• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 4,219 Views, 284 Comments

DiE: Glarin Ungard the Berserker - InsaneJustin

Dwarf in Equestria, When deep miners discover a strange portal that they assume to be dwarven made, they activate it, thinking there are riches to be had. Only thing is, it does not turn out so well for one dwarf in particular.

  • ...

Rewind, then back again.

*Quick rewind to what happened before Glarin woke up in Fluttershy’s Cottage. Just in case you were wondering*


“No no no nonononono!” Fluttershy began to panic, the small creature seemed to know it was going to die.

Why would it fight so hard? Why did it call her an angel?

Fluttershy tried to move him but the small creature was far heavier then it looked. She needed help, and Twilight would definitely help!

With a speed that would put even Rainbow Dash to shame, she bolted through the forest straight to the Ponyville Library.

Fluttershy busted the front door down and zoomed through the Library until she found Twilight in the basement with Spike, Star Rider and Daring Star.

“Fluttershy wha...”

“No time, he might die! We have to hurry!” Twilight dropped her paper and quill and stood up with a worried look.

“Tell me about it on the way then!” Fluttershy spun around and bolted out the door. Twilight had never seen Fluttershy move so fast before, she teleported to the front door to see her waiting outside.

Twilight was galloping as fast as she could to follow Fluttershy, but had to use her teleport spell a few times just so she wouldn’t get left behind. Even after being an Alicorn for years she could never match Rainbows speed, or Fluttershy when she was in a hurry. Twilight also had a hard time understanding what Fluttershy was saying, most of it was lost as the wind in her ears muffled it.

The only thing Twilight understood was that somepony was attacked by a monster and was now on the verge of death. So she tried to remember as many healing spells as she could.

As they rushed their way through the forest they reached a small clearing. Twilight immediately noticed how the area looked like it had been burned as multiple trees in the area were covered in scorch marks. It was then she saw a small bipedal animal also covered in scorch marks... It looked a lot like he did. Fluttershy was floating above him with tears in her eyes.

“Twilight please! Look at him, you have to help me get him back to my house!” Twilight quickly trotted up to the small humanoid creature and immediately winced at how badly hurt he looked.

But was it really a human like he was? What could do this to him? The only creatures she knew of that made flames were a dragon or phoenix, but a phoenix would never attack anything to this extent...at least she thought they wouldn’t.

“Hang on Fluttershy, I’ll cast a minor healing spell with a stabilizing spell on him, it should give us some more time.” Twilight began to cast her spell, but soon realized she was having more trouble than she should of had. She wiped a bit of sweat off her brow as she finished her spells.

The small human creature’s breathing became steady, and some of the damage was healed. He looked better already.

She had to put a lot of power into the spell just so it would work. Was it because of the damage he had sustained? Or maybe he was just resistant to magic. Ether way she had a feeling levitating him to Fluttershy’s Cottage was going to be harder than she thought.

“Is he going to be ok now? H-h-he wont d-d-die now right?” Twilight nodded her head

“Yes he should be fine now. He will still need more healing and actual rest, but he’s not going to die now... What happened?” Fluttershy released a breath she didn’t know she was holding and sighed.

“I was tending to one of my Angel bunnies relatives when I could hear some fighting, I thought it was a pony being attacked in the forest, so I rushed over. That’s when I saw him fighting some Minotaur looking creature made of flames. It was so scary, this smaller one called the monster a d-demon...”

“A demon?!” Twilight had read books about demons before, but she thought they were just monsters of myth and pony tails. Twilight looked at the smaller creature with a bit of respect and awe now.

Were there more like him? Kept hidden from pony view as they fought the demons? Some kind of secret organization that kept Equestria safe from evil threats? Surely Celestia should know something about this.

Twilight was lost in thought about the possibilities while Fluttershy was busy watching him breath steady breaths. Both of them failed to realize a group of Timber wolves closing in upon their location.

