• Published 6th Aug 2013
  • 20,776 Views, 1,217 Comments

Hive Alive - BlackWater

Twilight saved Chrysalis from a bitter end, thus changing her own fate and that of the Elements of Harmony. As she learns the power of redemption, Twilight gains power never before recorded in history. Equestria itself will never be the same.

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47 - Ceremony is Conclusive

Even Twilight Sparkle, in all of her extensive preparation and expectation, hadn't realized the full gravity of the coronation. She expected it to be much like her coronation as princess, which hadn't really been that long ago. It wasn't quite so absurd being publicly elevated as Queen when Celestia explained to her the real differences. Those differences were effectively none.

“The title Queen of Equestria is bestowed only as a technical preference and bears no royal or legal implication beyond that of Princess,” Spike read from the scroll containing her official replacement of Celestia and Luna. “Hence, all raising of power is granted instead by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's appointment of Queen Twilight Sparkle as sole monarch of Equestria.”

“How regal,” Rarity sighed happily in awe. She was of course saying this about Twilight's dress and mane rather than Spike's reading.

The hive and the royal sisters were in the castle's forward fourth-story conference room. Many others were present, not the least of which being Storm Sword and at least a full squad from her unit. Delegates from all over Equestria were crammed in as well, some giving others death glares that originated from decades old political disputes.

Not as nice as Celestia and Luna, Twilight thought to herself.

The two sisters looked just as well, though in a different way. Rarity had designed Twilight's queenly dress with both her colors and traditional changeling colors in mind. The garment had sharp lines and points along with glowing green accents that were sometimes curved and sometimes angular with the panels. It was all black otherwise with the exception of dark gray armor plates that were integrated into the dress at the chest, spine, and trailing pleats.

Her mane was another matter entirely. Rarity had slaved away on it for many hours. It was wrapped around into a point at the back of her head much like Cadance's had been during the Games, except Twilight's style had far less accessories and instead used simplicity to its advantage. Rather than coming together in a bun at the back, it came together in a flowing ponytail the likes of which even Twilight didn't think possible. She hadn't realized she had enough mane for it. On the other hoof, Rarity had still added extensions matching her colors along with a near-black green to compliment her outfit.

“Last time we'll be wearing these,” Luna commented to her sister.

Celestia looked down at her old but still pristine dress. Like Luna's it matched her colors and outward appearance as master of a celestial body, the sun. It had golden trim down the sides and tips that sparkled with the same hue. The garment flowed from her hips down to the end that trailed on the floor. Luna's was as dark as Celestia's was light, though the elder sister liked her sibling's sparkling stars more. The original maker of the dress had managed to create the black piece with twinkling pinpoints as realistic as the actual night sky.

“For some time at least,” Celestia added thoughtfully.

Nearby, Twilight's four maids were once again holding their mistress' banner. The emblem had changed, however. It now had darker tones and had a blue and green cross behind Twilight's star, which had black accents instead of white. It had been Twilight's final decision after a few hours of debate with Rarity and Chrysalis.

I think I'm going to be sick, Fluttershy felt her stomach drop. She had made the mistake of peeking out of the curtain that hid the window. Outside, before the castle, was the largest gathering there had ever been in Canterlot for hundreds of years – possibly even a thousand. More ponies were gathered than at Twilight's coronation as princess, and it was for good a reason.

Tens of thousands of ponies flooded the courtyard, packed the streets leading to it, and squished together on nearly every walkway in Canterlot. Pegasi clouded the air, kept in check by every airborne pony in the Royal Guard. Almost every single one of the three-thousand four-hundred guards were present in Canterlot for this occasion. They could be seen tending to the crowds, guarding every door in the castle, and patrolling the streets to help the city servants with logistics.

You'll be fine, Shy, Rainbow Dash cozied up to the yellow mare and hugged her sideways. Nopony's even going to be looking at us. They'll be too busy with miss beautiful over there.

Fluttershy blushed as she followed Rainbow's gaze. Twilight did look stunning. The pegasus usually preferred more gentle earthy tones, but the changeling design was strangely alluring to her. Knowing the intimate feelings their queen had for her, Dashie, and Chrysy made her breast swell with a form of pride.

Meanwhile, Applejack was getting very suspicious. Her eye was on a group of delegates that had been moving through the room. Her intuition was usually right when it told her something was up. She didn't like this. Not one bit.

