• Member Since 10th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Friday


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More Blog Posts25

  • 7 weeks
    Belated Anniversary Post/2024 Writing Ramble

    So, it's been 8 years since I joined Fimfiction/the fandom. In terms of output, if looking at chapters instead of stories, I'm back to 2022 levels, here in 2024. It's not like I wasn't writing in 2023, I just hadn't published anything except for a rewrite of Cadence's Experimental Therapy. The Things Thunderlane Does for Love... and A Tarnished Relic? were amongst the

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  • 58 weeks
    2023 Writing Vent

    Well, 2023 is almost over and the only thing I published this year was a revised version of "Cadance's Experimental Therapy" (the revised edition is basically same plot but with a totally different ending, which I prefer over the original). I had a lot of writer's block the first half of the year and while I did start writing again during the second half, I have no new stories published as you

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  • 111 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 3: Sunday and Final Thoughts

    Another day, another Starbuck’s run, but also the final day of the con. My first panel of the final day was “Pony Life is Magic.” I had been avoiding Pony Life up to this point because I hated the art style and thought it was going to be another Teen Titans Go situation. It was fun watching Pony Life with an audience and hearing the panelists and fellow audience members laughing at and making

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  • 112 weeks
    My Belated 6 Year Anniversary Post

    Inspired by an author that I follow, MasaStormyPonez, I decided to make my own anniversary post, though at this point I missed my actual anniversary. When I joined this site, I had only been a brony for a few months. I hadn't even caught up on all the episodes that were released at the time yet. I had gotten spoiled about Twilight becoming an alicorn though and that she had a castle, but I

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  • 114 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 2: Saturday

    After my daily coffee run, I went to the “Make Your Mark Chapter 2 Screening.” I already saw all of Make Your Mark Chapter 2, but it was still fun to see it with an audience. They only played the first two episodes and then filled up the rest of the time with Tell Your Tale. I personally think the later episodes of Make Your Mark Chapter 2 are better than the early ones, so if you only saw

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My Belated 6 Year Anniversary Post · 5:03am Dec 14th, 2022

Inspired by an author that I follow, MasaStormyPonez, I decided to make my own anniversary post, though at this point I missed my actual anniversary. When I joined this site, I had only been a brony for a few months. I hadn't even caught up on all the episodes that were released at the time yet. I had gotten spoiled about Twilight becoming an alicorn though and that she had a castle, but I didn't know that the Golden Oaks Library had been destroyed. It was this incomplete knowledge that I had when I wrote my first story, "Horny Dash." While I do cringe a bit when I look back at that story, I can't say I regret it either and I am glad that there are those out there who enjoyed that story.

I may not be as prolific as I imagined I would be after 6 years, I have more convention blogs than stories at this point, but I still enjoy writing stories. I have had my ups and downs with my stories, loving some, such as "Twilight Gets Caught with a Prostitute", and feeling disappointed with others, such as "Soarin's Urinal." I would love to do some more blog posts discussing my thought process behind the decisions I made for each story and my current opinion on each story some day, though I would have to censor myself a lot due to FimFiction not allowing for M-rated blog posts.

But what I really want to write more of is stories and I can say that I am currently working on one right now. I don't usually like to talk about upcoming stories unless I know for sure that I will release it and I feel confident enough in this one that I definitely plan on releasing it. This upcoming story will be my first ever G5 story and will feature Zipp and Hitch. It will touch on topics such as sexual orientation and breakups. The tone will be similar to “Cadance’s Experimental Therapy”, but with a bit more levity thrown in, though not so much as to make it a comedy. I won't reveal any more than that.

I know I missed out on the legendary early days of this fandom, but I still enjoyed the things I did get to see. I'm glad I got to see the last three seasons of FiM when they were new, I'm glad I got to see the 2017 MLP movie in theaters, and I'm glad I got to experience the last two BronyCons. I’ll end this blog with a quote from Prince Whateverer: "I’ll die with the herd."

Report Vik · 140 views · #anniversary
Comments ( 3 )

Congrats, pal! Hope you keep writing, I've been enjoying your work. :pinkiehappy:

Is there gonna be WS in that upcoming story, btw? :ajsmug:


Thanks! Not sure if there will be any WS in my upcoming story, but rest assured that there will be more WS stories in the future.


Alright, can't wait! :pinkiehappy:
I personally prefer when it's M/F (And when the stallion shakes himself afterwards!:ajsmug:), but I also liked the way you did in Soarin's Urinal, which is one of my favorites of your work. Do make it as detailed as you like! :rainbowdetermined2:

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