The smell of blood and sounds of a fight had attracted the pack, and they liked what they saw. Two ponies and an almost dead thing between them both.

They circled around so they had them surrounded on all sides. Now was the time to jump into action. With snarls they leaped from the bushes at the 2 ponies. The yellow one screamed a shrill cry alerting the purple one. Without hesitation a purple shield erupted around them both. Deflecting the timber wolves that had leaped at them.

The wolves that hit the shield shrugged off their daze and joined the rest of the pack in circling around the shield. It wouldn’t hold forever...


Fluttershy’s scream of fear had caused Glarin’s mind to stir. He flashed back to when Orcs had somehow tunneled their way into the main chamber and released Cave Wargs. The Wargs had cornered some pretty dwarven women and begun attacking them. He could hear two feminine voices shouting to each other in a panic about what they should do.

Fury engaged


Fluttershy and Twilight looked over as they felt a dangerous aura coming from behind them. They saw the creature stand up holding an axe in each hand. His eyes were glazed over and unfocused, yet they burned with such a fire that it frightened them.

The timber wolves looked inside the shield with a bit of confusion, they were sure that the creature was on the verge of death. It still looked like it would topple over any moment, why was it standing?

Glarin walked to the edge of the shield and stared at one of the wolves through the purple shield. The wolf stared back and snarled at him. Glarin gritted his teeth as he inhaled though his teeth.

“TOUCH EM AN’ I’LL SKIN YA ALIVE!” As Glarin yelled in the face of the timber wolf, blood splatters came out of his mouth and hit the shield. He then quickly swing his right axe at the wolf.

With a loud shattering noise Twilight’s shield had broken, the wolfs head was split, and the skin on Glarin’s arm had ruptured, opening his wounds again.

Twilight fell back as her shield spell broke. Fluttershy put her hoofs up too her mouth as she gasped. The creature just broke though Twilight’s shield spell like it was nothing, and was now attacking the pack of timber wolves.

The timber wolves were in a bit of a panic, the almost dead thing had just broken the shield they couldn’t, and even killed one of their own, and it was showing no signs of slowing.

As soon as he killed the 1st one, Glarin jumped to his left swinging the other axe down onto the back of the next nearest wolf. The skin upon his left arm ruptured opening the wounds that had been closed only moments ago.

The timber wolves were starting to back away from the small creature. They have never felt this feeling before from prey, the feeling of fear. The alpha of the pack had to bark and keep his pack in line and to not engage him directly, He would handle it.

The alpha wolf ran toward the raging creature from behind and leapt at him.

Glarin turned around just in time to have the huge timber wolf land on him, knocking him down. Glarin dropped his axes and was on his back as the Alpha tried to bite him. Glarin brought his hands up and used one hand to grab the top of its jaw while the other held the bottom. He was holding the timber wolves head back. At least that’s what it looked like at first.

Glarin released another blood filled shout, and opened the wolf's mouth farther than its supposed to go. With a loud snap the bottom half of its jaw broke off. Using his now free hand Glarin shoved it down the panicked Alpha timber wolves throat, grabbed something and pulled it out.

He pulled out what looked like a red flower, and crushed it. The timber wolf fell into pieces allowing Glarin to stand up and grab his axes again.

To Fluttershy and Twilights shock the creature that was on the verge of death raised its head up into the air and released another loud heart stopping roar. The timber wolves that were not discouraged by the death of their alpha went on a full scale attack, he was quickly surrounded.

Twilights mind was running in overdrive, what could she do? If she didn’t think fast that creature would die. He should run away. He needs to run away and escape so they could escape. Soon it would realize its situation was hopeless and turn around to run...

...Why isn’t it running away?! Twilight watched in absolute shock as the bipedal creature she had just seen on the verge of death, leap at the nearest timber wolf. Was it not running because they were in danger?

Why would he fight so hard? Was he really some kind of pony defender living in the shadows of Equestria?