Pinkie Pie was on the ground floor of the castle, helping out with the food for the congregations that were meeting today. A lot of treats were in order for this grand gathering. Along with the royal staff, she pulled twice her weight in baking. If the Cakes had been present in the kitchen, they'd have been amazed at her talent all over again.

Chrysalis was perhaps enjoying this occasion more than any other. Rarity had graced her with an outfit as well, never content to let anypony go without a stunning arrangement for an equally magnificent occasion. The changeling's dress was not Twilight's hybrid design. It was fully changeling in every way. Chrysalis had synced her mind with Rarity's closer than usual during the making of it.

The former changeling queen strode through the packed room with a confidence that bordered on arrogance. Her black and emerald green dress had a certain refined flamboyance to it that none could avoid giving a second look. The dress split into tails past the hip that flowed like the trails of shooting stars to the ground below. Most of the ponies in the room couldn't look up at her eye-to-eye for more than a second without feeling small.

She spoke up above the clamor of the small conversations in the room with her unmistakable buzzy voice. “Shouldn't the announcement begin now? I was told we would eat afterwards and I'm starved.”

Some of the delegates shuddered at that.

“Chrysalis,” Twilight tactfully addressed her changeling from the other side of the room. “You do not need the banquet for sustenance. Be patient. We'll begin in a moment.”

As an added measure, Twilight addressed her beloved shape-shifter in the privacy of their hivemind. Do you not feed off my affection even now, you greedy little thing?

Sensing her queen's playful tone, Chrysalis smirked. The fact that the others can't hear us only makes me want to say something...implicative.

We can still hear, though, Applejack deadpanned.

“Okay,” Spike nodded to himself as he finished reading the scroll silently. “Yeah, I'm ready.”

Celestia and Luna had come up to either side of Twilight. They still stood tall over her, but Chrysalis was a match for the elder of the two. Somehow that made Twilight feel a little less small in comparison.

“Is the balcony secure?” Celestia asked Storm Sword, who was just walking back into the room from the aforementioned balcony. She had ducked out onto it just a few moments before.

“Double shielded with sound projection enhancement,” she nodded with a grim look.

Shining Armor walked in close behind her. “Almost makes my shields look bad,” he joked with her and nudged her side.

Storm grinned but knew he was only playing. No unicorn in Equestria was known to have better magic shield capability than Shining. That was why he had double checked it and reinforced it. She knew her defensive capability had never been as good, though he often praised her for her other talents. Namely her combat prowess and spells related to long-range projectiles.

Celestia gave Twilight a knowing look before they moved out onto the balcony together. Shining Armor left Storm Sword in the room and joined Cadance along with the other royals on the balcony. It was quite possible that the castle had never before contained within its walls or balconies more royalty than it did now. That would especially be true if only speaking of Equestrian royalty.

“Equestria!” Celestia began after they reached the rail of the balcony. Their appearance and her call had the roaring response of the tens of thousands of ponies below and in the distance. The vast sea of faces made Twilight dizzy at first, so she looked to Chrysalis and then back again to right her senses.

“We understand that this is a historic event,” Luna declared in her strong voice, “not only for the ceremony that will take place shortly but also for our prolonged absence that we recently made public.”

The crowds were either cheering or shouting discontent. It was hard to make out which. One voice from the masses managed to come out just above the roar. “You can't leave us!”

A flash of sadness crossed Celestia's face, but it happened so fast that Twilight barely saw it.

“Equestria will endure in our absence,” Celestia calmed the crowd. Or at least she attempted to. “I am more than simply proud of my former star pupil, Twilight Sparkle. As you all know, she and her friends have saved our land time and time again by bearing the Elements of Harmony against the forces of chaos and malcontent.”

Twilight's close friends stepped up behind her, all giving her reassuring smiles. Fluttershy bit her bottom lip and trembled a bit at the sight of the thousands below and beyond. This time it was Rarity who soothed her.

Celestia raised her hoof. “Twilight Sparkle has proven herself even to the point of becoming a cherished princess of Equestria. Her ascension as an alicorn was inevitable. And now my beloved ponies and citizens of Equestria, I am honored to announce that Princess Twilight Sparkle will become the sole monarch of Equestria in the absence of myself and Princess Luna.”

“Though we chose our titles,” Luna added in, “only in reverence of our past, Princess Twilight Sparkle holds no such restraint. She will be given the proper title of Queen, as is fitting.”

