Glarin peaked an eye open, the sun was up now, and Princess Twilight was right in front of him with a huge smile on her face for some reason.
“Good Morning Sir Glarin, I came to get you. Also, I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me until just now, but I should of cast a healing spell on you. I mean, there’s no point in wandering around hurt when I can just fix it up no problem right?” Glarin smiled
“Aye indeed. I didn’t want to be a bother, but I would much appreciate being healed. Then I can leave this crippling wheelchair.” Twilight nodded her head and began to cast her healing spell.
Princess Twilight was the 1st to create such potent healing magic’s. Before she altered the spells, they would turn weeks of healing into days, days to hours, etc. Twilight improved them 3 fold in the time she was studying them. Weeks of healing would be done in hours while hours would be done in seconds. Heck, they even brought Glarin back from the brink of death when he first arrived.
The white globe hit Glarin in the chest, and he sighed. After a bit he removed the bandages on his arms and cheered that the scabs easily flicked off showing pinkish white skin underneath.
“And I’m healed!” Glarin leaped out of the wheelchair and danced in front of Twilight. He then removed the bandages from his legs, much to Twilights embarrassment, as he was still pretty much naked. After which he finished getting dressed and slung his single axe over his shoulder.
“Shall we be off now?” Twilight nodded her head with a blush on her face as they headed out. Glarin had a somewhat distant look in his eyes.
“Are you alright Glarin...?” Glarin snapped out of it and looked at her.
“Yeah, everything’s fine lass, just thinking about that amazing dream I had last night.” Twilight cocked an eyebrow.
“Would it have anything to do with you yelling in your sleep? The door guards thought you were under attack at one point last night.”
“Ha-ha! Sounds like a classic case of sleep raging, but let us be off now. Spike said he knew where we could get loads of gems. I’ll be needing loads of gems so I can get to work on my own house and stuff.” Twilight just sighed and shook her head as they both left the room.
They both met up with the rest of the group and Twilight explained how she used a quick healing spell on Glarin to explain the absence of the wheelchair. Glarin had wanted to skip breakfast in hopes of getting on this train, so they could get back to Ponyville in a hurry. He had also opted out of any and all chariot rides.
Glarin was also introduced to the last two ponies of the group he had yet to meet. Rarity was a white unicorn pony who liked to wear fancy hats it would seem. She was wearing one when she introduced herself and held out a hoof that Glarin took and shook. Apparently that wasn’t what she expected but shrugged it off. She reminded him of those stuffy nobles, or she at least tried to act like one. Not a good first impression.
The next pony he was introduced too was a bright pink regular pony. He looked at her then at Daring and really couldn’t see the difference in their coloration. When he held out his hand for her to shake, she grabbed it with both of her hooves and gave him quite a powerful shake. An amazing first impression so far... Glarin smiled at her as she continued to ramble. Glarin just listened as his smile slowly faded. He kept grunting as she spoke to indicate he was still listening... He had completely forgotten what it was she was talking about in the 1st place.
When the introductions were complete they all debated if they should eat at the castle or have train food. Of course Glarin’s decision was vetoed out as everypony wanted breakfast at the castle.
While everydwarf just wanted to head back home. Like usual, the voting ended in the ponies favor.
It was a great breakfast, food was plentiful and everyone ate their fill. Glarin was just eager to get on the LAND train and get back to ponyville via LAND, and NOT AIR.
Never again would he enter anything that was pulled by ponies with wings, whom he didn’t know personally. But then again, perhaps even if he did know them he wouldn’t go with em anyway. Dwarves were not meant to fly as far as Glarin was concerned.
It was now early afternoon when they all finally left the castle and headed down toward the train station.
As they walked down the Canterlot roads to the train station, they noticed a large crowd in front of the Canterlot Royal Bank. Guards were posted all in front of it with random citizens all looking onward. Some of the unicorn guards had set up shields around them and nearby allies.
