When deep miners discover a strange portal that they assume to be dwarven made, they activate it, thinking there are riches to be had. Only thing is, it does not turn out so well for one dwarf in particular.
When the Orcs and Goblins send fighters and looters. Dwarves send their fighters. When Orcs and Goblins invade with a massive horde, they send a handful of Berserkers to the front line while the shield dwarves defend. But not to defend from the Orc's or Goblins, no, they defend their city from the dwarven berserkers who might lose themselves in a blood rage.
Featured 9/26/14, and a few other times before, I just never really saw it until now. Ha. :D
Saw a lot of human in Equestia fics, and a couple Orks, Haven't seen a dwarf yet. Or maybe its old and I keep missing it. Oh well. *shrugs* Takes place in the alternate universe I made during a string of unfortunate events. while writing.
Tis a Mix of all dwarven lore that I care about, with my own twists.
would love to see more of this man! i love Dwarves and i love MLP(obviously) so this is like perfect for me! also do i see alot of LOTR inspiration? any way brilliant job on the first chapter and i would love to see more!
3483622 yeah, the main base was LOTR, but I also looked up other dwarven Lore from other games and actual mythology. Also included the joke lore of them eating rocks.
I nearly fell out of my seat laughing when I read that
this is hilarious
although... Rainbow and big mac? didn't see that one coming
3502106 They didn't see it coming either. hehe
OH you
For Khaz Modan! For Karaz-a-Karak! For Erebor!!
For our Dwarven Beards!
3541894 Dwarves of fiction rise up and slay the trolls of the astral web! Purge their vile presence from this plane!
that was a compliment BTW
3568155 The comedy comes from when I write after a few good drinks.
I always edit in the morning and make sense what I tried to do.
Brilliant as always! Glarins reactions are perfect (and hilarious) and i'm glad to see you showing Luna the way you are (she's my favorite).
Comedy was spot on and the tale of Dorn left me gobsmacked at first and sad for him afterwards (in other words it was an amazing bit of mini story). Can't wait to see the next part. And while Glarin may have lost his Clan he will always be a part of the greatest of all Clans, Durin's Folk (in other words a son of Durin the first Dwarf).
3568662 It's a good thing Durin's bane doesn't exist within Equestria... Or does it? Na, But Dwarfbane probably does
3576276 oh, foreshadowing are we?
3578061 perhaps I am, perhaps I'm not.
They all should totally grow beards.
3582172 They really should. Celly looks damn good with that beard.
OH SWEET LUNA THEY HAVE BEARDS (except Luna lol). this was a great, the comedy is as good as ever and the referencing was great. also the scene with Ozzy was a nice idea although when the maids mentioned it as well. also the thing with Glarin talking about Durin's bane... did i start that.. anyway brilliant as always and i can't wait to see more.
3583317 haha, couldn't find a pic that had luna with a beard, and yes, You did Influence Durin's Bane, but just a bit.
3497762i did fall out of my seat
There's just something off about a fierce Dwarf berserker having a "cutie mark"
3600313 Lol, its a Brand. I just called it that as a joke.
Excellent chapter.
I am loving this story.
Aye, that it does.
absolutely magnificent as always, i love the way you expanded Spikes character and Glarin's "cutie mark" was a nice little joke, also liked the dwarf fortress reference and the way you portray Fancy Pants (it's pretty much the same way i always though of him). and i can't wait to see where you are going with the line "Luna teleported the bottle to her room for future use". anyway you sir have as always, well and truly, earned your beard. now to get back to... MY HOUSE!
Doesn't apple cider have alcohol in it, if so then could that be the ale he's looking for.
3646798 aye indeed, But a good dwarven ale has been known to be so high in alcohol content it can be used as an emergency explosive in times of extreme desperation. A Mature Dwarven Stout is rumored to be 210 proof. How they distill it to such levels is beyond anyone's knowledge besides the Dwarven master brewers.
I love you! I just got an email saying there was an update half an hour ago or so,etching like that.
Looks like *puts on sunglasses* shit just got real.
3727924 I saw your favorite as I was editing the chapter before I put it out. lol
Coincidinc? I think not! Anyway, really good story. Besides some grammar mistakes (I think) that I wouldn't give a f*squee* about! I am your new stalker.
lol, I caught that reference as soon as I read it, such a good song.
For some reason I picture Glarin and maybe the mane 6 singing this when they have enough apple cider
when I saw it was Dwarf in Equestria, my first thought was
Dwarf: Horses? I'M TALL!
Twilight: We're ponies
Dwarf: ...Dammit
3767408 I don't know why, but that never even occurred to me lol
Do it for Fluttershy!
3769467 Sorry Fluttershy its too much work atm and the elder scrolls online beta is out, I don't think Im'a be sleeping very well this weekend.
3769506 god damn it, like I said. No flipping sleep. I'm reworking the 1st chapter right now.
3769536 Edited my own version of your idea in, tell me what chu think.
YOU SIR! Are a gentleman and a scholar!
3769598 Thank you sir, I do try.
try? You did NOT try.
You exceeded expectations, passed with flying colours, er....You Did great!
HAHA! Classic Glarin!
3769669 You going through every chapter again? Or did you start at chapter 7 with the new update? lol
3769651 static.fjcdn.com/pictures/By_a78fa4_2337236.jpg
Hehe, a bit late, but I just came across this story
in regards to the piece on Luna and Glarins relationship.
Puny Griffin!
3906094 that's exactly what I was thinking lol