
Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results

My Real Hat and Boots. · 10:31pm Mar 24th, 2016


L'il Cup of Nightmare Fuel · 7:01am Jul 27th, 2016

It's time for my (ostensibly) Weekly Wednesday Blogpost again. I swear the week goes too fast.

Hey so I decided I could write a little book of short conceptual horror. Atmospheric horror? Something.

I thought that might be a neat thing to do, and I'm chugging happily through it. Got the title picked out nice and neat as you can see.

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Report MrNumbers · 708 views · #Horror #Wednesday

WW.January Photo op · 10:57pm Jul 1st, 2015

So I finally got my hands on my mom's camera to go through and... Edit the pictures she's been taking. Just finished going through all 1K of them. *fiant* Planning on later posting the one's I'm comfortable with on DA.


Don't Forget II · 10:20pm Apr 20th, 2016

It is Wednesday my dudes

[*edgy kid pretending to smoke weed in the background*]


Cuteness Overload (formerly Weekly Cuteness) #2 - Fluttershy · 8:28pm Mar 29th, 2017

Hello again, everpony! I'm back with some more cuteness. Since you guys wanted to see more of this, and had a ton of requests, I've decided to post this twice a week; on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Thanks for the suggestion of Fluttershy. I hope you all wub these pictures of our adorable pegasus, Flutters!

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It must be an Orange week (WW) · 4:23pm Jan 6th, 2016

(Fruit Platters I designed back in July)


Well-Informed Wednesdays, Episode 1: October 7, 2015 · 6:17am Oct 8th, 2015

Hello, everyone! Welcome to Well-Informed Wednesdays! This is a new blog series on my page that will basically just be weekly account updates, including information on upcoming stories, projects, hiatuses, and other things of that nature. This will typically be far shorter than my two other weekly series, Mellow Mondays and Furious Fridays, so don’t expect a big wall of text or anything like that. Anyways, let’s get started with our first order of business:

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Well-Informed Wednesdays, Episode 4: October 28, 2015 · 6:50am Oct 29th, 2015

Hey, All! Episode 4 of Well-Informed Wednesdays coming at you today! There’s really nothing new to talk about, so I just wanted to give a quick message out to you all this week.


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Well-Informed Wednesdays, Episode 3: October 21, 2015 · 7:47am Oct 22nd, 2015

Hey, everybody! Welcome to the third weekly installment of Well-Informed Wednesdays! Also, happy Back To The Future Day! After today, the entire trilogy will have happened in the past! Anyways, without any further today, I don’t have too much to talk about this week, so let’s McFly right into this week’s episode!

Writer’s Block: Erased!

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Well-Informed Wednesdays, Episode 2: October 14, 2015 · 2:02am Oct 15th, 2015

Hey, everyone! Thanks for tuning in for the second episode of Well-Informed Wednesdays! There’s hardly anything new to cover this week, so I’ll jump straight into this week’s short update.

Story Delay

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DELAY NOTICE · 12:52am Aug 30th, 2015

I'm sorry for those of you waiting for the rest of my stories. I'm dealing with some personal complications...
As I'm not feeling well and trying to figure some things out I will not update anything until Wednesday!

Thanks for the support with my stories! I'll be back soon, hopefully with good news.


And now it's time for the Wednesday Whine! · 6:35am Oct 23rd, 2014

None of these whines are before their time. Trust me.

Stuff that annoys me:

(Here's the quick version: if you think this aesthetic isn't girly, I want to know what you're taking so I can have some of it, too.)

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Bluebird Update · 10:04pm Aug 18th, 2021

Hey everyone.

I know I usually publish a new chapter of Bluebird on Wednesdays every one or two weeks, but unfortunately, the next chapter is going to be delayed for another week.

The good news is that it's mostly finished, but it has yet to be proofread, and I want to avoid the usual mistakes that happen when I publish a story/chapter the evening I finish typing it up.

So thank you for your patience, and I hope you'll look forward to some more Gallus adventures!


update for all my stories- URGENT · 10:17am Apr 17th, 2023

Hi all,
As mentioned in one of my posts, I said I was starting to write a novel. Most of my stories will be on hiatus, apart from Hogwarts year one, which is on my list of to finish stories.

Once I have finished the following(most of them are on, I will return to FimFiction and finish Hamlet: The Rightful Sunset Shimmer, A court of Beasts and Beauties and some others.

Here is the list of stories I need to finish:

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FiMFiction Stories Stereotypes · 12:25am Jan 11th, 2018

Have you ever noticed that some types of stories have very attached stereotypes? I mean, if it's a crossover, it will be shallow and lazy. If it it's dark, it will contain gore. If there's a sex tag, it's porn. So on and so forth. Well, what are the more common stereotypes?

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Broken Mirror · 6:19pm Apr 12th, 2017

Well look at this, another new story to add to my collection. This one will be darker than most my others - but also deeper, and LONGER. Estimates project it'll be over a hundred thousand words, possibly the largest thing I've ever written. So yeah, it'll be big.

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And Now for a Comedy Palate Cleanser · 5:23am Dec 29th, 2021

Happy Wednesday from Japan, y'all. Just hit the publish button on a story idea I'd been sitting on for a few years that I just never wrote. After Chapter 15 was delayed, I knew it'd also delay 16, so I wanted to get something I knew wouldn't take me as long to write out, and this silly X becomes an Alicorn one-shot fit that mold pretty nicely. It's a dumb, random comedy that was a lot of fun to get out of my system after I remembered the idea when I was considering what to I could do in a short

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BarCast NEW PODCAST AND STREAM!!! · 8:37am Jul 12th, 2017

So, as one of the Cast members of the BarCast I've been given the go-ahead to start my own show. I'll be streaming art and drawings with a small crew of people and hopefully a guest.

We're shooting for Wednesday evenings at 5pm Mountain Standard Time.

Since Twitch wont allow certain things to be shown, this is an M-Rated stream and all, we'll be using my Picarto account to do our stream and podcast.

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Warning: Zootopia · 3:10pm Apr 4th, 2016

So I just saw Zootopia and it was... it was so good. I haven't been this happy in a long time, and so... I'm so sorry.

Spoilers and a legitimate reason to hate me after the break, sorry but I was lying about that first sorry.

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Three Centimeters? It's A Rule We Can Overlook · 3:20am Nov 22nd, 2017

So, this blog will be like your mother in bed -- quick and dirty. 'Cause it's 4am and I need to go to bed, but I want to do it already so I can sleep without regrets.

So like your mother again, I guess. We always end up there, what can I say.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 20 results