• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 1,047 Views, 37 Comments

Fallen From The Vine - omnom19

A pegasus has no place out in the fields.

  • ...


We work not to acquire, but to become.

----Elbert Hubbard

After a few hours of hard work, the inspiration room had reverted from a battlefield to a room were masterpieces could be created.

Well. Hopefully created.

Rarity sat at her worktable uninspired and out of ideas. Instead of continuing to fret over the Canterlot order, she distracted herself by making tea for Sugar and herself. They had certainly earned it! Sugar was surprisingly agile in the limited space of the work room. She flitted and hovered and helped to clean the room quite easily. Now they chatted while Rarity stewed over her sketchbook and inspiration wall.

“Thank you again for your help, darling. You really are quite nimble with those.” Rarity gestured to Sugar’s wings. “Rainbow, bless her heart, just can’t leave a room without breaking something.”

Sugar stretched out her right wing and examined it thoughtfully. “I guess that’s because I’ve had lots of practice.”

Rarity looked up from her work table. “Did your line of work require that, dear?”

Sugar rotated the newly healed wing. “No, not that. There’s not many pegasi where I’m from, so I attracted a lot of attention. I worked hard to keep a low profile, not to be clumsy or let my wings flare and break things. I got plenty of stares just for being different; I didn’t want any more for being awkward.” Sugar finished and neatly tucked her wing back to her side.

Rarity lightly bit the end of her pencil and studied the white pegasus. “It’s funny really. That you seek to be hidden, as I am in the business of making peonies stand out. When somepony wears one of my creations, they become the center of the attention. When they enter a room, everypony, if just for a moment, stands in awe of my customer’s natural beauty.”

Rarity turned back to her sketchbook and began lightly scratching the paper. “I hope that one day, everypony will be able to experience one of my designs, my discerning eye for detail, and personal touches.” Rarity became more animated at this, pencil dancing in a flurry of magic and graphite. “But for now, I will remain here, in my little boutique. Making little pieces for the ones I love, aside from the occasional Canterlot order, of course.”

Sugar sat entranced as Rarity began to chalk a design on muslin. She hardly referenced her designs as she worked, instead keeping a mental tab on the proceedings. Pins, thread, and more ribbon orbited the seamstress in a swirl of blue magic, inconsequential planets around a vibrant, white sun.

“You’re very fast.”

“You are not the only one with the opportunity to practice. Plus, when inspiration strikes, I simply- go with the flow.” Rarity said through a mouthful of pins. She moved to her sewing machine and whizzed the fabric through the metal with quick, fluid movements. Soon the scraps of material began to assemble into the shape of a…something. Sugar wasn’t quite sure what. After a few more passes, Rarity clicked off the whirring sewing machine and gathered the bundle of nearly finished clothes.

“Now I have a favor to ask you. Would you be so kind as to let me view this on you? Mannequins are fine for most of my work, but I’d much prefer to see this design, on somepony breathing. May I?” Rarity batted her eyelashes teasingly at the pegasus and gestured with the roll of miscellaneous fabric.

Sugar sighed and obediently allowed herself to be dressed. In Mareheart, clothes were normally reserved for celebrations or religious meetings. The fact that ponies could buy enough of them to support Rarity was a bit ridiculous to Sugar. Something was carefully slipped over her forelegs and then haunches.

“Hmm, not quite…” Rarity tweaked some seams with a few quick tugs of telekinesis. The material, similar to sturdy denim, cinched closer around Sugar chest. Buckles were threaded and buttons snapped and-

“Ta-da!” Rarity beamed and ceased her flow of magic. She turned Sugar to face a full-length mirror. The pegasus was dressed in a sensible, gray vest lightly trimmed with purple accents, covered in a series of pockets and other useful looking compartments. Sugar nervously shifted her wings and was pleased to notice that the fabric was light and flexible, still allowing Sugar a full range of motion.

“It’s made from Aragogian Silk, a particularly marvelous material that is nearly indestructible. It’s woven by rather large spiders and collected by my friend Zecora, who lives in the nearby forests.” Rarity explained, delighted by her own ingenuity. She gestured to the similarly colored saddlebags that rested comfortably on Sugar’s back. “These are essential for simply everypony. I’m sure you’ll find them most useful for a whole range of things.”

Rarity stepped back from her creation and gave it one last critical inspection. “I’m not quite sure what you’ll end up doing here, but I thought I’d prepare you in the best way I know how: with reliable, fashionable clothing.”

Sugar turned to Rarity and began to protest. “Miss Rarity, I have no way-“

Rarity held up a perfectly manicured hoof. “That’s just the thing. You see, my dear, I have no way to repay you for your help earlier. Besides, you desperately needed these clothes. Whether you knew it or not.” Rarity winked and patted the mare’s shoulder.