“Oh my, is the Canterlot Royal Bank being robbed?” asked Rarity as she tipped her hat back and continued to observe the scene with the rest of the ponies. Glarin just shrugged and continued to walk forward.
“Bah, even if it is being robbed it’s none of our business. The guards here seem to have everything under control anyway.” Suddenly some arrows and bolts of magic that varied in color shot out from the bank’s windows and open door, impacting the guards magical shields. One of the guards shouted in a panic.
“Oh Celestia! We just lost control of the situation!” Glarin mumbled to himself.
“Anyway, I’m sure they will call for back up. I just wanna head on back to Ponyville. The train station isn’t far from here right? Spike and I have some gems to gather.” Twilight moved forward so she stood next to Glarin.
“Well, yes it is, but don’t you think we should help?”
“Help? It’s the guards job to solve this situation not mine. Besides, I have no quarrel with them.” Fluttershy gently flew up next to Glarin and Twilight.
“I agree with Glarin Twilight, I mean, it is their job, I’m sure everything is fine...” another barrage of arrows and magical bolts flew out of the bank impacting the magical shields while a stray magic bolt hit Glarin on the shoulder. He looked at the impact sight and brushed the dust away.
That same panicked guard shouted again “Everything is NOT going fine! Oh Celestia, we need help!” Glarin just cleared his throat and continued to walk through the madness toward the train station.
“Ya see? Magic fit for goblins, the guards will be just fine, now lets go!” Twilight and Fluttershy were still following behind Glarin as he walked straight through the danger zone. The rest of their group just watched from afar as they looked for a path around the madness that would be safer. One of the guards saw Glarin with Princess Twilight coming closer. The guards face lit up with a big smile as he went up to them.
“Oh thank Celestia you’re here! Have you all come to help us!? A couple unicorns riding Griffins flew down and then blocked themselves in with magical shields! They seem to fire at us randomly with no provocation! We can’t get in to stop them as we can’t dispel the shield they put up! We think that about 10 unicorns are reinforcing the shield, we've never seen anything like it before. The situation is so out of control and totally not fine...” Glarin just grumbled while Fluttershy began to look around and nervously answered
“f-f-fire randomly?”
“Sorry no, this is none of my business, I would just like to travel home and...” another barrage of arrows and magical bolts flew from the bank. This time Glarin heard a familiar shrill cry come from behind him followed by a thud. He spun around to see Fluttershy laying on the ground with an arrow through one of her wings, she had tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at the arrow.
Twilight was the first to speak. The rest of the group, guards, and onlookers all gasped. Rainbow zoomed over and joined Twilight in inspecting Fluttershy’s wing.
“Fluttershy! Hold still, let us look at it!” Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and all of the guards suddenly shuddered in fear. Glarin was staring down at the arrow in Fluttershy’s wing.
“Twilight, Would you mind if I...” Some droplets of blood began to seep out of her arrow wound. “...Killed Them All?” His hands were balled into fists, his knuckles white while his teeth were gnashing together.
“K-K-Kill them?! Y-You can’t!” Glarin turned to face the bank and drew his single axe from its sheathe. He took a deep breath, arched his upper body backward and yelled up into the air.
“Then I Shall Beat Them..."
Fury Engaged
"...WITHIN AN INCH OF THEIR LIIVES!” Everypony and griffin within earshot began to cower in place. Everyone behind him was glad he/she wasn’t the main focus of his anger. They remember yesterday’s games all to well.
The griffins and unicorns inside the bank, knew that they were royally bucked.
Glarin crouched down and leaped from his position, landing in front of the shielded doorway. He raised the axe in his left hand and brought it down upon the shield. The hit with his axe caused the shield to visibly crack. With a roar he then sent his right fist into the shield shattering it. It sounded like 100 glass window’s shattered at the same time when the shield spell broke.
Everypony watched wide eyed as he leaped 20 some feet up stairs without a running start, then single handedly smash the magical shield spell the guards couldn’t get rid of.
