Had a question on my Discord server (linko hereo) today, and I thought I’d share here too as it explains why Luna Switched’s next chapter is taking so long to get off of the ground.
Luna Switched is not dead. It will only die if I do, and I really hope I don’t. I’m not planning to.
The question I was asked, I won’t name the querent, wasn’t about Luna Switched. It was about some YouTube videos I make where I read out a story by another user.
Yeah that’s the chapter name. It’s another alternate ending to Pickles & Milk. This time, we return to the store where Spades first saw Twilight and Flash snogging.
Also! If you like Spades Duck, he appears in my new story, Edgy. While the story isn’t about good ol’ Spadsey, it’s still a good read.
Or so I’d like to think.
Here's another story for you all! Just a short clopfic with a familiar topic, though I had fun writing it.
[Adult story embed hidden]
Oh yesssssss my dear readers, today I shall post the alternate ending to Pickles & Milk.
And honestly?
John Joseco is such a profound artist.
Deep within the darkness of the Writer's workshop, a lone dweller uncovers the small file covered in dust and particulates of meta-matter.
"Human Blood," the dweller whispers to itself. "I thought this was all but lost."
Nay, Reality was not kind enough to let that story go, and so prompted by some kind of inner motivation, the dweller opened the file and read its contents. Perhaps one day it will be transcribed. Then all will see it.
Human Blood in prereading.
I was in a store and I saw that one milk was 50% off because it was nearing the expiration date. I wanted to get it, but some old couple was in the way. The wife put a good milk in the cart. Then when she looked away, her husband took it out and replaced it with the one that was 50% off.
In my mind, I was like:
In the one week, I've gained not one, not two, but fifteen followers. And guess what productive things I've done for the last two weeks? Nothing. I'd say that this week was my least productive one on FiMFiction. Sure, I did some small stuff, but nothing major. Less than I usually do.
I'm seriously confused about why all of you followed me recently. Fifteen of you too.
I bet if I just keep adding chapters to Pickles and Milk it’ll eventually get featured.
I’m guessing around the 20-chapter mark.
Then I’ll release the True Ending!
In other news, I was looking at my old blog posts and I just can’t tell what the bloody
Divirging from that, still working on Moon Moon. don’t expect it soon.
Good evening, everyone! Just a quick update on things, with a new event coming up this Friday!
I've been invited by Milk Barcast and the Barcast crew to do a live interview! And they're taking questions right now!
My dear friend milk wrote me something. I didn't emotionally blackmail him into it at all. Also, I judge him VERY harshly for his choices involving scotch.
Go read this and tell him it's great!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes folks. Take care.
Y’all probably thought I was dead,, but here I am. And let me tell you, in just a few short hours (not to be confused with long hours) I will be dropping the fanfiction equivalent of a shitpost. There’s more below the break.
Fear not, for I have not given up on Doing HIs Duty quite yet. I know I went dark after promising a new chapter almost two months ago, but I will deliver shortly.
Chapter eleven soon, fellow FIMF users. I'm just waiting on muh editor to run through it.