
Viewing 1 - 20 of 59 results

Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 3: Sunday and Final Thoughts · 1:59am Dec 24th, 2022

Another day, another Starbuck’s run, but also the final day of the con. My first panel of the final day was “Pony Life is Magic.” I had been avoiding Pony Life up to this point because I hated the art style and thought it was going to be another Teen Titans Go situation. It was fun watching Pony Life with an audience and hearing the panelists and fellow audience members laughing at and making fun of the show. Not sure if I would enjoy Pony Life if watching it by myself, but maybe I will give

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Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 2: Saturday · 4:12pm Dec 2nd, 2022

After my daily coffee run, I went to the “Make Your Mark Chapter 2 Screening.” I already saw all of Make Your Mark Chapter 2, but it was still fun to see it with an audience. They only played the first two episodes and then filled up the rest of the time with Tell Your Tale. I personally think the later episodes of Make Your Mark Chapter 2 are better than the early ones, so if you only saw the first two episodes and were disappointed by what you saw, I recommend sticking with the show

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Ponyville Ciderfest 2018 Reflections · 7:56pm Jun 7th, 2019

Ponyville Ciderfest 2018 Reflections

Meant to post this months ago, but never got around to it until today.

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Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 1: Intro and Friday · 3:44am Dec 2nd, 2022

And so another pony con has come and gone for me. The post con depression is hitting me as I type this. It was only a couple hours after closing ceremonies when I started writing down these recollections, though by the time I am finished I’m sure much more time will have passed since the end of the con. I enjoyed myself overall, but I can’t help but feel like there are things that I wish I would have done differently. I wanted to go so badly after WCPC 22’s closing ceremonies, but in the

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Ciderfest day 2 recap: The Recap-ening · 7:34am Oct 30th, 2016

So as it turns out, yesterday was just the warmup. Today was the legit good time. :pinkiehappy:

I also got to bite Shining Armor's head off today. Like maybe 4 or 5 times. Ripped it clean off. :pinkiecrazy:

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Ponyville Ciderfest is a go! · 12:53am Sep 23rd, 2016

Technically, my plans to attend the Ponyville Ciderfest con in October have been locked-in for a couple months now. But yesterday I got confirmation that my application to do my Getting Started Writing Pony Fanfic panel again has been approved--so now it's really a go!

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Ciderfest day 1 recap · 5:50am Oct 29th, 2016

Apologies for the short format, but the hotel wifi is bad and all I've got is my phone and its limited data plan. Special thanks goes out to the guy (whose name I hope to get tomorrow) who let me use his hotspot so I could finish tweaking my panel slides for tomorrow/later today. :ajsleepy:

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Happy Anniversary · 10:34pm Oct 10th, 2018

On this day eight years ago, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic premiered on the Hub Network. A bunch of grown men decided to watch it as a joke, and then realized that it was actually a pretty good show. Very quickly, bronies came into the forefront of media for defying societal expectation that grown men aren't supposed to enjoy things marketed to young girls.

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ponyville ciderfest (and a korean comic) · 5:16pm Oct 30th, 2019

This weekend we're going to Ponyville Ciderfest. It was a very last-minute decision, and wow-- we're gonna be broke. But! I'm looking forward to the guest of honor panel, hearing Black Gryph0n and Francis Vace, seeing Andy Price, and no doubt coming home with a lot of unique treasures I wouldn't ordinarily get.

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Report Nines · 177 views · #life #ponyville ciderfest

Currently... · 4:04pm Nov 17th, 2023

So I'm currently chilling out at Ciderfest. If anyone is also there and feels like saying hi, your welcome to.


Headed to Ciderfest · 3:37pm Oct 30th, 2019

Only for one day, sadly, but I plan to be at Ponyville Ciderfest all day Saturday. I live just close enough to make the drive there and back. If I had thought ahead on how close it was, I probably would have tried to attend all the days, but I think it's better than nothing.

If anyone is going to be there, let me know and we can maybe meet up. I don't really know how big the writing presence is at non-Bronycon conventions.


Ponyville Ciderfest · 10:51pm Oct 10th, 2016

Hey folks.

I will be at Ponyville Ciderfest in Milwaukee from October 28th-30th.

There's apparently an EQG panel and a fanfic panel, so best bet if you want to run into me. Otherwise shoot me a PM or something.

(also i'm spooky now grr)


Come Write at Ponyville Ciderfest 2023! · 3:58am Nov 13th, 2022

Hello, all!

Hopefully you've heard the news, but in case you haven't, Ponyville Ciderfest 2023 will be an interactive celebration of writers, and we'd love for you to join us! We'll be back in Milwaukee in late October/early November (dates pending)!

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i'm blaming Crackle's Cousin Cosplay for this · 4:54pm Nov 26th, 2019

a couple weeks ago, at the cosplay contest at Ponyville Ciderfest, i learned that the judges have a bias toward handmade cosplays (closet cosplays are valid too!) and it motivated me to actually make something that i've had an idea for ever since i watched "Spike At Your Service"

a functional timberwolf cosplay

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Those Post-Convention Pre-Holiday Christmas Author Blues · 8:27am Nov 29th, 2023

["Well. That year happened."]

Dear Readers (especially the demons of sound and darkness):

Everybody has a piece of music that reminds them of the Holidays. Here's mine:

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Ciderfest Story: Opaline's Time to Shine · 3:30pm Nov 25th, 2023

As you're probably aware of by now, Ponyville Ciderfest had a fanfiction-driven event wherein attendees discovered hashtags which unlocked stories on their app, and chose an ending of the story to score points for good, evil, or chaos. Ironically there was back-end worry that good would naturally steamroll, but chaos ended up winning out. Whereas good was more 'time police' trying to keep Equestria as it was, chaos was the gentler post-reform Discord variety, with a focus on either making

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So Anyway, Come To Ciderfest! · 1:45am Nov 10th, 2023

Do you like ponies?

Do you like cider?

Do you like Milwaukee?

Than come to a con!


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Ciderfest day 3 recap: All good things... · 4:43am Oct 31st, 2016


Ciderfest Highlights · 11:20am Oct 26th, 2017

It's time to pour one out for Ponyville Ciderfest 2017, which has now sadly ridden off into the sunset. But what a time we had! I'll recap some of the high points, which I do more for posterity (and my own poor memory) than for bragging. Though this now makes two consecutive Ciderfests that I've attended and enjoyed, so consider taking this as a sign that there are good times to be had if you can make it out there!

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The One Where CoffeeMinion Is Running Behind Schedule · 1:51pm Oct 24th, 2016

It's becoming less likely that the next scheduled chapter of To Serve In Hell will get done by 11/1. Preparations for Ponyville Ciderfest this coming weekend have been sucking up my free time, and I have some things I need to read for people ASAP... it's just best to call it now. I'm going to aim for either 11/15 or 12/1, and I'll post back once I figure that out.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 59 results