Everypony and griffin outside could hear the terrified screams and screeches of the would be bank robbers coming from inside the bank. The same sound of glass shattering could also be heard with multiple solid thumps and cracks.
“Do you think we should...” just as one of the guards was suggesting they follow inside to help him, a griffin was seen running out of the front doorway, he began to flap his wings and fly away with a look of utter fear on his face.
He didn’t get far as all of the ponies watched Glarin run out of the same doorway and leap into the air after him.
“I DIDN’T SAY YOU COULD LEAVE!” Glarin grabbed the griffin by a hind leg, then slam him into the ground. Glarin wasn’t done with him yet, he continued to hold onto the griffins back leg and slammed him back and forth into the ground. Swinging him up into the air only to impact into the ground again, the griffin looked like nothing more than a large rag doll. By the time Glarin had finished, the griffin was foaming at the mouth with a broken beak and repeatedly mumbling he was sorry.
All of the onlookers got a good glimpse of Glarin. He had several arrows poking out of him, 2 in his left leg, one in his right leg. His left bicep had an arrow in it along with his right shoulder. It would appear his chain shirt was doing a good job at deflecting the arrows away from vital organs like his heart and lungs. The shirt he had on over his chain vest had several holes and burn marks in it. It would appear that the magical bolts just left light scorch marks on his skin.
Glarin released the limp griffin and ran back inside the bank. The screams and screeches of terror continued.
The onlookers and guards heard someone from inside start yelling.
“Oh Celestia he’s a monster!” the guards began to become curious as to what exactly was happening inside, so they all moved forward and looked inside. What they saw left them speechless.
Several of the walls had a few ponies or griffins embedded into them. It would appear Glarin had thrown or slammed them against the wall so hard, they got stuck in it. The griffins and ponies in the walls hung limply and moaned in agony. As they looked around some more they saw a few ponies and griffins had their faces firmly planted into the ground. The stone around the face planted ponies and griffins was broken as if somepony took a large sledge hammer to the floor.
They don’t remember any earth ponies being part of their gang, yet there were clearly 3 or 4 earth ponies unconscious inside the bank. It wasn’t until one of the guards spotted a lone horn on the floor did they figure out where the ‘earth’ ponies came from.
The guards ended up looking toward the vault, it would seem only 3 remained, two were unicorns while the last was a griffin. All 3 of them had looks of utter despair and horror on their faces. The two unicorns had enacted a 4 layered barrier around them, but it was clear by the look on their faces, they knew it was only a matter of time.
“You stupid unicorn! You said Sir Glarin wouldn’t come! You said he left already!”
“I didn’t know the information I got was bad!”
“Please Mercy! Mercy Sir Glarin!” Glarin was hunched over in front of their shield with his axe still in hand. Every haggard breath he released could clearly be seen as a puff of steam.
“Mercy? MERCY?! I HAVE NO MERCY FOR THOSE THAT HARM MY CLAN!!” He raised his axe and brought it down on top of the shield with a roar.
The guards knew a 4 layered shield spell when they saw one. It was one of the strongest shield type spells that can be done by 2 unicorns who didn’t specialize with shields. The 4 layer was a technique used even by the royal guards in order to deflect the strongest of attacks, both magical and physical. And it worked well, it had never failed to protect anypony that could use it... until now.
Glarin’s axe tore through the 4 layered shield spell, but at a cost. As his left arm and the axe tore through the shield, he could feel the bones cracking in his left arm. Shattering so many shield spells with only one axe was bound to cause problems. But that didn’t matter, the shield was down and both of the unicorns had fallen backwards from their spell being shattered so forcefully like that.
Before both unicorns could even finish falling, Glarin had barreled through the falling shield fragments and grabbed the griffin by the throat and charged at the wall, he then proceeded to embed the griffin within the marble wall as he had done with the others.
