• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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Diplomacy Part 2 (27)

Diplomacy Part 2

After giving Gilda a few moments with Maria to go over what they were going to say, we all took our positions and began. (Since there is a lot of talking, Griffin will be speaking in red, Maria in purple Gilda in blue., and Nadene in orange.)

"Let's begin shall we? Maria, you are charged with assisted murder, enslavement, theft, and destruction of public property, the murder being the mother of Nadene, who is overseeing this trial. How do you plead?"

"I, I don't understand..." The grey feathered griffin responded.

"Innocent, or guilty?"


"Very well, let's get this trial underway. Were you, or were you not, part of a three person group, consisting of yourself, a unicorn, and another griffin, by the name of Carl?"

"I, didn't know his name was Carl, he said he was Fenix....." She trailed off.

"That is besides the point, he used a fake name, we have already established this. Were you a part of that group?"


"And what was that group's purpose?"

"To survive."

"I see. Let's start at the beginning. When did you meet the other griffin?"

"Well, I was being chased when he found me."

"Chased by who?"

"Cats. There was a whole group of pumas... 3 or four, I forget."

"And then what happened?"

"Well, I was being chased, and that's when he and the unicorn showed up. He tackled one of them and killed it, while the unicorn, Ember, used fire to keep the rest at bay. He eventually scared them off."

"And why is it that you didn't fly away?"

"My wings were injured."

"How long ago was this?"

"A month and a half, maybe two months?"

'If she's telling the truth, Carl got sent here maybe a day after I did. What the hell, did the worlds really cross over for a day, and all the powers that be sent their pawns?'

"So, how did your wings get injured?"

"I was shot."

"By who?"

"A pegasus guard in Briarhoof Mill. A small farming community, just outside the forest."

"The reason?"

"I got caught stealing food, and when I tried to escape, they shot at me. I was able to make it to the jungle, but I couldn't fly anymore."

"So, you were fleeing the authorities, and took to the jungle to hide?"


"That seems rather foolish, considering the punishment for stealing food is only a couple of days, after which you would have gotten help, perhaps a job, and would have been able to live in peace."

"You say that now, but when the guards yell, 'Stop right there criminal scum!' all you want to do is run. Besides, they're ponies. There's no way they'd go easy on a griffin. They'd probably pin everything from animal attacks to last years drought on me."

'She did NOT just say that! And yeah, the ponies really would do that.'

"So, you entered the jungle, were chased by pumas, then rescued by Carl and Ember, is this correct?"


"Alright, when did you arrive at the Vren village?"

"About a month ago."

"Why did you go there?"

"We stumbled across it, really. We were just looking for any signs of civilization."

"And the reason?"

"My wing, after a week, had gotten infected."

"So then what happened?"

"Carl found out that they weren't fighters. He heard about the griffin pirates somewhere, and our group matched pretty well, so we decided to go for the intimidation route. They wouldn't share freely, so we had to try and take what we needed in terms of food and medicine. The woman tried to fight back, and he killed her. Then he took over the village. If he didn't keep them in line, they would have certainly lashed out at us, despite their peaceful nature. Then he made them carry him around like he was some kind of king, he took everything they had, and anytime someone raised a voice about it, he'd remind them that he had taken the chief."

"OBJECTION!" Maria looked shocked that I had suddenly raised my voice.

"If Carl was able to find out that they weren't fighters, then he would have known that they share what they have! Their entire existence is about helping others! It's why they don't have warriors in the first place. They don't need them. They have good relations with the other tribes, who protect them in exchange for healing. They would have welcomed you with open arms! As for food, it is plentiful in the land of the Vren, and would not have been an issue. What's more, Nadene was witness to the scene of her mother's death. Both her parents hated fighting, and neither stood up against him. His reason for killing her was to set an example for the rest, to keep them in line so he could take over! It wasn't about trying to get meager provisions, it was about one thing and one thing alone, GREED! He killed an innocent woman, burnt down half a village, and took everything they had, and YOU helped him!" I pointed my claw at her, and the entire crowd seemed shocked.