He had struck the timber wolf upon its back with both axes. The timber wolf literally exploded into hundreds of wooden splinters, followed by more blood sputtering from the wounds on his arms and new ones opening on his back and shoulders. The wolves took their chance and all of them leapt at the same time.

Suddenly a flurry of purple bolts hit each wolf, knocking them away from Glarin before they could land an attack.

“Leave him alone!” Twilight unleashed a barrage of purple bolts until the timber wolf pack that was surrounding him eventually fell apart in multiple pieces of timber all over the forest floor.

The remaining members of the timber wolf pack tucked their tails between their legs and ran as fast as they could from the blood covered bipedal creature. That was no prey, that creature was a monstrous predator, and with the purple pony shooting magic at them, they couldn’t win.

Glarin let out another heart stopping blood filled roar as they fled.

He turned around to face the two ponies who had just watched in horror and fascination at what just happened.

“Dwarf Angels...” Glarin fell to his knees and onto his face, axes still clenched in his hands.

Fluttershy and Twilight just looked at each other and back to the smaller creature.

Did it just save them? Even though it was on the verge of death? Why did it say dwarf angels while looking at them? Where did it find such strength to smash through HER shield, of all things, and then proceed to attack the timber wolf pack without fear or any sign that it had just been on deaths door? Twilight had run up to him with Fluttershy and grimaced at the sight.

None of the timber wolves had been able to land a successful attack, but he was pushing himself so hard. He was killing himself. He was bleeding all over from blood vessels that had burst in his skin. The wounds Twilight had mildly healed before were open and bleeding again with new ones everywhere.

Twilight cast a scanning spell and noticed several bones throughout his body were fractured and the muscles throughout his upper body were all badly torn. Both arms had hairline fractures in several places. The rest of him wasn’t looking so well. His eyes were damaged and he had lost a lot of blood. She had to be quick. So she put all she had into the best healing spell she could muster.

A major healing spell she had learned just in case of a serious emergency. A white globe shot from her horn and hit him in the chest. His skin slowly began to heal over and she sighed a breath of relief that he probably wouldn’t die from massive blood loss anymore.


Twilight had spent a better part of her remaining strength levitating the creature and its weapons out of the forest. By the time she reached Fluttershy’s house she was exhausted and glad she could drop him on the bed and his stuff on the nearby dresser.

As she rested she inspected his weapons, she has seen axes before, but none like these. They were thick and blunt, the blade edge had to be at lest a quarter inch thick. The rest of the axe head was at lest an inch thick and the whole thing weighed close to 20 pounds. How was he using two of them so effortlessly? Was he using pure brute strength, instead of relying on a sharp cutting edge?

Twilight’s attention turned to the bipedal creature as it coughed up some blood and Fluttershy began to panic.

“The angels! Are the, dwarf angels, safe?!” Glarin was speaking between coughs not opening his eyes. Fluttershy responded

“Yes, we are safe, thank you...” she wrapped him in a hug and Glarin sighed. He didn’t respond back and seemed to just sleep peacefully after that.

“Before I go, I’m going to recast that healing spell on him again, just in case, but he should be fine otherwise Fluttershy. I’m sure you will do a good job of taking care of him.” Fluttershy nodded

“Just let me know when he wakes up, I have some questions for him. As I’m sure you do as well.” Fluttershy just nodded her head as Twilight sighed and began to recast her spell.


*Fast forward to the present*

If Glarin was going to be stuck on this booze less, above ground nightmarish world, he was at lest going to have some massive treasure trove. If he amassed enough gold and gems, it might be able to fill the void he felt about never having a cold Ale again... Or maybe he could just sink all of his riches into some smart pony to make it for him?

The only thing he knew about making a good dwarven ale, was that you had to let a special type of deep mushroom rot in a barrel with some rocks, a bit of cleaning water and other stuff for awhile, after some time it becomes the godly elixir known as dwarven ale, hopefully the one he hired could figure out the rest. Otherwise, they wouldn't get a single gold piece from him.

