The Banquet was held inside the large ballroom of the castle. Many nobles and other high class society members were present. Along with some of the ‘low brow’ commoners, or as Glarin called them, Fluttershy, The Apple family, and their friends. Not to mention the demon of a nurse that was hounding him. Using the excuse that Celestia put her in charge of his health to follow him everywhere.
“Do any of ya’ll think we shoulda dressed up fer this?” Big Mac shook his head at his sister and pointed over to Glarin who was walking over with a mouthful of Hors d'oeuvre’s. He wasn’t wearing shoes and his chain shirt was missing showing off his hairy chest... And his pants were gone. When he came up to them he pointed at Big Mac and spoke with his mouth full
“Hey Apply Family...” Glarin swallowed the food he had in his mouth “ know it just occurred to me that since I made Daring an honorary member of my clan, that pretty much makes all of you members as well.” Glarin tugged at the bandages on his arms for a bit. “Damn things tickle like crazy.”
“Any reason you ain’t wearing much tonight Glarin? Besides uh... underwear.” Glarin looked down at his chest and shrugged.
“Well I didn’t think it would be proper to wear my armor at a royal banquet. But I don’t have any casual cloths here. But then it occurred to me, you ponies are naked most of the time anyway, so it shouldn’t be a problem for me to be naked as well... Also the cool air feels good on these small wounds all over my body.” Applejack just shook her head while Big Mac laughed with Daring and Star.
“That might be true Glarin, but we ponies have sheathes and tails to hide ourselves. While you're just... exposed.” Glarin just gave Big Mac a blank stare, before he finally understood what he meant.
“Well that might explain why so many of you ponies can’t keep your eyes up here.” Glarin pointed at his face. “I assumed they were looking at the bandages on my legs.” Glarin looked down at his legs again. “They are turning a bit red again. That nurse is gonna get mad at me.”
“Why would she be mad with you?”
“She told me to use this chair with wheels in it. But I wasn’t about to use that, I can walk just fine.” The hair on Glarin’s chest suddenly stood up, everyone saw it and was confused if not intrigued by it, and Glarin looked over his shoulder.
“I gotta go, I’ll see you around!” with that Glarin ducked his head down and dove into the nearby crowd disappearing. Shortly after a white pony with a red cross cutie mark appeared before them.
“Have any of you seen Sir Glarin around? I found his wheel chair thrown out into the garden. Again!” Applejack pointed off in the direction Glarin went.
“He went that'a way Miss.”
“Thank you kindly Applejack.” The nurse nodded her head and snorted steam as she ran off in the direction Applejack pointed.
Shortly after they heard a shrill ‘shout’ followed by a loud thunk. Everypony in the banquet hall stopped and turned to look at the scene that was unfolding.
“Noo! Not the beard!” Everypony watched as that nurse pony was slowly dragging Glarin across the floor by his beard. “I wont ditch the wheeled chair again I promise!” She spit out his beard and gave him an icy glare.
“You won’t throw your wheelchair off the balcony and into the garden anymore?” Glarin nodded his head at her. “And you will use it until your wounds close up?”
“You have my word as a dwarf! Just don’t pull on my beard!” She squinted her eyes at him again then nodded her head.
“Wait. Right. Here.” Glarin nodded his head and sat on the floor cross legged. One of the nobles went up to Glarin and chuckled at him a bit.
“Pushed around by a wee nurse are we?”
“You don’t understand, her stare and ferocity remind me of my mother! My mother stared down a group of cockatrice once, then she beat them all with her fists!”
“Bah, impossible. No ones been able to look a cockatrice in the eye and walk away unstoned.”
“Its true! I saw it with my own eyes when I was just a wee lad, no more than 24 I was! We had broken into a cave full of cockatrices and the things were running rampant! They were turning every dwarf into stone. It wasn’t until they came at me and my sister did my own sweet mother come down upon them all like a dragon and killed them all with her stare and fists alone! How my father was able to tame such a fierce female is beyond me.” Glarin felt the hair on his chest rise again and turned around to look at the nurse. She had a shiny new wheelchair and was pushing it toward him. Based on the wheelchairs gleam, it looked to be made of mithril, but it couldn’t possibly be mithril could it?
“Now, get in the wheelchair, I’m sticking to you like honey now. I have to make sure you make good on that promise.”
“Yes Ma’am.” Glarin stood up to get into the wheelchair when she shouted at him again.