Cadance took Luna's glance as her cue. “The Crystal Empire is happy to make a simultaneous announcement, though this may be old news following our initial declaration within the Empire.”

Shining Armor tag-teamed with his wife, much as Luna did with Celestia. “We will also be absent for a time, though not as long as the princesses. In our stead, we have granted the esteemed Spike the powers of lordship over the Empire. As such, the relationship between Equestria and the Empire will be as strong as ever.”

Only certain parts of the crowd cheered at that. Not all were familiar with the Empire or had regular interactions with it. Even the Equestrian Games had a minimal effect on educating the general public as to the Empire's sovereign status and economic relationship with Equestria.

Celestia spoke once again, waving her hoof to calm another section of the masses that was becoming rowdy. She spoke above the snide shouts that the discontents were putting forth. “The crowning ceremony will take place inside the throne room shortly. All are welcome, but please understand that there is only room for so many. The banquet will be extended throughout Canterlot to accommodate those who are unable to enter the castle due to limits of capacity. A detailed reading of Twilight's newly awarded powers of authority will be made available to any who are concerned. The court will be conducting a series of public readings over the next few weeks to relieve the current volume of requests.”

Luna and Celestia continued to go back and forth on the drier portions of the ceremony and legal procedures. Twilight could hear the monotony creep into their voices. As much as she loved reading books that many would consider drier than Appleloosa, she could see herself getting as bored with the tedium of the proceedings involved with leadership.

Even Spike got his turn to read some portion of the scroll in his claw. He seemed to enjoy it more, though that might have had something to do with his long-standing love of narration.

Storm Sword had led the Guard well in keeping the less-than-happys from making an incident. Twilight had not found out until they made their way down to the throne room that a decently sized group of ponies had attempted to rush the castle. The massive size of the crowds made it hard to discern even something that should have been noticeable.

The presence of Chrysalis on the balcony as well as throughout all proceedings made some groups wary and others hateful. Some theorized that Chrysalis was mind controlling them all and intending to use Twilight as a puppet on the throne. The pony queen was no spring chicken, so she could see how such a thought might seem reasonable to some. However, such theories were based on little more than a lack – rather than a presence – of information. No amount of public disclosure regarding Chrysalis' harmlessness seemed to matter.

The smell of the baked confections downstairs became even more pronounced when they entered the packed throne room. Twilight's wings rustled in a shiver of anticipation. She saw Pinkie Pie at the tables to the side, a gigantic smile on her face. The food that had been laid out there was spectacular. Most importantly, it helped give Twilight a sense of warmth she had been feeling drain away from her with every cold distant clack of her changeling horseshoes against the stone floor.

Even as she took position at the throne with Celestia and Luna, her mind couldn't help but reflect on the events leading to this moment. How crazy had her life become that this was her reality? Chrysalis was below her as her personal changeling. She was about to be crowned Queen of Equestria. The incredibleness of her thoughts was broken by the proud visage of Soir Soleil, her lead maid and banner mare. The white pony trot down the center aisle towards her while the anthem of Equestria was being played by the orchestra intricately arranged in one part of the room.

Twilight Sparkle had been through this before. Her ceremony as princess had taken place this same year. Doubtless some found it as awkward as she did. However, it hadn't been Twilight's idea to have another ceremony for the purpose of the new title. Celestia and Luna had been strangely adamant about it, which gave Twilight interest into the reasons why.

“A harken to our distant past,” Luna had told her mysteriously. “It's a parting memory for my sister and I. Call it our own sense of closure we never had in our...old world.”

Both Celestia and Luna refused to explain further, which did nothing to satiate Twilight's lust for knowledge. No history book chronicled the sisters' past farther back than perhaps a hundred years before the founding of Equestria. Even back then the sisters had been a thousand years of age. Perhaps more.

The packed room was getting uncomfortably warm. Unicorns in the corners began using their magic to try cooling the air enough to make it comfortable. Twilight only noticed this in an effort to calm herself at the enormity of the moment. Spike, Chrysalis, and the rest of her hive were right below the stairs leading up to the throne she was standing in front of.

When the four banner mares parted to reveal the one carrying the new Equestrian crown, Twilight was caught between genuine shock and deadpan “you've got to be kidding me.”

The music ended on a high note as Discord stepped up the stairs with crown in paw and claw. He grinned in his normally goofy manner. “Nice crown,” he whispered to Twilight as he stepped before her. “Get it on clearance?”