"HOLD IT!" Gilda, who had been quiet the whole time, suddenly spoke up. We had actually gone over what we would say beforehand, just to make it more interesting. While this wasn't a regular court case, it was certainly the most entertaining one I had ever seen. The crowd seemed to be eating it up.

"Griffin, you knew Carl personally, did you not?"

"Yes, I did."

"And, would you say that he was a liar?"


"Then how do you know my client, Maria, wasn't simply being lied to! Given the way she reacted in most situations, it's clear that she is naive, and the one responsible for the crime was manipulating her!" Gilda said as she slammed her claws on the log in front of her. Normally used for the cats to sit on, it was the perfect height for a griffin desk.

"However, that does not change the fact that even after he committed that crime, she still assisted in robbing and enslaving the Vren! She did not speak out against him, despite his wrong doings, and assisted in holding the village chief hostage!"

(Here's where you stop the music, or just keep playing it if you want.)

"I was scared alright? I knew what he was doing was wrong, but he had just killed someone. I had no idea he was going to do that! I mean, he killed a puma, but that's just an animal! How was I supposed to know he'd kill a person? By that point, I was too far in to back out. He told me to just keep quiet and go along with it. As long as I did that, he'd make sure I was taken care of, and he wouldn't hurt me. I'm just so tired! I'm tired of running, tired of trying to scrape out a meager living in a land that doesn't want me! Am I not allowed to be happy?"

Her words struck a chord. Those very same words, that I had asked myself so many times, I found coming out of someone else's mouth. Still, she had admitted to her crime, and while I didn't get her for murder, I did on the other counts. I've done my job.

"So then, you admit to willful theft, enslavement, and destruction of public and private property?"


At which point, myself, Gilda, and Nadene huddled up at the cat's position.

"Well, that's all I needed to hear. Nadene, you've been quiet this whole time, anything you want to ask her?"

"Nah, I'm quite content with the job you two did getting the story out of her. I'm ready for my... verdict was it?" She asked.

"Yep. Alright, back to your positions."

"Maria, for the crime of the murder of my mother, I find you not guilty." She breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, for the theft, enslavement, and kidnapping of my people and their property, I find you guilty on all counts." Her heart looked like it was about to leap out of her throat.

"Since my father, the village chief, was returned in good health, and all the stolen goods returned, I am dropping those charges. However, as for enslavement, your punishment will be to serve as my mount, as part of the Griffin Pirate crew. You will not be given decision making privileges within the group, as you will be considered an extension of myself, however, you will be taken care of, fed, trained in combat, and treated as a part of our family, so long as you continue to play your role."

The crowd looked pleased with her decision, as did Maria. Being taken care of, having a family? No longer having to be afraid? It was a wonderful possibility. The dogs released her, and she went flying to the cat and nuzzled up against her.

"I'm so sorry. I'm just.. so stupid. I was afraid, and I couldn't see past my own beak. I know I can never make up for what I helped him to do, but, I'm glad I at least have the chance to try." Nadene held her in her long, cat arms.

"Tell me Maria, how old are you?"

"I'm fourteen."

After briefly discussing with Gilda the average griffin age, should they die of old age and not the plethora of other causes, I learned that 19 was the age of griffin maturity, (mating age), as compared to the human age 14, which is when griffins reach full size. Griffins live to be about 150 years old, as it turns out. I'm not sure of Gilda's age. So on the griffin age scale, Maria is about a ten year old as a human. No wonder she was scared.

"Sorry we had to go through that Maria, but we had to know what was really going on. You're just a kid, and some big mean guy comes along, saves your life, and tells you he'll take care of you. You didn't really have a choice. Either go along with it, or die. But we had to make sure. That, and it was really fun!"

Tears flowing from her green eyes, staining Nadene's orange coat and her own grey feathers, Maria had curled up in a ball in the cat's arms. Of course, she was far too heavy for that, causing them both to fall over in a heap. She really is just a kid after all. Probably lost her parents, maybe to a dragon, although given the way she looks at Etch and Growl, it was D-dogs.

"This is tuchin an all, but what erbout our problem? The Romak ain't gonna stop stealin our food, and we can't keep relyin on you birdies to bring us some." The old hag Elder stated. Right, solve one problem, now I get reminded of the next one.