“Crawl into it! I don’t want you to keep agitating all the wounds.” Glarin got back down and crawled into the wheelchair. After that she got a smirk on her face and began to push him around. Then in the sweetest voice possible
“Where do you want to go Sir Glarin?”
“Do-uh... anywhere is fine...” She nodded her head and began to push him toward a random group of high class ponies.
So boring, all the nobles wanted to talk about was their wealth and large plots of land. None of which Glarin had or cared about because it wasn’t his. He would give his 2 cents, and they would politely nod and give their 2 cents.
So boring.
He looked around at all the different tables and noticed the only one’s that seemed lively were the one’s his honorary clansmen were at. Except he hasn’t seen Fluttershy. In fact he hasn’t seen her since Ponyville. The Apples told him she was here, and she even went to his knighting ceremony and the games.
Why hasn’t he seen her all day then? Could she be in some kind of trouble?
“My name is Rose White.”
“Uh, Miss White, could we go over to the table with the Apple Family?”
“Yes of course.” Glarin waved goodby to the nobles as she pushed him to the table with the Apple family. As they got closer Rainbow Dash and Applejack waved at him.
“What brings ya over here Sir Glarin? Bored of the nobles all ready?”
“Bah, they’re a boring bunch to begin with. All they do is talk of money and things I don’t understand.”
“I can see that, we’ve been to a few of these already. It’s always the same with them.”
“Well I have a quick question if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” Applejack and Rainbow both waved their hooves as if to dispel any doubt.
“I was wondering if any of you have seen Fluttershy? I was told she came, but I have yet to see her at all.”
“Fluttershy? She’s probably out in the garden. She’s always out there when we come to these things. Cause she’s shy around ponies you know? She likes to hang out around the animals out there.”
“But... aren’t you all animals too?” Applejack and Rainbow just looked at Glarin with an eyebrow raised. The hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood on end as he felt an intense aura of anger right behind him.
“We ain’t animals, we’re ponies, thank you very much.”
“That’s right Sir Glarin, we are not animals. We are ponies, don’t forget it.” Glarin could feel the venom dripping from the nurses words. He wasn’t sure why, but this nurse seemed to hate him. And for the life of him he couldn’t figure out why.
Sure he had been dodging her every chance he got, while disposing of this abomination known as a wheelchair. But he just didn’t want to be bed ridden or look weak like she wanted him to. Rainbow was the last to throw in her 2 cents of the conversation.
“Well, Mac say’s I’m an animal in bed, but I didn’t know he told you about it.” Applejack gave a disgusted look at Rainbow while Glarin raised an eyebrow and shook it off, ignoring her comment.
“I apologize, its just uh...Can we go to the garden and find Fluttershy now Miss White? I would like to speak with her.” Nurse White nodded her head and spun Glarin’s wheelchair around. Glarin just waved them off again as they traveled down to the garden. As he was waving he saw Applejack and Rainbow get into some kind of heated discussion.
When they arrived they could see Fluttershy sitting by a pond looking into the water. She was by her self with no one else around. So naturally Glarin made his presence known.
“Oye!” Fluttershy eeped at his loud introduction but turned around to see it was only him and sighed. Followed by her turning her head to the side a bit.
“Glarin, why aren’t you wearing anything? Aren’t you cold?”
“Bah, if you ponies can handle being naked then so can I.”
“Yeah but, we have fur to keep us warm. Cloths are really just for fashions and harsh weather conditions.”
“I also don’t have anything else to wear besides my armor though. Not to mention my pants are riddled with holes now after what Spike did to me. Ha-ha!” Fluttershy looked at Glarin as he laughed and felt a small pang of anger and concern.
“How can you laugh at what happened today? Spike could of killed you! If Celestia didn’t stop it when she did, oh who knows what would of happened!” Glarin small laugh was brought to a halt as he looked at her, she was obviously upset. Glarin sighed and leaned back in his wheelchair a bit.
“I wouldn’t of died lass, not while the fight continued. Plus Twilight was nearby with her fancy healing spells. I admit maybe I did start to take things a little to serious when I began to rage. But its been so long since I had a good fight.”
“Is that all you care about Glarin? Fighting? What about making friends o-o-or getting a pet or a f-f-family?” Glarin sighed again as he looked at the big orange fish swimming in the pond. He briefly wondered if it tasted anything like those blind cave fish before he snapped out of it and answered Fluttershy.
