Moments · 3:58pm Aug 29th, 2016
If someday you find you’re an expert at something, that’s not an indication that you can stop practicing. That’s evidence that your practice regimen is working and you should keep it up.
If someday you find you’re an expert at something, that’s not an indication that you can stop practicing. That’s evidence that your practice regimen is working and you should keep it up.
First of all, thanks to all of you who helped put A Moment's Hesitation into the featured box for the better part of a week.
Secondly, I'm pleased to say that it won F*** THIS PROMPT 6.
Um, well yes the book exists but I kinda forgot about it after finishing the 1st chapter and starting on the 2nd.
I'm sorta sorry about it :/
It will definitely be a slow update type thing just because I'm not really doing anything besides writing to entertain myself at the moment.
That moment when you realize how long you will have to wait for a 60 gigabyte Steam game on a 1.5 Mbps internet connection.
Thanks everyone for the wonderful response to 'The Floor is Lava.' I'm gratified to see that most readers seem to enjoy it, and the comments have been particularly encouraging.
I'm sorry to have not responded to as many comments as deserve it. Rest assured that I've read them all (usually multiple times) and appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.
For the longest time, I thought you were a mare.
Both today and yesterday, at the end of school, I walked into a bathroom by the robotics garage at school. Both times, I saw the same group of teens.
Yesterday, they were all flexing in front of the mirrors when I, the average-height techhead, randomly walk in. I immediately turn around and head to a different bathroom.
Today, I walked into the same bathroom, only to see the same guys again, only this time, they were all giving each other haircuts. At the same time.
So, for those of you who have read my story Blonde Moments up until now, you're probably aware of the adventure anthology Spike reads to the kids in the story, "The Adventures of Poptart and Notepad".
If you were curious as to who or why I used those character names in particular, here is the reason:
The other day I went to put the ladder to the attic back up and out of the corner of my eye I saw something big scurry in and out of veiw. I screamed. But stilll having to put the ladder back up and with a morbid sense of curiosity, I looked back up to see if it had gone, moving myself to get a better view.
That big something scurried back into view and with both hooves clapsed over my mouth I screamed again.
Hey everyone!
I just wanted to show off some awesome artwork that was done for Blonde Moments (haven't mentioned that name in a while...). It's of the epic kissing scene on top of the building in Manehattan. I love it!
Only 13 minutes of screen time in seasons 8 and 9. To me, that is a crime since Ocellus is my favorite character.
For those who don’t have a Twitter and are lazy, I copied and pasted what she said below;
That moment when you look at your feed after a long day, and find the most glorious of all gifts. Those stories you thought dead and forgotten, destined to leave you wondering "but what happened?", HAVE UPDATED!!!!!! And no, it's not just one... it's FIVE!! Five old dear friends that are being brought back to life! Today, was a good day.
I just wanna give a quick shoutout to everyone who's checked out my new story, Blonde Moments!
It means a whole lot to me that you guys still read my stuff, especially the weird ideas like Spike and Derpy. Anywho, I'm working on the next chapter and it should be out tonight or tomorrow. Stay tuned!
I was sitting around playing Fallout 4 and had a random thought enter my head: what's your favourite Fluttershy moment out of all the MLP seasons?
My answer: Probably the one where she is asked to work at Rarity's shop in Manehatten and adopts three personalities and gets taken over by them. That has to be her best moment of flexible characterisation. Watching her act so abnormally is entertaining, even adorable.
So, I gotta give a big shoutout to my friend JackRipper. Due to just being abhorrently busy, I haven't really written anything in a couple months. But, he helped me get the ball rolling last night.
I should be able to release the new chapter of the fic as early as tonight. And just a warning, it's got a scene in it so cute it made my heart hurt while typing it. You guys might enjoy that.