
Viewing 1 - 20 of 145 results

Sneak Peek! · 2:46am Jul 31st, 2015

Well, I pretty much have the next chapter finished. It's still in the rough draft stages, but other than some editing and polishing, it's ready to be published! I have to go to work in a couple of hours, though, so I won't be able to do any of that until tomorrow. For now, however, you guys (if you want) can take a look at it now!

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Report Knight Breeze · 425 views · #Sneak Peek

Sunday Sneak Peek #2... · 2:53pm Jun 17th, 2018

Well, here we are for the second preview of upcoming material. Like last time, there are no solid dates as to when these are going to be released. So with that being said let's start with an oldie that's been hanging on the back burner for almost seven months. From chapter six of My Little Voyager:

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Report pabrony · 390 views · #Sneak peek

Sneak Peek · 8:35pm Mar 18th, 2021

“I’m telling you, guys! Some screechy purple alicorn contaminated existence and snatched Pharynx away like a money bag!”

“Seriously, Scorch?” Venom gave his brother an aside glance as Flutterwings continued rambling. “I thought I told you to keep her away from the cider table!”

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Report BezierBallad · 226 views · #Sneak Peek

Sneak peek 2 · 5:32am Nov 16th, 2016

Another sneak peek for fans of By Blood Moonlight who have been waiting for its sequel.

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Report PhycoKrusk · 377 views · #sneak peek

Chapter 6 Sneak Peek · 3:47am Feb 24th, 2021

Ya'll know the deal. I apologize for lack of content and come up with some excuse and blah blah blah. So, instead of that here's a little bit of what I've written for Fo:E - WC. Enjoy!

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Report Novella- · 217 views · #sneak peek

Code Geass Crossover Sneak Peek and Progress · 8:24pm Jun 29th, 2016

Make what you will of Code Geass: Stryker of the Equus Rebellion.

This is where one young drone makes a vow.

"I swear... I swear, Greymane, so help me, one day... I'll obliterate Nymphia!"

Chapter One is called Power Is Mine.

Currently working on chapter 3.

Report Skye Mist · 340 views · #sneak peek

Out-Of-Context Exchange · 3:24pm Jan 23rd, 2021

“Well kid, you know that old story about the changeling who was considered an outcast by the other changelings running away from the hive to seek love and acceptance from others?”

Venom furrowed his brow. “Which one?”

Report BezierBallad · 224 views · #Sneak Peek

Sneak peek · 5:01am Sep 23rd, 2016


Do you remember By Blood Moonlight? Of course you do!

Do you remember when I hinted that there would be two sequels? Well, you might not; I didn't exactly make a big deal about it. There's a lot going on in life right now, so I'm not exactly working on it with any degree of speed, but I am working on it. Perhaps you'd like a sneak preview? Of course, some bits have been edited so as not to give away too much too early.

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Report PhycoKrusk · 369 views · #sneak peek

A Daughter and Her Dragon Chapter 65: Sneak Peek · 8:06am Apr 8th, 2021

Heya, Folks!

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Report Level Dasher · 431 views · #sneak peek

Carnation Sneak Peek: Ch. 7 · 1:35pm Jul 3rd, 2020

Let it never be said that Vis-A-Vis strays from a schedule long. Behold, a sneak scene from Carnation's newest chapter.

Also, stay tuned, folks; I'll soon be providing an opportunity for you to call up more brilliant work from this filly armed and operation battlestation of writing in the upcoming weeks. Second as I get the price ranges and no-go lists right.

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Report Vis-a-Viscera · 212 views · #sneak peek

On a hill overlooking Tall Tale, an earth pony remembers their wingpony. · 4:06pm Sep 21st, 2023

The tables of Tall Tale had born bread for as long as ponykind had been around.

After all, it was where the first tables had been hewn, and the first loaves baked.