The six-pointed crown was a mix of pure silver, rare black metal, and precious gems matching the colors of the Elements. It was designed to mix the style of classic Equestrian metalwork with changeling royal flair. It was by no means without significant value.

“Why you?” Twilight muttered through her teeth, which were shown in a forced smile. “And what's with the getup?”

Indeed, Discord was wearing some kind of ridiculous robe that might have had a royal meaning but also looked like it came from some dark cult.

“Got it on clearance,” Discord parried quietly.

Twilight tried not to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, but the tick in her eye failed her. He giggled even as he awaited Celestia's declaration to place the crown on Twilight's head.

“The monarchs of Equestria, Princess Luna and myself, Princess Celestia, do wish to pass our...”

Such did the proceedings go on for a good while. Discord started to become bored after the first ten seconds but then really felt the itch for chaos after the first ten minutes. By twenty minutes, he was wondering why he was supposed to be standing in front of Twilight with the crown if he was never going to give it to her. He seriously contemplated turning the blasted thing into a Tatzlwurm just to see where the ceremony would go from there. His menacing giggle at the thought made Twilight nervous.

The poised purple pony distracted herself by looking out to the sea of ponies in the room. There were a decent number of faces she recognized. Her parents, proud for the dozenth time now. Shining Armor and Cadance, likewise. Her hive, of course, and a slew of ponies from Ponyville. Lyra, Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, the Cakes, Zecora, the mayor, Trixie...


The blue mare gave her a smug look that Twilight guessed was supposed to be some kind of congratulations. The pony queen just shook her head, kept smiling, and looked to the rest of the room. When it finally came time for the crown to be put on her head, both Celestia and Luna gave the order and it was done. Discord teleported out of the way as if his tail was on fire. It likely was alight out of unrelenting boredom.

Celestia drifted down to the soft cushions laid in their castle's central garden. Her magical lift had receded after she had lowered the sun. Luna rose the moon with a more flippant wave of her hoof. She remained laying on the cushions, now bathed in the new moonlight. Celestia rejoined her and took silent delight in the softness of the royal pillows and the familiar feel of Luna against her side. It was nice to get away from the ceremony for a while and relax.

The soft trickle of water continued from the garden's central fountain on the other side of the path from the alicorns. The water sparkled in the moonlight and cast a marbled reflection onto exotic plantlife around it. Celestia cherished the serenity they had now, knowing it would be the last they would see of this place for some time.

A quiet clacking of a hoof and something else came from around the other side of the fountain. The odd shape of Discord came walking into view. Perhaps odder than his mismatch of parts was the fact that he was walking. He typically chose a far less normal style of movement or at least had some ridiculous outfit on. This was not the first time his silliness had been absent in recent times, however. Both the sisters had noticed his more serious mood that had been becoming more prominent of late.

“I haven't been invited to many of your sibling get-togethers,” he said in a voice so peaceful and non-accusatory that it made the sisters confused. It also made them not the least bit perturbed. “Mind if I join you?”

Luna was apprehensive, but Celestia was more accepting. She nodded with a faint smile to which Discord returned. He knelt down and then draped himself across the pillow entirely so that he was facing them with his head propped up by his paw.

“We might as well be on good terms with each other if we're going off to die the death of heroes,” Discord chuckled in a dark reserved manner. “I never used to care about empathy or compassion, but I'm sure you've noticed I've changed.”

Even Luna relaxed at that. She couldn't deny it. Since they first met those thousands of years ago, Discord had become a different sort of creature. Though the change had been in very recent history, it was proof that change was indeed possible.

“None have dared to ask,” he continued, his eyes moving between Celestia's and Luna's in the moody lighting of the moon above. “Not even Twilight. I wondered why but then I remembered she grew up the same as any other pony in Equestria. Of course she wouldn't be so bold as to ask what you two are hiding. Out of decency, I thought I'd let it go. Our situation has changed, though. So I must ask.”

“Oh, spit it out already,” Luna stuck her bottom lip out in a pout.

“Why did you choose to bottle up your past?” he asked simply. A tinge of sadness was on the edge of his words. If anypony doubted that he was capable of compassion they would likely continue to doubt. He let this softness show just to them and perhaps the suspicions of the Elements of Harmony.

Luna turned her eyes away, looking to her elder sibling instead. She had always let her sister decide matters of the past. It was up to her to speak for them as had been the case for as long as she could remember.

Celestia looked up to the stars for a long while, letting the calm of the nightly noises give her the strength to form the words that had been locked away in her heart.