“I already have some friends here, one of em is you. As for a pet, I’d have to get my little house going first. And Family is out of the question as I am the only dwarf here, not just that but I’m infertile. So I couldn’t have my own little family even I wanted one.”
“Y-you can’t? I’m sorry I...”
“Bah, don’t worry about it, about 5 out of every 10 dwarves born are infertile. Then 7 out of every 10 dwarves born are male, so the birthrate of fertile females is relatively low..." Glarin continued to look at the fish in the pond swim around. "...The Elders think its because of all the different alloys we’ve created with toxic metals and materials over the millennia’s. The toxic metals are within our blood now and makes some of us infertile or something. I don’t quite understand it, but that’s just how it is for me.” Fluttershy was silent for a bit but decided to continue the conversation from before.
“Hm, well, I still don’t think Spike should have been so serious with you, you didn’t even have a proper weapon.” Glarin chuckled
“Lass, If I had a proper weapon, it would have been a slaughter. I didn’t want to kill him, I just wanted a fight is all. Don't worry about a scratch on a solid stone wall Lass. Why not come inside?” Fluttershy was confused a bit by the dwarven saying, but somewhat figured it out soon enough.
“Oh but, I don’t know who I would speak too besides my friends, and I don’t want to be a bother.” Glarin raised an eyebrow.
“If anything, you are bothering em by being out here instead of inside with your friends. Just come with me. I saw a few spots at the table with Twilight and the princesses. She still hasn’t done the speech yet, I suppose we are still waiting for some nobles to arrive.”
“Oh well, yes I suppose I could accompany you if it isn’t to much trouble.”
“No trouble at all lass! But can I ask a bit of a question?”
“Um sure, go ahead...”
“Do you think you could push this wheelchair? I’m sure Nurse White here would like to take a break.” Nurse White looked at Glarin suspiciously.
“I could use a break, but If I find out you abandoned this wheelchair and went running around again...”
“You have my promise! Dwarves never break a promise no matter the cost.” Nurse White nodded her head and took her leave. Glarin released a sigh.
“Thank you kindly Fluttershy. Now that the perfumed demon no longer breathes down my neck I feel I can relax.” Glarin slouched in the wheelchair sprawling his legs wide open.
“Alright Flutter’s, lets head inside shall we? I was meaning to ask Twilight about a healing spell or two. I would hate to be confined to this blasted chair with wheels for longer than need be.”
“That nurse sure acts like one, but I’m sure she’s just a normal angry pony. Now lets go back inside, I’m starting to get cold.”
“Oh yes!” Fluttershy flew up and over to the backside of Glarin’s wheelchair and began to push him inside. Once they got inside Glarin pointed over to the table that Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and a couple others were sitting at. Glarin pointed over to the side with an open chair and told Fluttershy to take the seat while he just squeezed himself in next to her.
“Ah Glarin, good of you to join us at last, did you enjoy speaking to all of the other nobles?”
“Bah, Nobles. Your nobles here are worse then the ones back home. At least the ones back home could put up a good fight or at least boast of victory’s over a good drink. All these nobles do is talk of their land, money, and how many winks they get from mares.” Celestia and Luna raised an eyebrow at that.
“As if I care about stuff like that. What do I care if some mare winks at me. She’s not a dwarf, and big pretty eyes do nothing for me, she needs muscle!”
“Uh, eyes Glarin?” Celestia was about to explain what the nobles were talking about, but Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder and just shook her head side to side.
“Yeah eyes, I don’t care how many winks I get from a ponies big eyes, unless she’s a dwarf with muscles, I ain’t even interested. Yeah I like a good roll here and there but come on, a dwarf has to have some standards.”
“So only a dwarf would do Glarin?”
“Aye.” Celestia chuckled while Luna just smiled and shook her head
“I see, well now that you are here we can start with the opening ceramony and we can begin eating.”
“You mean all those tables weren’t the food?”
“No Glarin, those table’s are just full of appetizers and Hors d'oeuvre’s.”
“Order’s and what-a-tizers?”
“Something you eat before the meal Sir Glarin.” Glarin just looked at the ponies in confusion.
You eat food before you eat food? What kind of messed up meal system did these royals and nobles have? No wonder they were so poor. Eating two feast’s at every feast, and the lower class had a single feast every night. Was that the difference between being rich and poor? Two meals at every meal time in place of one? He’s had so much food in the last two day’s he thought he would get fat.