Glarin began to trudge his way over to Sweet Apple Acres, Twilight had told him which direction it was from the Library, so he had to make his way back to it so he could find his bearings. He felt so lost above ground. How does anyone tell which way was north, south or west up here?

Seriously though, How could they tell? There were no walls with glow moss growing on them to indicate west, or any yellow north pointing mushrooms, let alone purple south pointing mushrooms. This above ground life style was going to be one massive headache.

As Glarin walked the ground no longer had cobble stone and became a dirt road. He inspected the ground for a bit before continuing to walk.

“Does that lad live in the poor district or something? These ponies are so poor they can’t even afford to cobble the path past the main town.” Glarin sighed as he continued his steady walk. After awhile he started to see more trees, at least he thought they were trees. They fit the tree description at least. A large brown stick with green on top, but what were those red things in them? Were they sick?

Not only did that Daring lad live in the poor district, all the trees had ugly red spots all over them. He was starting to dislike the choice of place he had to live at. That was decided with a vote no less. He stopped in front of a large red building with one of the oldest ponies he had ever seen before sitting in a rocking chair looking out into the distance. Strange, the home didn’t look that run down for being in the poor district.

“Oye! Lassie!” called Glarin as he approached the elder pony who was rocking back N forth in her rocking chair. He saw the elder pony get out of her rocking chair and wave at him.

“Oh heya Merry, I haven’t seen you in years! Did you get shorter?” Glarin put on a confused look

“Sorry Lass, I think you have me confused for another dwarf... or pony I guess. Names Glarin, A lad by the name of Daring told me to come live with him at his house until I can build my own. You know where he is?” the elder pony got a confused look on her face.

“Daring you say... why does that name sound so familiar...hmm.” Suddenly the door to the home opened up and the pink... Light red colt from before walked up.

“Oh you’re here just in time for supper Glarin! I see you’ve meet Granny Smith already.” Granny Smith looked over to Daring then suddenly remembered

“Oh that’s right, Daring lives here, I keep forgetting. It would seem I’m getting old. Ho-ho-ho.” Granny Smith just chuckled to her self as she went back to her chair. Daring just sighed and shook his head.

“Come inside and meet everyone. I already told them you were coming. And my Mom’s told me a lot about humans as well. We have a room upstairs for you set up already.”

“Hold on a sec laddy, did ya just call me a human?”

“Um, yes? Thats what my mom said you were.” Daring stopped walking and looked up at Glarin

“Odd, thats what the purple one thought I was as well, but let you tell you something laddy, I’m no frail human. I’m a Dwarf, and single Dwarf is worth at least a thousand humans.”

“A Dwarf?” Daring looked at him with interest

“Aye, I’ll tell ya about it sometime later, but my room is where again?” Daring sighed and pointed up stairs

“Upstairs on the right side. Its across from my sisters room.” Glarin swallowed hard.

“Up, stairs? As in away from the ground?”

“Well yeah, that’s usually what it means to live upstairs.” Glarins looked around nervously for a bit.

“You wouldn’t happen to have an underground room would you lad? That I could live in?”

“Uhh, not that I know of. Why?”

“I don’t feel safe being away from the ground is all laddy. But I guess because we are indoors I won’t float away too far.”

“Float, away?” Daring looked at Glarin with one eye half open and the other wide open.

“Aye Laddy, that Twilight said I can’t float away because Gravity don’t work that way. But I don’t even know what this gravity is, and if I don’t know it, I don’t trust it. Therefore, I don’t trust this gravity fellow to keep me from floating away into the sky.” Daring just looked at him with a look of utter disbelief. But then thought to himself. That Dwarves must be different from everything else he knows. After all, he’s never heard or read anything about humans, let alone a dwarf before.

“Well, we have a bunch of rope in the barn outside, perhaps we could set you up with some kind of tether just in case.”