“We are not royalty,” Celestia finally let it out in a sigh, letting her gaze fall back down to the planet she was on and the draconequus' eyes. “Where we came from, we were peasants. Mere fillies to a poor family. Our cutie marks were for the management of an equally poor backwater solar system. Luna did not even have the power over one of the major planets within it – only a single moon.”

Luna tried not to show her hurt. She hid her face by nuzzling into her sister's side. Celestia wrapped her hoof around her and covered her with a loving wing.

“What does one do when destiny gives one a life of insignificance?” Celestia genuinely asked, her eyes on her sister rather than Discord. “Though I controlled the star, it meant little more than the moon as far our fellow alicorns were concerned. How would you feel, Discord, if you had a younger sibling who everyone considered lesser even than yourself? I promised myself I'd always love her and then...I ignored her until our relationship was gone and Nightmare Moon came out.”

Luna rose her face to look at her sister. “We already talked about this, Tia. Have you not forgiven yourself still?”

“As much as you've forgiven yourself, Lulu,” Celestia half smiled and half winced. She stroked Luna's back in calming strokes. “We both have our regrets.”

“At least I would have a sibling,” Discord whispered.

The sisters heard it. Luna was first to snap her gaze. The draconequus was quiet, still, and contemplative. He stared down at a blade of grass poking up at the edge of the cushion. It bent slightly in the gentle night breeze. It was Luna who stretched a hoof to his claw that rested on the pillow.

“Is this what you really came here for?” the dark alicorn asked, an almost motherly tone in her voice.

Another silence much like Celestia's prevailed for a long while. Luna kept her hoof on his claw until he was ready to speak. The sound of the trickling water prevailed, giving a calming background to the azure tint of moonlit garden.

“You still had each other through the centuries,” he finally spoke in a blue tone and then let his red and yellow eyes finally meet Luna's. “Even through your imprisonment you held onto the tiniest shred of hope that you would be with your sister again. The ponies saw you as benign rulers, but you could still be yourselves with each other. You could always be something besides the masters of this world. Something besides a mere jester...”

Luna exchanged a knowing look with her sister. Celestia moved closer to Discord and lifted his chin with her bare forehoof.

“When others expect us to always act a certain way, we lose our ability to feel emotions and express ourselves for who we truly are. We become parrots in gilded cages, saying and doing the things others want us to over and over again. Luna and I know that better than any others.”

“Trust us on that,” Luna smiled at him warmly in a way that amazed the chaos creature. She repositioned herself so that she laid against his side. Celestia followed, though she kept to the same side so she didn't have to part from her sister.

Discord quickly looked around to ensure no others were watching. Then he laid his head down on the cushions and snuggled up against the princesses, a single happy tear falling down his cheek.

Celestia took on a smug grin and a carefree tone. “This wouldn't have anything to do with our mission would it? Perhaps cleaning out the closet before the end comes?”

Discord replied, but almost choked at first. “I just wanted to know.”

“Know what?” Luna asked, laying her head down as well.

“Know if there was someone I could show my heart to.”

Celebrations were still running throughout the night. Many merely used the event as an excuse for partying, which Pinkie Pie certainly had no problem with. The pink mare was still out there in the city crowds and enjoying the festivities as only a super energetic party pony could. Twilight, however, was tired.

The purple pony queen laid there in the large converted bedroom. The joined mattresses were soft but not as soft as Fluttershy's side, which her head rested against. The buttery mare was well into slumber, a happy smile on her lips because her queen was with her. Rainbow Dash was in a similar spot, though she was haphazardly splayed out to Twilight's side, one hoof always in contact with one of Twilight's.

Besides the soundproofing of the room, the thing that gave Twilight the most peace was the faint green glow like the one in her sleep ring back home. But this glow did not come from a ring. It came from the tip of Chrysalis' long horn. It was a passive glow of magic indicating the changeling was receiving affection from her queen.

Indeed, Twilight slowly and tiredly stroked the changeling's back even as they both laid entangled with the others. It was by force of will that Twilight was the last to fall asleep. She wanted to join the others in the hive world of slumber, but she also wanted one last moment in the real world.

This was her reality. Impossible to have dreamed but still as real as the changeling beneath her stroking hoof. She was queen of this world by Celestia and Luna's own blessing. Her friends were her hive by their own desire. Three of them were her special someponies.

This, she concluded, must be her golden age.

The world seemed complete.


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