“Sister I think its about time we do the speech, Glarin, Spike, come with us.” Glarin looked over at Fluttershy who looked at him.
“Oh no, I can’t go up there I...”
“Oh come now lass, You’ll be just fine, I need your help you know.” Glarin gave her a big smile and Fluttershy just sighed.
“ok...” Fluttershy pushed Glarin up the small ramp onto the stage. They got on the right side of Celestia and Luna while Spike was on the left side.
“Ladies and Gentlecolt’s I would like to welcome you all to this...” Glarin zoned out for her speech, it was sooo boring.
It wasn’t until Fluttershy poked him on the shoulder did he come back from his day dream.
“Glarin, Celestia want’s you to say something...” Glarin went wide eyed
“Oh! Well I...” Celestia hoofed him a small stone.
“Use this to amplify your voice.” Glarin nodded and talked into the stone.
“HELLO?!” Everyone in the banquet hall covered their ears as he yelled into it. “Well would you look at that, it works...” random coughs and some throats were cleared through the silence. What was he supposed to say? He had zoned out and completely missed what he was supposed to talk about. Time to wing it...
“Ladies and uh... wait... Mares and Gentlecolt’s, Is that right?” He looked over at Celestia who had a bit of a confused look but nodded at him when he looked over for confirmation.
“Yes well, My name is Glarin the Berserker of the Ungard Clan, and apparently Knight of Equestria now, I’ll have to fit that into my title someplace...” Glarin sat in thought for a second in silence. “...Anyway hmm... oh yeah, for everyone’s information, I am a Dwarf. Not some puny Human that I keep hearing whisper’s about, oh and Princess Twilight, the entire Apple Family, and Fluttershy here are part of my clan. Even though they are honorary members, they are just as much a part of it as any other, so if you can’t find me, they might be able too...” Glarin had pointed to each one of them as he spoke. “...Any questions?”
All of the ponies and griffins looked to each other, not really expecting Glarin to give such a long introduction and then ask if anyone had questions. One lone pony raised his hoof and Glarin pointed him out.
“What is a clan?” asked the lone pony.
“A clan...” Glarin looked up at the ceiling and sighed. “...A clan is a group of close-knit families joined together by blood, marriage, or just plain heroism and good deeds toward other clan members...” Glarin took a deep breath and sighed before he got a serious look on his face “...And who ever or what ever brings harm to my clan or its members, in Any way, will receive no mercy from Me.” Everyone sitting and listening to him suddenly got a chill down their spine as they looked into Glarin’s eyes. “...Any other questions?” One pony in the back raised his hoof and Glarin picked him out.
“How can I join your clan?” Glarin burst out into laugher
“Prove you can be worthy of joining my clan, Twilight, Fluttershy and Daring saved my life when I first arrived here. By doing so they proved worthy, and since Daring is a son of the Apple family household, the entire Apple family joins as well. Their friends are my friends and vice versa.” Celestia cleared her throat and took the amplify rock from Glarin and began to speak.
“Yes well, that was quite an interesting introduction Sir Glarin. Spike, it’s your turn now...” Glarin just smiled dumbly as he realized all he was supposed to do was say hello and probably introduce him self, not that whole question answering deal. Spike took the amplify rock and was nervous at first until he seemed to steel his resolve.
“My name is Spike the Dragon Knight of the... Purple Dragon Clan, and my clan only has Princess Twilight and myself in it. But I’m looking to expand it! And anyone who brings harm to my clan members will also receive no mercy.” The end of Spikes speech wasn’t as impactful as Glarins, but he got the message across. Many of the ponies at the banquet had seen their fight. One pony raised his/her hoof, it looked like Glarin has started a trend, Spike pointed the pony out.
“How can Princess Twilight Sparkle be part of two clans?” Spike was at a loss for words, before Spike could bumble out some random words Glarin had raised his voice to where he didn’t need the stone.
“You Dare Question An Alliance Between Clans?!” The pony who had asked the question suddenly feared for his life. “Who Do You Think You Are!? I don't think you Piss GOLD!” Everypony in the banquet hall suddenly began to worry what he would do, it wasn’t until Fluttershy put her hoof on his shoulder did he calm down as he looked over at her.
