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A M Shark

The Shark is a mild fan of MLP who is writing an MLP version of a story she didn't like to see if she can do it "better" and wishes to share the results for critiques.

More Blog Posts31

  • 96 weeks
    A Long Overdue Sneak Peek. (Thank goodness this isn't a library book.)

    Hey everyone. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving and will have a Happy Christmas.

    Now down to business.

    I'm still working on Chapter 11 and ... let's just say there are parts of it that make me go: "This is why I'm (despite my name) an engineer, and not a lawyer."

    But fear not. As I've said before, this chapter and story it is part of will both be finished.

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  • 130 weeks
    I know this is late, but I just had to share it.

    Thanks to misskoifishpony, I found out that my story The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo got a shoutout for Fluttercord Week 2022 Fanfic Appreciation in the form of this comic:

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    8 comments · 346 views
  • 208 weeks
    Public Service Announcement

    Hey folks.

    I'm afraid it looks like I'm not going to be able to make my goal of wrapping up The Pegasus who Kicked the Changelings' Hive by the end of this year. (Not unless I somehow manage to churn out 12 chapters in two months, which I doubt that I could.) Now that being said, I know it's been several months since I last updated and I feel I owe you all an explanation.

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  • 254 weeks
    Feeling Full of Thanks.

    Well, folks. Looks like it's that time of the year again, and this time around I just felt the need to share what I'm thankful for.

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  • 279 weeks
    The Boys are Back ... Or are they?

    Hey, everyone. I want to thank you all for being so patient with me regarding updates for The Pegasus who Kicked the Changelings' Hive. I had several real-life commitments in April and May that took away from my writing time, but I'm currently hard at work on the story, and wish to reward you with a tiny sneak peek at the beginning of Chapter 2.

    Chapter 2

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Chapter 3 Sneak Peek aka I've Created a Monster! · 7:48pm Mar 19th, 2016

Hey everyone, I've been working away on TPwPwF Chapter 3, but it looks like this clunker might be as long or a little bit longer than Chapter 13 in TDwtDT and that's my current record-holder for longest chapter.

So to assure you wonderful readers that I haven't spent the past month and a half just sitting around on my lazy rear (Granted I'm usually sitting on my lazy rear when I'm typing up the story, but I digress.) I thought I'd give you a sneak peek of the beginning of the next chapter. If you want to wait until the actual chapter is posted don't read beyond the page break. And as always Thank you Nightwalker for your suggestions and editing.

Chapter 3

“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”—1 Corinthians 13:2

Deciding to ignore the pegasus’s comment, Discord vanished in a flash of light causing the sauce he was covered in to suddenly fall to the ground. He reappeared, now sauce-free, floating in midair with his back to the three ponies, looking in the direction his spaghetti cyclone had gone. It was still whirling away toward Ponyville, except that now without him controlling it, it was rapidly disintegrating, flinging globs of sauce and clumps of pasta in all directions, and would likely collapse as soon as it reached its destination.

Not quite the entrance he’d had in mind.

Feeling a tad irritated at that, he turned to scowl at the three ponies. However, his mood brightened when he saw them trying unsuccessfully to wipe off their own coatings of sauce, and he thought of a way to give them a bit of payback.

Swooping down closer to them, he conjured a spray bottle, held it above them and squeezed the trigger. The spray bottle did not merely spray, but squirted water in a steady jet that would have done a hose credit. The ponies squealed in surprise and tried to jump away but by then they were already drenched. On the plus side, though, they were no longer slathered in sauce. Once they’d been sprayed down, Discord tossed the spray bottle aside, pulled a hairdryer from behind his back and turned it on them as well. The three ponies braced their legs against the blast of warm air, and in the space of a few moments they were dry.

“Hey, thank—” The pegasus started to say, but before she could finish, her coat, mane, and tail suddenly poofed out in all directions, making her look as if she were built entirely of gray and yellow puffballs. A second later, the same thing happened to the two unicorns.