Once the griffin was up against the wall he quickly reared his right fist back and pounded them until they were firmly embedded inside the marble wall.
When he was done with the griffin, Glarin reached over and grabbed the unicorn to his left by the mane as he tried to flee. He preceded to use him as a makeshift weapon to pummel the other unicorn who had yet to recover.
The unicorn was finally ‘released’ when his mane ripped from his head. His body was sent sailing through the air. Glarin had failed to notice and brought down a fist full of hair on top of the other unicorn who was already unconscious.
Glarin released the fistful of hair and looked around. All he saw were the guards staring at him wide eyed. Most of them shocked beyond belief. The fury within him made him want to continue and beat them all as well. Why would they be looking at him with such stupid looks on their faces if they didn’t want a good beating as well?
Why Didn't They HELP?!
Glarin realized what he was thinking and had to shake his head. He then dispelled the rest of his fury through a channeled shout. One he had learned from his instructor long ago in order to end rages and fury’s early should the fights be over.
Everypony and griffin within earshot both inside and outside the bank heard his ‘calming’ shout as he released the rest of his fury harmlessly into the air. After some deep breathes he put his axe away and inspected the arrows. He walked out of the bank ignoring the guards and went over to Fluttershy, Twilight and Rainbow. Twilight spoke first.
“I’m glad you ended up helping, but I thought you said none of this was your business Glarin, why did you go run in like that. You’re all injured again!”
“The moment they hurt a clan member, it became my business, now lets start heading back once Fluttershy is taken care of. I would like to go enjoy a favorite dwarven past time, digging for riches... Since I can’t go have a drink.” Glarin sat down on the floor across from Fluttershy, Twilight and Rainbow. As Rainbow spoke Glarin dug his fingers into the arrow wounds, then Glarin snapped the feathered ends of the arrows off and angled the arrow shafts away from bones and major veins as he pushed them completely through.
Much to the disgust of the other nearby ponies.
“Well the good news is that the arrow didn’t hit the wing bone, she got lucky as it only passed through the layer of skin and muscle...” Fluttershy nodded her head at Twilight and Rainbow. They had removed the arrow and bandaged up her wing. “... she won’t be able to fly for awhile, but she should be just fine otherwise.” As Glarin removed the last arrow, he used it to point at Twilight. Some blood flicked off the arrow tip and landed on Twilight's muzzle, much to her horror.
“Why not just use a healing spell? I mean, wouldn’t it be silly not too?” Twilight panicked at having his blood land on her face and quickly magicked it away while making a scrub bush appear cleaning her face even more.
“Pleeeease don't fling your blood all willy nilly like that Glarin! But, you’re right. Hold still for a second Fluttershy.” Twilights horn glowed and a small white light flowed from her horn and onto Fluttershy’s wing. Shortly after Fluttershy began to flap her wing as the pain disappeared.
“Oh my, its all better now. Thank you Twilight.” Glarin stood up and tossed the arrow behind him.
“Now that everything’s better, lets head to the LAND train shall we? Can’t wait to get back to Ponyville, by LAND.” Glarin continued to walk down in the direction of the train station same as he had before. Completely ignoring all of his wounds and Twilight as she had also wanted to use a healing spell on him. The rest of the group quickly caught up to him, along with many of the civilians and guards who wanted to speak with him.
“Sir Glarin! Sir Glarin!”
“Sir Glarin can I get an autograph?!”
“Sir Glarin a photo for the paper please!”
“Sir Glarin have my foals!”
“Sir Glarin can you sign my flank!?” Glarin was starting to be overwhelmed by all of the ponies shouting at him trying to get his attention.
“Enough! I just want to go home. Take a nice dirt nap, and then go dig for some gems with Sir Spike!” The ponies from the press still didn’t stop though.
“Please Sir Glarin, a word on why you stopped those bank robbers!”
“Was is because you’re a knight of Equestria?”
