”

“As did I.”

“The letter wasn’t quite clear on what it would be exactly.”

The scrunching of the Princesses began to intensify.

“Why don’t we just let Glarin decide what he likes more then?” Now Glarin was in hot water. He didn’t want to offend any of them. So he had to think of something. He stayed in his kneeling position with his face scrunched as well.

“Well Glarin?”

“Yes Glarin, tell us.”

“Who has come up with the better title?” He decided to go with his Twilights title, it sounded cooler to him, and she was his honorary Clansmen after all.

“Well honestly I like Twiii...” Twilights smile got bigger while Celestia’s and Luna’s faces scrunched harder. “...I mean Luu...” Twilight went back to scrunching and Celestia was beginning to shake with her face scrunching. “...what I meant was Celll...” Celestia began to smile while Twilight and Luna went back to scrunching intensely. Glarin cleared his throat.

“I meant I don’t like any of them!” All three Princesses ceased scrunching and sighed.

“So then you’re fine with the title of Sir Glarin, Berserker of the Ungard Clan then?”

“Aye, besides, I’d rather not have the title of knight, that’s for humans, and I won’t wear heavy armor. It restrict’s movement too much.” The three Princesses nodded their heads at him.

“It’s fine with us Glarin.” Celestia and Twilight both just smiled at Glarin while Luna held a hoof up to her mouth and took a deep breath.

“NOW LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” Glarin winced a bit at how loud her voice was and stuck his pinky finger into his ear and began to twist it around.

“What games?” Glarin stood up and looked around him at the huge crowd that was cheering in excitement. In the front he could see the Apple family. Did everyone know of this whole knighting business except him? Celestia lowered her head to whisper into Glarin’s ear.

“We didn’t always have Nobles and knights you know. I created them well over a thousand years ago. They were picked from ponies that knew how to fight and defend Equestria, but because of this thousand years of peace. They have all grown weak, fat, and prideful. Thinking they are entitled to everything simply because they were born as a noble. Even though none of them really deserve it. You are the 1st real Noble in over 900 years that I will actually respect.”

“Princess what are you...”

“Show them Glarin, show them what it means to be a true Noble. You told me dwarf royalty and nobility were picked by their ability to fight, just like how my sister and I hoof picked the nobles over a thousand years ago. Show them what it means to be a Noble, the Dwarven way.” Glarin got a huge grin on his face. Finally, something exciting was going to happen. He could stretch his poor muscles now, its been a little over 2 weeks since he’s done anything major. Including the time he spent sleeping at Fluttershy’s.

“Aye Aye Princess.” Glarin saluted the Princess and walked down from the platform to go and greet the Apple Family, little Daring in particular.

“Oye! Apples family, how have you been while I was away?” Glarin noticed Big Mac seemed to have a slight orange beard growing on his chin.

“We’ve been doing just fine Sir Glarin. Twilight told us of your knighting ceremony and to come along, Fluttershy and our other friends also showed up, they should be around somewhere.”

“Fluttershy is here as well huh?”

“Yeah she’s someplace, But hey, my colt Daring had something he wanted to give you, as an apology of sorts for how mean he was when you guys 1st met.”

“A gift? For me?” The Apples all moved aside to let Daring through. He pulled a small bottle out of his little saddle bag and hoofed it over to Glarin along with a thick piece of cloth.

“I made this for you, use the cloth to rub it on your face where you want hair to grow and within minutes you should start seeing significant hair growth. Its magical based though.” Glarin opened his mouth and eyes wide in astonishment.

“If this stuff works lad, You will have my eternal gratitude!” The Apple Family began to chuckle together as they all looked at Big Mac.

“It works Sir Glarin, tried it myself. I shaved this morning and used a tiny bit for a test. This was the result.” Big Mac showed off his short beard while he spoke. Glarin looked at the bottle in his hand with the cloth.

“I need a Mirror!” Rainbow pulled a Mirror out of Big Macs saddle bag and held it up in front of him.

“Here ya go!” Glarin folded the cloth up and poured a large amount of the bottle onto the cloth and began to rub it on his face where his beard was still trying to grow back. Being magic resistant he figured he would need a lot.

“How much of the bottle did you put on that cloth Glarin?” A group of ponies had gathered round to see what he was up too, along with the Princesses. The games were supposed to start soon after all.

“Just about half of the bottle, why?” Daring and Big Mac made faces of slight fear.

“Oh god! My dad only used 3 drops worth and it gave him so much he had to trim it before we left!” At hearing that Glarin slowly stopped rubbing it on his face and looked at the cloth again. Then back to the mirror. He tilted his head back and forth looking at his neck and chin waiting for it to start growing.

“Hmm, I don’t think it’s gonna work for me laddy.”

“Why is that?”

“Well dwarves are resistant to magic you see and...” Suddenly the beard on Glarin’s face began to slowly grow out, he could feel it and it felt so weird, but glorious at the same time. “...IT WORKS! IT BLOODY WORKS!”

Glarin watched it grow in the mirror that Rainbow was still holding up in the middle of the crowd. After awhile he began to dance around in place. After about 2 minutes the hair stopped growing and the beard itself reached all the way down to his knees. The three Princesses had been watching the entire time and giggled at his antics.

“How are you going to show us your martial powers with such a long beard Glarin?” Questioned Luna

“Long? Its barely half as big as it was before it was burned off, But this length will be just fine. Now I just need my Mohawk back and I’ll be normal. Once I have my new luscious beard braided a bit, I’ll be combat ready.” Celestia and Luna nodded at that.

“Very well, the games shall be postponed until you get your new beard in order. I know how precious it is to you. From the way you spoke of it during your stories of the past.” Glarin looked at the bottle in his hands along with the thick cloth.

“Here princesses, I think you should use some and get a beard as well. It will help show what powerful and wise rulers you both are...” He looked over to Twilight as well. “...You should grow a bit of one as well Lass. Our dwarven Queens commonly had beards you know.” Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all raised an eyebrow at Glarin, along with every nearby pony and griffin that heard him say it.

“I don’t think that’s...” said Celestia before Luna interrupted her.

“Sister, I think you would look quite Ravishing with a majestic beard.”

“I whole heartedly agree with Princess Luna, You would look good with a beard like mine.” Glarin just held the bottle and the cloth out so she could take it from him.

Author's Note:

Big mac and his beard. taken from Dev-Art

And some more beards because they are sexy on ponies

and a link to some Moustaches
Moustaches are Magic