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Report Odd_Sarge · 193 views · #sneak peek

Sneak Peak of My Fair Draconequus: Chapter 4 · 7:45pm Jul 24th, 2015

I promised you guys a sneak peek today of the next chapter. Its still in first draft stage and not quite complete so I apologize for spelling errors and other problems that will be present in its raw state. I generally just write my first drafts straight though from beginning to end before I make any revisions and I usually don't share anything until the second draft but I wanted to show you I am indeed working on my stories again.

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Report JLBDreamer · 2,025 views · #sneak peek

Chapter 3 Sneak Peek aka I've Created a Monster! · 7:48pm Mar 19th, 2016

Hey everyone, I've been working away on TPwPwF Chapter 3, but it looks like this clunker might be as long or a little bit longer than Chapter 13 in TDwtDT and that's my current record-holder for longest chapter.

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Report A M Shark · 715 views · #sneak peek

Sneak Peek at the new chapter · 8:54pm May 29th, 2018

Dylan trotted through the streets of Ponyville. He had gotten used to the small village, now able to tell where he was without asking for directions. He would often think back to the first day he met the Apples. His leg had been broken, and he had had no idea how to get back home. It wasn't as if he wanted to, though. He was happy here. He nodded to a passerby pony as he made his way down the road. Everypony was so friendly, and they didn't judge his human origin, like the time he went to Apple

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Report Shimmer_Bolt · 319 views · #Sneak Peek

have a little sneak-peek at the next chapter! · 8:24am Oct 15th, 2021

A quiet yip rose from the underbrush nearby.

"Timby!" Izzy squeaked, bending down to the timberwolf pup.

"You named him?" Spike cocked his head.

"Yup!" Izzy stood back up. "Ooh, Hitch, you wanna meet Timby?"

"Who's Tim--" Hitch was promptly tackled by the hyperactive bundle of sticks.

Report TheMajorTechie · 224 views · #sneak peek

Sneak peek! · 5:17am Sep 8th, 2021

"How do you plea?" The Judge boomed once more.

"Oh fine, I'm guilty as charged." The Prisoner chuckled.

"The punishment for treason to the throne is death." The Judge declared. "Take him-"

"Oh, but my dear Judge, death for who?" The Prisoner laughed darkly. The Judge made eye contact with the convicted, and crumpled to the ground, blood pouring from his mouth.

The Empress stood and shouted, "Kill him!"

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Time for a sneak peek. · 4:45pm Nov 11th, 2020

“What is going on in people’s heads?” 

That right there is a question I honestly have, and I’ve been having it for weeks or even months now. It’s not targeted towards one person either, but rather about a handful or more in a certain community.

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ · 5:56pm Sep 11th, 2022

So uh.. I checked again sorry for the amount of blogs on the featured this will be the last blog on anything feature I swear and hope to die it is but.. Dam that was very nice that the story has been featured on a lot of groups and I have to say that was cool.

But I guess you have to expect the unexpected in life so in a way if celebration Here is a image of the planned arc chapters preplanned for release. (Upon completion of course)

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Report Escalator · 101 views · #Sneak peek #Features.

Chapter 7 Sneak Peek and Something to Chew On · 5:46pm Oct 29th, 2016

First something to chew on.

That something to chew on is: Who will be the Ponies who played with fire?

Hint: This title refers to six characters, all of whom have appeared in the story so far.

Now regarding Chapter 7, I'm happy to report I'm making progress and considering how patient all my wonderful readers have been waiting for it, I think you've earned a bit of a sneak peek at it.

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Report A M Shark · 757 views · #sneak peek #updates

Whats happening and another sneek peek · 9:07am Sep 25th, 2015

Right now I am at my Mums place in Victoria, Australia, as I am waiting to go to Sydney for my immigration interview. I had my medical exam in Melbourne, and met up with a friend I haven't seen for 20 years at the same time. so that was a good day.
oh and they seemed to be happy with my medical.
So far.. So good

And now the promised sneak peek

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Report CoffeeRings · 317 views · #Sneak peek #sneak #news
Viewing 1 - 20 of 145 results