“Or perhaps it was because you couldn’t stand to see such criminal scum act in broad daylight?!” Glarin gritted his teeth and looked directly into the nearby press ponies eyes.
“I beat them all to a bloody pulp because one of their blasted arrows hurt my clan member Fluttershy. Blood calls for blood and retribution in full kind.” The press continued to question him as he tried to walk away.
“Would you do that for any other pony!?”
“Is this pony Fluttershy your Very Special Somepony perhaps?!” unbeknownst to Glarin, Fluttershy began to blush and hide her face behind her mane. Glarin had no clue what they meant by very special somepony, regardless he gave his answer of the subject anyway. As far as he knew, they were simply talking about someone, who is also a pony, that was important to him.
Clan was always important
“Of Course she is! And so is Princess Twilight, Princess Luna, Daring, Rainbow, Big Apple and Apple Chef! All of em are my very special someponies! Heck, the entire Apple family is my special somepony!” Everypony froze at his claim. Some cameras were going off with the flashes and clicks being heard. Rarity shouted from the back
“What what Whaat?!” Followed by Pinkie Pie gasping
“Did you guys have a special somepony party without me again?! I wanna be a part of it next time too!” Pinkie bounded up to Glarin and gave him a big lick on his face. Glarin just got a smile on his face and chuckled.
“Aye sure, Pinkie. You can join my Clan if’n you wish it. You are best friends with Princess Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow.”
“Is a Clan like your herd? Oh, oh, oh! If so I wanna join!” Glarin thought for a second, the word herd as far as he knew was a large group of wild animals that travel and live together, that’s kind of like a clan... right?
“Welcome to my Clan then Pinkie!” Glarin grabbed her round the withers and gave her a hug twirling her around, and she gave out a big giggle and a laugh as she was spun around.
“Now, lets head on to the LAND train and get back to Ponyville, I tire of this ‘noble’ place.” The press seemed to be satisfied with his answer as they stopped following him and so did the large crowd of ponies. Except the main group of ponies that had been traveling with him since the beginning.
As they closed in on the train station Twilight came up to Glarin with a bit of a blush on her face.
“Glarin, do you... do you know what it means to have a very special somepony?” Glarin narrowed his eyes at her question. Her tone implied that there was something he wasn’t quite understanding about the situation that transpired.
“I’m assuming a very special sompony is some pony that you care a lot about. And I care for all of my clan members greatly, they just happen to all be ponies now...” Glarin sighed as he said that.
“Well that’s true, but its to care in a certain way...” Glarin raised an eyebrow at Twilight and looked back at the group behind him. Most of em just sorta looked around, except Pinkie, she was waving her hoof at him as fast as possible with the biggest grin he had ever seen.
“Care in a certain way?” Glarin looked at Twilight thinking about what she could of meant. It wasn’t until he noticed that she was blushing and avoiding eye contact did something click.
Glarin went wide eyed and looked back at the group. Back to Apple Chef and stared at her, It clicked again. Then to Big Apple, that same thing clicked a third time. Then he looked over to Rainbow, nothing clicked when looking at her though. They all blushed when he looked at them long enough. Then that something clicked again.
“Oye! I didn’t mean special like that! I meant like family! Brother, sister, and cousins kinda thing!” Glarin suddenly remembered what he had told those press ponies. While the ponies themselves released a sigh now that he fully understood what a very special somepony was. Except Pinkie who seemed kinda down now.
“Yee Gods! I told them Princess Luna and I are... By Berronar’s Beard what have I done!” Glarin began to frantically look around. He got down on his knees and clasped Twilights hoof in both hands.
“Princess Twilight I’m sorry! I didn’t know!” Twilight shook her head and sighed.
“It’s fine Glarin. As long as you understand what it means now.” Glarin had a smile on his face as he looked Twilight in the eye.