Sugar shook her head and grinned at the unicorn. “You’re as bad as-“ Sugar dropped off suddenly.

“As bad as who, dear?” Rarity coaxed.

Sugar coughed. “You just reminded me of one of my friends back home. She was quite clever in getting what she wanted. Especially from me.”

“And where is home, Sugar?” Rarity pressed gently.

Sugar seemed to waver for just a second. Her violet eyes shone and she glanced hopefully at Rarity. Then she trembled and shut her eyes.

Rarity sighed and the tension in the room vanished. “A lady shouldn’t pry. That was rather- I’m sorry Sugar. Please forgive me.”

She clapped her hooves together and took charge. “So let me see if I understand correctly. You need work to pay off your hospital bill. You don’t want to take out a loan or take charity. Quite responsible, I’d say. Now, you claim to not have a talent. But there must be something. What are you most familiar with?”

Sugar nodded and took a breath. “My family worked a farm. So, I’d have to start there?”

Rarity looked surprised. “Really now? A pega- Well then, if that’s the case, I know just the place for you. In fact, I’m due to run up there this afternoon to collect my sister. You’ll come with me of course?”

“Yes, thank you! Do you think they’ll mind? We’d be awfully forward by just showing up there.” Sugar asked worriedly, fiddling with her new vest.

Rarity laughed. “I don’t think these ponies would ever turn down somepony in need of honest work.”


“Applebloom! Sweetie Bell! Scootaloo! It’s gettin’ late! Come into the house before it gets any darker. Y’all hurry on now!” Applejack called before lighting the lanterns on the porch and sitting on the lone rocking chair. A trio of youthful voices floated toward the house, giggling and shouting in the twilight. “And make sure to wash yer hooves before dinner!”

“Yes, Applejack!” The fillies said in unison, scrambling up the stairs.

Applejack creaked back and forth on the comfortable chair, watching the sun set over her family’s orchards. She could hear her sister and her friends chatter away in the kitchen. It had been a good day. The Crusaders hadn’t destroyed anything too important and Big Mac had finally finished the eastern fields. They’d be ready for planting soon and…

Applejack slipped into a quiet concentration as she planned for tomorrow. She was interrupted by a pleasant “Toodle-oo! Applejack!”

Applejack rose from her seat. “Well howdy Rarity. Didn’t expect to see you ‘til I dropped the girls off at the boutique, but this is a nice surprise.”

Rarity demurely ascended the step to the porch. “Would you believe I wanted a bit of fresh air? I’ve been locked in my inspiration room all day. Even now I’m not quite done with that order for Canterlot. Thank you so much for looking after the girls today.” She leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially. “I know how they can run wild.”

Applejack chuckled wryly. “As long as you’ll supervise the next Crusader gathering.”

Rarity winced. “Right, of course.”

“Want me to fetch them?” Applejack asked.

“Actually, I wanted to talk with you privately for a moment. Would you mind?” Rarity ushered Applejack outside to a corner of the porch.

Applejack narrowed her eyes at her friend. “I suspect we’re getting to the real reason why you chose to trot down here?”

Rarity held a hoof to her heart. “Oh don’t accuse! I simply have been stuck inside all day, like some damsel trapped in a tower!

Applejack chuckled. “Need me to save you from a certain dragon, m’lady?”

Rarity blushed. “I- Never mind that. Do you remember the mare Fluttershy found in the forest, Sugar?”

Applejack nodded. “We hustled her in the middle of the night to the hospital. That’s a little hard to forget.”

“Quite. Well. She’s just got out the hospital and she feels very strongly that she should find work immediately. Sugar is aware of her debts and wishes to rectify them as soon as possible.”

“What does this have to do with me?” Applejack removed her hat and twisted the brim.

“Funny thing is, Sugar has worked nearly her whole life on her family farm.”

Applejack looked suspiciously at her friend. “Alright. Go on. I know where you’re headed.”

“So, would you be able to use her here? I’ve seen her eagerness first hand and I vouch for her sincerity. Maybe you’d be able to pay what you could, for the work done?”

“She’d stay here of course, to be able to rise early and work with the rest of us. This Sugar, I’d need to speak with her. I trust your judgment, but I’d feel better knowing the feel of the pony, you understand.”

“Oh, Applejack! You never disappoint. Thank you!” Rarity squealed with excitement. “In fact, I thought you’d say that so, I took the liberty of bringing her with me.”

“Rarity, I-!” Applejack spluttered and quickly donned her hat.

“Oh hush. Just one moment.” Rarity looked to the sky. “Sugar, darling! Would you join us?”

In a rustle of feathers, Sugar alighted next to the mares on the porch.

