
Viewing 1 - 20 of 351 results

Silly story idea · 2:27pm Jun 26th, 2015

So, of course the silliest (and most dramatic) ideas hit while I'm lying in bed, waiting to fall asleep. This time it is silly but could potentially be amazing. A fusion of Cardcaptor Sakura and MLP:FiM. I give you: Cardcaptor Twilight Sparkle. Celestia could stand in for Kero, Luna for Yue. Or they could be manifestations of The Sun and The Moon card respectively. Rarity as a stand in for Tomoyo? Or, instead, the cards could be the long lost creation of Star Swirl (Starswirl?) the

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Report Ytak · 430 views · #story ideas #story idea

Fusion idea · 12:21am Oct 27th, 2015

Through my purchases of MLP pony merchandise, I have acquired one of the trading cards from the trading card game. The back caught my attention lately for it reminds me of a set of rather well known (understatement) game: The Legend of Zelda. The gems on the back remind me of some of the things that "Link," aka the player, must collect over the course of different games (varies

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Report Ytak · 514 views · #story ideas #story idea

Two new story ideas up for grabs! · 1:32pm Dec 2nd, 2015

Here's two new ideas based on the Season 5 Finale!

Title: A Twist in Time

Main Characters: Twilight Sparkle, the Mane Six, Spike, Starlight Glimmer.

Genre: Dark, Adventure, Alternate Universe.


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possible story. · 7:26pm Mar 29th, 2016

does anyone know any ideas! i want less then 2.000 words! i want it to be a comic, any ideas?

p.s. i want to write this one myself.

Report The loser · 364 views · #story idea's

Author Wanted (Closed) · 2:31am Jul 27th, 2017

I've come up with an idea that was based on the episode "Ponyville confidential", but I'm going to need some help makinClosed)g it into a story. I would make the story myself if I could. But I'm not a fanfiction writer, I'm a fanfiction beta reader. The reason why I'm not a real author is because I'm not good with story details. But I don't mind having someone work out the detailing of the story, as long as I'm in the description saying "inspired by Waspinator331".

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Report Waspinator331 · 961 views · #Story ideas

Story Ideas #5: Refugee · 4:21am May 15th, 2020

I despise the idea of Tyrant Celestia.

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Report McPoodle · 389 views · #Story Ideas

Other Story Ideas I have in the works(Comment and Vote) · 1:45pm Aug 3rd, 2019

I have a BUNCH of unstarted fics as well as a bunch of unfinished ones. Doing all this by myself is hard especially when I don't exactly know which fics you guys want me to continue and which you don't. So lets solve that here. Comment below which fics you wanna either see more continue/finish or comment and vote what new ideas you'd like to see me explore. Heres a list of some of the newer ideas I have in the works.

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Story Up For Grabs 1. · 9:20pm May 17th

So ive been going through my old works and untouched/unfished and wanted to get rid of these before I leave the fandom if anyone is down to read them. Im willing to help out in anway but I have no intention of touching these as with my final stories here being the last ones I will ever do here, I'd rather the ideas either not die or have someone do them if they want. They are either unfinished or have a premise and a few pages worth done already if you want to tackle them. Most are single or

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Report Little_Draco · 221 views · #Story Ideas

Story Idea: Gauntlet of Fire 2: electric boogaloo · 4:47pm Apr 17th, 2016

season 6: episode 5 spoilers

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Report heavenlyRaid · 401 views · #Story Idea

If I were to write this as a story, would you read it? · 6:20pm Jan 27th, 2019

A human saves Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker when they possess Tia & Luna and their plans backfire. As a result, both are in love with him. But then the sisters regain control and go back to their lives none the wiser. It ends up a Jekyl and Hyde style scenario, and to make things worse?
Celestia is already Married, and Luna hates him for some past faux pas.

Report Ashfur · 327 views · #Story idea

Free Story Idea · 6:28pm May 26th, 2022

Yo yo yo, I got a free story idea for any writers to try out if they want.

Involves a Kirin main character.
The main character is always in Nirik form, no matter their emotional state.

And yeah, that’s all I got for ya. This was shared because I do not have the energy or inspiration to actually try writing a story like that. Got inspiration for other things instead and I’m busy with graduating from high school right now.


Story Ideas · 10:01am May 2nd

A place to put all my story ideas


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Report abrony-mouse · 46 views · #story ideas

Graveyard Shift · 6:00pm Dec 7th, 2015

Right now I'm working the Graveyard Shift. (9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.) so at night I'm usually working and during the day I'm usually sleeping. I've had SO MANY ideas and I just haven't been able to write them. I'd appreciate anyone who picks up these ideas and writes them for me.

I'll start with this one:
1. Pony gets their cutie mark after starting their first job at hay burger, but feels like it's not really their talent.

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Too many ideas in my head · 8:19am Oct 29th, 2012

I have way more story ideas than I have time to write maybe if I put some of them out there, someone else will do all the dirty work and let me read it. :rainbowkiss:

- Crossover with the City of Heroes "Menders of Ouroboros" organization
The citadel of the Menders exist in a place between time

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Report Lithl · 430 views · #story ideas

Story Idea: [au] the three tribes never united · 5:32am Apr 1st, 2016

the basic concept would be when the three tribes set off to settle new lands, but they didn't all end up in Equestria, in fact non of them did.
thus the pegasai found Pegaopolus, Unicorns in Unicornia, and Earth Ponies at Earth. side note my personal head cannon is that the Crystal Empire is actually the original homeland of the ponies.

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Report heavenlyRaid · 386 views · #story idea

Shortest review ever. · 4:49pm May 30th, 2016


Report MrAquino · 422 views · #Story ideas

New Story Ideas · 7:49am Oct 16th, 2017

Hello all, I am one that doesn't like to start something without finishing it and right now I literally don't know how long New Tricks is going to end up being but I had some random ideas for a second idea. Let me know which one you guys want to see next.

1.The Derpy Princess
Summary: An alternate timeline where Derpy is a Princess of Clutzy and along with her friends is able to save Equestria from the jaws of evil.
2. Spring Love

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Report Nailah · 357 views · #Story Ideas

Trouble Writing · 6:18am Nov 12th, 2018

I'm not going to lie, I've had this problem for a while. I've been trying to branch out in different clop stories for a while now, one with not only interesting sex but an interesting plot as well. But... I've been having some trouble. I wouldn't exactly call it writer's block, more like a fleeting sense of interest. I might think up of an interesting sexy premise that seems like it would make a great clopfic, but what seems like an awesome idea one day might not seem that interesting to me a

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Report Very Sleepy · 577 views · #story ideas

Jmanmag2000 and brushey bristles equestrian adventure · 9:38pm Jun 26th, 2018

I want to make a story about me and my sister, however I want to to tell what you think will happen.

Report jmanmag2001 · 306 views · #Story ideas

I'ma do a thing on Wattpad · 3:09am Feb 21st, 2019

What? I got a not-pony idea?

Basically, think the Chronicles of Narnia, but mixed with Alice in Wonderland and 500% more insane, because the world under your couch is actually a land filled with magical girls powered by spring boots.


This'll be fun.

Report TheMajorTechie · 221 views · #story idea
Viewing 1 - 20 of 351 results