“Glarin, I’m sure he didn’t mean anything by it, I mean, I’m a bit confused how Twilight can be part of two clans as well...” Glarin closed his eyes and sighed as he motioned over to Spike so he could hand over the stone. Spike did so without hesitation.
“Twilight can be part of two clans because she is an honorary member within mine, and a full member within Sir Spikes. Honorary members aren’t full members, but they receive the same benefits of being a full clan member. And even then seeing a single individual within several clans, either by blood, marriage or deeds wasn't uncommon within my Hold.” Glarin had finished his short explanation by handing the stone back over to Spike. His sudden outburst had caused some disarray, it was a good thing Fluttershy was by his side to calm the situation.
Spike just looked at the stone in his hand and shrugged as he handed it back to Celestia who gave it to Luna. Luna simply took the stone and smiled at she turned to face Glarin.
“What would I have to do in order to join your clan Sir Glarin? It would seem most beneficial to have such a powerful ally as you on my side.” Glarin went wide eyed and bowed in his wheelchair in front of Luna.
“Princess, It would be an honor to have Royalty such as you join my clan, You need but ask.” Luna Smiled at Glarin and moved in closer.
“I would like to join your clan Glarin, if you would allow it.” Glarin just bowed his head as he stayed in the chair.
“Of course Princess Luna, of the Ungard Clan.” As Luna bowed her head at Glarin with a gleeful smile on her face, Celestia turned to look at Spike and bowed her head.
“I would love to join your clan Sir Spike, if you will have me.” Spike was at a loss for words and just mimicked what Glarin had done, just like he did with his speech. Spike got down to one knee and bowed.
“It would be an honor Princess Celestia, of the Purple Dragon Clan.” The crowed cheered in unison at what they had witnessed. When the cheers died down Celestia and Luna both announced the end of the speech and for the banquet to begin.
Glarin had never seen such foods before. Sure he had lots of apple delicacies at the farm, but half the food he was getting he had never seen before. Like a Salad, what in the underdark was a salad, it looked like a bunch of green stuff. And it was covered in something they called Salad dressing. Which was still a relatively new creation apparently. The thought of eating uncooked green plants was kind of worrying to Glarin, but he did so anyway, the Salad dressing for sure made it edible, he would of spit it out otherwise.
Next a soup was brought forth and it was filled many different looking vegetables. All of which Glarin had never seen before. He leaned over to Fluttershy and whispered as he brought the spoon up.
“What’s this yellow stuff? It looks a lot like Nug poop.”
“That’s corn Glarin, and um, what’s a nug?”
“A nug is a small hairless nearly blind creature. We use em as pets and sometimes food.” Glarin put the spoonful of soup into his mouth, and his eyes lit up. He set the spoon aside and began to gulp the soup down.
When he had finished the soup the waiter brought out another plate with a lid over it. When he removed the lid a bright red fish was revealed upon the plate. Glarin looked at the fish with a bit of curiosity until Luna spoke up.
“We figured you would want something with a little meat on it. That is a Red Snapper, it is a popular dish among the griffins.” Glarin squinted a bit at the fish on the plate, it still had its head and everything. He shrugged as he grabbed the fork and stabbed it directly into the center of the fish and took a bite out of it, skin and all. He nodded his head as he chewed.
“Could use a bit of salt and limestone powder for flavor, but otherwise its pretty good.” Glarin continued to eat the fish, bones and all. There would be audible crunching sounds when he got to the bones, that crunching sound would make the nearby ponies shiver. Fluttershy however, wasn’t afraid at all. Probably because she has seen some of her pets eat fish before.
The rest of the banquet went by rather smoothly. More royal and noble talk that bored Glarin. It wasn’t until Celestia told him of the home she was giving him in Ponyville along with some money did he speak up.
“I’m sorry Princess, but I can’t accept that.” Celestia looked at him confused.
“You won’t take a free home or any money?” Glarin nodded his head.
“I’ve had enough hand-outs. It doesn’t feel right taking something I haven’t earned myself. The only help I’ll take from you is a shovel and pick axe. Along with permission to build my own home.” Celestia thought it over for a moment.
“Are you sure Glarin?”
“I am positive Princess.” Celestia nodded her head. While Luna spoke up next.
“You can build your home anywhere there is space Sir Glarin. How big were you planning to make your home?”
“Massive, but most of it will be underground so you won’t have to worry about space issues.”
“If that is the case Glarin, We shall also give you a map of the magical laylines within ponyville.”