“I’m so sorry for dropping in like this, Miss Applejack. Rarity refused to wait ‘til morning.”

“Well the cat’s out of the bag now. Pleased to see you lookin’ so well, Sugar. So! I hear you’re lookin’ for work.”

“Yes, ma’am. I hope to be of help here. I must confess, being-“ Sugar paused briefly and looked at Applejack’s dirty hooves. “A pegasus, I have no real talent for growing things. But I am quite capable of preparing rows for planting, watering, feeding livestock, mending fences, and the like. My parents kept me involved in nearly every part of farm work, so I’d know how to do a great many things around here. And since you don’t know me, I’d be happy to work on a trial basis. Until you have proof of my ability. Ma’am.” Sugar finished with a slight bow toward Applejack.

“Now. Doesn’t that sound fair you?” Rarity nudged Applejack, ever so discreetly.

“Rarity, I can make my own decisions.” Applejack growled. She turned to Sugar. “That sounds fine, Sugar. When would you start?”

Sugar gasped. “As soon as you’d allow it, ma’am!”

Applejack smiled. “On one condition.”


“No more of that, “ma’am” business. Do we have a deal?”

“Certainly!” Sugar hovered a foot off the floor with excitement. “Oh thank you so much, both of you.”

“You are certainly welcome, my dear.” Rarity said. “Now, shall I collect the girls?”

“You might as well.” Applejack consented. “Before nightfall. We’ve already eaten, so that’s taken care of. Sugar, why don’t you start in the morning? Can she stay the night with you, Rarity?”

“That’d be no trouble, no trouble at all. So it’s settled then!”

“I’ll be here, before sunrise!”

“Sounds like a plan. See you then, Sugar. Goodnight y’all.”


Applejack sipped her coffee.

She enjoyed these solitary still moments. Before the animals woke, Applebloom spilled down the stairs, and her whole world turned on its side. She traced the spiraling grain of the sturdy kitchen table that had served the Apple Family for generations. It was made of an ancient apple tree that had finally succumbed to the elements and fallen in a terrible storm. Applejack’s own great-great grandfather had planted it and named it Smithsby.

Good Old Smithsby.

If dead wood could love, this table did so. Once a plant is cared for and magically nurtured for so long, it gains a sort of sentience that remains even after death. Even now, Applejack could feel a happy warmth from the table. She smiled softly and sent a small tendril of earth magic, a feeling of familiarity, across the worn table top.

Good morning, Smithsby.

Applejack smiled as the table hummed faintly in response.

Granny Smith stirred a pot of oatmeal, the intoxicating smell of cinnamon filling the small kitchen. She sensed the presence of granddaughter’s magic and asked, “Talkin’ to tha’ table now, Applejack? What’s on yer mind, sweetheart?”

“Granny, do you think I’ve done the right thing by hiring the pegasus?”

Granny continued to stir the breakfast. “Does she need work?”


“Does she seem like she’ll be up for it?”

“I think so, but-“

“Then quit yer yappin’, child! And let her prove her mettle…” Granny Smith chided and bustled away to the pantry.

Applejack continued to drink her coffee, not completely comforted by her grandmother’s words. Smithsby murmured restlessly in response the mare’s distress. Applejack rubbed her hoof comfortingly against the scars in the wooden surface.

It’s nothing, dear friend. I only hope I haven’t made a mistake.

Smithsby sent a curious tingle back.

She seems nice enough, true.

More curious sensations from the dead tree.

She’s not like anyone we’ve had work on the farm. She’s a pegasus, see? Applejack sent a quick picture of Sugar to the table.

Smithsby seemed to sigh.

She's not like us.

Images flashed back to Applejack in a whirl of colors. Pictures of neighbors to the Apples over the years, none earth ponies. Instead, all helpful unicorns and pegasi. The table included images of the other Elements of Harmony, even of little Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell. Smithsby hummed his adamant approval.

You’re right. Thank you.

The table purred like a cat in sunshine.

There were light steps on front porch and then careful knocks on the front door.

That's her.

The ancient tree struggled to send a more direct message.


Applejack blinked back tears and gently kissed the beloved tree’s remains.

Of course, Smithsby.

She rose from the table and opened the door.

“Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, Sugar. Come on in.”

Author's Note:

I meant to post this around Thanksgiving! But my computer decided to be stupid. >.<
*insert angry squid of anger here*
As always, thank you for reading. :)

Comments ( 3 )

Sorry for being gone for so long! Another great chapter with AJ talking to tables about work and Rarity being Rarity. Zecora collecting silk? Rainbow can't fly softly? Sugar still feels inferior? I'm loving this!

Sigh... So many great stories dead.... Would've loved to see more of this

I would love to see this finished. Sigh... Alas it is not in the cards. Let me know if you decide to finish this.

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