"Well, first we're going to get the newest member of our crew acquainted with how we do things. We'll be back tomorrow with some more food, and then we'll discuss what we're going to do about this whole Romak-Lemko problem, alright?" She agreed in her normal huffy manner, and so, Gilda carrying the dogs, Trixie on my back, and Nadene on Maria bareback, all flew back to our camp. We were about halfway there, before I started shaking.

"Hey Grif, you alright?" My unicorn rider asked. I didn't answer.

"Grif? Oh shit! Gilda! We're going down!"

'This is gonna hurt.' I blacked out before I hit the ground.

Blood. Blood everywhere. I didn't even try running. I dove right into the stream, trying to drink it all, which I surprisingly succeeded in doing.

Is this it? Is this what you're trying to tell me? That I need more? I already know that! Now I'm arguing with my subconscious.

"Hey Grif? Nadene, he's coming to." I felt my back was on hard wood. Shaking my head to clear my muddled thoughts,

"Here, drink this." I found a vial in front of me, full of good old blue stuff, which I guzzled.

"What was that all about Grif? We had to drag you back to camp." Gilda said with scorn.

"I, I think I'm getting worse."

"Ya don't say?" She replied.

"I think, if I don't find a dragon soon, I might die."

"What's going on? I don't understand." Maria asked.

"Grif here drank dragon blood once on accident, and as it turns out, he got addicted to it." Nadene answered.

"I don't think it's a normal addiction guys. With normal addiction, if you stop taking it, you eventually get over it. If you try to stop, you get withdraw symptoms, which cause strain on the body. But this..... the strain is getting worse and worse. I think it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, and if that's the case, I'll die. FUCK! Pisses me off! Maybe I could quit, but I can't just do it cold turkey, I need to get off it by slowly cutting down on how much I have, until it's only a drop at a time."

"Which means we need to find a dragon. The problem is, even if we could kill another one, they're all up north." Gilda added. I picked up Hades again, admiring it.

"I got this when I killed that big black one, how was I supposed to know dragon blood was addictive? It didn't have any effect when I had it, so I didn't think it was a drug. If we had a doctor, maybe they could find a cure, or at least treatment. So, either I find a medic or get more dragon blood." As I spoke, a small shimmer ran up my sword's edge, ending in a twinkle at the point. I suddenly felt better again.

"Okay, now what the hell, I'm feeling fine again. You all saw that right?" They nodded.

"Trixie, try and throw your magic at my sword, like you do with the gems." She nodded again, closing her eyes as her horn glowed ever brighter, before it knocked her over on her back.

"No good, it just bounces off."

"Damn, maybe it's a coincidence, or am I going crazy?"

"I don't know. Well, we should get moving, collecting the food we need for the Lemko for tomorrow." Gilda suggested.

I got up, and was then knocked right back down by Trixie.

"Oh no, not you mister. I was barely able to lift you enough to prevent us from crashing headfirst into the forest floor, I'm not having you go out there again. You are going to lay here and get some rest." Great, I'm being mothered by a unicorn.

"I'm the captain and I'm going."

"And I'm the potion maker, and while I'm not a doctor, I am currently this group's medic. I say you're currently unfit for duty, and need to get bed rest." Nadene retorted. Damn, has she been watching Star Trek or something? How'd she know that?

"Fine, you win." I walked over to the corner and curled myself up.

Gilda and Maria flew off to collect the food we'd need for the tribe, and presumable to get to know each other better, while Nadene went about making potions, Etch and Growl began their usual practice with Trixie, and I went to sleep.

"I'm worried about you Grif. Before I met you, I had nothing to live for, and now, I have real hope of being able to pull this off. We keep gaining momentum, but it'll all fall apart if we lose you. Please be okay."

Dear Princess Luna,

What is the main ingredient in moon pies?

Sincerely, Griffin.

OBJECTION! I have all the evidence I need! The one who actually committed the crime, is YOU! No alibi, no justice, no dream, no hope! It's time to pay for your crimes, TAKE THAT!

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