• Member Since 11th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago


A German who likes history, and WW2 technology but not war. "Within the darkness there is light and hope"

More Blog Posts29

  • 14 weeks
    A change of plans/heads up

    To anyone who read/enjoyed this story, Due to creative differences, this story shall undergo an edit of characters, though as yet, i am still unsure how it will go, so you best download or save the original if you liked it.

    Read More

    2 comments · 84 views
  • 40 weeks
    27th birtday but...

    I am 27th now but struggle to enjoy it as...i had a family death 2 days ago, so forgive me if i am not fully on joy

    16 comments · 118 views
  • 92 weeks
    26 now

    Another birthday, now i am 26 years old. Good its on a friday this year, less work, thus more time to enjoy it.

    ...i never was good with this blog stuff...

    17 comments · 277 views
  • 210 weeks
    New/updated coverart

    Hello everyone/everypony. I just thought I inform you Bronie312 updated the coverart he made, meaning this would suit better.

    7 comments · 414 views

Mature stories · 8:17pm Feb 15th, 2020

Hi there, guys! An opinion I could need of all my followers. Would you mind if a mature story would get uploaded on my account? Normal sex and Foalcon?

It was an ifdea of a felow authur, which I am unsure of.

Comments ( 14 )

Well...I wouldn't read it but...I wouldn't object as long as it was tasteful and didn't give off any unfortunate implications.

Thank you, much apprechiated. Just the fear of reputation, you know?

Comment posted by Purple Patch deleted Feb 15th, 2020

I think the stories that you have are fine, I dont see where you need foal con or sex stories but I do understand if you want to branch out a bit

As stated, this was suggested/recommended by another Author, I was just unsure if I should do it

Sure, why not. If you want to try something out go ahead. So long as its tasteful I dont forsee you becoming a pariah or anything.

hmmm For my part I don't have any problem, I even see it as a way that you can try new / different things since you may run out of ideas of the type of stories you are currently doing

so yes, go ahead, I'm curious about what you can show

I think it's okay, given that it doesn't imply anything distasteful. Besides, they're your stories; this is a place to freely express yourself!

Not really, if it serves a purpose to the plot, go for it! :)

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