• Member Since 10th Dec, 2016
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  • 29 weeks
    2023 Writing Vent

    Well, 2023 is almost over and the only thing I published this year was a revised version of "Cadance's Experimental Therapy" (the revised edition is basically same plot but with a totally different ending, which I prefer over the original). I had a lot of writer's block the first half of the year and while I did start writing again during the second half, I have no new stories published as you

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  • 83 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 3: Sunday and Final Thoughts

    Another day, another Starbuck’s run, but also the final day of the con. My first panel of the final day was “Pony Life is Magic.” I had been avoiding Pony Life up to this point because I hated the art style and thought it was going to be another Teen Titans Go situation. It was fun watching Pony Life with an audience and hearing the panelists and fellow audience members laughing at and making

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  • 84 weeks
    My Belated 6 Year Anniversary Post

    Inspired by an author that I follow, MasaStormyPonez, I decided to make my own anniversary post, though at this point I missed my actual anniversary. When I joined this site, I had only been a brony for a few months. I hadn't even caught up on all the episodes that were released at the time yet. I had gotten spoiled about Twilight becoming an alicorn though and that she had a castle, but I

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  • 86 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 2: Saturday

    After my daily coffee run, I went to the “Make Your Mark Chapter 2 Screening.” I already saw all of Make Your Mark Chapter 2, but it was still fun to see it with an audience. They only played the first two episodes and then filled up the rest of the time with Tell Your Tale. I personally think the later episodes of Make Your Mark Chapter 2 are better than the early ones, so if you only saw

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  • 86 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 1: Intro and Friday

    And so another pony con has come and gone for me. The post con depression is hitting me as I type this. It was only a couple hours after closing ceremonies when I started writing down these recollections, though by the time I am finished I’m sure much more time will have passed since the end of the con. I enjoyed myself overall, but I can’t help but feel like there are things that I wish I

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Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 3: Sunday and Final Thoughts · 1:59am Dec 24th, 2022

Another day, another Starbuck’s run, but also the final day of the con. My first panel of the final day was “Pony Life is Magic.” I had been avoiding Pony Life up to this point because I hated the art style and thought it was going to be another Teen Titans Go situation. It was fun watching Pony Life with an audience and hearing the panelists and fellow audience members laughing at and making fun of the show. Not sure if I would enjoy Pony Life if watching it by myself, but maybe I will give it a try one day.

I went to “Cartoon Court” next. They had cosplayers dress up and pretend to be the ponies while the panelists were the judge, the prosecution, and the defense. The audience was the jury of course. I had to stand the whole time because there were no seats, that's how popular this panel was. Overall, this ended up being a fun one.

Since I enjoyed MelodyBrony’s set so much I bought one of his CDs. He even signed the booklet! I wanted to get a PrinceWhateverer CD too, but I wasn't able to get one. Kicking myself for not buying one the night before or for spending too much time in the charity auction. I hope he puts one up on his website someday.

Speaking of my regrets, I regret not going to Film Bronies. I was having so much fun bidding at the Charity Auction that I got distracted…sigh. I didn’t win anything at the Charity Auction. It was exciting to bid and it was interesting seeing how expensive some of the items got and the memes that were born such as Floor Spatula and returning memes like Milk-waukee.

The Charity Auction ran late, as is tradition, with Closing Ceremonies happening after that. We found out that Ciderfest would be returning next year and that the theme would be about writing with an interactive story component that one could choose to participate in. As a writer, I’m happy that this is the theme. No dates were announced. Hopefully I will be able to go.

So, overall I did have a good time at Ciderfest. Yes, I have my regrets, but I realize now that I was being too hard on myself. I still wished I would have hung out or talked to people more though. I haven’t hung out with people at a con since BronyCon 2019 and even then I still sucked at conversation like I always do. That is not to say I can’t have fun on my own though because I can and I did and there are definitely times where I want to be on my own, doing the things that I want to do. I just think that sometimes it would be nice to hang out with someone for a little bit like the RLPV meetup at the Cheesecake Factory during BC 2019 or that time I got to talk to and play a game of TSSSF with a friend from Discord during BC 2018.

I really do enjoy going to cons, but there is always the fear that if I do too many I will get burnt out and not want to go anymore. There is also the feeling that they get in the way of other solo vacation ideas that I have and I perhaps should cut down on convention trips. My brief visit to Chicago before heading onward to Ciderfest showed to me that I can still enjoy “normie” things like visiting a museum or walking around an urban park. Yet there is still a part of me that only wants to do pony cons. That’s how I felt after WCPC 2022, I literally felt that pony cons were the only kind of solo vacation I wanted to do from now on, to just go from con to con. I don’t know what I will do. I do know however that I want to do PVCF 2023, if possible. I love the writing theme and as a writer I feel compelled to go. I don’t currently see myself going to any other cons in 2023. I will see how I feel after PVCF 23 whether I want to take 2024 off or if I want to do that year’s Whinny or Cider. Perhaps I will be able to fit in one of my many non-pony trip ideas into 2023/2024 or maybe my mind will change and I will only ever want to do pony cons for the rest of my life/the life of the fandom. We will see.

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