Hum. · 7:02pm Oct 12th, 2015
I'm not actually pleased with the directionless nature of this story. I feel as if a successor and actual self insert with a more straightforward story would be more well-recieved as well as a little more...
I'm not actually pleased with the directionless nature of this story. I feel as if a successor and actual self insert with a more straightforward story would be more well-recieved as well as a little more...
Today, I could need your advice/opinion.
My proofreader had the suggestion that I should upload the remaining chapters on my two incomplete stories and publish the new onces should he take too long. I'm just unsure, given they're still not checked on errors, if it would be a good idea, but I don't want you to wait for too long.
So, my loyal watchers and anyone who is interesting in the incomplete stories, what do you think? Should I do it?
Just an idea that has been floating around in my head for a little while. It's not really developed, and the story has yet to form in my mind, but, considering that I was fortunate enough to get three non-starter packs for the game Dystopian Legions for Christmas, along with a starter pack on the way (which contains the actual rule book, dice, and other stuff I need to play) and plans to get paint and glue to
This next milestone will be the last one before the big 1K. And I have nothing planned for my 950th OR my 1000th blog... except a couple of songs. But those numbers MEAN something! I can't do JUST songs, or I'd look like a... promise-breaker. If I break promises I make to myself, who's to say I won't break promises I make to you guys as well? So I need some ideas for things that can go along with the songs on those aforementioned future blog posts. Can I count on you guys to help me? Thanks in
So back in early 2015, I had a story idea crop up in my mind. In late 2015 I began planning out my very first mlp fan fic. In 2016 I joined this site, hoping that would encourage me to write and it did! For like a few pages
The first scene is awesome but then the 2nd "introductory" scene is just so awful that I guess I cant bring myself to post the story just yet.
Honestly though, I think what made me stop writing was I reached a certain point in the
To anyone who read/enjoyed this story, Due to creative differences, this story shall undergo an edit of characters, though as yet, i am still unsure how it will go, so you best download or save the original if you liked it.
Originally, Tybalt was never to be designed to be like this by my friend Patch, thus he requested this change but it would include all other characters and background, apart from Candy, her superior, Amber and Lucky as well.
Hey, guys. Prisma here.
I thought about so many ideas, that I wanted to include in my fanfic "The Road of Courage". One of them is to include four ponies, based on Big Time Rush for the upcoming friendship festival and maybe even beyond. There was also another idea to include another group of ponified entertainers, that I sadly am completely hesitant now on putting it in future chapters. I'm afraid, that I would either scrap this plan or remove one member.
I can't believe today was Monday already, I could have sworn it was still Sunday. Like so many times before, Monday hated me. Now, it wasn't that bad compared to the worst days, but it still left me pretty sad. It's almost 3.00 AM here right now, but I'm not tired, I don't even want to sleep. I just feel like shit.
Hello everyone! This is just a blog post to let you know that I am, in fact, still around. Also, more importantly, I am writing another story. It's just been slow-going. The simple explanation for my recent silence is just that I've been getting used to my new job. Part of that is just adjusting to a new routine, and the other part is the crushing existential angst of switching careers and wondering if I made the right decision and just need to grow into it, or if I'm just settling for
Tagged Stories: Beach Sunsets , Between a Lover and a Friend , I Love You
So, I went off and did this thing (of course I did).