
Viewing 1 - 20 of 25 results

New job means new planned time for posting chapters · 3:49am Oct 28th, 2016

Out from the temp agency, though I'll keep relations with them peachy in case this new job goes south. Hooray, working for Amazon? Will find out soon enough if this is in fact a 'hooray,' or more of .

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And Time continues on... · 7:44pm Jul 16th, 2017

So... Aside from my now-husband nearly getting himself killed driving to the wedding, and me running about half an hour late with all the hair and make-up that needed to be done, the wedding went super well.

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Report Witching Hour · 436 views · #wedding #new job #life

Good News! · 3:49pm Mar 16th, 2018

After almost 9 months of looking, I finally secured myself another job! :pinkiehappy: It's not my first choice (first being working at our local library, after all that is what I got a minor in Library Media for) but at least I will be making a good amount of money. I'll be working at our local grocery store as a cashier. Might not be anything fancy, but a job is a job and this ling needs money to survive. *chuckles* Not sure when I'll start yet, as they need to send in a background check, but

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Update; stuff happened. · 8:34pm Mar 25th, 2019

Okay, these things don't come out often enough. Hey guys, update time:

Where to start? Hmm… well, I have a job now. Hurray, hurrah! I can start earning money! But… I have less time to write. I still will, but don't expect no timetable. Chapters come out when they're ready.

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Trying to catch up · 11:20pm May 26th, 2016

Yes! I am in fact still alive.

After this long weekend, I plan on doing something. Probably art. I really want to art.:rainbowkiss:
My job is going amazing. I love it. Mainly because I get to learn a lot of really interesting things about hadoop, spark, scala, and cdh. It's not what I want to do for forever, but it's really awesome. :pinkiehappy:

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New Job · 6:07pm Mar 19th, 2021

Hello mares and gentlecolts!

Just wanted to give you a tiny update on life.

As you can see on the title, I've gotten a new job, yay! Problem is, I'm still getting used to it, boo!

I'm up before five AM in the morning, and I'm doing some work I don't have much experience in. It is very physical, and I'm almost up and walking 20,000 steps a day, not counting everything I carry, pack, and move around.

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Report DanishDash · 394 views · #update #life #new job #work #tired

Starting My First Day Of Real Work Tomorrow · 8:40pm Nov 24th, 2019

I'm working at the Morrisons Supermarket in the next town.
Here's hoping it gives me a new lease on life and some sense of financial independence.
I'll still be on in the evenings. And with a routine job, I'll be able to get the gears in my head working again on new stuff.
Wish me luck. :eeyup:


General update · 1:35am Sep 1st, 2016

Hey folks...

Just a general update. I've started a new job, but being an IT developer for a large bank means that the standards are much stricter and I can't Skype from it. It also means I can't install any nonstandard software on my box, and that includes chat software like Skype, so I can't talk during the day, unfortunately.

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Updates · 12:30am Sep 24th, 2020

Once again I have some time to write. So, a few updates on what's happened since July

1. I got a job and was going through training all of August and am still learning the ropes.

2. I moved to a new apartment and am still settling in (finally got maintenance to show up and resolve some issues today)

Good things all around even as this year looms over us all (less than 100 days at least now). Wishing you all health and prosperity.


First day of work experience - how it all went down (Oh, dearie me.) · 5:03pm Mar 6th, 2020

I just finished my first day of work experience at one of my local supermarkets. Here's how it went...

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Personal update. · 6:30pm Jun 18th, 2020

So, I have a job now, and my first shift starts tomorrow. At the Golden Arches/McDonalds literally a hop, skip, and a jump from my sudivision.

Pay's good at 8.25 an hour as I set my shift times instead of open hours, but it's okay. I get paid weekly, too. How that works, for those who are interested, is every week's shifts I work, the tuesday following I get paid for the previous week. So this week I'll be paid next tuesday.

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The news came! · 8:45pm Jul 21st, 2015

If you've been stalking me, you would've seen a blog post I had up for about a day before deleting it. I'm rather open about my personal stuff, but I do try to draw a line to prevent any unnecessary drama. The post I'm referring to was one announcing I lost my last job with no notice.

I used this pic, but I was being sarcastic

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Life update: I may have landed a promising career path · 6:56pm Feb 19th, 2023

Hey everyone, I decided to update you all on the matter I've been dealing with since the tail-end of January.

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Warning: Nerd Rant · 11:39am Dec 17th, 2016

Getting seriously excited for seeing Rogue One. I think it's going to be perfect.

You know why? Because even the negative reviews are making me eager to see it. Some of these older reviewers need to seriously consider retirement, good lord.

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WHERE THE FUDGE HAVE I BEEN · 9:59pm Mar 18th, 2016

Omg, so like I know it's been over several months since I've been posting things on here. But I have a really freaking good reason~! :pinkiegasp:

I just got... HIRED~!!!! :yay:
Like, as a Freelance GD. Which is a BIG step for me.

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Sorry, again. · 2:45pm Jun 28th, 2020

Hey guys.

As you know I like to keep you guys updated so you do not think I'm dead, or my stories are dead.

I'm trying to get as much done as possible, but as you know I have finished my exam, and in four months time my contract will expire with my job, meaning I will need to look for a new job.

I have already started, but it is taking some of my time, along with some other things.

None of the stories are dead, I'm just busy with some private matters.

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Pen's Reading Corner - May 9 · 2:50pm May 9th, 2022


For many of you that word means an odd South American weapon, or a type of western tie. But to some of us who are in the know, that word brings to mind a weapon. A weapon not just of power and might, but of duty and honor, pledged to be humanity's ultimate knights among the stars.

I speak of the members of The Dinochrome Brigage, the Bolo AI super tanks.

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An update and some personal notes. · 1:11pm March 20th

So, I guess it’s been a while since Christmas and my last blog post. Well, I do have good news for you. I am now employed at my local wellness center after a year and two months of unemployment. Not only that, I have updates in the works for multiple stories.

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Major Delays · 4:38am Nov 13th, 2022

Hi. Some of you might be wondering where the new chapters I promised are. Truth be told, it's been rougher that I thought. I've been distracted with adjusting to my new job, plus dealing with a recent injury. I'll see what I can do. But for now, I think that it's best that I stop giving myself these hard deadlines. I'll try to get all of them up by the end of the month, but no promises.


New Job · 5:33pm Nov 28th, 2021

Hey guys!

As some might have noticed, I've been less active lately. Well, I would like to reassure you all, that it is certainly not because I don't want to be. :ajsleepy:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 25 results