“Yes, they provide power and running water to the homes of all our cities. It is obvious when you find one because they glow a deep purple color. Be careful not to break one.” Glarin nodded his head.
“I’ll be careful.”
The rest of the banquet went by rather well and everyone turned in for the night. Before Glarin would return to ponyville in the morning he would be staying the night inside the castle with everyone else. So he returned to his room with Nurse White pushing him along the way.
“Here we are Sir Glarin, your room. Would you like me to help you into bed?”
“Uhh... no thanks. I’ll be fine.” Nurse white nodded her head and left as Glarin went into the room. He rolled himself over to the bed and pulled the blanket off and wrapped it around himself while he sat inside the wheelchair. He made a promise to stay in the wheelchair until he was healed.
Dwarves never break a promise, he wasn’t about to be the 1st one to do so.
It occurred to him that he forgot to ask Twilight to heal him. He shrugged and figured he would do so in the morning, and just dozed off to sleep in the wheelchair.
Glarin awoke to a maid shaking him inside the wheelchair.
“Sir Glarin you must escape! Some green creatures have broken into the castle through some tunnel they created!” Glarin stirred himself awake wide eyed
“Green you say?!” the maid nodded her head.
“Yes, hurry and escape Sir Glarin!” Glarin looked down at himself and realized all of the wounds he had were gone. He grinned and looked at the maid
“I will fight.” Glarin looked at the maid who had a look of shock on her face.
And simply smiled.
“But you were just injured Sir Glarin!”
“No excuse! I have my axe with me, I can fight.” the maid bowed her head and lead Glarin outside the room after he got his chain shirt and pants on.
“They broke in through the lower levels of the dungeon. We have been able to hold them off so far. But we haven’t seen Luna since they broke through!”
“Leave it to me!” Glarin exited his room with an axe in his left hand and saw 2 Goblins. Needless to say, they were made short work of. The nurse shouted, after he had finished brutalizing the two goblins, on where to go next.
“Go down that way and take your 1st right! You should find a line of guards holding their positions!” Glarin nodded his head and began to run down the hall. Shortly after he found a line of guards holding their position against goblins and orcs.
Rage Activated.
Glarin rushed to the front of their line and cleaved through two goblins at once. He grabbed the nearest living goblin and threw it at the group. He followed behind the thrown goblin closely and decapitated an orc, then he ripped off the dead orc's arm and preceded to beat any random goblin’s and orc’s with the arm and axe until they all stopped moving.
“Thanks for the help Sir Glarin! We would move farther in but we have orders to hold our position here. We received word that the Apple Family is under siege and Princess Twilight is also missing with Luna.”
“WHAT?! My Clan Members are in trouble and missing!?” Glarin released a roar that frightened the pony guards. “Where are THEY?!” The guards flinched a bit
“D-d-down on your first left! Then take a right followed by a another left!” Glarin rushed down to the left hallway as fast as possible and came into contact with some goblins. Glarin gritted his teeth and yelled
“GET OUT OF MY WAY!” He plowed through the group crowding the hallway. Some were cut to pieces by his axe while others were gripped by his right hand and either thrown into the group ahead or had their skulls crushed by his hand. He trampled any others. He took the last left and saw a large Orc beating upon a door.
Glarin released a Piercing Howl that made the orc at the door among all the other’s flinch for a moment as he charged. As the orc turned to face Glarin an axe cleaved its face in two followed by a fist that grabbed it's lifeless body by the throat and flung it into the group of orcs right behind it.
“I’LL KILL YOU ALL!” Glarin followed up by lunging at the group of Orcs who had been waiting by the door. Big Mac opened the door shortly after Glarin had finished slaughtering them all.
“Sir Glarin! Are you ok!?” Glarin used an arm to wipe his mouth off and turned to face Big Mac.
“Yeah, I’m fine, how’s your family?” Big Mac looked behind him and shook his head.
“Daring was grazed by an axe, but everyone else is alright, we haven’t heard anything about Fluttershy though. Her room was next to ours.” Glarin looked down the hall and saw the door was missing.
Glarin stampeded down the hall and into the room Big Mac said Fluttershy was supposed to be in. When he got inside he saw Fluttershy cowering in a corner with 3 large orcs hovering around her. He released another piercing howl that made the 3 orcs flinch. He bull rushed the first one and used his right hand to smash its face into the ground while his left hand brought the axe into the other orcs gut. The 3rd orc snapped out of its daze and brought its weapon down upon Glarin.