“Blimey lad you’re a real life saver. With a rope around my waist I have nothing to fear when Im out in the open again. Been sweating buckets all day watching my feet so I won’t trip. Bet if I tie the rope to a big enough rock that I can also carry, I’ll be able to walk around town without fear as well.” Daring just imagined Glarin walking around town carrying a huge rock around and chuckled.

“Well come inside and have some dinner with us, you came by just in time.” Glarin followed him into the kitchen and half expected to see a meager meal. This was the poor district after all, couldn’t even afford to pave the roads of this area properly, let alone keep the odd red spots off the trees.

When he looked at the table he was shocked to see a feast like no other he had seen before. For such a small gathering in the poor district he expected to see the table half empty, he couldn’t find a single open space on the table. He didn’t recognize any of the foods on the table as well, besides the shiny red apples in a bowl sitting in the middle of everything. He ate one of those at Fluttershys today after all.

“Lad is today a special occasion or something?” Daring thought for a moment then shook his head.

“Not that I know of, why?”

“Because lad, there’s an abundance of food here.”

“We always eat like this though...” Glarin looked back to the table in shock. Perhaps these ponies were poor because they had banquets for every meal. Glarin chuckled to himself and took a vacant seat between a large red pony and a small dark blue one with rather large wings for her size.

Glarin looked at the large red pony who simply looked down at him and nodded it's head.

“Are you Daring’s Mom? He is after all light red, is that how pony coats work?” The large pony cleared it’s throat

“Actually Ah’m his dad.” Glarin grumbled to himself for a moment.

“Sorry lad, I’m still not used to seeing males without beards. But at least you sound like a man.”

“Well I uh, keep it shaved actually.” Glarin looked at him like he had committed horrendous acts of murder several hundred times a day and was now admitting to it. But then murder is probably number 11 on the list of horrible things to a dwarf, while beard shaving is number 1.

“Why would you shave off your symbol of wisdom and masculinity?!”

“I uh... Didn’t think it was needed.” Glarin sighed at this ‘male’ pony.

“You should let your beard grow laddy, I can’t wait until mine grows back, but I won’t have anything decent again for another 50 years or so.”

“You’d have to wait that long before it’s decent? I didn’t think humans grew hair so slowly.” asked a light blue winged pony from across the table. Glarin looked at the pony who had just spoke, the voice seemed a bit masculine, but without the help of a beard he couldn’t tell for sure. And all of its brightly multi-colored hair threw him off even more. He decided not to question gender and figure out why they kept calling him one of those weak humans.

“Ok lass, I already told Daring this, but I ain’t no filthy human. I’m a Dwarf. We’re completely different.”

“Different how? You look almost like he did, except your like 7 inches shorter than him. And one of your arms is probably as thick as one of his legs were.” Applejack cleared her throat as she watched their new guest and Rainbow converse.

“I would hate to interrupt your little conversation, but the foods getting cold now. You can tell us all about Dwarves when we finish eating, now dig in.” Glarin nodded in agreement

“Aye, this food does look good, but what’s this brown circle thing in the steel pan? And these brown sticks? Looks kind of like a sandstone cake, but it doesn’t smell like one.”

“Well the circle thing is an apple pie, and the brown sticks are apple fritters, I’m sure you’ll love em, all the apples are grown here on site.”

“You have apple plants around here?”

“Uh, yeah, well actually they’re Apple trees. Didn’t you see them on your way here?” Glarin grabbed a fritter and looked at it.

“I did see a lot of those tree thing's on the way here, but they all had a bunch of sickly looking red spots.” Glarin bit into the Fritter while the entire Apple family just looked at him with 1 eye half way closed and the other wide open. Daring was the one to respond to him

“Those sickly red spots are Apples Glarin... This is an Apple Orchard, or uh, apple farm.” Glarin just looked at the apple fritter in amazement then shoved the rest into his mouth and grabbed a second one. After he finished chewing and swallowed he looked around at the family of ponies and just shrugged

“Sorry, this is my 1st time being above ground, so every things new. Also, this Fritter thing tastes like it was made by a culinary god.” Glarin finished his sentence by shoving the entire second fritter into his mouth. Applejack just smirked at his comment.

