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James Stewart and the brilliant film "Harvey". · 9:32pm Apr 6th, 2019

The subtle brilliance that is the alley scene.

This user review on IMDB says it best.

I have read that James Stewart considered Elwood P. Dowd his most personally significant role. In a career that spanned decades and included such great works at It's a Wonderful Life and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, choosing Harvey's friend, Elwood, as his personal favorite says something about rather powerful about Mr. Stewart and Mr. Dowd.

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Report StubobNumbers · 228 views · #movies #movie

Movies that could never be made today? · 8:33am Dec 11th, 2020

What movies could never be made today?

Report Bendy · 286 views · #Movies #movie

Probably Should Have Done This Sooner · 4:58am Oct 21st, 2017

Saw the movie on opening night, and I probably should have taken the effort to signal boost that I thought it was good given that due to the fucked up financial culture of Hollywood, movies live and die by their opening box office, but oh well.

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My Little Pony: The Movie... The Book · 3:27pm Sep 25th, 2017

Guess what I found while exloring my new town today. The book adaptation of My Little Pony: The Movie written by GM Berrow.

Of course, now comes the question. Should I or should I not read it?

I'm pretty sure I can predict the story pretty closely so I don't expect many spoilers, but then I fear it would take away from the moment when I do watch it.

I'm gonna put it to you guys. Read it or not?


My thoughts on the movie "The Emoji Movie" · 7:57pm Aug 16th, 2017

Disclaimer: I couldn't afford to see it in theaters so I used my Amazon Fire TV Stick and Kodi app. My nieces were in the room with me and while they were "entertained", My thoughts are as follows:

Okay....WTF WAZ THAT PIECE OF 💩!?!?! I honestly would've watched YT the entire time, but my phone died and my tablet was charging w/my laptop......

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Thoughts on the MLP movie · 9:36am Nov 18th, 2017

Movie starts- "isn't this We Got the Beat by the Go-Go's" Oh wait it is but not and changed words like okay. That's fine.

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Trailers, anyone? · 12:09am Jun 29th, 2017


I worry when a movie is based on a video game · 2:27am Jun 12th, 2016

I really do. But as far as I can tell, Blizzard came through. The movie wasn't bad at all. The story flowed fairly well, though there were a few awkward moments or parts that didn't feel like they meshed. The interactions between a few characters also felt a bit stiff (like Lothar and the Garona). Otherwise, the movie was pretty good. Gul'dan was depicted well, and we got to see Khadgar, Medivh, and Thrall. A good movie, and I'd like to see if they go for another, maybe the creation of the

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Report Reykan · 595 views · #Movies

My Little Pony: The Movie. A (non)spoiler Review (spoilers after the break) · 12:11pm Oct 6th, 2017

I just got done watching The My Little Pony Movie and I was so excited I just had to write this. Okay, so this first bit will be spoiler free, and I’ll leave the spoilery bits below the break.

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The Movie (no spoilers) · 9:58pm Oct 7th, 2017

Just thought I'd make a blog letting everyone know I'm still alive and stuff. Life on the road has kinda taken its toll though. 'Tis a lonely existence even if I'm around beautiful scenery all the time. I get to go home in a couple weeks so that's cool though. Due to bizarre circumstances I've been just living in my car and in a tent driving around and camping across the American and Canadian west since July. 16 different states and 3 Canadian provinces I've just been wandering around in

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Report Fattymagee1 · 365 views · #Movie

The Pony Movie We Deserve · 3:27am Oct 9th, 2017

This isn't going to be a review, just a simple note to anyone on the fence about seeing this movie!

...Do those people exist? :unsuresweetie:

Anyway, ever since I heard about the first Equestria Girls movie, I felt like this franchise was going downhill. Many bronies have phased out since then, with more to come in the next few years. It hasn't been all bad and there's obviously still a lot of us. To the point where we even make other fandoms cringe now.

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Report Cold Spike · 483 views · #The Movie

Okay movies! Come at me! · 11:25pm Oct 3rd, 2017

Me: *Watches "The Color Purple"

Movie: *plays this scene*

Me: *Does something like this*:

Report Phoenix Heart 27 · 392 views · #movies

Trailer is Out!!! <3 · 1:45am Jun 29th, 2017

Oh my gosh, it's finally officially here!

Trailer for the upcoming My Little Pony movie~! :heart:

I'm sooooooo nervouscited!!! :pinkiehappy:

Report BlackWater · 337 views · #movie

Merry My Little Pony~! <3 · 10:05pm Dec 16th, 2017

OH MY GOSH~! OH MY GOSH~! OH MY GOSH~! :raritystarry:

I went to see My Little Pony The Movie in theaters twice when it came out and then I thought that was it....until I found out about a super cheap theater in my area that's still playing it! SO I've now seen it two more times with pocket change!!!

Happy Hearth's Warming Eve indeed! :yay: :heart:

Report BlackWater · 329 views · #movie

Favorite first time movie watches from 2019. · 10:25pm Dec 30th, 2019

1920s – The Phantom Carriage (1921) and The Phantom Of The Opera (1925).

1930s – Little Caesar (1931), The Public Enemy (1931), The Testament Of Dr. Mabuse (1933), Vampyr (1932), The Thin Man (1934), and Mr. Smith Goes To Washington (1939).

1940s – The Little Foxes (1941), Out Of The Past (1947), The Picture Of Dorian Gray (1945), Citizen Kane (1941), Lady In The Lake (1946), Dead Reckoning (1947), White Heat (1949) and Key Largo (1948).

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Report StubobNumbers · 176 views · #movies

May 2020 Turner Classic Movies · 9:25pm May 2nd, 2020

I have good news. "Singin' In The Rain" will be on TCM tonight.

In fact, looking through the next seven days and quite a few goodies coming. I'll post about them in a bit.

Report StubobNumbers · 181 views · #Movies

Watched Uncut Gems today · 2:54am Jul 17th, 2020

That film was a 2-hour-long anxiety attack.

I loved every second of it.

5/5. Watch it now.

Report Vertigo22 · 198 views · #Movie

Turner Classic Movies - Monday October 10th, 2022. (Some awesome films here.) · 6:16pm Oct 9th, 2022

Turner Classic Movies - Monday October 10th, 2022. All Times Eastern.

Midnight - Hot Water (1924)
Synopsis - In this silent film, a newlywed husband has in-law problems.

1 AM - Speedy (1928)
Synopsis - In this silent film, a young man helps his girlfriend save the family trolley business.

Then we have a trio of British Sci-Fi/Horror films.

2:45 AM - Village Of The Damned (1960)

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Report StubobNumbers · 74 views · #Movies

If you are a movie lover then this website is paradise. · 11:11am Nov 23rd, 2022


Just Can't Find Any Decent Horror Movies. · 1:19am Apr 27th, 2020

Recently this weekend, I've been watching a group of horror movies to relax.

But most of them have been garbage, I really want to see a good horror movie that gives me chills and is absolutely fun.

Instead I bored myself to death for a couple of hours, maybe next week won't be such a bore.

I'd kill for another Sinister or a Blob.

Heck I'd take an awesome Alien-esk Romp, lol.

Report Forgetful · 235 views · #Movies
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