
Fluttershy, a shy and reserved girl, struggles with her nervousness and fears to approach Rainbow Dash, the girl she likes. However, she worries that they might be less compatible than she thinks.

On the other hand, Rainbow Dash met a cute and shy girl whom she found herself strangely interested in, but she doesn’t know why.

Both, trying to figure out what they feel and whether it will become real, embark on a new chapter of their lives where they will learn about love.

-Cover artist: hfn29852262.
-Multiple ships.
-Slow burn.
-Too many side plots because the author is a masochist.
-The author's English is bad, like... de verdad es espantoso.

Chapters (1)

This story revolves around John, a human student attending Canterlot High in Equestria, navigating the complexities of his senior year. Living in a world shared with magical creatures, John faces unique challenges, from tensions with prejudiced classmates like Comet Whistle to balancing his relationships with friends

Chapters (2)

Sunset is known as one of the more powerful mages of Equestria, one who was well on a path to obtaining higher power before her hubris led to her downfall.

In the human world...well, just because she isn't an alicorn doesn't mean she can't wield some incredible power in other areas.

Based on a joke made in Estee's Discord server.

> transforms into a unicorn using her ethereal hair

When EqG gets Sunset turning back into a pony by using her bacon hair as a cocoon, call me.

Chapters (1)

Many people like to think they’re destined for glorious fates. I thought they were delusional until fate decided to pick me up and drop me into a life of luxury and power. But one thing I know is there’s always a catch. That was the case when I ended up in this world of ponies as an alicorn, where the ponies said that destiny brought me here, but is that true, or is something else going on here?

Chapters (1)

Although in the show we've seen outhouses, this "what if" story takes place in an Equestria in which the ponies just sort of go to the bathroom wherever, like in that joke tweet by Lauren Faust.

There's no sex or gore in this story, but it's rated Teen for the occasional curseword and, uh, the fact that it's mostly about shitting.

Special thanks to Fimfiction IRC for the inspiration/blame, especially Zini. This is all Zini's fault, specifically.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Jake (local human) have a little tradition of watching a really truly awful television programme. This is not an excuse to spend more time together, they just really like the programme. They make a point to get together to watch the programme, and this is them doing that.

Also Rainbow Dash is there, though she may come to regret this decision.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends are sent by the Cutie Map to retrieve a foal in need. He claims to have been formerly a legendary creature known as a human. They don't really believe him. With no home or family, they bring him back to Ponyville. A month later, they wish they left him where they found him.

Rated T for some mature jokes but nothing extreme.

Chapters (3)

In an Equestria where Nightmare Moon would have won due to the Elements of Harmony never being recovered, fate contrives the means by which one who can hold her back without the Elements could appear, though at great personal sacrifice.

Chapters (1)

The Roaring Twenties, a time of peace, prosperity, and wealth, especially in the United States. Until 1929, when stocks in the U.S crashed leading to the demise of the global economy. America was soon plunged into economic despair and poverty. With it looking like the American democracy was failing, riots soon broke out across the nation, with many people turning to the far right and left making the United States more divided than it ever was before. However, America's situation was about to worsen even more as a mysterious storm soon arrived in the nation, coating the entire country with bright light. Now the U.S finds itself alone and as the only beacon of democracy in this strange new world. Will the U.S begin the New Manifest Destiny with these savage creatures, or will it start to redeem itself from the mistakes of the past? Only time will tell. (Takes place around season 5)

Chapters (2)

Young man finds himself lost in badlands as a changeling, send to this world by unknown forces, he has to fend for himself in a world much darker than his favorite show has ever been. But why try to survive when you can thrive?

People say "be the change you want to see" and i decided to do so and write a fanfic i myself was looking for this entire time. I have experience writing DnD campaigns and quests, so, why not try to write a full-fledged story?

Fair warning, i'am from Russia and may have some problems with English grammar, feel free to correct any mistakes you find and criticize my story in the comments.

This story contains: HiE and human-to-changeling (obviously), occasional violence, Early-Medieval setting, RGRE themes, sexism (towards males), xenophobia, villain-protagonist, wholesome villain romance ("we can be horrible together" type), some angst, obscure references to CIS/Soviet/Russian media and literature.

Chapters (6)