“Glad you enjoy mah cookin then.” Applejack herself grabbed a fritter along with everyone else as Glarin was shoveling them into his mouth as fast as he could.

Everyone else just shook off his last comment about the Apple trees and dug into the food. At the rate their new guest was eating, they wondered if they had made enough food. Then Glarin picked up his glass that was filled with a yellow liquid and looked at it with a bit of scrutiny then took a sip.

“What is this sweet elixir?” Glarin stared at the glass some more before taking another taste.

“That’s Apple Juice, You really don’t know anythin do you Mr. Glarin?”

“Apple, juice? So there’s more to drink than cleaning water and Twilights bitter tea then. How does one turn an apple into this drinkable juice?” Big Mac looked down at the Dwarf and cleared his throat.

“How about we just finish eating before we explain how things work up here?” Glarin nodded in enthusiasm.

“I agree, this food is too good to let it get cold.” Glarin continued to shove food into his mouth, while his plate was simply used to catch the crumbs falling from his face. Rainbow dash just laughed as she watched him eat.

“I bet Rarity is going to love you Glarin.” He ignored the comment and continued to shovel food into his mouth.


The rest of the night was filled with information exchanges on both sides. Glarin learned they weren’t exactly poor, that’s just how they lived because they lived on a farm. Also he was expected to help out at times when they needed an extra ‘hoof’ as the orange one with godly cooking skills said. Daring’s dad said they wouldn’t need a helping ‘hoof’ until harvesting season. Then the lightish Blue one, who happened to be Daring’s and Stars mom said that if he did anything that brought harm to anyone, she would kill him. Although with a lot more colorful words and away from the children.

The older pony who went by the name Granny Smith told him that she had plans. She was working on something that he might like, but the old lass kept calling him Merry for some reason.

The young oldish yellow one by the name of Apple Bloom told him that if he had a nightmare he could go to her room and sleep in her bed. Her room was down the hall and the second door on the left apparently. Twas the strangest offer he ever had, but then it was from a yellow talking pony wearing a bow. So perhaps it wasn’t that strange at all. He had failed to notice how red in the face she was when she told him that.

The Apples had learned that Glarin was...


In the ways of everything that wasn’t Dwarf related at least. Which pretty much meant that if it didn’t have to do with rocks, metal, gems, fighting, or drinking. He really knew nothing about the subject in question. Everything he did know, was based on superstitions and untrue facts he heard from other dwarfs, random gossip or visiting travelers.

Which explained why he didn’t know it was apples that were growing in the trees. A human had told him Apples grew underground, and their color was based on the soil that they grew in.

Or perhaps they did grow underground, but in this world they grew on trees. Its not like he could go back and confirm which was the truth and which was the lie.

Either way Glarin had a lot to learn while the ponies had very little to learn. He had tried to convince them to give him a room on the ground floor or lower, but they said it would have to wait until tomorrow. So with a cautious step he went upstairs to the room. The worst part about it was the bed was raised off the floor as well.

What really bugged him was that the bed had 6 blankets on it. Did they think him a delicate human female that would die from the slightest bit of chill? He would show them, he tossed all the blankets to the floor and jumped into the bed without anything covering him. He laid in the bed for a bit and felt uncomfortable. He looked over to the pile of blankets on the floor and sighed.

“Hmm, perhaps just one blanket then, to get me in the mood for sleep.” Glarin grabbed a blanket off the floor and wrapped it around himself until he resembled a mini burrito. As Glarin slept he had a strange and terrifying dream, one he wouldn’t soon forget.


“So where are we going Daring’s mother?”