“No trouble at all,” Discord chortled as he switched off the hairdryer. Then he vanished a second time.

That's all for now folks. I just have to finish up the last two scenes in this chapter, let Nightwalker give them a look over, fix up any typos, and it will be up. Once again, I thank you guys for your patience.

Comments ( 13 )

Squee sneak peek of Chapter 3!:rainbowkiss: Victory!:o

“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”—1 Corinthians 13:2

Awesome quote :rainbowkiss::heart:

Swooping down closer to them, he conjured a spray bottle, held it above them and squeezed the trigger. The spray bottle did not merely spray, but squirted water in a steady jet that would have done a hose credit.

Haha lol!:rainbowlaugh:

“Hey, thank—” The pegasus started to say, but before she could finish, her coat, mane, and tail suddenly poofed out in all directions, making her look as if she were built entirely of gray and yellow puffballs.

Dawww so cute!:rainbowkiss::heart::derpytongue2:
Question: is those two unicorns just background ponies or relevant characters to the story yet to revealed?

3816231 Thanks for the comment and to answer your question: Yes to both.

"answer your question: Yes to both."
Ah-ha I see;)

Hehehe Fluffy Derpy.

Gah, who knows when mine will be finished? Hopefully soon. Funny how it can take a whole hour to type two pages. Then again, I kept writing, deleting, writing, deleting...

3816614 *Chuckles* Join the club. With me it's write, re-write, add, delete, write, add, re-write, delete, re-write, re-write, etc., etc., etc.

3816626 That's even more accurate, yes. Is there a membership fee to this club? XD

3816680 The only fee is writing because you want to.


I have the opposite problem. I keep writing fanfic when I should be doing other things, but at the moment, I'm super depressed about the uncertain situation regarding employment and my life, and losing myself in the fantasy world of fic is the only thing making me happy at the moment.

Not entirely healthy, but whatever it takes, I guess.

3817116 Ouch. It's been a while since I've been in an uncertain position like the one it sounds like you're in, but I remember it being pretty scary. I can't really blame you for feeling depressed, but I'm sorry to hear you're feeling that way.

Still I'll make sure to keep praying about your job situation everyday, and you can always message me if you need someone to vent to.

3817116 Same here as AM Shark. And honestly, if writing it helps you cope, then I think it's okay. You aren't an irresponsible person; you've achieved a lot in your life and you still tackle life every day and get things done. I felt the way you do not long ago at all. I didn't know where my life was going to go and I felt lost. But it changed rapidly when an opportunity came my way because I didn't give up. But there were more times than not that I did nothing I felt I needed to do and just did things to distract myself instead. Heck, I still do that. Everyone does.

So it's okay if you need to distract yourself. I KNOW that you'll be okay. I believe in you, and you can also talk to me about anything.


Thanks guys. x

Unfortunately I do feel I am being a bit irresponsible. It's part and parcel with depression, but I don't keep my living space very tidy and there's so much clutter, and sometimes I have to really push myself to do things like laundry etc.

All the time I spend writing could be used doing those things. I'm trying to do a bit at a time and not get bogged down in daydreaming and brainstorming fic.

Ugh, I wrote the ending to the story (it's miles away- maybe 8 to 10 chapters from now) and it made me cry. I hope that doesn't sound arrogant- that my own fic made me cry. I think it's just because I'm emotionally wrecked right now.)

3818627 I leave messes wherever I go. I live with my parents still and my mom does laundry.

It's normal to put those things off. The world won't end if your room is a mess. It'll still be there for you to tidy when you're feeling up to it. And who cares if you're wearing the same shirt a second or third time? It's not like it's Prom night or anything. (And even if it was, it probably wouldn't be all that great anyway.)

And you're going through some difficult feelings and you're an excellent writer. So if the ending made you cry, well, that must mean you've got one heck of a chapter! WHOO! :D

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