• Member Since 10th Dec, 2016
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  • 30 weeks
    2023 Writing Vent

    Well, 2023 is almost over and the only thing I published this year was a revised version of "Cadance's Experimental Therapy" (the revised edition is basically same plot but with a totally different ending, which I prefer over the original). I had a lot of writer's block the first half of the year and while I did start writing again during the second half, I have no new stories published as you

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  • 83 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 3: Sunday and Final Thoughts

    Another day, another Starbuck’s run, but also the final day of the con. My first panel of the final day was “Pony Life is Magic.” I had been avoiding Pony Life up to this point because I hated the art style and thought it was going to be another Teen Titans Go situation. It was fun watching Pony Life with an audience and hearing the panelists and fellow audience members laughing at and making

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  • 84 weeks
    My Belated 6 Year Anniversary Post

    Inspired by an author that I follow, MasaStormyPonez, I decided to make my own anniversary post, though at this point I missed my actual anniversary. When I joined this site, I had only been a brony for a few months. I hadn't even caught up on all the episodes that were released at the time yet. I had gotten spoiled about Twilight becoming an alicorn though and that she had a castle, but I

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  • 86 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 2: Saturday

    After my daily coffee run, I went to the “Make Your Mark Chapter 2 Screening.” I already saw all of Make Your Mark Chapter 2, but it was still fun to see it with an audience. They only played the first two episodes and then filled up the rest of the time with Tell Your Tale. I personally think the later episodes of Make Your Mark Chapter 2 are better than the early ones, so if you only saw

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  • 86 weeks
    Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 1: Intro and Friday

    And so another pony con has come and gone for me. The post con depression is hitting me as I type this. It was only a couple hours after closing ceremonies when I started writing down these recollections, though by the time I am finished I’m sure much more time will have passed since the end of the con. I enjoyed myself overall, but I can’t help but feel like there are things that I wish I

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Ponyville Ciderfest 2022 Reflections Part 2: Saturday · 4:12pm Dec 2nd, 2022

After my daily coffee run, I went to the “Make Your Mark Chapter 2 Screening.” I already saw all of Make Your Mark Chapter 2, but it was still fun to see it with an audience. They only played the first two episodes and then filled up the rest of the time with Tell Your Tale. I personally think the later episodes of Make Your Mark Chapter 2 are better than the early ones, so if you only saw the first two episodes and were disappointed by what you saw, I recommend sticking with the show because I do think it gets better. The Tell Your Tale shorts they chose were pretty good. They did the one where Izzy becomes “Sneaksy” followed by some earlier TYT shorts. I skipped out on Hooves Line, which I regret. I had lunch at Build-a-Breakfast. I had the stuffed French Toast and it was really good. I thought about going to the “Author Meetup for Writers and Fans”, but just like at Whinny City, I didn’t go due to nerves. I felt like I didn’t belong in there because of the kind of stories I write.

The next event I actually went to was the “Guest of Honor Script Reading.” I enjoyed the one at Whinny so much, that I just had to go to this one. It was fun.

I think it may have been after this that I went to the Vendor Hall again. I bought two comics from Thom Zhaler and got both of them signed by him. First time I ever had a guest of honor sign something for me. I picked up a bat pony plush from Sophie Scruggs too along with a Rainbow Dash sticker. I later on went to the con store to pick up the guest of honor poster that came with my Spike badge. On a separate trip to that store I bought a mascot pillow featuring Barley on it being super cute.

I was going to go to “Writer’s Workshop – Dialogue”, but I missed the beginning of it and just as I was about to enter the room anyway, I saw that it required audience participation. Not only was I unprepared since I didn’t have a writing device on me, I was super nervous about the audience participation aspect so I ended up skipping that panel, which I deeply regret. Being a writer who has issues with writing dialogue sometimes, this was one panel I should not have missed…(sigh)…What I ended up going to instead was the Cosplay Competition. I was only a spectator though not a participant. It was fun, but I still felt bad about not going to the workshop.

I went to “After the Fact Live! – Fall Weather Friends” after that. I don’t think I ever laughed so much during an “After the Fact Live!” before. Out of the three AtFL’s I’ve been to so far, this was the one I had the most fun at and is by far my favorite. The topic discussed was rivalry and SilverQuill made a lot of good points on the subject such as how none of the other teams in the league matter if you are in a rivalry with someone. I think the audience was larger than it was for WCPC’s AtFL.

I think I may have went to the Cider Lounge after this, but I’m not sure. I went to the Cider Longue on Friday too. I enjoyed having the cider, but I didn’t stick around long due to my social awkwardness.

Saturday night was when I attended some of the concerts at PVCF. I missed the beginning of P1K’s set, but I liked what little I heard. His parody of the Beatles’ “Back in the U.S.S.R.” entitled “Running of the Leaves” was fun and I liked his parody of “Stacey’s Mom” entitled “Button’s Mom.” I was there for all of MeldoyBrony’s and PrinceWhateverer’s sets and they really blew me away. Seriously, they were the best rock concerts I had ever been to this year. The crowd was really into it too. I was standing on the floor close to the stage, so when the moshing happened during MeldoyBrony’s set I was less than a foot away. I had to be careful not to get hit. PrinceWhateverer had a mosh pit too, though during that one the crowd created space in the middle for people to mosh so I was a bit further away for that one, but I still had to be careful to not get hit. I did not partake in the moshing, but it was interesting to watch. I went to Miller's after PrinceWhateverer's set and had the chicken tenders.

I visited the After Dark Vendor Hall again, this time picking up a Sunburst daki. I really like this daki. I’m gonna go cuddle him once I get to a good stopping point.

I really wanted to go to Trotter’s, but I fell asleep without setting an alarm. I was not happy with myself. In hindsight, it was less about Trotter’s itself and more about trying to make the most out of this trip.

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