The Orc struck Glarin on his right shoulder. Glarin had partly dodged out of the way to keep it from cleaving cleanly though him and then brought his axe up again to cleave through the orcs face. Fluttershy gasped in horror.
“Glarin! Are you ok!? Let me bandage you up!” Glarin shrugged off Fluttershy’s help and responded with a rough voice.
“No time, Twilight and Luna are missing, must find them! Go to the Apples next door for safety...” Glarin rushed out the doorway without a word more leaving Fluttershy wordless in her room.
Glarin pushed his way into a large room. He saw a ton of goblins and orcs blocking his chosen path further in. He looked at them all with a deep seated dwarven hatred beyond anything the ponies could ever conjure.
“DO NOT TRY TO STOP ME!” Glarin charged through the massive group throwing goblin and orc aside as he pushed through the massive group. Half of the goblins and orcs he pushed aside were dead, while the other half would die soon enough. Everything that wasn’t pushed aside was trampled to death as he pushed his way through. By the time he finished crossing the room he had left a trail of dead goblins and orcs through the crowd.
Glarin pushed his way through the hordes until he came upon a hole that looked like it was recently added. The tunnel they used to break into the castle with. Before he could jump down into the hole. Luna appeared at his side.
“Glarin! I am glad to have found you, this is such a horrendous nightmare!” Luna looked at Glarin and realized he was bloodied and wounded. "Sir Glarin, allow me to heal your wounds!" Through a raspy breathe Glarin replied
“Thanks, and I suppose it is, Princess Luna. And I am glad you are safe, You should head back to the main hallway where its safer. I haven’t found Twilight yet, but I think she’s down here.”
“Glarin, none of this is real, it is all a nightmare. I have the ability to enter dreams.”
“Oh you can? Well I knew this was a dream the moment I woke up without the bandages or anything on me.”
“You know this is a dream Glarin? Then why do you continue with it?” Glarin sighed
“Because I miss this life style Princess...” Glarin finished his sentence by jumping into the hole the Goblins and orcs had used to infiltrate the castle.
Glarin awoke much to his dissatisfaction to nurse White who had entered his room. He leaned over in his wheelchair to look at her.
“What do you want?”
“It’s time to wake up, everyone is preparing to leave. Luna is going to be setting the moon soon with Celestia raising it. I need to change your bandages and give you a bath before I send you off...” Glarin rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he looked out the window, it was indeed still rather dark out. “...Did you sleep in your wheelchair?”
“Yeah, I’m not supposed to leave it until I’m healed remember? I make good on my promises.” Nurse White cleared her throat. She had expected him to leave the wheelchair to sleep at least.
“Yes well, I will need you out of it to replace your bandages and give you a bath...” Glarin thought for a moment.
“No... Just get me in the tub with the wheelchair, the bandages should come clean as I get washed.” The nurses eye twitched, he was taking his promise a little too seriously, were all dwarves this stubborn?
The answer is yes, but she doesn’t know that.
“Glarin, its fine for you to leave the wheelchair to sleep, bathe and allow me to change the bandages.” Glarin shook his head.
“No, I won’t allow you or anyone to change the boundary’s of the promise that was made. I am not to leave this wheelchair until I am healed. That was the only reason stated that could allow me to leave, until that requirements is meet, I shall not leave this chair no matter what.” Nurse White tried to keep her smile, but it was fading quickly along with her patience. The hairs on Glarin’s chest began to rise again.
“You will get out of that wheelchair, or so help me I will tear you out of it myself.” Glarin looked to his left then to his right.
“Try it.” he braced himself inside the wheelchair, ready for anything that may come his way. But nothing came. She just glared at him, that glare.
That damned glare! It was making him sweat, but he would sooner die than break a promise, and even then, he would die in the wheelchair with his muscles locked so they would have to pry his dead body from it. Nurse White huffed.
“No point in beating you up. Wear your dirty bandages and be filthy, see if I care.” Glarin sighed as he relaxed. Still on guard however, until the nurse left the room. He completely relaxed and snugged himself back inside his blanket. Maybe he could get that lovely dream back before they had to go.
Glarin ‘awoke’ in a tunnel, but it looked a bit different. He was soon joined by Princess Luna.
“Ah Sir Glarin, you have returned, I thought for sure you had begun your day.”