“You’ll help me smooth things over with Princess Luna then? There’s no telling what will happen to me once those gossip ponies spread the word!” Twilight raised an eyebrow at Glarin. In the back of her mind, she decided to play a bit of a prank on him. Glarin’s smile slowly faded while Twilight thought.
“I don’t know Glarin, Princess Luna is kind of hard to convince... I wonder what Celestia would think of such a thing. You pretty much did claim to be in a romantic relationship with all of us, and in public no less.” Glarin felt his heart sink at that. Not only would he have to face Luna’s wrath, he would have to face Celestia’s as well? He ran over to Applejack and Big Mac and got down to his knees.
“You gotta hide me! There’s no telling what Princess Luna will do to me once the gossip ponies reveal this blunder of mine!” Applejack and Big Mac raised an eyebrow
“Ah don’t think it’s that big a deal Glarin.” Glarin dropped his mouth in shock and looked over to Big Mac who simply shook his head.
“Please you must! She’ll send assassins out for me in the middle of the night! While Celestia sends assassins in the middle of the day, I know it to be true!” Applejack just sighed.
“Ah guess ya could stay in the barn then, if’n ya really feel that way.” Glarin got a smile on his face as he stood back up.
“I knew I could count on you! Thank you Apple Chef!”
“Mah names AppleJack, Glarin.”
“Oh uh, Thank you Applejack! Now lets get out of here fast!” Glarin stood back up and began to race off toward the train station. Spike looked over at Twilight with a raised eyebrow.
“Would Princess Luna and Celestia really do that? I thought they didn’t take what the press wrote seriously.”
“They don’t Spike, but Sir Glarins reaction was priceless. I wonder what made him think the princesses would send out assassins.” Twilight began to laugh while the rest of the ponies chuckled about the very idea.
Glarin had run out of sight and stopped at the end of the road. Twilight had described what a train looked like over breakfast so when he saw the multicolored train he jumped for joy and climbed aboard it.
Twilight had forgotten to mention that you had to buy a ticket, and that trains from Canterlot went all around Equestria, not just to Ponyville and back. But lucky for him there was only one train, and it was scheduled for Ponyville.
Glarin took a nearby empty seat and watched the rest of his group go up to a window before heading over to the train.
“Ahem, Ticket please.” Glarin turned around and saw a pony wearing a blue shirt with a square looking blue hat. This pony looked official and in charge. He had a beard.
“Ticket? Ticket for what? Transportation between cities isn’t free?” The pony raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t know where you come from, but if you don’t have a ticket, you can’t ride the train. You can go buy one at the window over there. Until you get one, you are going to have to leave. Also, you might want to clean yourself up, you look wounded.” The pony ended with pointing his hoof out the door. Glarin just dropped his head in defeat and walked out the door, only to meet up with Princess Twilight.
“Why you’d get off the train Glarin? We already got your ticket, and don’t worry about the money.” Glarin picked up his head and looked at Twilight with a smile on his face.
“Thanks a motherload Twilight, I thought for sure I would have to spend my only 10 bits.” Twilight raised an eyebrow.
“Why in Equestria would you think that? We got you covered until you are up on your hooves, err, feet.”
“So much generosity from you ponies. But I expect nothing less from my clan.” Glarin put his muscular arm around Twilights withers and walked with her back the short distance to the train. They were stopped by the same official bearded pony.
“Tickets?” Twilight hooves the pony a large number of tickets.
“Here you are Mr. Conductor. Tickets for myself and all of my friends and their family.” The conductor pony counts the tickets and counts everyone present, he nods his head and punches the tickets, hoofing them back to her.
“Enjoy the ride.” The conductor pony walks off as everyone boards the train. Glarin took the same seat he had earlier. Only to be joined by that smallish pony Apple Bloom, with Daring and his sister Star sitting across from them.
Glarin continued to keep a watchful eye out the window as Apple Bloom began to snuggle up closer to him. Glarin furrowed his brow and turned to look at her.
“What are you doing Apple... Bow?” Apple Bloom pulled away a bit.