“Just out to this field, I need talk to you for a bit, its important.” Glarin was happily carrying his large rock on his back that he tied his life line to. After they were in the middle of the field Daring’s mom had stopped walking and turned around to face him, So Glarin put his rock down.

“Soo, what did you want to talk to me about exactly?” Her face contorted into a look of rage.

“My little colt and filly told me you were mean to them! So I’m gonna get rid of you so you can never hurt them again!” Glarin opened his eyes wide and slowly backed away

“What! I did no such thing!” She got closer to him eyes burning with a fire of female fury.

“I don’t believe you one bit!” She then bucked him into the chest and Glarin began to float up into the sky.

“Ye gods save me! I’m sorry it won’t happen again! I swear on me beard!” Glarin began to grab at the rope to try and pull himself back down to the ground.

“You don’t have a beard worth swearing on!” She pulled out a sharp knife and cut the rope that was keeping him from floating off into the sky. Glarin looked on in utter horror as his only lifeline was cut, and he began to float off into the sky with Daring’s mother looking at him with a look of complete satisfaction on her face.

“I’m sorry Lass! It won’t happen again! I promise!” Glarin just watched as she walked away, and he kept floating off higher into the sky.


“NOO!” Glarin woke up yelling and fell out of the bed. His face hitting the floor woke him up right quick. He struggled to get out of the blanket and stood up in the dark for a moment, his dark vision quickly adjusting itself so he could see within the blackness of the room. After he calmed himself a bit he heard the sound of those pony hooves walking down the hallway followed by his door slowly opening.

“Are you ok Mr. Ungard? I heard you shout followed by a thump.” It was the little lass Star Rider, she did sleep in the room across from him. His night terror and screaming like some little girl must have woken her up.

“Aye I’m fine Lass, sorry to have woken you up...” Glarin sighed and looked over at her. “...If I float off into the sky, would you save me?” Star took a deep breath and giggled lightly after a yawn.

“Of course I would silly. You’re funny, and Daring seems to like you for some reason.” Glarin released a sigh “Are you gonna take up Aunty blooms offer and go to her room now?” Glarin just looked at her with one wide eye and a bit of confusion.

“I’m no child, I don’t need a sleep buddy to get back to sleep after a nightmare...”

“But I’m sure Aunty Bloom does.” Glarin raised an eyebrow at the pony.

“Then why don’t you go?”

“Because I don’t have big strong arms to hold her in...” Star just looked up at him with a huge smirk on her face and Glarin just looked at her with uncertainty on his face.

“Yeah, I’m going back to bed, you should too lass.” Glarin crawled back into bed and pulled the blanket all around him burrito style again as Star sighed and went back to her room.


In the morning Twilight came by with a carriage and two pegasus guards in armor at the Apple Family home. Celestia had sent a carriage to take him to Canterlot as soon as possible as she and Luna were both eager to meet him.

“So let me get this straight Twilight, your king wants to see me because they wanna know more about me or something? Why can’t you just tell em everything I told you yesterday?”

“Well no, not a king, but Princess Celestia and Luna wish to speak to you in person. After all, you are the 1st of your kind to come here, and I’m sure they would want to hear all about you from your own mouth.”

“You keep saying Princess this and Princess that, I don’t wanna speak to no royal child. Why won’t the king see me?”

“We Don't have a king Glarin, only Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Well, then, what about a Queen? Is she off someplace?” Twilight was getting frustrated, for some reason Glarin couldn't understand the concept of not having a king or queen and only princesses.

“No Glarin, there is no Queen or King of Equestria. It’s just Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I’m also a Princess myself but, its kinda awkward still being called that though.”

“Hmm...” Glarin put his left arm across his stomach and rested his right elbow on his left fist and stroked the stubble on his chin with his right hand. After a moment of thought he extended his right arm down with his index finger extended toward Twilight as he spoke the next careful thought out question.

“...So who has the longer beard then, Celestia or Luna?” Twilight put her hooves to her head and screamed in frustration.

Author's Note:

Between Dogs and Wolves