“No way, this dream is as fun as striking gold, have you come to help me?”
“Yes, I shall accompany you until we find Twilight.” Glarin cheered briefly then stopped
“Excellant! But uh, can you even fight? I don’t think magic will be much of a help in a fight, its too erratic to be trusted in battle.”
“Ha! Are you calling my magic erratic? You shall be sadly mistaken Sir Glarin. I haven’t used offensive spells in... quite some time, but I am confident in my ability to defend myself. Especially in this dream world.” Glarin just shrugged
“Well alright then Princess Luna, Let us be off.” Glarin ran down the dark hall way, and Luna chuckled to herself.
“A Princess and her knight heading into battle, this is quite an exhilarating feeling I must admit.” Glarin said nothing as he kept sprinting down the hallway with Princess Luna following shortly behind him.
The tunnel ended as they entered a huge open cave. Glarin looked farther in and could see several large group’s of orc's and goblin's around a bonfire. Glarin was about to rush them when he felt a hoof on his shoulder.
“Allow me Sir Glarin.” Glarin raised an eyebrow, wondering what Princess Luna could possibly do to a group of 70 plus orc's alone.
Glarin watched as she slowly raised both of her front hooves up into the air and used her wings to lift her self off the floor. Her eyes began to glow a whitish blue color. Glarin looked over at the group of orc's and goblin's, the cave was filling with a wind and dark clouds began to appear above the small horde. A heavy rain soon filled the cave, but only above the small horde.
“Princess, I don’t think rain is gonna do anything...” Glarin looked back at Princess Luna. She had a scowl upon her face as her eyes continued to glow brighter.
“Tis not the rain they should fear...” A bright flash was seen followed by a thunderclap, Glarin spun around to see Bolts of lighting repeatedly streak down striking the horde. The rain water was causing each bolt to jump between them all. The entire small horde was effectively fried in a matter of seconds. Glarin watched as all of their smouldering corpses fell to the floor.
He huffed in frustration.
“Tis only 70! I had killed more than that on my way here!”
“But I killed 70 in a matter of seconds...” Princess Luna squinted her eyes in thought for a moment then smiled “...Are you making this into a game?”
“Yes, and the current score is 87-70. I’m winning.”
“I do enjoy games, it has been awhile since my last one. And I won’t know if my prank was successful until later.”
“Yes, do watch for the newspaper’s later tomorrow, I had a camera set up just for the occasion. My dear sister said I can no longer use money from the castle treasury to pay for my hobbies, so I aim to make money using the press.”
“Sounds like an evil plot. It won’t harm her will it?”
“Of course not, tis a harmless prank, we always play such things on each other.” Glarin nodded.
“Alright then, onward! And no more cheating magic like that.”
“Tis not cheating!”
“I suppose, just try not to hit me with anything. Except maybe a lighting bolt. I can handle a few of those no problem.”
“You can handle lighting?”
“Sort of, when raging Lighting and electricity don’t do much to me, every other element however, does damage. In the end its better to avoid taking the damage all together though.”
“How does lighting not affect you? I do not understand.” Glarin just smiled
“Dwarven secret, I’ll just say its because I’m a child of the stone. Let us press on.” Luna gave Glarin an incredulous look.
What did he mean child of the stone? Is it because he eats rocks that he’s immune to lighting? That doesn’t make sense though. He doesn’t look to be made of stone. And why only when he’s raging? Their were still many secrets to unlock about this dwarf.
As Glarin continued to walk forward he began to hum a tune to himself.
"By the axe in my hands, I will conquer the caves..." Glarin just hummed the tune as he sang some unknown song to Luna.
Suddenly the dream world began to fade, and she watched as Glarin began to fade as well, he was waking up.
“NOO!! I wish to fight more! It must be that perfumed poetry-reading demon nurse again!” cried Glarin.
I love you! I just got an email saying there was an update half an hour ago or so,etching like that.
Looks like *puts on sunglasses* shit just got real.
3727924 I saw your favorite as I was editing the chapter before I put it out. lol
I am your new stalker.
Coincidinc? I think not! Anyway, really good story. Besides some grammar mistakes (I think) that I wouldn't give a f*squee* about!
lol, I caught that reference as soon as I read it, such a good song.
For some reason I picture Glarin and maybe the mane 6 singing this when they have enough apple cider
Something that all men have. In other words, it's kinda like this...