“You forgot mah name already?”
“I apologize, I have trouble remembering names, but faces I don’t forget.” Apple Bloom smiled and snuggled back up next to him. Star and Daring were having a bit of a laugh about it.
“Tha’s alright Sir Glarin, I forgive ya. Mah names Apple Bloom, try not ta forget it again.”
“Uh huh, well then Apple Bloom, why are you snuggled up next to me then?” Apple Bloom replied in a coy and playful tone.
“Oh, no reason in particular...” As she looked at Glarin’s muscular arm, she realized he never bandaged up his wounds. The arrow wounds he got earlier were still exposed and bleeding. “...You didn’t get your wounds treated yet Glarin?”
“No I didn’t, I just wanted to head back home. The ponies of this magnificent marble city bore me.”
“Well Ah’ma go get a first aid kit! You wait right here.” Apple Bloom jumped out of the seat and galloped off as the train began to move.
“Cute kid, little clingy though.” Glarin leaned back in his seat with Daring and Star staring at him.
“You think my aunt is cute Glarin?”
“Yeah, in a little girl way. She’s no where near as cute as my little sister was at her age though.”
“She’s a full grown mare now you know. She may not be as big as Aunty Applejack, but she’s an adult, not some filly Glarin.” Glarin thought for a minute.
“So she’s a dwarf pony then?” Star smacked her hoof into her face while Daring laughed. Apple Bloom returned with a first aid kit in her mouth. She set it down next to Glarin before speaking.
“Ahright Glarin, hold still while Ah bandage you up. Don’t you worry about nothing now.”
“You’re making me worry by saying that!” Glarin looked over at Daring who shook his head side to side and Star nodding her head. He wasn’t sure who to believe. Daring with his neutral looking face or Star with the huge grin on her face.
He eventually sighed and looked over at Apple Bloom who had a roll of gauze in her mouth and a hopeful look on her face.
“Well what are ya waiting for Lass? Get to bandaging me up. Don’t make em too tight now though.” Apple Bloom nodded her head enthusiastically and began cleaning the wound’s and wrapping them up.
Glarin had been sitting patently in the train for 2 hours now. Why were trains so slow?
And why did the ponies think this was a good place to nap?
Apple Bloom had fallen asleep, with Daring and Star also asleep. He had half the mind to do the same and pass out just as well. But with his bench crowded by 3 ponies while sitting in a pose that made sleeping difficult, sleep felt like a far away dream.
He was trying to figure out how this happened, but for the life of him he couldn’t. He had been staring out the window while they all talked to each other. Next thing he knew Apple Bloom started yawning and fell asleep with her head in his lap. Then Daring came over and fell asleep next to Apple Bloom with Star flying over and laying on top of the benches back. She then positioned herself using his shoulders and the benches back as some kind of surface and fell asleep as well.
Glarin was effectively trapped and cuddled in by the 3 ponies. It was extremely uncomfortable.
“Between the pickaxe and the rockface...”
when I saw it was Dwarf in Equestria, my first thought was
Dwarf: Horses? I'M TALL!
Twilight: We're ponies
Dwarf: ...Dammit
3767408 I don't know why, but that never even occurred to me lol
Do it for Fluttershy!
3769467 Sorry Fluttershy its too much work atm and the elder scrolls online beta is out, I don't think Im'a be sleeping very well this weekend.
3769506 god damn it, like I said. No flipping sleep. I'm reworking the 1st chapter right now.
3769536 Edited my own version of your idea in, tell me what chu think.
YOU SIR! Are a gentleman and a scholar!
3769598 Thank you sir, I do try.

try? You did NOT try.
You exceeded expectations, passed with flying colours, er....You Did great!
3769669 You going through every chapter again? Or did you start at chapter 7 with the new update? lol
Puny Griffin!
3906094 When I finally sat down to watch the Avengers, I could do nothing but applaud when that scene happened.